(Foods, Drugs and Sweetmeats.)


FOOD AND DRUGS. By E.J. Parry, B.Sc., F.I.C., F.C.S. Volume I. The Analysis of Food and Drugs (Chemical and Microscopical). Royal 8vo. 724 pp. Price 21s. net. (Post free, 21s. 8d. home; 22s. abroad.) Volume II. The Sale of Food and Drugs Acts, 1875-1907. Royal 8vo. 184 pp. Price 7s. 6d. net. (Post free, 7s. 10d. home; 8s. abroad.) [Just published.

THE MANUFACTURE OF PRESERVED FOODS AND SWEETMEATS. By A. Hausner. With Twenty-eight Illustrations. Translated from the German of the third enlarged Edition. Crown 8vo. 225 pp. Price 7s. 6d. net. (Post free, 7s. 9d. home; 7s. 10d. abroad.)

RECIPES FOR THE PRESERVING OF FRUIT, VEGETABLES AND MEAT. By E. Wagner. Translated from the German. Crown 8vo. 125 pp. With 14 Illustrations. Price 5s. net. (Post free, 5s. 3d. home; 5s. 4d. abroad.)

For contents of these books, see List III.



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