Ablutions, 91 Absolution, 135 sq., 138-140 Admission to benefice, 25-37; to curacy, 55; of churchwardens, 69 Advowson, 8; sale and transfer of, 26-28 Agnus Dei, 90 Albe, 89 Allegiance, oath of, 35 Apportionment of income on vacancy, 160 Archbishop, 15, 25, 28, 31 sq., 56, 101, 113 Archdeacon, 17 sq., 69, 74, 154 Articles, Thirty-nine, 34, 36, 53, 87 (n.) Authority, lawful, 34, 81 Baldacchino, 89 Bankruptcy, 57, 58 Banns, 85, 100, 109-112, 115 Baptism, 91-93; lay, 93, 123 Beadle, 75 sq. Bells, 70, 83, 121, 135, 143 sq. Benefice, 14; admission to, 25-37; holding of two, 44, 52 Beneficed clergy, 14-16, 25-54 Benefices Act, 26-33, 46 Bigamy, 105 Biretta, 89 Bishop, 15-17, 27, 39, 55 sq., 70, 83, 129, 145; suffragan, 16 Body, cast up by sea, 123; removal of, 133 sq., 147 Brawling, 24, 71 Brick grave, 122 (n.), 126 Buildings, 149-159; removal of, 158 sq. Burial, 121-134 Burial Acts, 128-133; Act of 1880, 123, 126 sq.; Act of 1900, 129-133 Candles, Candlesticks, 88, 90 Canons, Canon Law, 3-5 Canonical obedience, 15, 35 Catechising, 98 sq. Cemetery, 128, 145 (n.), 147 sq. Ceremonies, 86, 90, 91 Certificate of surveyor, 152 sq.; of registrar for marriage, 101, 112-115 Chalice, mixed, 90 Chancel, 143-146; seats in, 70; gates, 88 Chancellor, 16 sq., 69, 117, 125 sq. Chapel, private, 42; of school or institution, 42; proprietary, 42 sq.; of burial-ground, 129 sq. Chasuble, 89 Choristers, 76 Church, rights in, 69-71, 142-148; burial under, 124; of new parish, 11, 43, 101 Church Discipline Act, 18-20, 54 Church Trustees, 72 sq. Churching, 99 Churchwardens, 33, 59, 67-71, 85 sq., 122 sq., 142 (n.) Churchyard, 69-71, 142-148 Clergy, civil privileges and disabilities, 21-24; duties, 20-22, 38 sq.; ordained for service abroad, 12 sq., 29; protection, 22, 24; relinquishment of office, 24; secular occupations, 21-23; unbeneficed, 14, 55-64 Clergy Discipline Act, 19 sq., 54, 100 Clergy Resignation Bonds Act, 50 Clerical Disabilities Act, 24 Clerk, parish, 59, 73 sq., 130-132 Collation, 33-37 Collection of money, 70 sq., 85 sq. Colonial Clergy Act, 12 sq., 29 Commission of inquiry, 18, 45 sq., 59 Communion service, 82, 90 sq.; administration, 93-97; refusal of, 94-97, 118-120; of sick, 136 sq. Confession, 135 sq., 138-140 Confirmation, 96 sq., 137 sq. Consecration, 103; of burial-ground, 128-130 Conviction, 54 Cope, 89 Coroner's order, 127 sq. Corporate status of incumbent, 141 sq. Council (borough, county, district, parish), 21; parochial church, 79 Courts, ecclesiastical, 5-7 Credence table, 88 Cremation, 133 Cross, 87; sign of, 90 Crucifix, 87 Curate, 48, 55-64; assistant, 10, 12, 14, 60-61; in charge, 12, 56-60; perpetual, 9 sq. Curates' Augmentation Fund, 168 Cure of souls, 38 Dangerous structure, 145 Deacon, 20 sq., 93, 115 Dean, 17 (n.); rural, 18, 154 Declaration of assent, 34 sq., 55 Deprivation, 48, 52-54 Dilapidations, 152-159 Diocese, Dioececis, 7 Dissenters, 91, 96 sq., 103 sq., 123, 126 sq. Divorce, 106 sq. Dues, 163 sq. Easter offerings, 63 sq. Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act, 152-160 Elevation, 90 Emblements, 160 Established Church, 1-3 Exchange, 50, 52 Excommunicate, burial of, 123 Faculty, 71, 88, 122 sq., 133,145-148 Farming, 22 sq., 151 Fees, 36 sq., 55, 117, 124-6, 130-133, 164 Fire insurance, 69 sq., 157 First fruits, 165 sq. Flower vases, 88 Foreigner, marriage of, 107 sq.; ordination of, 12 sq., 29 Genuflexions, 90 Gilbert Acts, 149 sq. Glass shades, 145 Glebe, 22 sq., 148 sq., 151 sq., 160 Godparents, 92 Gown, black, 90 Grave, private, 122 sq., 126, 146 Guardian of poor, 21; ?of minor, 104 sq. Homily, 97 sq. Hood, 89 House, parsonage, 148-159 House of Commons, 21; ?of Lords, 21 Hymns, 77, 90, and note Illegitimate child, baptism of, 91; ?marriage of, 105, 111 (n.) Images, 88 Immersion, 92 Incense, 90 Income Tax, 167 sq. Incumbent, 12; ?rights and duties of, 38-43, 63 sq., 141-168 Incumbents' Resignation Acts, 51 sq. Induction, 36 sq. Institution, 33-37 Ireland, banns in, 110; ?clergy of, 12 sq., 29 Judicial decisions, 5-7, 87 (n.); ?procedure, 18-20 Jury, exemption from, 21 Justice of the peace, 21 Keys of Church, 143 Laity, 65-79; ?baptism by, 93, 123 Lapse, 25 sq. Leases, of glebe, 151 sq.; ?of buildings, 151, 158 Lecture, Lecturer, 12, 64, 98 Lecturers and Parish Clerks Act, 64, 74 Licence, admission by, 33-37; ?for marriage, 101 sq., 113-116; ?in mortmain, 142; ?to officiate, 55-64; ?for unconsecrated building, 41, 43, 102 Litany, 17, 69; ?of sick, 135 sq. Wafers, 90 Waste, 148 sq. Welsh language, 44 sq. Widow, occupation of parsonage house by, 159 THE END Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. London & Edinburgh Handbooks for the Clergy Edited by the Rev. Arthur W. Robinson, B.D., Vicar of Allhallows Barking by the Tower. Price 2s. 6d.net. PATRISTIC STUDY. By the Rev. H. B. Swete, D.D., Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge. | THE PERSONAL LIFE OF THE CLERGY. By the Editor. | THE MINISTRY OF CONVERSION. By the Rev. A. J. Mason, D.D., Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge, and Canon of Canterbury. | FOREIGN MISSIONS. By the Right Rev. H. H. 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