The last War Chief of the Senecas, and of the Iroquois, or Six Nations. AN HISTORICAL SKETCH BY JAMES ROSS SNOWDEN. A solitary traveler, after the close of the Revolutionary war, in 1783, wandering near the shores of Chatanque lake, In the morning the Indian invited the traveler to sit beside him on a large log in front of his cabin. They were seated side by side; presently the Indian told the traveler to move a little; which he did; and, keeping I have seen a large medal of Washington, on one side of which is his bust in armor facing to the right. On the reverse or opposite side, is a full length figure of an Indian chief looking to the left, with an arrow in his right hand, and leaning on a bow; it contains the inscription "The land was ours." It also inscribes to Washington these words: "Innumerable millions yet unborn will venerate the memory of the man who obtained their country's freedom." Both these inscriptions command our assent. It thus appears that what was partial evil to the red man may be regarded as universal good to the human race. The former gives way to the advancing column of civilization, and will disappear from the land unless he abandons the life of a wanderer, and acquires a fixed home, where he can cultivate the soil and pursue the arts of civilized industry. It would be inappropriate to this occasion, to enter upon a discussion of the causes of the gradual disappearance of the Indian race, when coming in contact with white men, nor of the tendency of the intercourse between these races of men to deteriorate the former and reduce their numbers. Neither can I enter upon the ethics involved in such a discussion. I leave these topics to the moral philosopher and the historian. The distinguished Chief whose memory we this day commemorate, met these questions as practical facts. Cornplanter had learned from observation as well as Before making further remarks upon the life, character and public services of Cornplanter, I deem it proper to present some general observations respecting the Indian League or Confederacy, The power and influence of this Confederacy of nations, or Iroquois, at the time when the emigrants from Europe set their feet upon the extensive country, now embraced in the States of New York and Pennsylvania, and the extensive region beyond the Ohio, even to the Mississippi, were greats and overshadowed, if they did not actually control and govern, all other tribes of Indians within what is at the present time a large portion of the United States. Their power even extended to the New England colonies and to Virginia. In 1684 the Governors of New York, Massachusetts and Virginia, met in council with the representative Chiefs of the Five Nations at Albany, "to strengthen and burnish," so says the treaty, "the covenant chain, and plant the tree of peace, of which the top should reach the sun, and the branches shelter the wide land." This treaty related not only to the territory in the actual possession of the Iroquois—called by them "The Long House," but embraced the extensive country from the St. Croix to the Albemarle. It may be interesting here, in order to illustrate the extent of their claims and authority, to quote a few words from the journal of Messrs. Mason and Dixon, when running their famous line. One of the original manuscript copies Their principal seats, however, were in Western New York and North-western Pennsylvania. They were thus situated between the advancing column of emigration and settlements of the English from the Hudson, the Delaware, the Susquehanna and the Potomac on the one hand, and the French from Canada, the St. Lawrence, and the great lakes on the other. A territorial position, alike perilous to their aboriginal habits, customs and means of subsistence, as to their existence as a free and independent nation. And yet, notwithstanding these adverse circumstances, they stood for nearly two centuries, with an unshaken front, against the devastations of war, the blighting influence of foreign intercourse, and the still more fatal encroachments of a restless and advancing border population. United under their federal system, they maintained their independence and their power of self-protection long after the New England and Virginia races had surrendered their jurisdiction and fallen into the Their system of government was remarkable for its simplicity and strength. The separate tribes, though united in one council fire, which was usually kindled and kept burning at Onondago, were, to some extent, sovereign and independent. In fact, their government was somewhat similar in structure to that which is established in the United States. Several republics were embraced in one. There were Chiefs for each tribe. Hereditary to a qualified extent, but dependent upon a ceremony of confirmation or investiture. Sometimes merit and public confidence would induce this investiture, without regard to hereditary right. Sir William Johnston states, "that the Sachems of each tribe of the Six Nations were annually chosen in a public assembly of the Chiefs and Warriors, whenever a vacancy happened by death or otherwise. They were selected from among the oldest Warriors, for their sense and bravery, and approved of by all the tribe, after which they were selected as Sachems. Military services were the chief recommendations to this rank; but in some instances, a kind of inheritance in the office was recognized." I think there was a distinction between the Sachems and the Chiefs. The former had the direction of civil affairs and government, and the latter led the tribes in war. The rank of Sachem was in general hereditary, whilst that of Chief was conferred on account These are memorable words, and indicate the complacency of the members of the Confederacy with their own condition and power. Feeling secure in their castles beyond the mountains, and contented with their homes, amidst their beautiful lakes, and rivers and forests, where they possessed towns and villages, cultivated fields and orchards of various fruits, and being kindly disposed to their white brethren of the English colonies, they ventured the friendly task of giving them such wise and excellent counsel and advice, as is worthy of being re-produced on this occasion, although one hundred and twenty-two years have passed away since its delivery on the banks of the Conestoga. Governor De Witt Clinton, in his address before the Historical Society of New York, December 6, 1811, quotes the foregoing address, and says: "This ancient and cementing principle of union and fraternity, which has connected them in friendship, and which was the basis of their power, and the pillar of their greatness, has been entirely driven from them. Party, in all its forms and violence, rages among them with uncontrolled sway. The nations are split up into fragments; the son is arrayed against the father; brother against brother; families against families; tribes against tribes. They are divided into factions—religious, political and personal; Christian and Pagan; American and British—the followers of Cornplanter and Red Jacket, of Skonadoi and Captain Peter. The minister of destruction is hovering over them; and before the passing away of the present generation, not a single Iroquois will be seen in this State." This sad picture, although true to some extent, was somewhat overdrawn in consequence of the agitation and disputes which preceded the war with England in 1812; the Indian tribes being divided upon that question, some of them taking up the hatchet for England, and others, among whom were the Six Nations, for the United States. But Gov. De Witt Clinton's prophecy has utterly failed. The influence and example of Cornplanter, assisted by other good men, white as well as red, leading their people to agriculture, and to habits of industry and temperance, has saved from destruction a remnant of the brave and once powerful nations, who lived on these rivers and lakes, and possessed the land, both far and near. Here, at the grave of the venerated Cornplanter, we can see the results of his principles, his measures and example. Here he rests from his labors, but his works do follow him. I see this in the evidences of civilization, industry and competency around me. I see it in the countenances of these intelligent and respectable people of the Indian race, who are endeavoring to imitate his example, and who come here this day to do honor to his immortal memory. The Indian name of the venerable Chief, to whose memory this monument is erected, is written in different manners, in publication documents and papers, which have come under my notice. At the treaty of Fort Harmer, his name was given thus: "Gy-ant-wa-chi-a;" and this orthography I prefer. It means The Planter. But it is, also, elsewhere written, "Gy-ant-wa-hia," and in this form it appears on this monument; also "Ki-on-twog-ky," "Gy-ant-wa-ka," "Ki-end-twoh-ke," and "Cy-ent-wo-kee." In Mr. Day's historical collection of Pennsylvania, and Mr. Stone's Life of Red Jacket, and in some other modern works, he is named, "Ga-nio-di-euh," or "Handsome Lake;" but this is an error. That was the name of a half-brother of our Chief, who was also designated as the prophet, to whom I shall hereafter have occasion to refer. Our Chief was frequently designated as Captain O'Bail, or ABeel, (Captain being the highest military distinction known to the Indians;) but he was generally named and best known as Cornplanter or The Cornplanter. He was born at Ganowaugus, otherwise written Connewaugus, an important town of the Seneca Indians, situated on the Genessee river, and on the trail or main road through the country of the Six Nations, to Niagara. We have no precise knowledge of the date of his birth. He has been heard to say, that he and General Washington were about the same age. This would place his birth in the year 1732. In 1831, Thomas Struthers, Esq., of Warren, visited Cornplanter at his house, in this town, on which occasion the Chief, in answer to the question, "How old are you?" replied, "One hundred years." I saw him in the summer of 1834. At my interview with him, Mr. George Powers, of Franklin, Venango county, acted as interpreter. On that occasion he said he was more than one hundred years of age. A learned writer, At that period, the trade with the Six Nations was chiefly in the hands of the English. One of their principal traders was John ABeel, We may also reasonably infer that she faithfully and carefully discharged her duty to her offspring, in accordance with the light and knowledge which she possessed. It was the Indian woman who planted the fields of corn, and kept the wigwam, when the hunter was in the forest, or the warrior was upon the war path. Their attachment to localities was greater than that of the Indian men. It sometimes happened that Indian women interposed to prevent grant of lands by the chiefs and warriors. They desired to preserve their wigwams, their fields and their orchards. The father of Cornplanter being absent, chiefly residing at Albany, or on the Mohawk river, the mother's influence was uncontrolled. I Cornplanter refers to his birth and childhood in his interesting address to the Governor of Pennsylvania, in 1822, when the question of taxing his property, hereinafter mentioned, was raised. "I feel it my duty to send a speech to the Governor of Pennsylvania at this time, and inform him the place where I was from; which was Connewaugus, on the Genessee river. "When I was a child, I played with the butterfly, the grasshopper and the frogs. As I grew up, I began to pay some attention and play with the Indian boys in the neighborhood, and they took notice of my skin being of a different color from theirs, and spoke about it. I inquired of my mother the cause, and she told me that my father was a resident of Albany. I still ate my victuals out of a bark dish—I grew up to be a young man, and married me a wife—but I had no kettle or gun. I then knew where my father lived and went to see him, and found he was a white man and spoke the English language." The period when Cornplanter and his family removed from Connewaugus and the Genessee country is Of the early career of Cornplanter, we have but little information. It is generally understood that his first appearance as a warrior, was at the battle of the Monongahela, in 1755, where Braddock was defeated, and that he fought on the side of the French in that bloody field. A word here explanatory of the position of the Senecas, and their relations with the Indians of the League, and other neighboring nations, may be useful. The Seneca tribe was more exposed to the French and their Indian allies on the lower Ohio and the lakes, than the other members of the League. They had the important and dangerous duties of keeping "the western door of the long house," as they termed their possessions. Their watch and ward extended from the Susquehanna to the Ohio and great lakes. The duplicity, and in fact treachery of the English crown, during the reign of the Stuarts, in not only abandoning the Six Nations in their war with the French which they had undertaken in the interest of the English, but when the League had defeated the French and well-nigh conquered them, the English government compelled them to make peace with France, and submit to the terms which the French dictated. These terms, however could not concede to the By the regulations of the League, in cases where the United Council did not act authoritatively for the whole Confederacy, it appears that the separate tribes were not precluded from engaging in war; nor individual warriors prevented from taking up the hatchet, as inclination might lead them. Acting under these principles, some of the Six Nations fought on the side of the French, during the war of 1755 and 1762, including that part of the Senecas who had their seat north of the Ohio, and below Fort Duquesne; and some on the upper Ohio, now called Allegheny, united with them. From these considerations it is not at all improbable that Cornplanter, then a warrior of twenty-three years of age, was on the war path at Braddock's defeat. It was probably his first battle, as it was also the first in which our Washington was engaged. The Indians of the The French war closed in the year 1763, by the treaty of Utrecht. The Indian tribes were at peace with each other and with their white neighbors. It was about this time that Cornplanter married a wife, an Indian woman of his own tribe. When that important event took place, he, himself, informs us, that he was not well provided for housekeeping. He "had no gun, and his wife no kettle." Under the impression that his father would provide these useful articles for him, he made a journey to Albany, to see him. But he was disappointed. In Cornplanter's own account of the interview, he He says, in the address referred to, he was opposed to joining in the conflict, inasmuch as the Indians had nothing to do with the difficulties that existed between the two parties. If he had more clearly understood the points in dispute his opposition might have been more effective. When Brant, early in the year 1777, with his Mohawks, had organized a hostile expedition, in connection with some loyalists of that region, to attack Unadilla, in New York, on the Upper Susquehanna, an embassy of Sachems and war Chiefs of the Senecas and Cayugas repaired to Oghwago, to which place Brant had advanced, to remonstrate with him against further hostilities to the Americans. Brant yielded to their councils and protestations, and withdrew, with his Indians and refugees, into the Cayuga country. Brant's But when the representative Chiefs of the Confederacy at Oswego, at a general council held in the summer of 1777, decided to take up the hatchet for the King of England, Cornplanter and his tribe considered themselves bound by the decision. His nation was at war, and he had to be at war. As the boys say at school, "when you are in Rome, you must do as Rome does." In his address to Washington, at Philadelphia, in 1790, he justifies, or at least palliates the conduct of his nation in taking the side of the King, in the following eloquent and impressive words: "Father, when you kindled your thirteen fires separately, the wise men assembled at them told us you were all brothers—the children of one great In addition to these considerations, thus cautiously presented by Cornplanter, it is well known that the hostilities commenced on the north-western frontier of Virginia, by the cruel and unprovoked war waged against the Indians by the land-jobbers, under the direction of the notorious Captain Michael Cresap, had a decided effect upon the Six Nations, in determining on which side they would take in the conflict which soon followed. The atrocious murder of the family of Logan, by Cresap, is well known, and need not be repeated on this occasion. Logan was the son of Shikellimus, a distinguished Cayuga Sachem. James Logan, an eminent member of the Colonial Council of Pennsylvania, was the friend of Shikellimus; the Sachem had named his son for Mr. Logan. Conrad Weiser, the well known Indian agent and interpreter, writing from Tulpehocken, in Berks county, under date of July 6, 1747, to Secretary Logan had a temporary residence on, Kishicokelas creek, a beautiful limestone spring, a mile or two above the wild gorge where the creek passes Jack's mountain, (now in Mifflin county, Pennsylvania). Here he lived several years. This was before the year 1768, when, by the treaty of Fort Stanwix, the Indians relinquished to the proprietary government all that region of country. He then moved with his family to the country beyond the Ohio, and fixed his cabin below Wheeling, where, a few years later, his whole family were barbarously murdered. On the Sciota, in 1774, he delivered his well known speech to Lord Dunmore, first published in Mr. Jefferson's notes on Virginia. A careful historian, Mr. Day, says: "That it is now well authenticated that Logan, himself, composed the speech, and that the common supposition, that Mr. Jefferson was the author of it, is an error." It is well known that Logan, born at Shamokin, where the Moravians had a missionary station, received some rudimental education from them, and was baptized; his father, Shikellimus, giving him the name Logan, after his friend James Logan, the Secretary of the Province. Logan's speech, on the occasion referred to, though often published, I insert here. It was as follows: "I appeal to any white man to say, if ever he entered Logan's cabin hungry, and he gave him not meat; if ever he came naked, and he clothed him not. During the course of the last long and bloody war, Logan remained idle in his cabin, an advocate for peace. Such was my love for the whites that my countrymen pointed, as they passed, and said, 'Logan is the friend of white men.' I had even thought to have lived with you, but for the injuries of one man, Colonel Cresap, the last spring in cold blood, and unprovoked, murdered all the relations of Logan, not even sparing my women and children. There runs not a drop of my blood in the veins of any living creature. This called on me for revenge. I have sought it. I have killed many. I have fully glutted my vengeance. For my country I rejoice at the beams of peace. But do not harbor a thought that mine is the joy of fear. Logan never felt fear. He will not turn his heel to save his life. Who is there to mourn for Logan? Not one." The cruel murder of the family of Logan, (himself a distinguished Chief, and the friend of the whites and of peace,) made a deep impression upon the Six Nations, and was probably one of the causes which induced them to take up the hatchet for the King of England. The final decision, as already stated, was made at Oswego, where the representative Chiefs and warriors were assembled, During the military operations which followed this important transaction, Cornplanter fought against the United States. It is said that he was in the bloody battle of Wyoming, which occurred on the 3d of July, 1778. It is considered to be a doubtful point, whether the celebrated Brant was in that battle. There is high poetical authority Cornplanter was with his tribe, in endeavoring to resist the advance of General Sullivan into the country of the Six Nations, in the year 1779. He was present and took part in the battle of New Town, the present site of Elmira, New York, where the Indians and British troops, the latter under the command of Colonel John Butler, were signally defeated. Cornplanter and Red Jacket were with the Senecas. We do not know which of these Chiefs had the immediate command of the warriors of that tribe. It is known, however, that Brant, who had by general consent a superior authority, charged Red Jacket with being the principal This decisive action on the Chemung, was followed by the devastation of the Indian towns and settlements throughout the country of the Senecas and Cayugas. They had several towns and many large villages laid out with a considerable degree of regularity. They had framed houses, some of them well finished, and painted and having chimneys. They had broad and productive fields, and in addition to abundance of apples, they had orchards of peaches, pears and plums. But after the battle of New Town, terror led the van of the invader, whose approach was heralded by watchmen stationed upon every height, and desolation followed weeping in his train. The Indians every where fled, as Sullivan advanced, and the whole country was swept as with the besom of destruction. Towns were burned, fields laid waste, cattle destroyed and the orchards cut down. This expedition of General Sullivan's, was followed by numerous retaliations by the Indians. The most prominent of which was the invasion of Schoharie and its destruction, together with the towns and settlements in the valley of the Mohawk. Whilst Sir John Johnston and Brant had the principal command, Cornplanter led his tribe in this invasion, and was in the battle of Klock's Field, on the Mohawk river; the result of which was a decided check upon the Indians and their allies, and compelled them to fall back to Oswego. The residence of John ABeel, the father of Cornplanter, was in the vicinity of the recent battle ground. Before retiring with his warriors, Cornplanter made a detour in the direction of his father's residence, and took him prisoner. After taking him a few miles into the forest, he made to him the following address: "My name is John ABeel, commonly called Cornplanter. I am your son. You are my father. You are my prisoner, and subject to the customs of Indian warfare. But you shall not be harmed. You need not fear. I am a warrior. Many are the scalps I have taken. I am your son. I was anxious to see you, and greet you in friendship. I went to your cabin and took you by force; but your life shall be spared. Indians love their friends and their kindred, and treat them with kindness. If you choose to follow the fortunes of your red son, and live with our people, I will cherish your old age with plenty of venison, and you shall live easy. But if it is your choice to return to your friends, and live with your white children. The United States successfully maintained by the sword the principles announced on the 4th of July, 1776, at Philadelphia; and England, at the close of the war in 1783, acknowledged their independence. From that period Cornplanter became the friend of the United States, and the uniform and consistent advocate for peace. There had been a former treaty at Fort Stanwix, namely: on the 5th of November, 1768, between the Proprietors of Pennsylvania and the Chief of the Six Nations. The territory granted to Pennsylvania, is particularly described in the second volume of Smith's Laws of Pennsylvania, page 122-3. At the second treaty of Fort Stanwix, held in October, 1784, the Pennsylvania commissioners inquired what creek was meant by Tiadaghton, also the Indian name of Burnett's hills, which was left blank in the deed of 1768. The Indians then said that Tiadaghton, is the same creek which the whites called Pine creek, (now in Lycoming county). As to Burnett's hills, they called them the "Long mountains," and knew them by no other name. The boundaries established by the treaty of October 23, 1784, made the said Pine creek the line, and down the same to its mouth, on the West Branch of the Susquehanna; thence up the south side thereof to the fork of the same river, which lies nearer to a place on the Ohio river, (Allegheny,) called Kittanning, and from the fork by a straight line to Kittanning, Cornplanter "very well knew," says Mr. Stone, in his life of Red Jacket, that by assenting to the large cessions of territory exacted by the treaty, he was jeopardizing his popularity with his people. But if others had not, he had the sagacity to perceive, that although he and his people had served the crown of Great Britain with all fidelity, they had nevertheless been abandoned to their fate by their more powerful ally, and the alternative was presented to them of giving up as much of their territory as the United States demanded, or of yielding the whole of it. His course, and it was also the course of wisdom, was prescribed by the necessity of the case, and by the energy and ability with which he conducted the negotiation, he yet retained for his people an ample and beautiful territory. He was the most prominent Indian Chief in the treaty of Fort Harmer, in 1789. By this treaty other grants of land were made. The cession of the Presque Isle lands, is dated January 9, 1789, in which the signing Chiefs acknowledge the right of soil and jurisdiction over that tract of country, ceded by New York and Massachusetts, on the margin of Lake Erie, including Presque Isle, and the bays and harbors above the margin of Lake Erie. This territory was afterwards, namely, on the 13th of April, 1791, purchased from the United States, by the State of Pennsylvania, for the consideration of $151,640 25, paid in Continental certificates of various descriptions. Cornplanter was present as a prominent Chief, at the treaty held with the Indians, in Marietta, Ohio, in The services of Cornplanter on this, and other occasions, were highly appreciated by the Ohio Land Company. This company was formed in 1786, by officers of the army of the Revolution. At the close of the war of 1783, the officers and soldiers were paid in Loan Office certificates, worth, in specie, about 2s. 6d. in the £. On the 16th June, 1783, a large number of them, with the approval of Washington, memorialized Congress for lands to settle on north-west of the Ohio river. The action of the Government in this matter does not very clearly appear, although it seems that the officers of their Treasury recognized the validity of an arrangement to receive loan certificates in payment for the land. In 1786, the Ohio company was organized, and by their agents contracted with the Government for 1,500,000 acres of land, in the North-Western territory, for $1,000,000, in Loan Office certificates, reduced to specie value. At a meeting of the directors and agents of the company, held at Campus Martius, (Marietta,) Ohio, February 9, 1789, the following proceedings were had: "Whereas, Gyantwachia, or The Cornplanter, Chief of the Seneca nation, has since the treaty of peace, made in the year 1784, between the United States and Resolved, That one mile square of the donation lands be granted to Gyantwachia, and his heirs forever, in such place as the committee appointed to examine proper places of settlement shall assign; and that the duties, conditions and limitations required of other settlers on such land, shall in this grant be dispensed with. And the said committee of five are directed to give him a deed accordingly."—[Ohio Company Records, p, 54.] The above interesting transaction was communicated to me by W. S. Ward, Esq., of Marietta, Ohio. He says, however, that there is no evidence, so far as he can learn, that the committee or agents ever selected this "mile square," donated to Cornplanter; consequently he received no deed for the land. Probably there may be some documents on this subject among the papers of Cornplanter. The Chief always carefully preserved his important papers, and they are now in the hands of his descendants at Jennesadaga. The grants of lands made at these treaties, gave offence to many of the Senecas and others of the Six Nations, led on by the opposition of Red Jacket and Brant. He was not only vilified and misrepresented, but his life was even threatened. He resolved to present to his friend, and the friend of the human race, Washington, the condition of his nation and his own peril. Cornplanter came to Philadelphia, by the way of This interesting letter was addressed "To the good people between here (Fort Franklin) and Philadelphia." It was of great service to Cornplanter on his journey; and when he arrived in Philadelphia, he placed it in the hands of Governor Mifflin. The paper is among the archives of Pennsylvania, and is endorsed "1790, recommendary letter from I. Jeffers, ensign of the 1st Pennsylvania regiment, commanding Fort Franklin, on French creek, in favor of Cyentwokee, or Cornplanter." It appears that from Pittsburg to Philadelphia, Cornplanter and his party were accompanied by Mr. Joseph Nicholson, the interpreter. Dr. John Wilkins, Sr., writes from Shippensburg, to Gov. Mifflin, under date October 14, 1790, as follows: "I have just met at this place, Cornplanter, and the other Indian Chiefs, invited by Council. The reasons they assign for being detained, are such as I hope will induce Council to exert themselves in doing every thing in their power to give them satisfaction. Cornplanter says when he was preparing to come down, agreeably to the invitation from Council, his nation was excited to great tumult, by the killing the two Chiefs, on Pine creek, and he was obliged to stay to pacify them. The Shawanese Indians, who are the most troublesome, sent a message to the Seneca nation, telling them, that unless they declared war against the white people, they should be cut off. This message had to be taken into consideration by a He traveled to Philadelphia, then the seat of government of the United States, accompanied by his steadfast friends and Chiefs of his nation, Half Town and Big Tree. On the arrival of the Chiefs at Philadelphia, they had an official audience with the President, on which occasion Cornplanter made an eloquent and dignified address, and which called forth an appropriate reply from Washington. To Washington he said, referring to General Sullivan's destruction of the Seneca towns: "We called you the 'town destroyer,' but when you gave us peace, we called you father, because you promised to secure us in the possession of our lands. Do this, and so long as the lands shall remain, that beloved name shall live in the heart of every Seneca." He then gives a terse and clear statement of the means taken to induce the Six Nations to make such extensive grants of their lands—grants, he adds, "made at a time when you told us that we were in your hand, and that by closing it, you could crush us to nothing; and you demanded from us a great country as the price of that peace which you had offered us; as if our want of strength had destroyed Washington made an appropriate reply to this address, which he caused to be engrossed, and was signed by himself and by Mr. Jefferson, then Secretary of State, When Cornplanter arrived in Philadelphia, Washington was absent at his seat in Virginia. In his absence, the Chief was cordially received by the President and members of the Executive Council of the State of Pennsylvania. In the Colonial Records of Pennsylvania, the following minutes appear: "Philadelphia, Saturday, October 23, 1790. "Presents—His Excellency Thomas Mifflin, Esq., President. Samuel Miles, Richard Willing, Zebulon Potts, Amos Gregg and Lord Butler, Esquires. Cornplanter and five other Indian Chiefs were introduced to Council. The President informed them, that the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania was happy to see them, and ready to hear what they had to say. The Chief then made a short address, and asked for further time to conclude what to say, which was granted." Subsequently the Chief made a more extended speech, to which Governor Mifflin made an appropriate reply. Vol. XVI, p. 496. Washington continued to be the friend of Cornplanter to the end of his public career, and this confidence and friendship afforded a source of consolation In these and subsequent transactions, which the limits of this address prevent me from presenting in detail, Cornplanter exerted his power and influence in favor of peace. As early as 1791, he advocated the cultivation of the soil, and the adoption of the arts of civilized life, including the education of the Indian children. In a letter of that year to Friends in Philadelphia, he says: "Brothers, the Seneca nation see that the Great Spirit intends they should not continue to live by hunting, and they look around on every side and inquire, who it is that shall teach them what is best for them to do? Your fathers dealt honorably by our fathers, and they have engaged us to remember it. We wish our children to be taught the same principles by which your fathers were guided. Brothers! We have too little wisdom among us, and we cannot teach our children what we see their situation requires them to know. We wish them to be taught to read, and write, and such other things as you teach your children, especially the love of peace." I may here remark, that the Friends did respond to this call, and through a long series of years, put forth the most disinterested and philanthropic efforts in behalf of the Seneca nation. In 1791, Cornplanter was employed by Washington, on behalf of the government of the United States, to proceed into the country of the North-Western Indians, then at war with the United States, on an embassy of peace and reconciliation. This arrangement was made Cornplanter, at this period, was perhaps the only Chief of the Senecas and Six Nations, who remained firm and unshaken in his friendship for the United States. About this time the repulse of General Harmar, by the Western Indians, had greatly emboldened them, and it was with great difficulty that the peaceful suggestions of Cornplanter were acquiesced in by the Six Nations, many of whom still desired to make common cause with the Western tribes. In company with Colonel Proctor, of the United States army, he proceeded to the country of the hostile Indians, and endeavored to reconcile them to the United States. His mission failed, "Colonel Butler, of the British, told us he must take our writings down to Colonel Gordon, The intrigue of Red Jacket, aided by the action of the British officers, kept Cornplanter from this mission. There was, as suggested by a learned historian, Mr. Stone, (in his life of Red Jacket,) another reason A treaty held at Painted Post, in June, 1792, between Colonel Pickering and the Six Nations, was productive of peaceful and good results. It checked the disposition of the young warriors to take part with the Western Indians, and it led to another mission of peace, at the head of which was the brave old Stockbridge Chief, Henry Aupumut. It was also at this treaty, that Washington, through his agent, Colonel Pickering, made an influential demonstration towards winning the attention of the Chiefs to the policy of having permanent habitations, where they could cultivate their lands, and commence the work of civilization among their people. After this period, Cornplanter made another, but an unsuccessful embassy to the hostile Indians. His efforts being unavailing, the war with the Western Indians Although the war with the Indians was terminated, there were perplexing questions to settle between the United States and the Six Nations, in which also, the States of Pennsylvania and New York were concerned. These were principally questions of boundaries, and also in reference to the grant of Presque Isle and the adjacent country. A Council was held at Buffalo creek, on the 18th of June, 1794, in reference to these difficulties. In this Council, Cornplanter took a conspicuous part; his speech on the occasion is fully reported in the proceedings. I make room for a single observation—addressing the commissioner as the representative of the President, he said: "Brother! You know our demands; we ask but for a small piece of land, and we trust, as you are a great man, you can easily grant our request." It is unnecessary, on this occasion, to give the details of this Council, nor of the Great Council which was soon after held at Canandaigua, namely, in October and November, 1794, at which Cornplanter, with other Chiefs, represented the Six Nations. Colonel Pickering was again the commissioner on the part of the United States. The Friends of Pennsylvania and New Jersey had also agents present, and exerted a highly beneficial influence. Mr. Stone, to whose interesting work I am much indebted, speaking of this treaty, says: "This was the last Subsequent transactions between the whites and the Indians, related to the sale of the lands of the latter. Their power as a nation was gone. Henceforth, if they were called together as a nation, or as separate tribes, it was only through the agency of individuals or companies, who desired to obtain grants of their lands. A treaty of this character was held at Big Tree, in 1797, (the site of the present town of Genessee New York,) in reference to a claim of Robert Morris, of Pennsylvania, the assignee of the State of Massachusetts, of an alleged pre-emption right to a portion of the territory of the Seneca tribe. Without entering into the details of this treaty, or others of a similar character, I refer to it because it developed one of the principles of government of the Confederacy, heretofore but little known or noticed. An appeal was taken by the women, from the opinion and decision of the Sachems. Cornplanter being the principal War Chief, presented the appeal, whereupon the Council was re-opened, and the proceedings were recognized by the Sachems, Farmer's Brother being their speaker, as being in accordance with their laws and customs. The re-consideration resulted in a change in the treaty beneficial to the Indians. Cornplanter, at the head of his nation, as its principal War Chief, had resisted the encroachment of the whites to the extent of his abilities. But as we have shown, when the fortune of war, under the superior power of the Thirteen Fires, rendered further resistance impossible, It was during the period of his decline in power and authority, that it is said he endeavored to regain his influence by inducing his half-brother, Ga-ne-o-di-yo, (otherwise called "Handsome Lake,") who was a Seneca Sachem, to assume the character of a prophet. It does not appear by any satisfactory evidence, that Cornplanter had any agency whatever in respect to the alleged revelations made by his singular and talented relative. In the account which Ga-ne-o-di-yo gives of the trance which led to his revelations, after stating that he had been ill for a long time, he says: "I resigned myself to the will of the Great Spirit, and nightly returned my thanks to Him, as my eyes were gladdened at evening, by the sight of the stars of Heaven. I viewed the ornamented Heavens at evening, through the opening in the roof of my lodge, with grateful feelings to my Creator. I had no assurance that the next evening I could contemplate His works; for this reason my acknowledgments to Him were more frequent and sincere. When night was gone, and the sun again shed his light upon the earth, I saw and acknowledged, in the return of As Cornplanter was the half-brother of the prophet, he was supposed to be in some way connected with these revelations, more especially, as the prophet strongly inculcated the principles of temperance, to which the Chief had been, for many years, a devoted advocate. Red Jacket, and others, used these transactions to the disadvantage of Cornplanter, and from thenceforth he ceased to take any part in the affairs of the Six Nations, and but little in that of the Seneca tribe generally, but devoted himself chiefly to his own clan of that tribe. This clan, or part of his tribe, had for many years been under his official and personal direction. Reference, before this period, is often made to the ABeel Senecas, and in a map published in 1792, by Reading In 1797, Cornplanter again visited Philadelphia, the seat of government of the United States. His principal object appears to have been to pay his respects to President Washington, and take an official leave of him on his retirement from the public service. His address to Washington, on this occasion, is marked with his usual good sense and eloquence. This address was fortunately preserved among the papers of Thomas Morris, son of Robert Morris. General Washington's answer was not preserved. As he entertained the highest respect and esteem for Cornplanter, no doubt his words to the Chief were expressive of his kind regards for his Indian friend, and his best wishes for the happiness and prosperity of the Seneca tribe. From henceforth the career of Cornplanter was unconnected with the general history of his country. He fixed his permanent residence upon the tract of land on the Allegheny river, granted to him by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The grant from the Commonwealth is dated March 16, 1796. In the patent the tract is designated "Planter's Field," and his town is called "Jennesadaga." It became his home in life, and is now his resting place in death. Here he directed his efforts to the civilization and moral improvement of his people, and as an efficient means to produce the result inculcated In 1802 he visited President Jefferson, at the city of Washington, for counsel and encouragement. In Mr. Jefferson's excellent and characteristic letter to him, he expresses his approbation of Cornplanter's conduct, and adds: "Go on then, brother, in the great reformation you have undertaken. Persuade our Red Men to be sober, and to cultivate their lands; and their women to spin and weave for their families. * * * It will be a great glory to you to have been the instrument of so happy a change, and your children's children, from generation to generation, will repeat your name with love and gratitude forever. In all your enterprises for the good of your people, you may count with confidence on the aid and protection of the United States, and on the sincerity and zeal with which I am animated in the furthering of this humane work. You are our brethren of the same land; we wish you prosperity, as brethren should do." Thus encouraged, our Chief devoted his time and energies to the best interests of his people, and under his influence and example they made considerable advances in civilization and moral improvement. When the war of 1812, with England, broke forth, Cornplanter, although then far advanced in years, yet he offered his services to the United States, to go on the war path, and accompanied by two hundred warriors of his nation, repaired to Franklin, Venango county, when he learned that Colonel Samuel Dale was about to march from that place to the frontiers with the Venango regiment. Arriving at Franklin, he called upon Colonel Dale, and desired a statement of the causes and objects of the war, The condition of Cornplanter's town in 1816, is thus Thus, in the altitude and with the authority of an ancient This tax collector's raid would afford a fine subject for a painter: the romantic scenery of the Allegheny river, the old warrior's wigwam, the rifles arranged around it, the Indians in the bush, the last war-whoop of the old Chief as he called his men to the rescue—worthy of perpetuation as the expiring flash of the warlike fire of the last War Chief of his tribe. Thomas Struthers, Esq., of Warren, was well acquainted with Cornplanter; at my request, he has furnished the following statement of an interview he had with the Chief in 1831: "In 1831, I accompanied some gentlemen, residents of Pittsburg and Butler, who desired to pay their respects to him. It was a pleasant day in May, when we called on him. He talked no English. I introduced the gentlemen through an interpreter, whom I had engaged, and informed him that they had called to pay their respects to him. He seemed much pleased that his white friends were inclined to pay him such attention. The introduction took place in front of his log cabin, on the bank of the Allegheny river. He gave orders to some young Indians, the import of which we soon ascertained, by the fact that they immediately collected some boards, and placed them for seats around a log sled, in the form of a hollow square. This done, the old Chief pointed out to each of the party his seat, and all sat facing inward. He then took his seat in the centre, and announced that he was prepared to hear any communications we had to make. I told him we had not come to buy lands or timber, nor to trade for furs and skins, but had called on him in the spirit of friendship, to pay our respects to the great Indian Chief, whom we had learned to admire as a warrior, and especially as "The old Chief replied in a speech, which would compare well with many of our best State papers. His manner was dignified and eloquent, and his eye lit up, as if by inspiration; so that it was very interesting to listen to what he said, although we could not understand it, until the interpreter rendered it to us. He spoke of the relations between the white men and the red men—the war and bloodshed caused by the former, to displace the latter from their hunting grounds—the peace effected with the Six Nations—dwelt particularly on the virtues of General Washington, the great and good White Father. He brought forth from a well covered valise, in which they were carefully wrapped in linen cloth, two or three "talks," as he termed them, on parchment, to which was appended the autograph of Washington. He said he had met Washington a number of times, and treated with him. His single eye sparkled with animation, when his name was mentioned. And in conclusion, he thanked the Great Spirit that there were now no wars or blood-shedding going on, but that peace and good will existed amongst all men and all nations, so far as he could hear. He spoke as a statesman and philanthropist, whose mind was occupied with the weighty interests of mankind, rather than with merely the affairs and concerns of a family or tribe. He thanked us for our call upon him, and invited us to dine with him, which we accepted. The bill of fare was jerked venison and corn mush; the latter was prepared in the Indian manner; The personal appearance of Cornplanter, towards the close of his long and eventful life, is well described by Judge Thompson, now of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in an article written in 1836, and re-produced in Day's Historical Collections of Pennsylvania, p. 657. I had a professional interview with the aged Chief, in the summer of 1835, to which I have already briefly referred. His personal appearance was therefore known to me. I agree with Judge Thompson, in his description of him, and as the article contains other interesting remarks, I insert it here, as follows: "I once saw the aged and venerable Chief, and had an interesting interview with him about a year and a half before his death. I thought of many things, when seated near him beneath the wide spreading shade of an old sycamore, on the banks of the Allegheny; many things to ask him; the scenes of the revolution; the generals that fought its battles and conquered the Indians; his tribe; the Six Nations, and himself. He was constitutionally sedate; was never observed to smile, much less to indulge in the luxury of a laugh. When I saw him he estimated his age to be over one hundred years. I think one hundred and three was about his reckoning of it. This would make him near one hundred and five years old at the time of his decease. His person was much stooped, and his stature was far short of what it once had been—not being over five feet six inches at the time I speak of Mr. John Struthers, of Ohio, told me, some years since, that he had seen him near "It is said that Brant and The Cornplanter were never friends after the massacre of Cherry valley. Some have alleged, because the Wyoming massacre was, in part, perpetrated by the Senecas, that The Cornplanter, was there. Of the justice of this suspicion, there are many reasons for doubt. It is certain that he was not the Chief of the Senecas at that time. "As he stood before me—the ancient Chief in ruins—how forcibly was I struck with the truth of the beautiful figure of the old aboriginal Chieftain, who, in describing himself, said 'he was like an aged hemlock, dead at the top, and whose branches alone were green.' After more than one hundred years of most varied life—of strife—of danger—of peace—he at last slumbers in deep repose on the banks of his own beloved Allegheny." Pennsylvania has acted with liberality and kindness to this venerated Chief. She granted to him three valuable tracts of land; on one of which he had fixed his residence. It is the place where he now rests in the quietude of the grave. The first report on the subject of these grants to Cornplanter, is dated March 24, 1789. It is contained in a communication from General Mifflin, then President of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania, to Richard Peters, Speaker of the General Assembly, in which he encloses General Richard Butler's letter, recommending the grant of fifteen hundred acres of land The Great Founder of Pennsylvania established his government on "deeds of peace." He has the unquestioned pre-eminence of having treated the aboriginal inhabitants with greater justice and rectitude than any other Proprietor or Founder of an American State.—"The settlement of this Province (Pennsylvania) was founded on the principles of truth, equity and mercy, and the blessings of divine Providence attended the early care of the first founders to impress these principles on The character of the venerable Cornplanter has been exhibited, though I fear imperfectly, in this sketch of his life and services. We have seen that he was a brave warrior and chieftain, an able statesman and an eloquent orator. In the latter part of his life, especially, his prominent characteristics were a love of peace and temperance. And it is believed by those who knew him best, that the Truths of Christianity had made a deep impression on his mind. A circumstance which occurred about the year 1822, has been cited by several writers as an evidence of his return to the superstitions of his race. I refer to his destroying a sword and pistols, and some other military accoutrements which had been presented to him by Washington, and a gold laced hat which was given him by Governor Mifflin; also a French flag and superb belt Those who knew Cornplanter personally, had the greatest respect for him. Dr. Irvine, of Brokenstraw, a son of General C. Irvine, an intimate friend of the Chief, in a letter to me, says: "I frequently heard my father say, that Cornplanter was one of the most honest and truthful men he ever knew, whether white or red." Judge Johnson, of Warren, under whose direction Such was the life and career of Cornplanter; and such his character as shown from history, from the testimony of contemporaries, and of living witnesses. He died in this Indian village, (Jennesadaga,) on the 18th of February, 1836, aged about one hundred and five years. This is no ordinary occasion. A great Commonwealth, by a solemn act of legislation, and by her agents here this day, honors the memory of the distinguished Indian Chief, whose mortal remains lie mouldering in this grave. We this day dedicate this monument to the memory of Cornplanter, an Indian Chief of the Seneca tribe and of the Six Nations—and may we, both white men and red men, and our children's children, as long as this beautiful river bears its waters to the ocean, venerate his memory and emulate his virtues. |