JOINT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CORNPLANTER MONUMENT. The Joint Resolution of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, authorizing the erection of the monument to Cornplanter, is in the following words: WHEREAS, Solomon O'Bail, a grandson of Cornplanter, an Indian, who rendered eminent services to the State and Nation, during the Revolutionary war and the early history of Pennsylvania, and Mark Pierce, his interpreter, have just had a hearing before the Senate: And whereas, A recognition of the eminent services of Cornplanter, is due from the government of Pennsylvania; therefore. Be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the State Treasurer shall pay to Solomon O'Bail, the sum of five hundred dollars out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, and the further sum of five hundred dollars to Samuel P. Johnson, to be expended in erecting and enclosing a suitable monument in memory of Cornplanter. (Signed) JAMES E. KELLEY, Approved—The twenty-fifth day of January, Anno Domini A. G. CURTIN. |