Little Brother and Sister | Frontispiece | | FACING PAGE | The Lassie Riding Over the Sea on the Back of the North Wind | 10 | The Troll's Hut, the Lantern, and the Goat with the Golden Horns | 14 | "She Said She Would Sit and Drive in a Silver Spoon" | 46 | Just as Cinderlad Turned His Horse Around, the Princess Threw the Golden Apple | 52 | "And When He Set Her Down He Gave Her a Kiss" | 90 | Tattercoats Forgot All Her Troubles and Fell to Dancing | 102 | "The Giant and the Conjurer now Knew that Their Wicked Course Was at an End" | 108 | "He Flung Huge Masses of Rock After the Vessel" | 122 | "She Wore Them Always . . . Loose and Flowing" | 138 | "I Feel as if I were the Daughter of some Great King" | 158 | "He Was a Week Trying to Tread on This Fatal Tail" | 166 | The Mermaid Taking the King of the Golden Mines to the Steel Castle | 178 | "Micheal, Petrified, Stood Mute, . . . Contemplating with a Frightened Air this Incongruous Dance" | 200 | "Eliza Went, and the King and the Archbishop Followed Her" | 252 | "March Rose in Turn, and Stirred the Fire with the Staff, when Behold! . . . It was Spring" | 266 | "An Ugly Old Woman with the Most Monstrous Nose Ever Beheld" | 292 | "In This Way the Fisherman Carried Him to the Castle" | 304 | "In the Middle of the Night, when Griffin was Snoring Away Lustily, Jack Reached Up and Pulled a Feather Out of His Tail" | 328 | "Then Dummling's Lovely Maiden Sprang Lightly and Gracefully Through the Ring" | 332 | ""What Are You Standing There Gaping for?" Screamed the Dwarf" | 356 | "Falada, Falada, There Thou Hangest!" | 364 | "At Last He Reached the Tower . . . Where Brier Rose Was Asleep" | 370 | "Just as It Had Come to the End of the Golden Thread It Reached the King's Son" | 388 | "The Ranee Said, 'This is a Dear Little Girl'" | 434 |
Throned on a grassy knoll, I watch The elfin host come trooping by, And hear the whir of fairy wings, The goblin voices, shrill and high. Behind them glides a magic train Of Kings and Princes, armor-clad, And serving as their squires bold Boots, Ashiepattle, Cinderlad. With silken rustle, flash of gem, Queen and Czaritsa sweep along, While red-capped Troll and rainbow Sprite Peep out amid the enchanted throng. Ting-ling, ting-ling, how sweet the ring, Like golden bells, of fairy laughter; Rap-tap, rap-tap, how sharp the clap Of fairy footfalls following after! Where witch-grass grows and fern-seed lies, A Fairy Ring is dimly seen; And there a glitt'ring host is met To dance upon the moonlit green. Riquet, the Tufted, lightly turns The Fair One with the Golden Hair; And Prince Desire and Mignonette Form yet another graceful pair. Tall as a tower stands Galifron; The Desert Fay, with snakes bedight, First pirouettes with him and then With wee Tom Thumb, King Arthur's Knight. Ting-ling, ting-ling, how sweet the ring, Like golden bells, of fairy laughter; Rap-tap, rap-tap, how sharp the clap Of fairy footfalls following after! Sweet, unseen harpers harp and sing, Faint elfin horns the air repeat; Rapunzel shakes her shining braids, The White Cat trips with velvet feet. Rose-red, Snow-white, the faithful Bear, Cross hands with gallant Percinet; While Tattercoats, in turn, salutes Yvon, the Fearless, and Finette. —But hark! the cock begins to crow; The darkness turns to day, and, look! The fairy dancers whirl within The crimson covers of this book! NORA ARCHIBALD SMITH