90" class="pginternal">190 Book of Changes, 191 Yellow Emperors foot, 196 Old Ritual, 228 Bell foundry, 232-233 Coins, 242 Strings, 252 Classics, 276 King Seang Wei, his buried books, 276 Duke Tan Foo ancestral temples, 276 Ritual Music, 277 Sect of the learned, 277 Love songs, 279 Orchestras, 280 Oldest written music, 282 Chord, as a musical term, 332 Chorebus, the poet musician, 335 Citharist players, The charm of, 346 Civilization, Primitive, 168 Clarionet, Japanese, 112 Cleonidas on seven stringed lyre, 313 College of Mandarins, 190 Confucius, Hymn to, 151 - on music, 190
- his favourite instrument the Kin, 255, 259
- ancient celebrations, 277
- sacrificial hymn to, 282
Corneto Etruscan painting, 60, 67 Cretan Seal of Apollo’s Lyre, 351 Crete, stepping stone to Greece, 328 Crissa, Plains of, 130 Cromornes, their caps, 224 Cyprus, held by Egypt, 328 Danaus, founder of Argos, 65, 327 Dayr-el-Bahari Temple of, 10 De Candole, origin of wheat, 348 Debrett’s peerage Ancestor Worship, 283 Delphi, Temple of, 131 - Pindar, his Iron chair at, 132
- Pythagorus Sophocles Æschylus and Phideas at, 132
- Music Tablets, 143
- lyre, 306
Demaratus, Merchant of Corinth, 68 Dennis on Etruscan Vases, 71 Diagram of Nations, 5 Diatesseron, The Greek fourth, 332 Diaulos, Greek flutes, 49, 80-85 Didymus, his minor tone, 344 Dion, Statue of Hermes, 130 Dionysius on rhythm, 144 Diosopolis Parva, Horn from, 225 Dirce, Fountain of, 329 Hope, Costume of Greeks, 316 Horn, pipe of, 225 Horns, Assyrian, Egyptian, 266 Houscheng, Persian King, 8 Hunt, Leigh, on old Nile, 24 Hyagnis, Poet Musician, 330, 335 Hydria, Greek vase, 78 Hymettus, glow of, 325 Hymn to Calliope, 145 India, carvings of flutes, 9 - Ravanastron on violin, 350
Indians, North West Americans, flutes of, 246 Indus and Ganges rivers, 350 Ion of Chios, his conjunct system, 340 Iranian Mountains, 167, 349, 350 Iscariot, Judas, a musician, 43 Ismenias, his costly flute, 93 Jade, Chinese, 161 Japanese clarionet, 112, 220, 223 - flat fourths in their music, 177
- fine work, 225, 227
- the Sho, 209
- its scale, 215, 226
- pitch pipes, 212
- reed curve of, 225
- Koto, 216, 227, 258
Jebb, Prof. on Delphian tablet, 152 Johnston, Sir H., Uganda boat, 286 Jubal, pipes of, 4, 209 Kanon or monochord, 347 Keats, John, on a Grecian Urn, 76 - on beauty, 81
- on cool vintage, 81
- treasures hid, 117
- teasing thought, 305
- Delphic Festival, 324
- Apollo, 325
Kin or Scholar’s Lute, 253 - cork soundboard of, 255
- its softness of sound, 256
Kissar, Abyssinian Harp, 294 Kissirka lyre, 295 Knife Grinders Chinese Trumpet, 271 Koto, Japanese, 227 Krater Greek Vase, 71, 81, 122 Bulb from M. Maspero, 124 Spartan lyre, 335 Spirit of Earth and Heaven, 169, 171, 275 Stainer, Dr. J., on Reed Box, 43 Sticks, the true prophets of Sheng, 206 Stradivarius, 94 Subulone flutes, 69 Sumerian Race, 167 Sycamore flutes, Greek, 89, 95 Tak-Koto, Japanese, 208 Tarentum in Sicily, 342 Temple of Dayr-el-Bahari, 10 - of the God Uras at Urasalem, 65
Terpander, prize lyre, 311, 312, 315, 329 Tetrachord Greek, 34 - Egyptian, 39, 329
- early, 332
- meaning of, 332
- conjunct and disjunct, 336
- trichord added, 336
- laws of, 338
- instinct for, 347
Thaletes poet musician, 331 Thamyris poet musician, 331 Thebe, foundress of the Theban Nation, 129 Thebes, tomb painting, 46 Theodosius, Emperor, 5 Theophrastus on reed growth, 119 Thibet no evidence, 9 Thotmes, 60, 111 Timotheus, poet musician, lyre of, 312 Tokio Musical Institute, 219 Tonic, Greeks had not, 334 Tope at Jumal Garlic, 9, 60 Traditions of the Scale, 327 Trigon, Greek Harp, 321 Trojan War, 329, 331 Trombone, infantile, 137 Trumpets, Assyrian and Egyptian, 264 Tuning of lyres, Printed by W. Reeves, 83, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.