Public School Adjoining Slaughter-Pen, 1865 | Frontispiece | Plan of Rookery Holding 1000 Persons | 60 | A Crowded Section of the City | 61 | A Tenant-House Cul-de-Sac Near City Hall | 70 | Cul-de-Sac Near Slaughter-House and Stables | 71 | Plan of Cellar—“Worse Than a Stygian Pit” | 73 | Slaughter-Pens in Rear of Tenant-Houses | 77 | Sixth Street Cattle Market, 1865 | 78 | Region of Hide-Curing, Fat-Gathering, etc. | 79 | Region of Bone-Boiling and Swill-Milk Nuisances | 80 | Plan of Rookery Between Broadway and Bowery | 83 | Plan of Cellar Occupied by Two Families | 85 | Plan Showing Rear Tenant-Houses Near a Stable | 89 | Rivington Place, 1865 | 92 | Gotham Court, Cherry Street, 1865 | 95 | Transverse Sectional Elevation of Gotham Court | 96 | “The Great Eastern” | 98 | A Perpetual Fever-Nest | 106 | Region of Smallpox and Typhus Fever | 111 | Plan of Fever-Nest, East 17th Street | 114 | Bird’s-Eye View of Fever-Nest Near Fifth Avenue | 115 | Plan of Monroe Street Fever-Nest | 117 | A Sixth Ward Fever-Nest | 126 | Plan of Typical Fever-Nest, 1865 | 130 | Plan of Rear Cul-de-Sac | 134 | Fever-Breeding Structure Near Central Park | 139 | Stagnant Water, Central Park West | 148 |