| Page | Publishers' Note, | xvii | The Epistle Dedicatorie to the Duchesse of Richmond and Lenox, | xxii | A Preface of foure Poynts, | xxv | Panegyrick Verses, | xxvii | The Contents of the generall History, divided into six Books: THE FIRST BOOKE. A.D. 1170 1488 1492
| The first voyage to the new World, by Madock Prince of Wales. The next by Hanno Prince of Carthage, and how it was offred K. Hen.7. by Chr. Cullumbus, that undertooke it for the Spanyards. 1492.
| 1 | 1497 1576 1583 1584 | How John Cabot was imployed by King Hen. the 7. and found the Continent before Cullumbus. Also Sir Martin Frobisher, and Sir Humphrey Gilbert ranged towards the North. And how Captaine Amidas was sent to discover the coast of Florida by Sir Walter Raleigh and his associates. And the Country Wingandacoa was called Virginia by Queene Elizabeth.
| 2 | 1585 | Sir Richard Greenvill sent thither with 108. he left for a plantation. The discovery of the Rivers Chawonok and Moratoc. The trechery of their King, who with eight more were slaine, and they all returned to England againe the same yeare with Sir Francis Drake.
| 10 |
| The Observations of Master Heriot. Of their commodities, victuall, fruits, beasts, fishes, and foules. Their Religion, and beliefe of God, of the Creation of the world, and man; the immortalitie of the soule; the subtiltie of their Priests; the peoples simplicitie, and desire of salvation; and other Accidents.
| 19 | 1586 | Sir Rich. Greenvill sent to supply them. Not finding them, left fiftie. Their successe.
| 26 | 1587 | Master White sent to relieve them, found they were all slaine, yet left 115. more, and departed.
| 26 | 1589 | Returning the second time, he could not heare of them; his Observations and Accidents.
| 30 | 1602 | A discovery by Captaine Gosnoll of Elizabeths Isles; his Observations, Relations, and returne.
| 33 |
| The voyage of Captaine Pring to the same Coast. | 37 | 1603 | The discovery of Captaine Waymouth; his Observations, Relations, and returne.
| 38 | 1605 | A Map of the old Virginia, with the figures of the Salvages. | 40 | THE SECOND BOOKE. Of Virginia now planted, discovered by Captaine Smith. 1606 | The Latitude, Temperature, and Capes; a description of Chisapeack Bay, and seaven navigable Rivers that fall into it, with their severall Inhabitants, and diversitie of Language. | 43 | 1606 | Of things growing Naturally, as woods, fruits, gummes, berries, herbs, roots; also of beasts, birds, and fishes; how they divide the yeare, prepare their ground, plant their corne, and use it, and other victuall. | 52 |
| What commodities may be had by industry. The description of the people, their numbers, constitutions, dispositions, attyre, buildings, lodgings and gardens, their usage of children, striking of fire, making their Bowes and Arrowes, knives, swords, targets, and boats: how they spinne, make fish-hooks, and ginnes, and their order of hunting. Consultations and order in Warres. | 60 |
| Their musicke, entertainment, trade, Physicke, Chirurgery and Charmes. Their Religion, God, burials ordinary and extraordinary, Temples, Priests, Ornaments, solemnities, Conjurations, Altars, sacrifices, black boyes, and resurrection. | 70 |
| The manner of their government, their Emperor; his attendants, watch, treasury, wives, successors & authority: tenure of their lands, and manner of punishment, with some words of their Language Englished. | 77 |
| And a Mappe of the Countrey of Virginia now planted. | | THE THIRD BOOKE. Of the Accidents and Proceedings of the English. 1606 | Their orders of government, Accidents in going, first landing and government setled. | 85 | 1607 | The Salvages assault the Fort, the ships returne, their names were left, occasion of sicknes, plenty unexpected, the building of James Towne, the beginning of Trade, two projects to abandon the Country. | 88 | A.D. 1607 | Their first attempts upon the Salvages. Captaine Smith taken prisoner; their order of Triumph, and how he should have beene executed, was preserved, saved James towne from being surprised, how they Conjured him. Powhatan entertained him, would have slaine him; how Pocahontas his daughter saved him, and sent him to James Towne. The third plot to abandon the Countrey suppressed. | 96 |
| Their first Supply and Accidents. The Salvages opinion of our God. Captaine Smith revisits Powhatan; James Towne burnt; A conceited gold mine; A needlesse charge; Captaine Newports returne for England. | 104 | 1608 | James Towne rebuilt, with a Church and Store-house; The Salvages plot to murther all the English; their insolencies suppressed. Different opinions among the Councell. | 110 |
| Their names landed in this Supply. | 113 |
| The discovery of the Bay of Chisapeack. Their fight and conference with the Kuskarawaoks; Ambuscadoes prevented in the river Patawomek; A mine like Antimony. How to deale with the Salvages. Smith neare killed with a Stingray. With many other Accidents in the discovery. A needlesse misery at James towne redressed. | 115 |
| The second Voyage to discover the Bay. Their incounter with the Massawomekes and Tockwhoghs; the Sasquesahanoughs offer subjection to the English. The exceeding love of the Salvage Mosco. Their fight with the Rapahanocks; their fight with the Manahokes. The King of Hassaninga's brother taken prisoner; his relation of those mountainers; peace concluded with all those Nations. The discovery of the river Payankatank their fight with the Nandsamunds, & Chisapeacks; their returne to James town. | 124 | A.D. 1608 | The Presidency surrendred to Cap. Smith. The second Supply by Captaine Newport, many Presents sent from England to Powhatan, his scorne, Consultations; factions suppressed; Cap. Smith visiteth Powhatan; Pocahontas entertaines him with a Maske; the Coronation of Powhatan, and Conditions. The discovery of the Monacans; a punishment for swearing; the Chickahamanians forced to Contribution; the abuses of the Mariners; Master Scriveners voyage to Werowocomoco. | 138 |
| Captaine Smiths Relation to England of the estate of the Colony: the names of them arrived in this Supply. Nandsamund forced to Contribution. The first Marriage in Virginia. Apamatuck discovered. | 147 |
| Captaine Smiths journey to Pamaunkee. The discovery of the Chawwonocks. Smiths discourse to Powhatan; His reply and flattery; and his discourse of Peace and Warre. Powhatans plot to murther Smith, discovered by his daughter Pocahontas. | 154 |
| Their escape at Pamaunkee. The Dutchmen deceive Captaine Winne, and arme the Salvages; sixteene English beset by seven hundred Salvages, Smith takes their King Opechankanough prisoner; the Salvages excuse & reconcilement. Master Scrivener and others drowned; Master Wiffins desperate journey to Pamaunkee; Powhatan constraines his men again to be trecherous; he is forced to fraught their Ship; Smith poysoned; the Dutch mens trechery. | 163 |
| The Dutch-mens plot to murther Smith. He taketh the King of Paspahegh prisoner, and others; they become all subject to the English. A Salvage smoothered, yet recovered; three or foure Salvages slaine in drying stolne powder. | 174 | A.D. 1608
| Great extremity occasioned by ratts; Bread made of dryed Sturgeon; the punishment for loyterers; the discovery of the Mangoags. Captaine Argals first arrivall; the inconveniences in a Plantation. | 179 | 1609 | The government altered; the arrivall of the third Supply; mutinies; Nandsamund planted; breach of peace with the Salvages; Powhatans chiefe seat bought for Copper; Mutinies. Captaine Smith blowne up with Gun-powder; a bloudy intent; the causes why he left the Country and his Commission; his returne for England; the ends of the Dutch-men. | 187 |
| Certaine Verses of seaven Gentlemen. | 199 | THE FOURTH BOOKE. With their Proceedings after the alteration of the Government. 1610 | How the mutiners proceeded; the Salvages revolt; the planting point Comfort. Them at Nandsamund, and the Fals, defeated by the Salvages. Captaine Ratliff, with thirtie slaine by Powhatan. The fruits of improvidence. The arrivall of Sir Thomas Gates. James Towne abandoned. The arrivall of the Lord La Warre; their actions, and both their returnes. | 203 | 1611 | The government left to Captaine Percie; & his Proceedings. The arrivall of Sir Thomas Dale, and his actions. | 211 | 1612 1613 | The second arrivall of Sir Thomas Gates; the building Henerico; and the Bermudas; how Captaine Argall tooke Pocahontas prisoner, Dales voyage to Pamaunkee. The marriage of Pocahontas to Master Rolfe. Articles of Peace with the Salvages. | 215 | 1614 | The government left to Sir Thomas Dale. Captaine Argals voyage to port Royall. Master Hamers to Powhatan; and their Accidents. | 223 | A.D. 1615 1616 | The manner of the Lottery. A Spanish Shippe in Virginia. Dale with Pocahontas comes for England. Capt. Yerley left Deputy Governour; his warres and peace with the Chickahamanians, and proceedings. | 228 | 1617 1618 | A relation to Queene Anne of the quality & condition of Pocahontas; how the Queen entertained her; Capt. Argall sent governour; the death of Powhatan; ten English slaine; Argals accidents and proceedings. The Lord de la Warre sent againe governour; his death. A relation of their present estates. Haile-stones 8. inches about. | 236 | 1619 | Sir George Yerley sent governor; Waraskoyack planted. A parliament in Virginia; foure Corporations appointed; the adventures of Cap. Ward; the number of ships and men sent this yeare; gifts given; Patents granted. | 245 | 1620 | A desperate Sea fight by Captaine Chester with two Spanish men of warre; the names of the Adventurers. | 250 | 1621 | Notes and observations. A relation of their estates by Master Stockam. The arrivall of Sir Francis Wyat with nine ships. Master Gockings plantation; and their accidents; the number of ships and men sent this yeare; gifts given, Patents granted. | 268 |
| Master Pories journeyes to Pawtuxunt, and other places, with his accidents. | 274 | 1622 | Capt. Each sent to build Forts and Barks. The cause and manner of the Massacre; the numbers slaine; the providence of Cap. Nuse; Cap. Chroshaw his voyage to Patowomek. | 277 | A.D. 1622 1623 | Capt. Smiths offer to the Company to suppresse the Salvages. Their answer; the manner of the Sallery; Chroshaw stayes at Patawomek; the escape of Waters and his wife. Cap. Hamar goes to Patawomek; Chroshaws plot for all their preservations. Capt. Madison sent to Patawomek. Cap. Powell kils three Salvages. Sir George Yerleys journey to Acomack. The misery of Captaine Nuse. The kindness of the King of Patawomek; a vile policy of a Salvage; Madisons mischiefe unto the Patawomeks. It was not well don to make Opechankanough drinke healths. 300. surpriseth Nandsamund and Pamaunkee. The opinion of Cap. Smith how to subject the Salvages. The arrivall of Cap. Butler in Virginia, and other Accidents. | 295 |
| The losse of Cap. Spilman and 26. men. A particular of such necessaries as are fit for private persons or families. | 313 | 1624 | A briefe relation by Cap. Smith to his Majesties Commissioners, for the reformation of Virginia. The 7 questions the right Worthie Commissioners demanded, and his answers; how the King hath pleased to take it into his consideration. | 318 |
| At this present two ships are going; more a preparing; new Commissions sent. A Proclamation, no Tobacco be used in England, but what shall come from Virginia, or the Somer Isles; quere the Proclamation. | | THE FIFT BOOKE. 1593 | A Mappe of the Somer Isles and Fortresses. The description of the Isles, the fruits, fishes, soyle, ayre, beasts, birds, with the relation of the shipwrack of Henry May. | 331 | 1609 1610 1611 | The shipwrack of Sir Tho. Gates, and Sir George Somers; their accidents, deliverance and arrivall in Virginia. Somers returne to the Isles; his death, and Epitaph, the accidents hapned; three men lived there alone two yeares. | 341 | A.D. 1612 1613 1614 | Master More sent to make a plantation. A peece of Amber Greece found of 80. pound weight; much dissension; Mores Industrie in fortifying and waighing Ordnance out of the wracks. Their first Supply; a strange increase of Potatoes. The attempt of 2 Spanish ships; a great mortality; a strange being of Ravens; a new Supply, with their Accidents, and Moores returne. | 348 | 1615 | The rent of the six governours; a wonderfull accident of Milliard, not much lesse then a miracle. | 355 | 1616 1617 1618 | The government of Ca. Tuckar; Assises; the strange adventure of 5 men in a boat; plants from the West Indies; the endevours of Cap. Powell; Assises. The Country neer devoured with ratts; their strange confusion. The divisions of the Isles into Tribes, and Tribes into shares, by Mr. Norwood; the names of the adventurers, and their shares. | 359 |
| The first Magazin; two exployts of desperate fugitives. The returne of Cap. Tuckar. Cap. Kendall left deputy-governor, and their Accidents. | 372 | 1619 1620 1621 | The government of Cap. Butler; A platforme burnt, and much hurt by a Hericano. The refortifying the Kings Castle. The arrivall of two Dutch Frigots. The rebuilding the Mount, and a Tombe for Sir George Somers. The reformation of their lawes and officers. Their Assises. A Parliament. Their acts; their opinion of the Magazin. The building three Bridges. The generall Assises; A strange deliverance of a Spanish wracke. A strange Sodomy; many Ordnances got from wracks. Their estates present. | 376 | 1622 1623 1624 | Master Barnard sent to be governour; his arrivall, death, and funerall, with the proceedings of Mr. Harrison his successor, & Cap. Woodhouse their governor. | 394 |