A - Abrothallus, organs of reproduction of, i. 307
- Absorption of light and heat, i. 34
- effects of, i. 35, 36
- generally independent of colour, i. 36
- Melloni’s investigations into the laws of, i. 38
- Prof. Tyndall’s experiments, i. 38
- amount of radiant heat absorbed by the perfumes of flowers and plants, i. 43-45
- experiments showing radiation to be equal to absorption, i. 46
- great absorption of olefiant gas, i. 47
- absorptive power of aqueous vapour, i. 53
- dynamic absorption, i. 49
- absorption a phenomenon irrespective of aggregation, i. 53
- absorption of invisible rays by solids, liquids, and gases, i. 65
- Absorption bands in the red and green parts of the solar spectrum, i. 131
- Acalepha, the simple hydra a phase in the life of the, ii. 91
- AcalephÆ, Campanograde, characters of, ii. 103
- AcalephÆ, Ciliograde, characters of the, ii. 101
- mode of reproduction of, ii. 103
- AcalephÆ, Physograde, characters of, ii. 107
- AcanthometrÆ, structure and habitat of, ii. 19
- Acetic acid, chemical combination forming, i. 97
- Acetic fermentation, fungus producing, i. 288
- Acetylene, formation of, i. 97
- Acetylene, chemical composition of, i. 128
- Achlya prolifera, structure and reproduction of, i. 220
- Acids, their affinity for alkalies, i. 96
- Acineta, structure and mode of reproduction of, ii. 77, 78
- food of, and mode of seizing it, ii. 78
- Acorn-shell, structure of the, ii. 213
- Acrocarpi, characters of the group, i. 328
- Acrocladia mamillata, spines of the, ii. 180, 181
- AcrosticheÆ, characters of the, i. 359, 360
- Actinia sulcata, structure of, ii. 132
- Actinian polype, structure and mode of reproduction of, ii. 130, 131
- Actinian zoophytes, characters of, ii. 130, 131
- Actinism of star-light, i. 55
- of moon-light, i. 55
- of sun-light, i. 56
- Actinocyclus undulatus, structure of, i. 199, 200
- Actinomma drymodes, structure of, ii. 21
- Actinophrys sol, structure and reproduction of, ii. 16-18
- certain degree of instinct exhibited by, ii. 18
- its enemy, the Amoeba, ii. 18
- Adder’s tongue fern, i. 365
- AdiantieÆ, characters of the groups, i. 358
- Adiantum Capillus-Veneris, or maiden’s-hair fern, structure and habitat of, i. 359
- Adriatic sea, Foraminifera in the ooze of the bed of the, ii. 51
- Adularia, or moonstone, fluorescent property of, i. 66
- Æcidium, characters of, i. 280
- Ægean sea, zones of AlgÆ in the, i. 259
- Æthalium septicum, structure and habitat of, i. 270-272
- Amoeba-like motions of, i. 270
- mode of reproduction of, i. 271
- Affinity, chemical, of kind and of degree, i. 95
- relation between chemical affinity and mechanical force, i. 98
- Agaricini, the order, i. 261
- Agaricus, the genus, i. 261, 263
- Agaricus arvensis, spawn of, i. 262
- Agaricus campestris, or common mushroom, i. 261
- structure and mode of reproduction of, i. 261
- Agaricus gardneri, luminosity of, i. 264
- Agaricus olearius, luminosity of, i. 264
- Air, a non-conductor of electricity, i. 32
- amount of force exerted by the sun’s light within the limits of the terrestrial atmosphere, i. 34
- absorption of radiant heat by, i. 41
- effect of the rays of the sun falling on the earth through pure dry air, i. 53
- spectrum analysis of the component parts of the atmosphere, i. 139
- Air-vessel of Nereocystis Lutkeana, i. 249, 250
- Alaria esculenta, fruit of, i. 249
- Alaria Pylaii, fruit of, i. 249
- Albumen, formation and structure of, in vegetable organisms, i. 423
- Alcohol, chemical combination forming, i. 97
- Alcyon zoophytes, characters of, ii. 119, 120
- structure and mode of reproduction of, ii. 120-123
- Alcyonidium elegans, structure of, ii. 120
- Alcyonium digitatum, or dead man’s fingers, structure of, ii. 121, 122
- Aldebaran, spectrum of, i. 155
- AlgÆ, i. 179
- classification of the group, i. 179-181
- green AlgÆ, i. 181-220
- zones or degrees of dept
- atomic weight of, compared with that of hydrogen, i. 100
- spectrum analysis of, i. 140
- Bryei, characters and structure of the, i. 329
- Bryopsis, structure and habitat of, i. 219, 224
- Bryozoa, or Polyzoa, characters of, ii. 218
- Buckthorn, green dye obtained from, i. 124
- Buds of trees, structure and functions of, i. 411
- Bugula avicularia, structure of, ii. 220
- Bulbous plants, beauty of, i. 387
- Bulbous plants, structure and reproduction of, i. 388
- Bunt, germination of the spores of, i. 281
- Cadmium, i. 4
- spectrum of volatilized cadmium, i. 64
- chloride of, spectrum of, i. 146
- CÆomacei, structure and mode of reproduction of, i. 278
- CÆsium, i. 3, 4
- atomic weight of, compared with that of hydrogen, i. 100
- one of an isomeric triad with rubidium and potassium, i. 105
- M. Bunsen’s discovery of the metal by spectrum analysis, i. 134, 135
- mode of distinguishing it from potassium, i. 136
- its properties, i. 136
- changes in its spectrum by high temperature, i. 144
- Caffeine, the neutral crystallisable principle of coffee, i. 428
- Caladium distillatorium, water secreted by at night, i. 429
- Calanus, structure and social habits of the, ii. 206
- bloody water formed by the, ii. 206
- Calanus pontilla, structure of, ii. 206
- Calanus sanguineus, structure of, ii. 206
- Calcarina, intermediate skeleton of, ii. 42, 43
- Calcium, i. 3, 4
- one of an isomeric triad with strontium and barium, i. 105
- spectrum analysis of the rarefied vapour of, i. 142
- effect of high temperature, i. 143
- chloride of, spectrum of, i. 146
- Caliciei, characters and habitat of the order, i. 309
- Calicium inquinans, spores of, i. 309
- Calicium tympanellum, organs of reproduction of, i. 301
- Calico-printing, use of oxalic acid in, i. 116
- Callithamnion, structure of the genus, i. 231
- Callithamnion corymbosum, structure and reproductive organs of, i. 231, 232
- Callithamnion sparsum, structure of, i. 231
- Calorescence, property of, in some solids and liquids, i. 61
- Calyx of flowering plants, i. 378
- Cambium of plants, structure of, i. 407, 417
- Camptosorus, or walking fern, structure and mode of reproduction of, i. 352
- Campylopus lamellinervis, leaves of, i. 330
- Canada, enormous quantities of petroleum in, i. 126
- Caoutchouc, whence obtained, i. 426
- Carbazotic acid, constituents of, i. 121
- Carbohydrates, combinations forming the, i. 116
- Carbolic acid, combination forming, i. 107, 120, 121, 128
- its property of arresting putrefaction, i. 121
- becomes solid when dried and purified, i. 121
- Carbon, i. 13
- allotropism of, i. 15
- at variance with the geometrical system of crystallization, i. 15
- analogy between carbon and silicon, i. 18
- effect of the combination of the atoms of carbon and oxygen in combustion, i. 30
- property of the bisulphide of, in the transmission of heat, i. 36
- effect of a discharge of the nitric acid electric battery, with carbon balls on the terminals, i. 84
- will not combine directly with hydrogen, i. 97
- atomic weight of, compared with that of hydrogen, i. 100
- spectra of the compounds of carbon, i. 146
- bisulphide of, absorption of radiant heat by, i. 40
- opacity of, to the invisible rays, i. 65
- in coal gas, i. 118
- how freed from coal gas, i. 118
- Carbonic acid gas, i. 14
- reduced to a solid, i. 15
- weight of the atoms of, compared with those of hydrogen, i. 99
- absorption of radiant heat by, i. 41
- how freed from coal gas, i. 118
- one of the illuminants in coal gas, i. 118
- Carbonic oxide, absorption of radiant heat by, i. 41
- action of different thicknesses of, on radiant heat, i. 48
- the poisonous quality of coal gas, i. 118
- Carcinus moenas, structure and reproduction of, ii. 192, 195
- moulting and power of reproducing limbs, ii. 197
- Cardium, or cockle, structure and mode of reproduction of, ii. 230, 231
- Carpenteria, structure and habitat of the, ii. 57
- a link between the Foraminifera and the sponges, ii. 57
- Carrigeen, or Irish moss, structure and mode of reproduction of, i. 235, 236
- Caryophyllia Smithii, its formidable artillery, ii. 133, 134
- structure and development of, ii. 134, 135
- Caryophyllia Smithii, locomotion of, ii. 135
- Caseine, or cheese, used as a mordant, i. 125
- obtained also from pease and beans, i. 125
- formation and structure of, in vegetable organisms, i. 423
- Cassava, or Manihot, food obtained from the, i. 426
- Cassis, or helmet shells, structure of, ii. 234
- Catalysis, effect of, on molecular arrangement, i. 91
- Catasetum, structure and mode of reproduction of, i. 601
- Caterpillars, fungus destructive of, i. 282
- Caulerpas, where found, i. 219
- Celidium, organs of reproduction of, i. 307
- Cellipora, structure of, ii. Gasteromycetes, characters of the family, i. 267
- Gastropoda, structure of the shells of, ii. 234
- structure of the animal, ii. 235
- tongue of the, ii. 239
- GelidiaceÆ, structure and mode of propagation of, i. 238
- Gelidium corneum, structure and mode of propagation of, i. 238
- Gems, crystals of, formed artificially by electricity, i. 74
- Geranium, amount of radiant heat absorbed by the perfume of, i. 44
- Glass, a non-conductor of electricity, i. 32
- property of, in regard to the transmission of light, i. 36
- impervious to chemical solar rays, i. 63
- GleichenineÆ, sporangia of, i. 34
- structure and habitat of, i. 344, 360
- Globigerina bulloÏdes, form of, ii. 28
- Globigerina, structure of the genus, ii. 40, 41
- GlobigerinÆ, abundance of at vast depths in the ocean, ii. 49-51
- GlobigerinidÆ, characters of the family of, ii. 40
- Glycerine, chemical combination forming, i. 97
- Glyphidei, characters of the order, i. 309
- Glucinum, i. 4
- Gold, colour of, in reflected and in absorbed light, i. 35, 36
- crystals of, formed artificially by electricity, i. 74
- Gonidia, propagation of diatoms by, i. 202, 204
- Goniometer, i. 38
- Gorgonia graminea, structure and habitat of, ii. 124, 125
- Gorgonia verrucosa, structure, habitat, and mode of reproduction of, ii. 124
- GorgoniidÆ, structure and mode of reproduction of, ii. 123, 124
- the three natural groups of, ii. 124
- Gracilaria compressa, i. 239
- Gracilaria lichenoides, or Ceylon moss, i. 239
- Gracilaria armata, mode of reproduction of, i. 230
- GraminaceÆ, structure and mode of reproduction of, i. 385, 386
- Grammatophora serpentina, structure and development of, i. 197
- Graphidei, characters of the order, i. 308
- Graphite, form of the crystals of, i. 15
- natural, little or no porosity of, i. 112
- porosity of artificial graphite, i. 112
- Grasses, silica in the stalks and leaves of the, i. 17
- Grasses, structure and mode of reproduction of, i. 385-387
- Gravitation, force of, less powerful than that of molecular attraction, i. 109
- Gravity, specific, of atoms, i. 100
- Green dye, obtained from the buckthorn, i. 124
- Griffithsia, structure, habitat, and organs of reproduction of, i. 233
- Grimmiei, structure of the tribe, i. 329
- Grinnelia americana, structure and mode of reproduction of, i. 230, 239
- Gromia oviformis, structure of, ii. 26, 27
- GromiÆ, structure of the genus, ii. 25-27
- Guano, mauve dye obtained from, i. 125
- Guernsey, richness of the iodine obtained from the sea-weeds of, i. 258
- Guinea worm, structure and mode of reproduction of, ii. 147
- Gums, formation of, i. 422
- Gymnogramma rutÆfolia, remarkable distribution of, i. 336
- Gyrophora, structure of the genus, i. 308
- Hairs of plants, structure of, i. 411
- Halichondria panicea, mode of propagation of, ii. 60, 61
- Haliomma, structure of, ii. 21
- Haliotis splendens, or ear-shell, structure of, ii. 234
- Haliseris, structure of, i. 247
- Halogens, spectra of the, i. 146
- Halurus, structure and mode of propagation of, i. 233
- Hare’s-foot fern, i. 351
- Hart’s-tongue fern, caudex of, i. 340
- structure, habitat, and fructification of, i. 351, 352
- Heart, and organs representing it in the lower animals, ii. 4
- Heat generated by impetus, i. 27
- quantity of heat which would be generated if it were arrested in its orbit, i. 27
- probable cause of the heat of the sun, i. 28
- effect of the absorption of heat on a body in expansion and contraction, i. 28
- specific heat, i. 28
- mechanical equivalent of heat, i. 29
- causes of the heat which is the motive force of the steam-engine, i. 29
- reciprocal action of heat and electricity, i. 31
- intensity of the heat of the electric spark, i. 32
- proof of the correlation of heat and electricity, i. 33
- constancy in the amount and refrangibility of the light and heat absorbed and radiated, i. 34
- property of some substances in the transmission of heat, i. 36
- substances which transmit radiant heat freely but radiate badly, and vice versÂ, i. 37
- Tyndall’s experiments on the radiation and absorption of radiant heat by gases and vapours, i. 38
- relation between the density of the gas and the quantity of heat extinguished or absorbed, i. 40
- absorption of radiant heat by the vapours of volatile liquids, i. 40
- Prof. Tyndall’s experiments showing the radiation to be equal to the absorption of radiant heat, i. 46
- action of different thicknesses of the same gas or vapour on radiant heat, i. 47
- dynam
t@g@html@files@57566@57566-h@57566-h-9.htm.html#Page_157" class="pginternal">157
- Nereis diversicolor, mode of reproduction of, ii. 160
- Nereocystis Lutkeana, structure and habitat of, i. 249
- Nerve-force of animals, ii. 4, 6
- chemical powers generated by, ii. 6
- Nerves of animals, structure and functions of, ii. 5
- electric currents in the, ii. 7
- structure and functions of the brain and spinal cord, ii. 8
- the nervous systems of the higher and lower animals, ii. 9-11
- Nervous system of animals, ii. 5
- Nickel, i. 4, 5
- crystals of, formed artificially by electricity, i. 74
- effect of heat on the magnetism of, i. 77
- atomic weight of, compared with that of hydrogen, i. 100
- Nidulariacei, characters of the order of, i. 272, 273
- structure and mode of reproduction of, i. 273
- habitat of, i. 273
- Nitella flexilis, structure and mode of reproduction of, i. 312
- Nitophyllum, structure and fronds of, i. 238, 239
- Nitric acid, combination forming, i. 95
- Nitrogen gas, i. 12
- combination of nitrogen with chlorine, i. 20
- absorptive power of, i. 39, 41
- fulminates compounds of, i. 92
- number of combinations of, with oxygen, i. 95
- atomic weight of, compared with that of hydrogen, i. 100
- one of the illuminants in coal gas, i. 118
- spectrum analysis of, i. 140, 145
- in high temperature, i. 144
- binoxide of, combination forming, i. 95
- chloride of, catalysis of, i. 91
- iodide of, catalysis of, i. 91
- protoxide of, or laughing gas, combination forming, i. 95
- Nitrous oxide, absorption of, radiant heat by, i. 41, 43
- combination forming, i. 95
- Noctiluca miliaris, structure and mode of propagation of, ii. 73, 74
- Noctiluci, their food, i. 205
- Nodosaria, characters of the genus, ii. 39
- Nodosaria rugosa, shell of, ii. 28
- Nodosaria spinicosta, form of, ii. 28
- Nostoc commune, wide distribution of, i. 212
- NostochineÆ, structure and habitat of, i. 211
- reproduction of, i. 212
- wide distribution of, i. 212
- Nullipores, structure and habitat of, i. 142
- Nummulites, structure of the, ii. 44-46
- circumstances favouring their existence in the Tertiary period, ii. 53
- Ocean, force exerted in the creation of the, i. 31
- Octoblepharum albidum, leaves of, i. 330
- Octopods, structure of, ii. 245
- Octopus vulgaris, or poulpe, structure of, ii. 245-247
- Odonthalia, structure of, i. 242
- Œdogonium capillare, reproduction of, i. 216
- OÏdium, structure and habitat of, i. 290
- OÏdium Tuckeri, or vine mildew, fungus producing, i. 295
- Oils, dead, manufacture of, i. 120
- essential, chemical combinations forming, i. 97
- vegetable, i. 422
- formation of fixed and essential, artificially, i. 424
- Oleandra, characters of the genus, i. 347
- Oleandra neriiformis, structure of, i. 347
- Olefiant gas, absorptive power of, i. 39, 40, 41
- amount of absorptive power, i. 41
- great absorption of, i. 47
- formation of, i. 97
- amount of carbon in, i. 105
- one of the illuminants in coal gas, i. 118
- chemical composition of, i. 128
- Olefiant oil, i. 104
- Olive oil, i. 422
- Onion, structure and mode of reproduction of, i. 388
- Oniscus, common wood-louse or slater, structure of the, ii. 202
- Onoclea, characters of the genus, i. 348
- Onoclea sensibilis, characters and habitat of, i. 348
- Oolina claxata, shell of, ii. 48
- Opacity in liquids and solids synonymous with accord, i. 37
- Operculina, structure of, ii. 38, 46
- an instance of an individual combined with a common life, ii. 38.
- OphioglossaceÆ, characters of the group, i. 365
- Ophioglossum, characters of the genus, i. 365
- Ophioglossum vulgatum, structure and habitat of, i. 365
- Ophionyx, structure of, ii. 173
- OphiuridÆ, or snake stars, structure of, ii. 172, 173
- power of reproducing rays, ii. 173
- Ophrys apifera, or bee ophrys, structure and mode of reproduction of, i. 397
- Ophrys, fly, structure and mode of reproduction of, i. 396
- Opium, alkaloids obtained from, i. 427
- almost universal use
rg@html@files@57566@57566-h@57566-h-4.htm.html#Page_65" class="pginternal">65
- Protophytes, structure and development of, i. 182
- Protoplasm of plants, structure and function of, i. 412, 413
- Protozoa, structure of the, ii. 13
- PterideÆ, characters of the group, i. 357
- Pteris, characters of the genus, i. 357
- Pteris aquilina, stems of, i. 339
- or bracken, structure, mode of reproduction, and habitat of, i. 357, 358
- Pteris esculenta of New Zealand, i. 358
- Pteris serrulata, development of spores of, i. 337
- antheridium and spermatozoids of, i. 338
- Pteris serrulata: archegonium of, i. 338
- PucciniÆ, structure and habitat of the sub-order, i. 276, 277
- Puccinia AmorphÆ, spores of, i. 276
- Puccinia FabÆ, structure, habitat, and method of reproduction of, i. 280
- alternation of generations of, i. 280
- Puccinia Graminis, spore-cases of, i. 280
- Puccinia lateripes, spores of, i. 276
- Puff-balls of the meadows, i. 267
- Purple dyes, i. 123, 124
- PycnogonoÏdea, or spider crabs, structure and habitat of, ii. 211
- PyrosomidÆ, structure and mode of reproduction of the, ii. 225
- Pyxinei, characters of the, i. 307
li> - Sulphur: dimorphism and allotropism of, i. 16
- combination of chlorine with sulphur, i. 20
- atomic weight of, compared with that of hydrogen, i. 100, 105
- its analogous properties with selenium and tellurium, i. 105
- spectrum analysis of, in different temperatures, i. 144
- Sulphuretted hydrogen gas, i. 16
- Sulphurous acid, amount of absorption of radiant heat by, i. 41
- Sun, probable cause of the light and heat of the, i. 28
- probability of the periodic connection of the solar spots with magnetic phenomena, i. 30, 31
- amount of force exerted by the sun’s light within the limits of the terrestrial atmosphere, i. 34
- chemical action of the light of the sun, i. 56
- effect of the opalescence of the atmosphere on the chemical power of the sun’s light, i. 57
- Sun, spectrum of the, i. 58
- thirteen terrestrial substances in the sun’s atmosphere, i. 59
- metals shown by M. Kirchhoff to exist in the sun, i. 151-153
- and those proved not to exist in it, i. 154
- the structure of the sun in some respects still a mystery, i. 164
- the luminous gaseous atmosphere of the, i. 164
- mottled appearance of the photosphere of the sun, i. 164, 165
- the faculÆ, i. 165
- the red flames or protuberances round the edge during a total eclipse, i. 165
- the solar spots, i. 166
- their periodicity, i. 166
- appear to be influenced by the planet Venus, i. 166
- Sun-rise and sun-set, causes of the bright tints at, i. 58
- Surirella, mode of development of, i. 202
- Synapta, structure of the genus, ii. 185
- Synapta digitata, structure and habitat of the, ii. 185
- Syncladei, structure of the branches of, i. 328
- Syncoryna Sarsii, structure and development of zooids of, ii. 90
- Synthesis, in the animal and vegetable creation, i. 96
- TÆnia, or tape-worm, structure and mode of reproduction of, ii. 145
- transformation of the young of, ii. 146.
- TÆnioÏdÆ, characters of, ii. 144
- Talitrus, or sand-hopper, structure of, ii. 201, 202
- Tar, coal. See Coal tar
- Tardigrada, characters of the, ii. 161
- Tartaric acid, chemical combination forming, i. 97
- Tea, active principle of, i. 428
- Tellurium, atomic weight of, i. 105
- its properties analogous to those of sulphur and selenium, i. 105
- Terebella conchilega, structure of, ii. 153-155
- Textularia, structure and habitat of the genus, ii. 41
- Textularia Mayeriana, form of, ii. 28
- Thalassicolla morum, structure of, ii. 21
- ThalassicollÆ, structure of, ii. 21
- Thalassiophyllum Clathrus, habitat and structure of, i. 250
- Thallium, i. 3, 4
- effect of the spectrum from an electric spark between points of, i. 64
- atomic weight of, compared with that of hydrogen, i. 100
- Mr. W. Crookes’s discovery of the metal so called, i. 136
- spectrum analysis of, i. 137
- properties of, i. 137
- where found, i. 137
- changes in the spectrum of, by high temperature, i. 144
- Thallus or frond, of lichens, i. 301
- Thaumantia pilosella, form and structure of, ii. 92
- otolites of, ii. 93
- mode of reproduction of, ii. 94
- Thorinum, i. 4
- Thunder-dirt of the New Zealanders, i. 268
- Thyme, absorption of radiant heat by the perfume of, i. 44
- Timmia, leaves of, i. 330
- Tobacco, spectrum analysis of, i. 136
- Tobacco, narcotic effect of, and as a relief from hunger, i. 428
- Toluidine, property of, in producing the aniline colours, i. 122
- Toluol, constituents of, i. 121
- Topaz, oriental, i. 4
- Torula cerevisiÆ, structure, development, and cell-multiplication of, i. 287
- Transparency in liquids and solids synonymous with discord, i. 36
- causes of transparency, i. 37
- Transpiration of gases, i. 110, 114
- Tree ferns, structure of, i. 341
- Trees, constitution of the stems of, i. 174
- Tremellini, structure, habitat, and fructification of, i. 266
- Trepang, used as food, ii. 184
- Triceratium favus, structure and habitat of, i. 199
- Triceratium genus, structure and habitat of, i. 199
- Trichodesmium erythrÆum, structure, habitat, and reproduction of, i. 215, 216
- Trichogastres, characters of the group, i. 267
- Trichomanes radicans, or bristle fern, structure and habitat of, i. 361
- TrichomanineÆ, characters of the group, i. 345
- characters and habitat of, i. 360, 361
- Trilobites, structure of, ii. 203
- Tripe de Roche, structure of, i. 308
- Triphragmium dubens, spores of, i. 276
- Tripoli stone on the Rhine, of what it consists, i. 206
- Trochus granulatus, structure of, ii. 237, 238
- Trochus zizyphinus, palate of, ii. 237
- Truffle, structure and habitat of the, i. 292, 293