Temperature of the earth—Temperature of the Air—Radiation—Foci of Maximum Cold—Thermal Equator—Its Temperature, mean and absolute—Isothermal Lines—Continental and Insular Climates—Extreme Climates—Stability of Climate—Decrease of Heat in Altitude—Line of Perpetual Snow—Density of the Atmosphere—The Barometer—Measurement of Heights—Variations in Density and their Causes—Horary Variations—Independent Effect of the dry and aqueous Atmospheres—Mean height of Barometer in different Latitudes—Depression in the Antarctic Ocean and in Eastern Siberia—Barometric Storms—Polar and Equatorial Currents of Air—Trade-Winds—Monsoons—Land and Sea Breezes—Gyration of the Winds in the Extra-Tropical Zones—Winds in Middle European Latitudes—Hurricanes—The Laws of their Motion—Their Effect on the Barometer—How to steer clear of them—The Storm-Wave—Storm-Currents—Arched Squalls—Tornadoes—Whirlwinds—Water Spouts. The atmosphere completely envelops the earth to the height of about 20 miles; it bulges at the equator, and is flattened at the poles, in consequence of the diurnal rotation. It is a mixture of water in an invisible state and of air; but the air is not homogeneous; 100 parts of it consist of 79 parts of hydrogen or azotic gas, and 21 of oxygen, the source of combustion and animal heat. Besides these, there is a little ammoniacal vapour, and a small quantity of carbonic acid gas, which is sufficient to supply all the vegetation on the earth with wood and leaves. No doubt exhalations of various kinds ascend into the air, such as those which produce miasmata, but they are in quantities too minute to be detected by chemical analysis, so that the atmosphere is found to be of the same composition at all heights above the sea hitherto attained. The temperature of the earth’s surface, and the phenomena of the atmosphere, depend upon the revolution and rotation of the earth, which successively expose all the parts of the earth, and the air which surrounds it, to a perpetual variation of the gravitating forces of the two great luminaries, and to annual and From experiments made by M. Peltier it appears that, if the absolute quantity of heat annually received by the earth were equally dispersed over its surface, it would, in the course of a year, melt a stratum of ice 46 feet deep covering the whole globe. It is evident that, if so great a quantity of heat had been continually accumulated in the earth, instead of being radiated into space, it would have been transmitted through the surface to the poles, where it would have melted the ice, and the torrid zone, if not the whole globe, would by this time have been uninhabitable. In fact, every surface absorbs and radiates heat at the same time, and the power of radiation is always equal to the power of absorption, for, under the same circumstances, bodies which become soon warm also cool rapidly, and the earth, as a whole, is under the same law as the bodies at its surface. Although part of the heat received from the sun in summer is radiated back again, by far the greater part sinks into the earth’s surface, and tempers the severity of the winter’s cold while passing through the atmosphere into the etherial regions. The power of the solar rays depends on the manner in which they fall, as may be seen from the difference of climates. The earth is about 3,000,000 of miles nearer to the sun in winter than in summer, but the rays strike the northern hemisphere more obliquely in winter than in the other half of the year. Diurnal variations of heat are perceptible only to a small distance below the surface of the ground, because the earth is a bad conductor: the annual influence of the sun penetrates much M. de Beaumont has estimated by the theory of Fourier, from the observations of M. Arago, that the quantity of central heat which reaches the surface of the earth is capable, in the course of a year, of melting a shell of ice covering the globe a quarter of an inch thick. The superficial temperature of the earth is great at the equator, it decreases gradually towards the poles, and is an exact mean between the two at the 45th parallel of latitude; but a multitude of causes disturb this law even between the tropics. It is affected chiefly by the unequal distribution of land and water, by the height above the sea, by the nature of the soil, and by vegetation, so that a line drawn on a map through all the places where the mean temperature of the earth is the same would be very far from coinciding with the parallels of latitude, but would approximate more to them near the equator. Between the tropics the temperature of the earth’s surface is greater in the interior of continents than on the sea-coasts and islands, and in the interior of Africa it is greater than in any other part of the globe. Temperature depends upon the property all bodies possess, more or less, of perpetually absorbing and emitting or radiating heat. When the interchange is equal, the temperature of a substance remains the same; but when the radiation exceeds the absorption, it becomes colder, and vice versÂ. The temperature of the air is certainly raised by the passage of the solar heat through it, because it absorbs one-third of it before reaching the earth, but it is chiefly warmed by heat transmitted and radiated from the earth. The radiation is abundant when the sky is clear The mean diurnal temperature of the air, at any place, is equal to half the sum of the greatest and least heights of the thermometer during 24 hours, and, as the height of the thermometer is twice in the course of that time equal to the mean temperature of the place of observation, it might seem easy to obtain its value; yet that is not the case, for a small error in observation produces a very great error in such minute quantities, so that accuracy can only be attained from the average of a great number of observations, by which the errors, sometimes in excess and sometimes in defect, neutralize or balance each other. The mean value of quantities is a powerful aid to the imperfections of our nature in arriving at truth in physical inquiries, and in none more than in atmospheric phenomena: almost all the certain knowledge man has acquired with regard to the density and temperature of the air, winds, rain, &c., has been acquired by that method. The mean temperature of any one month at the same place differs from one year to another, but the mean temperature of the whole year remains nearly the same, especially when the average of 10 or 15 years is taken; for although the temperature in any one place may be subject to very great variations, yet it never deviates more than a few degrees from its mean state. The motion of the sun in the ecliptic occasions perpetual variations in the length of the day, and in the direction of his rays with regard to the earth; yet, as the cause is periodic, the mean annual temperature from the sun’s motion alone must be constant in each parallel of latitude. For it is evident that the accumulation of heat in the long days in summer, which is but little diminished by radiation during the short nights, is balanced by the small quantity of heat received during the short days of winter There are two points in the northern hemisphere, both in the 80th parallel of latitude, where the cold is more intense than in any other part of the globe with which we are acquainted. One north of Canada in 100° W. long. has a temperature of -3°·5 of Fahrenheit; while, at the Siberian point, in 95° E. long., the temperature of the air is +1°; consequently it is four and a half degrees warmer than that north of Canada—a difference that has an influence even to the equator, where the mean temperature of the air is different in different longitudes. The line of the maximum temperature of the atmosphere, or the atmospheric thermal equator, which cuts the terrestrial equator in the meridians of Otaheite and Singapore, passes through the Pacific in its southern course, and through the Atlantic in its northern, has a mean temperature of 83°·84 of Fahrenheit. But by the comparison of many observations the mean equatorial temperature of the air is 82°·94 in Asia, 85°·10 in Africa, and 80°·96 in America: thus, it appears that tropical Africa is the hottest region on earth. Moreover, the atmosphere in the tropical zone of the Pacific, when free from currents, is two degrees and a quarter warmer than the corresponding zone in the Atlantic, which is 82°·40. On account of the great extent of ocean, the isothermal lines in Professor Dove has discovered that, in consequence of the excess of land in the northern hemisphere, and the difference in the effect produced by the sun’s heat according as it falls on a solid or liquid surface, there is an annual variation in the aggregate mean temperature at the surface of the earth, whose maximum takes place during the sun’s northern declination, and its minimum during its southern. Places having the same mean annual temperature, often differ materially in climate: in some, the winters are mild and the summers cool, whereas in others the extremes of heat and cold prevail: England is an example of the first; Quebec, St. Petersburg, and the Arctic regions, are instances of the second. The solar heat penetrates more abundantly and deeper into the sea than into the land; in winter it preserves a considerable portion of that which it receives in summer, and from its saltness does not freeze so soon as fresh water; hence, the ocean is not liable to the same changes of temperature as the land, and by imparting its heat to the winds it diminishes the severity of the climate on the coasts and in islands, which are never subject to such extremes of heat and cold as are experienced in the interior of continents. The difference between the influence of sea and land is strikingly exemplified in the high latitudes of the two hemispheres. In consequence of the unbounded extent of the ocean in the south, the air is so mild and moist that a rich vegetation covers the ground, while in the corresponding latitudes in the north the country is barren from the excess of land towards the Polar Ocean, Professor Dove has shown, from a comparison of observations, that northern and central Asia have what may be termed a true continental climate, both in summer and in winter—that is to say, a hot summer and cold winter; that Europe has a true insular or sea climate in both seasons, the summers being cool and the winters mild; and that in North America the climate is inclined to be continental in winter, and insular in summer. The extremes of temperature in the year are greater in central Asia than in North America, and greater in North America than in Europe, and that difference increases everywhere with the latitude. In Guiana, within the tropics, the difference between the hottest and coldest months in the year is 2°·2 of Fahrenheit, in the temperate zone it is about 60°, and at Yakutsk in Siberia 114°·4. Even in places which have the same latitude as in northern Asia, compared with others in Europe or North America, the diversity is very great. At Quebec the summers are as warm as those in Paris, and grapes sometimes ripen in the open air, yet the winters are as severe as those in St. Petersburg. In short, lines drawn on a map through places having the same mean summer or winter temperature are neither parallel to one another, to the isothermal or geothermal lines, and they differ still more from the parallels of latitude. Observations tend to prove that all the climates on the earth are stable, and that their vicissitudes are only oscillations of greater or less extent, which vanish in the mean annual temperature of a sufficient number of years. There may be a succession of cold summers and mild winters, but in some other country the contrary takes place; the distribution of heat may vary from a variety of circumstances, but the absolute quantity gained and lost by the whole earth in the course of a year is invariably the same. Since the air receives its warmth chiefly from the earth, its temperature diminishes with the height so rapidly, that at a very small elevation the cold becomes excessive, as the perpetual snow The atmosphere, being a heavy and elastic fluid, decreases in density upwards, according to a determinate law, so rapidly, that three-fourths of the whole air it contains are within four miles of the earth, and all the phenomena perceptible to us—as clouds, rain, snow, and thunder—occur within that limit. The air even on the tops of mountains is so rare as to diminish the intensity of sound, to affect respiration, and to occasion a loss of muscular strength in man and animals. Since the space in the top of the tube of a barometer is a vacuum, the column of mercury is suspended in the tube by the pressure of the atmosphere on the surface of the mercury in the cistern: hence, every variation in the density or height of the atmosphere occasions a corresponding rise or fall in the barometric column. The actual mean pressure of the atmosphere at the level of the sea is 15 pounds on the square inch; hence, the pressure on the whole earth is enormous. The decrease in the density of the air affords a very accurate method of finding the height of mountains above the level of the sea, which would be very simple, were it not for changes of temperature which alter the density and interfere with the regularity of the law of its decrease. But as the heat of the air diminishes with the height above the earth at the rate of one degree of Fahrenheit’s thermometer for every 334 feet, tables are constructed, by the aid of which heights may be determined with great accuracy. In consequence of diminished pressure also, water boils at a lower temperature on mountain-tops than at the level of the sea, which affords another method of ascertaining heights. A quantity of vapour is continually raised by the heat of the sun from the surface of the globe, which mixes in an invisible state with the dry air or gaseous part of the atmosphere. It is most abundant in the torrid zone, and, like the heat on which it depends, varies with the latitude, the season of the year, the time of the day, the elevation above the sea, and also with the nature of the soil, the land, and the water. There is no chemical combination between the aËrial and aqueous atmospheres, they are merely mixed; and the diurnal variations arise from the superposition of two distinct diurnal oscillations, each going through its complete period in 24 hours; one taking place in the aËrial atmosphere from the alternate heating and cooling of the air, which produce a flux and reflux over the point of observation; the other arising from the aqueous atmosphere, owing to the alternate production and destruction of vapour by the heat of the day and the cold of the night. The diurnal variations of the vapour have their maximum at or near the hottest hour of the day, and their minimum at or near the coldest, which is exactly the converse of the diurnal variations of the dry air. On the whole, there are Between the tropics the barometer attains its greatest height at nine or half-past nine in the morning; it then sinks till four in the afternoon, after which it again rises and attains a second maximum at ten or half-past ten in the evening; it then begins to fall till it reaches a second time its lowest point at four in the morning. The difference in the height is 0·117 of an inch, which gradually decreases north and south. Baron Humboldt mentions that the diurnal variations of the barometric pressure are so regular between the tropics, that the hour of the day may be inferred from the height of the mercury to within fifteen or sixteen minutes, and that it is undisturbed by storm, tempest, rain, or earthquake, both on the coasts and at altitudes 13,000 feet above them. The mean height of the barometer between the tropics at the level of the sea is 30 inches with very little fluctuation, but, owing to the ascending currents of air from the heat of the earth, it is less under the equator than in the temperate zones. It attains a maximum in western Europe between the parallels of 40° and 45°; in the North Atlantic the maximum is about the 30th parallel, and in the southern part of that ocean it is near the tropic of Capricorn; the amplitude of the oscillations decreases from the tropics to about the 70th parallel, where the diurnal variations cease. They are affected by the seasons, being greatest in summer and least in winter. It appears, also, that the fluctuations are the reverse on mountain-tops from what they are on the plains, and probably at a certain height they would cease altogether. Besides the small horary undulations, there are vast waves moving over the oceans and continents in separate and independent systems, being confined to local yet very extensive districts, probably occasioned by long-continued rains or dry weather over The air expands and becomes lighter with heat, contracts and becomes heavier with cold, and, as there are 82 degrees of difference between the equatorial and polar temperature, the light warm air at the equator is constantly ascending to the upper regions of the atmosphere, and flowing north and south to the poles, from whence the cold heavy air rushes along the surface of the earth to supply its place between the tropics, for the same tendency to restore equilibrium exists in air as in other fluids. These two superficial currents, which have no rotatory motion when they leave the poles, are deflected from their meridional paths by friction from the continually increasing velocity of the earth’s rotation, as they come nearer and nearer to the tropics; and, as they revolve slower than the corresponding parts of the earth at which they arrive, the bodies on its surface strike against them with the excess of their velocity, so that the wind appears, to a person who thinks himself at rest, to blow in a direction contrary to that of the earth’s rotation. For that reason the current from the north pole becomes a north-east wind before arriving at the tropic of Cancer, and that from the south pole becomes a south-east wind before it comes to the tropic of Capricorn, their limit being the 28th parallel of latitude on each side of the equator. In fact, the difference of temperature puts the air in motion, and the direction of the resulting wind, at every place, depends upon the difference Near the equator the trade-winds, north and south of it, so completely neutralize each other, that far at sea a candle burns without flickering [i. e. when it is flat calm]. This zone of calms and light breezes, known as the Variables, which has a breadth of about five degrees and a half, is subject to heavy rains and violent thunder-storms. On account of the arrangement of land and water, it does not coincide with the equator, but its centre runs along the sixth parallel of north latitude; however, it changes in position and extent with the declination of the sun, but never crosses the line. Though the trade-winds extend to the 28th degree on each side of the equator, their limits vary considerably in different parts of the ocean, moving two or three degrees to the north or south, according to the position of the sun; and in the Atlantic the north-east trade-wind is less steady than the south-east. The unequal temperature of the land and sea causes sea-breezes which blow towards the land during the day, and land-breezes which blow sea-ward in the night; they are not perceptible in the mornings and evenings, because the temperature of the land and water is then nearly the same. The trade-winds and monsoons are permanent, depending on the apparent motion of the sun; but it is evident from theory that there must be partial winds in all parts of the earth, occasioned by the local circumstances that affect the temperature of the air. Consequently, the atmosphere is divided into districts, both over the sea and land, in which the winds have nearly the same vicissitudes from year to year. The regularity is greatest towards the tropics, where the causes of disturbance are fewer. In the higher latitudes it is more difficult to discover any regularity, on account of the greater proportion of land, the difference in its radiating power, and the greater extremes of heat and cold. But even there a degree of uniformity prevails in the succession of the winds; for example, in all places where north and south winds blow alternately, a vane veers through every point of the compass in the transition, and in some places the wind makes several of these gyrations in the course of the year. Hurricanes are those storms of wind in which the portion of the atmosphere that forms them revolves in a horizontal circuit round a vertical or somewhat inclined axis of rotation, while the axis itself, and consequently the whole storm, is carried forwards along the surface of the globe, so that the direction in which the storm is advancing is quite different from the direction in which the rotatory current may be blowing at any point; the progressive motion may continue for days, while the wind accomplishes many gyrations through all the points of the compass in the same time. In the Atlantic the principal region of hurricanes is to the east of the West Indian islands, and in the Pacific it lies east of the island of Madagascar; consequently the former is in the northern hemisphere, the latter in the southern; but in every case the storm moves in an elliptical or parabolic curve. The West Indian hurricanes generally have their origin eastward of the Lesser Antillas or The extent and velocity of the Atlantic hurricanes are great; the most rapid move at the rate of 43 miles an hour, the slowest By the friction of the earth the axis of the storm bends a little forward, and the whirling motion begins in the higher regions of the atmosphere before it is felt on the earth: this causes a continual intermixture of the lower and warmer strata of air with those that are higher and colder, producing torrents of rain, and sometimes violent electric explosions. The rotation as well as the course of the storm is in a different direction in the two hemispheres, though always alike in the same. In the northern hemisphere the gyration is contrary to the movement of the hands of a watch, that is to say, the wind revolves from east, through the north, to west, south, and east again; while in the southern hemisphere the rotation about the axis of the storm is in the contrary direction. Hurricanes happen south of the equator between December and April; in the West Indies between June and October. Rotatory storms frequently occur in the Indian Ocean, and the typhoons of the China seas are real hurricanes of great violence. Both conform to the laws of such winds in the northern hemisphere. The Atlantic storms probably reach Spain, Portugal, and the coast of Ireland. Two circular storms have passed over Great Britain, and small ones often occur between the Chops of the Channel and Madeira. The revolving motion accounts for the sudden and violent changes observed during hurricanes. In consequence of the rotation of the air, the wind blows in opposite directions on each side of the axis of the storm, and the violence of the blast increases from the circumference towards the centre of gyration, but in the centre itself the air is in repose: hence, when the body of the storm passes over a place, the wind begins to blow moderately, The sudden fall of the mercury in the barometer in latitudes habitually visited by hurricanes is a certain indication of a coming tempest. In consequence of the centrifugal force of these rotatory storms, the air becomes rarified, and, as the atmosphere is disturbed to some distance beyond the actual circle of gyration or the limits of the storm, the barometer often sinks some hours before its arrival: it continues sinking the first half of the hurricane, and again rises during the passage of the latter half, though it does not attain its greatest height till the storm is over. The diminution of atmospheric pressure is greater, and extends over a wider area, in the temperate zones than in the torrid, on account of the sudden expansion of the circle of rotation where the gale crosses the tropic. As the fall of the barometer gives warning of the approach of a hurricane, so the laws of the storm’s motion afford to the seaman knowledge to avoid it. In the northern temperate zone, if the gale begins from the S.E. and veers by S. to W., the ship should steer to the S.E.; but if the gale begins from the N.E. and changes through N. to N.W., the vessel ought to go to the N.W. In the northern part of the torrid zone, if the storm begin from the N.E. and veer through E. to S.E., the ship should steer to the N.E.; but if it begin from the N.W. and veer by W. to S.W., the ship should steer to the S.W., because she is on the south-western side of the storm. Since the laws of storms are reversed in the southern hemisphere, the rules for steering vessels are necessarily reversed also. Besides storm-waves, storm-currents are raised, which revolve with the rotation of the wind, and are of the greatest force near the centre of the vortex. The rise of the sea by the pressure of the surrounding ocean, A thick lurid appearance, with dense masses of cloud in the horizon, ominous and terrible, are the harbingers of the coming tempest. The sun and clouds frequently assume a fiery redness, the whole sky takes a wild and threatening aspect, and the wind rises and falls with a moaning sound, like that heard in old houses on a winter’s night: it is akin to the “calling of the sea,” a melancholy noise which, in a dead calm, presages a storm on some parts of the English coast. Those intensely violent gales, of short duration, called arched squalls, because they rise from an arch of clouds on the horizon, are not rotatory; they occur in the Straits of Malacca, attended by fierce thunder and lightning and a lurid phosphorescent gleam. The north-western gales in the Bay of Bengal, the tornadoes on the African coast, and the pampÉros of the Rio de la Plata, are of the same nature. On an average, a strong gale moves at the rate of 40 miles an hour, a storm at about 56, and hurricanes at 90. Whirlwinds are frequent in tropical countries, especially in deserts; sometimes several are seen at one time in the Arabian deserts, of all sizes, from a few feet to some hundred yards in diameter. They occur in all kinds of weather, by night as well as by day, and come without the smallest notice, rooting up trees, overwhelming caravans, and throwing down houses; and as they produce water-spouts when they reach the sea, they dismantle and even sink ships. The water-spouts so frequently seen on the ocean originate in adjacent strata of air of different temperatures, running in opposite directions in the upper regions of the atmosphere. They condense the vapour, and give it a whirling motion, so that it descends tapering to the sea below, and causes the surface of the water to ascend in a pointed spiral till it joins that from above, and then it looks like two inverted cones, being thinner in the middle than either above or below. When a water-spout has a progressive motion, the upper and under part must move in the same direction, and with equal velocity, otherwise it breaks, which frequently happens. |