- Accidents:
- Aerial Experiment Association, 107
- Aero Club of America, 241
- A. E. G. airplane, 200, 203
- A. G. O. airplane, 200, 203
- Ailerons, 13, 94, 98, 111, 113
- Airplane:
- A. E. G., 200, 203
- A. G. O., 200, 203
- Albatros, 195, 203
- Antoinette, 104, 105, 109, 110, 113, 119
- Aviatik, 196, 203
- Avro, 181, 182
- battle planes, 128–140, 177, 178, 192–196
- BlÉriot, 104, 105, 110, 113
- bombing planes, 128–149, 180–188, 197–204
- Breguet, 114, 181
- Breguet-Michelin, 179
- Bristol Scout, 175
- Caproni, 183–185
- Caudron, 178, 182
- chassis, 111, 165–167
- Curtiss, 108, 173, 174, 187, 249
- De Havilland, 175, 194
- Demoiselle, 114
- Dorand, 181
- drift, 97
- early experiments, 77–90
- engines (see engine)
- Farman, 108, 110, 112, 116, 178, 29
- BlÉriot, 104, 105, 108, 115
- Blimps, 70–72
- Bliss, General Tasker H., 201
- Boelke, Captain, 194, 219
- Boer War, balloons in, 26
- Bombing planes, 128–149, 180–188, 197–204
- Bonnel, Captain, 220
- BlÉriot, 114, 121, 122, 123, 181
- Breguet airplane, 114, 121, 122, 123, 181
- Breguet-Michelin airplane, 179
- Bristol Scout airplane, 175
- Brown, Lieut. Arthur W., 245
- Cacquot, Captain, 43
- Caproni airplane, 183, 184, 185
- Car, balloon, 19, 50, 72
- Car lines, balloon, 18
- Carlstrom, Victor, 174
- Caudron airplane, 178, 182
- Cavallo, 9
- Cayley, Sir George, 80
- Certificate, aviator's, 241
- “Chamber of Horrors,” 234
- Channel flights:
- Chanute, 86
- Chapman, Victor, 216
- Chaput, Lieut. Jean, 214
- Charles, 9
- Chartres, Duke de, 49
- Chassis:
- Circuit of Britain prize, 120
- Civil War, balloons in, 25
- Clement-Bayard, 74
- Clerget engine, 187
- Cocking, 31
- Conneau, Lieutenant, 120
- Conqueror, 27
- Curtiss airplane, 108, 173, 174, 187, 249
- Curtiss Baby Speed Scout, 174
- Curtiss, Glenn H., 65, 10
- Normand, Le, 29
- Nulli Secundus, 64, 65, 68
- Parachute flares, 34
- Parachutes, 28–35, 42
- Paulhan, 108, 116
- Paris, bombing raid on (1918), 201
- Parseval, Major von, 37, 66
- Patrie, 63
- Pax, 58
- Pelcher, Percy S., 85
- Pershing, General John, 218
- Pfalz airplane, 203
- Pola, bombing raid on, 184
- Pollock, C. F., 23
- Pourpe, Marc, 216
- Price, Norman, 216
- Propeller, principle of, 161–163
- Raids, famous bombing:
- Read, Lieut.-Com. A. C., 244
- Reconnaissance planes, 128–149, 177–180
- Record airplane flights:
- altitude, 116, 168
- channel, 104
- distance, 101, 115, 116, 119, 154
- speed, 108, 119, 121
- trans-Atlantic, 244
- Red Wing, 107
- Renard, 53
- Rheims meetings, 107, 109, 119, 121, 154
- Rickenbacker, Capt. Eddie, 218–220
- Richthofen, Baron von, 194, 210, 212, 215, 220–222
- Ripping panel, balloon, 18
- Roberts Brothers, 9, 49
- Rockwell, Kiffen, 216
- Roland airplane, 203
- Rolls-Royce engine, 182
- Rosevear, Stanley, 215
- Rozier, PilÂtre de, 6, 13
- Rumpler airplane, 203
- Salomone, Major, 185
- Santos-Dumont, 55–59, 99–102, 114
Transcriber's Note The original spelling and minor inconsistencies in the spelling and formatting have been maintained. The table below lists all corrections applied to the original text. | p vii: Santos Dumont ? Santos-Dumont | p viii: A group of De Haviland ? Havilland | p 6: Frenchman, Pilatre de Rozier ? PilÂtre de Rozier | p 6: Pilatre de Rozier ? PilÂtre de Rozier | p 13: Pilatre de Rozier ? PilÂtre de Rozier | p 19: more buoyant ? buoyant. | p 28: THE PARACHUTE ? The Parachute | p 31: aeronuat ? aeronaut | p 33: he may find himsell ? himself | p 54: took place in midair ? mid-air | p 55: SANTOS DUMONT ? SANTOS-DUMONT | p 64: air-bag of onefifth ? one-fifth | p 65: N. Y., who far ? for | p 66: with a large interval ? internal | p 74: The Lebandy ? Lebaudy | p 98: the airplane body or “fusilage.” ? “fuselage.” | p 100: resembling a boxkite ? box-kite | p 111: The over-heating ? overheating | p 122: by means of it ? its | p 126: In the foreward ? forward | p 141: produce slightly over-lapping ? overlapping | p 145: that enemy reenforcements ? reinforcements | p 153: needs of air-craft ? aircraft | p 175: and the De Haviland ? Havilland | p 176: downing the enemy. Immelman ? Immelmann | p 179: BrÉguet-Michelin ? Breguet-Michelin | p 181: the BrÉguet ? Breguet | p 194: British DeHaviland ? De Havilland | p 206: in the town of Compiegne ? CompiÈgne | p 206: student in the École Polytechnic ? Polytechnique | p 206: 1914, came the the news ? the news | p 219: the early days Immelman ? Immelmann | p 219: and fighting. Immelman's ? Immelmann's | p 219: from that of Immelman ? Immelmann | p 236: and a dizzy “sea-sickness” ? “seasickness” | p 238: goes taxi-ing ? taxiing | p 244: A GROUP OF DE HAVILAND ? HAVILLAND | p 251: picture man of today ? to-day | p 257: Airships in Peace and War -> War (1910) | P 259: balloon, 13, 32, 54, 54 ? balloon, 13, 32, 54 | p 259: A. G. O. ? A. G. O., | p 259: De Haviland ? Havilland | p 259: engines (see engines) ? engine | p 261: De Haviland ? Havilland | p 261: Esnault-Pelteric -> Pelterie | p 261: Fullard, Capt. Phillip F. ? Fullard, Capt. Philip F. | p 262: Immelman ? Immelmann | p 263: Rozier, Pilat de ? Rozier, PilÂtre de | p 264: Wollet -> Wollett | |