(Industrial Uses of Air, Steam and Water.)


DRYING BY MEANS OF AIR AND STEAM. Explanations, FormulÆ, and Tables for Use in Practice. Translated from the German of E. Hausbrand. Two folding Diagrams and Thirteen Tables. Crown 8vo. 72 pp. Price 5s. net. (Post free, 5s. 3d. home; 5s. 6d. abroad.)

(See also "Evaporating, Condensing and Cooling Apparatus," p. 19.)

PURE AIR, OZONE, AND WATER. A Practical Treatise of their Utilisation and Value in Oil, Grease, Soap, Paint, Glue and other Industries. By W.B. Cowell. Twelve Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 85 pp. Price 5s. net. (Post free, 5s. 3d. home; 5s. 6d. abroad.)

THE INDUSTRIAL USES OF WATER. COMPOSITION—EFFECTS—TROUBLES—REMEDIES—RESIDUARY WATERS—PURIFICATION—ANALYSIS. By H. de la Coux. Royal 8vo. Translated from the French and Revised by Arthur Morris. 364 pp. 135 Illustrations. Price 10s. 6d. net. (Post free, 11s. home; 11s. 6d. abroad.)

(See Books on Smoke Prevention, Engineering and Metallurgy, p. 19, etc.)

For contents of these books, see List III.



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