Also a 32mo Edition, One Halfpenny each, and another, adorned with engravings, at One Penny each: an 18mo Edition, with superior wood engravings, ornamented cover, 6d.; cloth, gilt edges, 8d. each, or 1s. half-bound. Also a superior edition, half-bd. 8vo, 1s.; and a pocket edition, 64mo, 6d. cloth, or 1s. 4d. tuck. The book uses a highly decorative (non-Roman) font for the Irish titles and it’s unclear what many of the letters are. Same goes for Swedish, Danish and German titles: apologies for any mistranscriptions.—DP. A neat edition, 18mo, 4d. stiff cover; 10d. bound in black; also in 64mo, 6d. cloth 1s. 4d. tuck. |