Art.I. | —John Haviland,—Obituary Notice, | 97 | II. | —The Pennsylvania System,—Dr. Given’s Report, | 107 | III. | —Juvenile Delinquency, Truancy, &c., | 119 | IV. | —Insane Convicts, | 126 | V. | —Final Report of the Committee on the Erection of the New Gaol for Suffolk Co., (Mass.) | 133 | MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. | FOREIGN. | Crime and Pauperism Counteracted, | 135 | Novel Residence of a Den of young Thieves, | 137 | Cases of Theft at a Single Term on Perth Circuit, Scotland, | 138 | Singular Association, | ib. | Friendly Beneficial Societies, | ib. | Diminished Pauperism, | 139 | Intemperance and Insanity, | ib. | Metropolitan Mortality, | ib. | The Great Washed! | ib. | Scotch Prisons, | 140 | Charities in London, | ib. | Prison at Athens, | ib. | DOMESTIC. | New York State Lunatic Asylum, | 141 | Emigration, | ib. | Boston City Marshal’s Report, | 142 | Health of the Boston Farm School, | ib. | Boston Pauperism, | ib. | Maine State Prison, | ib. | The Maryland Penitentiary, | 143 | Poor and Insane of Rhode Island, | ib. | Rhode Island Hospital, | 144 | Charitable Institutions in Indiana, | ib. | Charitable Institutions in Alabama, | ib. | Kentucky Deaf and Dumb Asylum, | ib. |