A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y Acland, family of, 166, 181, 252 Lady Harriet, 100-2 Major John Dyke, 99-102 Sir Thomas (9th baronet), 99 the “Old” Sir Thomas, 181-2 Albans (or Albyns), family of, 277 Alva, the Duke of, 168 Anderson, Prebendary, 111 “Arlington Jack,” 244 Ashford, 241 Ayshford, Dr, 29 Babb, John, 152, 156 Badcock, Mr, 213 Bagworthy, 141, 157-8 Water, 163 Baker, usurper, 30 Bament, Mr, 242, 243 Bampfylde, Amias, 221 family of, 221-2 John, 221 Sir Coplestone, 221 Sir Robert, 221 Bampton, 77-8 Castle, 80 Down, 102 Fair, 83-4 Mote, 80-1 Banks, Sir Joseph, 131 Barbrook, Mill, 164 Barham, 164 Barle, river, 108, 110, 125 Barlynch Priory, 111-2 Barnes, Rev. William, 42 Barnstaple, 107, 155, 201, 211, 241-55 Bridge, 218, 248 Castle, 245-7 Fair, 253-5 Baron’s Down, 104 Barton, 279 Basset, Colonel, 210 Mrs, 212 Sir Roger, 210 Sir Robert, 211-2 Batherum, river, 78 Beaumont, Mistress, 211 Berry Narbor, 270 Birch, Farmer, 154 Birchdown, 90 Black Marsh, 26 Blackborough House, 47-8 quarries, 46-7 Blackdown hills, 12 Blackmore, Mr H. R., 278 Mrs R., 225 R. D., 1, 26, 49, 56, 58-60, 150, 207, 233 Rev. John, sen., 57 Blackmore, Rev. John, jun., 25, 30, 58 Rev. Richard, 58 Blake, Colonel, 192 Blessing, the, 247 Blind Vicar, the, 111 Blundell, Mr Peter, 49 Blundell’s School, 29, 49-60 Bodley, East, 279 Bolham, 77 note, 78 Bourchier, family of, 81, 85-6, 157 Bowden, 270 Bradfield, 6-8 Brannock, St, 257, 258 Braunton, 256-9 Brembridge, Mr “Dick,” 243 Brendon, 150, 154, 157, 164 Forge, 114 Two Gates, 124, 141 Brickhouse, 78 Bridgeball, 154, 164 Britons, 83 Briwere (or Bruere), Lord, 39 Broadhembury, 38, 44 Broomstreet Farm, 160 Brown, Mr, chemist, 202 Browne, Miss Ida, 146, 148, 158, 180 Bryan, Mr, 233 Bude Light, the, 30 Bulmer, Sir Beavois, 272 Burgess, murderer, 123 Burrington, 212 Bury Hill, 104 Bushell, mineralogist, 273 Byam, Henry, 180-1 Canonsleigh Abbey, 34-7 Carew, Bampfylde Moore, 77, 205 Sir Thomas, 71 Castle Hill, 212-3 Rock, 152, 173 Chains, the, 139 Chambercombe, 265-9 Chanter, Misses, 158 Miss Gratiana, 151, 164 Mr J. R., 153 Rev. J. F., 147, 149, 151, 158 Chapel, Earl of Devonshire’s, 63, 66 Chapman Barrows, 278 Chapple, parish clerk, 209 Charles, village, 225 II., 193, 205 Cheribridge, 164 Cheriton, 142 Fitzpaine, 67, 69 Cheritons, the, 229-30 Chichester, Madame, 250 Moll, 250 Sir John, 245 Sir John Palmer, 244 Chilcott’s School, 71 Chittlehampton Tower, 204 Chorley, Mr W. L., 159 “Chowne, Parson,” 229-44 Cistercians, 39 Clark, Mr G. T., 193 Clayhidon, 23, 24, 25 Clerk Channing, 19 Cloutsham Ball, 140 Cloven Rocks, 124-5 Cogan, John, 40-1 Coleridge, 62 Collier, Messrs John and James, 33 Combe, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 99 Combehead, 89, 90 Combmartin, 271-5 Comer’s Gate, 108, 109 Cooper, Mr, 143, 170, 276 Corelli, Miss Marie, 271 Cosway, Mr George, 74 Richard, miniaturist, 74 Court Down, 108 Hall, 222 House, 222 Leet and Baron, 216, 224 Courtenay, family of, 66-7 Henry, 69 Lady Katherine, 64 Sir Thomas, 64 Cow (or Cae) Castle, 125-8 Cowell, Dr, 152 Cove Cliff, 78 Cox, Rev. Edward, 182 Cranstoun-Adams, Col., 58 Culmstock, 1, 12-32 Beacon, 12, 26 bells, 33 men at Waterloo, 27-9 Vicarage, 33-4 Cutcliffe, Mr Charles, 250, 261 Daily Chronicle, the, 149 Davy, Rev. Bartholomew, 85, 87 Deadman’s Pill, 224 Deer Park, 158 Devil’s Cheese-ring, 173 Dickinson, Dr, 47 Dobbs, Mr, 220, 224 Doble, Mr William, 26 Doddington, Sir Francis, 264-5 Dongola horses, 131, 132 Doone Castle, 142, 143-4, 158 Valley, 142, 157 Doones of Exmoor, 146 Doones’ Path, 158 Drake, Sir Francis, 247 Drewe, Edward, 44 Dulverton, 89-106, 107, 201 Dunkery Beacon, 197-9 Dunkeswell, 37, 38 Dunkeswell Abbey, 38-41 Common, 44-5 Dunster, 187-96 Castle, 188, 190, 191, 193-4 Church, 196 Conegar Tower, 194 Lower Marsh, 196 Luttrell Arms, 194-5 “Nunnery,” 195 Yarn Market, 194 Dyke, family of, 99 Captain William, 97 Dr Thomas, 97 Ebrington, Lord, 123 Egremont, Lord, 47 Elworthy, Mr F. T., 34 Exe, river, 78, 79, 103, 141 Exebridge, 91, 219 Exeter Cathedral, 54 “Exeter” Inn, 78 Exford, 91, 112-21 Exmoor bogs, 139 hills, 139-40 Faggus, Tom, 77 note, 121, 217-21 Farley, 142, 154 Water, 164 Fellowes, Hon. Newton, 233 Foreland, Countisbury, 184 Fortescue, family of, 213-5 Hon. John, 244 Lord, of Credan, 214-5 Mr, 183 Fox Brothers, Messrs, 25 Dr, 47 Mrs, 30 Foxden, 30 Fowell, Elizabeth, 37 Fremington Pill, 241 Froude, Rev. John, 229-40 Gaddon, 10 Gaunt, John o’, 211 Galleon Dudley, the, 247 Gallon House (Red Deer), 122, 123 Garnsey, Mary, 10-11 “George” Hotel, the, 202-4 Giffard, Col. John, 71 Roger (a), 70 Roger (b), 71 Court, 70 Gilbert, Adrian, 272 166 Henry de, 166 Lynton, 174-5, 201 Madam Gaddy, 91 Thorold, 91 Maid of Sker, the, 176, 201, 212, 216 note, 228, 229, 241, 243, 256, 259, 260, 261, 264, 277, 278 Maidendown, 20 Malmsmead, 163 Manley, Richard, 206 Manors, 90 Martin, Sir Richard, 272 Martinhoe, 275, 279 Mary de Redvers, 66 Matilda de Clare, 37 Tablere, 36 Maxwell-Lyte, Sir H. C., 193 Mayflower, the, 247 Meldrum, Mother, 110, 153, 173 Mighty Atom, the, 271 Mills, John, 207 Millslade, 163 Milton, “Joe,” 129 Minehead, 107, 184-7 “Minehead Turnpike,” the, 199-200 Mohun, Reginald de, 189 the, 188-90 Molland, 227-9 Morley, Lady, 223 Moridunum, 42 Morte Point, 262-3 Stone, 262-3 Morthoe, 263 Church, 260 Mount Sydenham, 107 Mountsey Castle, 109 Hill Gate, 108 Mundy, Rev. Matthew, 152, 153 Murray, Dr, 109 Narnton Court, 211, 256 Norman, Aggie, 152 Northmolton, 216-25 Nymet Roland, 229-30 “Nympton-in-the-Moors,” 228-9 Oare, 87, 154, 157, 158 Church, 160-1 Old Cop, 53 Oliver, Dr, 34 Owen, Rev. D. M., 56 Page, Mr J. W., 160, 278 Palmerston, Lord, 75 Paramore, Master, 207 Parracombe, 277 Common, 278 Mill, 278 Parker, family of, 222-3 Parminter, Mr J., 242, 243 Passmore, Mrs, 223 Peirson, Rev. E., 113 Penhill, 241 Penniloe, Parson, 13, 30 Penruddock, John, 205 Perliton, 1 Perlycombe, 2 Perlycross, 1 Perlycross, 14, 19, 20, 22, 23, 47 Phoenicians, the, 136, 140 Pickard-Cambridge, Rev. E., 58 Pinkery Pond, 91 Pitsworthy, 114 Pixies, 127-8 Pixton, 90, 92, 99-100, 102 Plympton Priory, 36 Pococke, Dr, 173 Poltimore, Lord, 222 Ponies, Exmoor, 108 Porlock, 178, 179, 219 Marsh, 183 Weir, 179, 180 Potter, Mr, 22 Prayway Meads, 141 Prescott, 113 Prince’s Worthies, 210, 221 Prudence, the, 247 Pumpington, 26, 30 Quartlys, the, 227-8 Queen Anne’s Walk, 247-8 Quivil, Bishop, 36 Radford, Nicholas, 67-70 Rev. John, 229, 232-3 Rambone, Parson, 242 Rapparee Cove, 264 Raven, Canon, 42 Red Stone, 122 Reid, Mr Stuart J., 50 Rhys, Professor, 109 Ridd, family of, 160, 180 John, 54, 56, 75, 77, 78, 87, 160 Ripperda, Duke of, 261-2 Risdon, 251 Robsart, Amy, 225 Rock, 78 Mr W. F., 245 “Rock of Ages,” 44 Russell, Rev. John, 233, 270 Sampford Peverell, 34 Saunton Sands, 257, 259-60 Sayer, Thomas, 99 Scott, Sir Gilbert, 251 Sir Walter, 225, 237 Seaton, 23 Semson, 33 Seven Brethren Bank, 249 Sherwill, 211 Ship Inn, 179 Short History of the Original Doones, 146 Showlsborough Castle, 158 Shuttern, river, 83 Simcoe, General, 44-5 Simonsbath, 107, 124, 137 Slader, Mr Richard, 226-7 Snell, Canon, 54-5 Mr W. H., 55 “Robin,” 54 Snows, the, 159, 160 Southey, Robert, 162, 173, 179 Southey’s Corner, 179 Spire Cross, 108, 109 Squier, Hugh, 206 Stapledon, Bishop, 37 Stickles, Jeremy, 128, 163, 185, 202 Stow, 247 Survey of Devon, Risdon’s, 165 Sydenham, family of, 91-99 Humphry, 93 Major Sir George, 93-9 Sylvesters, the, 41 Talbot, Sir Gilbert, 71 Tales from the Telling House, 1, 30 Taunton Pool, 52 Taw, river, 211, 212, 248-9 Tawstock Church, 250-2 Court, 250 Templar, Mr George, 239 Temple, Archbishop, 25, 29, 49 Tennyson, 102-4 Thompson, Rev. W. C., 48 Thornton, Rev. W. H., 123, 183 Tiger, the, 247 Tinker Toogood, 17 Tiverton, 61-76, 77 Castle, 70-1 Toplady, Augustus, 44 Torr Steps, 103, 109-10 Tracy, family of, 260, 261 William de, 260 Treadwin, Mrs, 223 Treatise of the Soul of Man, 97 Trentishoe, 278 Tugwell, Rev. G., 135 Uffculme, 2, 3 Church, 9 Umberleigh, 211 Upottery, 23 Valley of Rocks, 170, 172-4 Vancouver, Mr, 19, 20 Wade, Major, 152, 154-7, 265 Mr Z. E. A., 258, 259 Wagstaffe, Sir Joseph, 205 Waldron, John, 6 Sir Thomas, 6 Walrond, family of, 6 Sir John, 7 Wambarrows, 109 Wanderings in North Devon, 151 Warre, Dr, 104 Warren, the, 144 Washfield, 78 Watchet, 200 note Watersmeet, 164 Weir Water, 158 Welcomb, 265 Wellington, Duke of, 26, 33 Westcote, 164, 248, 259, 271 Western Antiquary, the, 153 Westleigh Quarries, 35 Westmill, 113 Wheal Eliza, 123 “White Horse,” the, 75 White Water, 125 Whitechapel, 209-10, 211 Wichehalse, family of, 1
52, 156, 167-71 Hugh, 170, 171 Windwhistle Lane, 78 Winsford, 111, 112 Hill, 108, 109, 131 Withypool, 129 Wizard’s Slough, 125 Wolford Lodge, 45 Wood, Mr William, 9 Mr W. T., 9 Woody Bay, 170 Woolacombe Sands, 261-2 Woolhanger, 164 Wrey, Sir Bourchier, 155, 156 Wyott, Philip, 246, 247 Yenworthy, 144 Yonge, Walter, 81 PRINTED BY OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH.
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