li class="indx">Balvaird, Major (95th), 299 Bandits, Battle of the, 21-23 Baranhara, 526-529 Barba del Puerco, 24 Barnard, Gen. Sir Andrew, 73, 112, 126, 127, 132, 163, 165-168, 174, 175, 333, 495, 556 n., 563, 569, 572, 686, 688, 715; at Badajos, 63-66; at Nivelle, 146, 147; commandant of Cambray, 308, 314, 315; letter to, 564; death, 661 Barnard’s Vale and Ford, 757 Barnes, Sir E., 115, 302 Barney, Commodore (U.S.A.), 197 Barossa, 125, 480 Barr, Lieut.-Col., 491, 503 n. Barrouilhet, 154 n. Barwell, Major (9th), 515 Bashee R., 401, 402, 408-412 Basutos. See Moshesh Bath, 207, 217 Bath, Marquis of, 666, 667 Bathurst, 634 Bathurst, Lord, 207, 213-216; dispatches to, 214 n., 247 n. Bavay, 287, 288 Baxter (? David), Staff Surgeon, 201 Baynes, Lieut. T. (39th), 254 Bayonne, 152, 153, 161
57094-h@57094-h-43.htm.html#Page_505" class="pginternal">505 Bombay, 501 Boomplaats, battle of, 601-604 Booth, Capt. W. (15th Hussars), 171 Bordeaux, 186, 216 Botha’s Drift, 598, 599 Bourlon, near Cambray, 300 Bowker, Joseph, army surgeon, 78 Bowker, Mr. T., 576 Bowyer, Fort, capture of, 248-251 Brabourne Lees, 3, 158 Bradford, Major, 538 Bradford, Major-Gen. Sir T., 327, 328, 330, 332 “Brass Mare,” the, 264, 302; carries Juana Smith to Antwerp and back, 281-288 Bright, John, M.P., 661 Bringhurst, Major J. D., 709 Briton, Mr. (Harwich), 263, 264 Broadfoot, Major G., 477 n., 512 Brooke, Col. Francis, 53, 195, 199 Brotherwood, Serg., 62 Brown (a spy), 198; saved by a ruse, 205, 215 Brown, Col. (85th), 199 Brownlee, Chas. (Civil Commissioner), 617, 645 n. Brownlee, Rev. J., 751 Brownrigg, David (surgeon), 39 Bruges, 264, 265 Bruintjes (cook), 726, 728, 740 Brunswick, Ferdinand, Prince of, 324 Brussels, 260, 266, 267, 281, 286, 287, 297 Buccleugh, Duke of, 331 Budhowal, Budowal, 526-538, 543; encounter with Sikhs at, 529-532, 543-332 Darling, Major-Gen. R., 183 Dauphine, Isle, 251 Dawson, Capt. (52nd), 86 Debe Flats, 729, 730 Debe Nek, 620 Deedes, Mr., 319 De Lancey, Col. Sir William Howe, 266 Deleytosa, 19 Delhi, 497, 502, 558 De Litte, 37 De Montmorency, Lieut. R. E. (50th), 513 Denain, battle of, 306 Derby, Lord, 672. See Stanley, Lord D’Este, Augustus Frederick, 226, 242 De Tabley, Lord, 671 Devonport, 656-659 Dholpore, 483, 485 Dhuleep Singh (boy-Maharaja of Lahore), 500 Dhurmcote (Durrumkote), 523-526, 534, 535, 558 Dhyan Singh, 500 Dick, Capt. (R.N.), 191 Dickson, Sir A., 239 Digby, Lieut. H. Robert (52nd), 169, 184, 189 Dingaan, 738 Divisions. See Peninsular Army Doby Hill. See Dough Boy Hill Donkin, Sir Rufane, 20 Dos Casas, 30 Doubloons, story of, 80-84 Dough Boy Hill, Doby Hill, 19, 321 Douglas, Lord, 330 Douglas, Sir Howard, 340 Douro R., 24, 151; crossed by Wellington’s army, 94 Dover, 18, 318 Downie, Gen., 150 Downpatrick, 337 Doyle, Capt. John (72nd), 729 Drake, Capt. T. (95th), 97, 98 Drake, Mr. (Havana), 255 Dreams, and their fulfilment, 156, 157, 749 Firing uphill and down, 134 Fish R., 380, 383, 582 Fish River bush, forays into, 383-387, 635, 636, 719, 722 Fishbourne, Capt. (R.N.), 789 Fitzwilliam, Earl, 576 Fleming, Adm., 336, 345, 349, 350, 351 Fleurus, 266 Florida, Gulf of, 257 Flying-fish, 692-695 Ford, W. M. (Surgeon 72nd), 727, 781 Fordyce, Lieut.-Col. (74th), 638, 640, 782, 787, 790 Forster, Major, 538 Fortifications, 676-678 Four-in-hand driving, 489, 766 Fox-hunting: in the Peninsula, 92; at Cambray, 297, 298, 301, 710; in England, 318, 319; in Cape Colony, 363, 364 Foz de Aronce, Foz D’Aruz, 273 France, after the war, 181; occupation of, 297-316 Frederick William, Prince, of Prussia, 664 Freer (Lieut. W. or Lieut. E.) (43rd), 65 Freixadas, 43 Fremantle, Lieut.-Col. F. (2nd Ft. Guards), 291, 307 French and English officers, courtesy between, 140, 141, 155, 156 French citizens and English officers, courtesy between (after Waterloo), 292, 312-315 French pillaging, 102, 103, 116 French prisoner’s return home, 189, 719; war against, 391, 735; rides into camp, 392, 743; hears bagpipes, 451; makes peace, 395, 743; remains as hostage, 395, 744; death, 397-407, 755; outcry in England, 417, 418, 453, 454 Hobhouse, Sir J. Cam, 572 Hofer, Andreas, 655 Hogan, John (7th Fusiliers), 253 Hogg, Major, 636, 644 Holdich, Gen. Sir E. A., 551, 598, 659, 660, 780; extracts from his diary, 598-607 Holdich, Rev. T., 579 Holdich, Mrs. T., 778, 780 Holmes, Lieut., 532, 542 Holmes, Lieut. (R.N.), 191, 194, 195 Hope, Sir J., 154, 155, 330 Horse-racing, 55, 293 Hotham Hill, 757 Hotham, Lord, 560 Hottentots, 376, 418, 447; enrolled in war of 1835 as 1st and 2nd Provisional Battalions, 383, 386-389, 398, 408, 411-415, 420-422, 425, 464, 465, 723, 739, 741, 745, 758; Kat River legion, 756; levies for war of 1851, 621, 622, 144, 292, 323, 339, 563, 688, 778-781; at Waterloo, 270-273, 277; Governor of Nova Scotia, 340, 341; parting words to Harry Smith, 343; letters from, 519 n., 556; letters to, 490, 551; death, 661 Kempt’s Valley, 757 Kent, Duchess of, 323, 571 Kent, Duke of, 310 Kilmarnock, 328 Kincaid, Sir John, 68, 146, 152, 214, 316, 339, 341, 556 n., 569, 572, 688; letters from, 555 King, Capt. (R.N.), 206, 208 Kingston, Jamaica, 344 King William’s Town, founding of, 418, 754, 756; Harry Smith established at, 420-461, 757; departure from, 458, 459; second founding of, 588 n.; arrival of Sir Harry Smith as Governor, 587-590; visit after Boomplaats, 607; meets Kafir chiefs at, 617, 618; his headquarters during Kafir War, 618-647, 788, 790; dramatic departure from, 647 Kitchen, Joe, story of, 167, 168 Knighton, Sir William, 332 Kok, Adam (Griqua captain), 590, 591, 600 Koonap R., 634 Kotze (a horse-breeder), Moore, Rev. T. C. C., 704, 709 Morell (staff-surgeon), 39 “Moro” (a Spanish greyhound), 38, 39, 61-63, 302 Moro Rock and Fort (Havana), 30, 257 Moroco (Chief of the Barolongs), 605 Moshesh (Chief of the Basutos), 590, 591, 606, 628, 635, 636 Moustache ordered to be worn by officers, 664 Mullins, Col., 244 Murchison, Major, 545, 547 Murphy, Major B. (88th), 34 n. Murphy (old soldier), 337 Murray, Capt. A. S. (Rifle Brig.), 601, 602 Murray, Capt. George (72nd), 388, 389, 398, 729, 733, 749, 753 Murray, Dr., 470 Murray, Sir George, 142, 143, 162, 163 Murray Castle, 757 Murray, Fort, 647 N Nann, Sergeant P., 21, 22 Napier, Gen. Sir Chas. J., 556 n., 655, 656; letter from, 496 n. Napier, Major-Gen. Sir George, 58, 455, 468, 583, 584, 590, 643 n. Napier, Gen. Sir William F. P., 569, 656, 680; at Nivelle, 145; his History of the Peninsular War, 43, 50, 117, 146 Napoleon I., 258, 263; his tactics at Waterloo, 276, 625, 626, 647, 737 Patuxen R., 197 Pauillac, 189, 190 Payne, Major C. W. M. (72nd), 667 n., 673, 681; letters to, 471 n., 672, 680-682 Peacock, Dean of Ely, 574, 576 Pearson, Capt. (16th Lancers), 541 Peddie, Col., 723, 724 Pedro V. of Portugal, 666, 667 Pedroso, 33 n. Peel, Sir Robert, 557, 560-562, 571 Peniche, 15 Peninsular Army— 1st Division, 87, 152, 154 2nd Division, 170 3rd Division, 47, 57, 58, 61-63, 67, 96, 117, 162, 163, 174, 175, 178; Wellington’s praise of, 216 4th Division, 52, 61, 63, 65-67, 96, 117, 131, 133, 146, 175, 177, 178, 563; Wellington’s praise of, 216 5th Division, 46, 47, 61, 63, 67 6th Division, 165, 175, 177, 691-699, 719, 722, 730; formation, 3; confidence in support, 99, 119; destructive fire, 174. See next heading Rifle Brigade, 329 n., 564-566, 587, 599, 616, 624, 657, 789; in Ireland, 336, 337; Nova Scotia, 338-344; Sir H. S. appointed Col. of 2nd Battalion, 567; transferred to the 1st Battalion, 661; his last inspection, 668 98th, 362 Regiments (Indian Army)— 1st European Light Infantry, 513, 515 3rd Light Cavalry, 521, 523 19th Native Infantry, 515 24th, 515, 528 28th, 515 30th, at Aliwal, 537, 540, 541 36th, 537 42nd, 505 47th, 528, 548 48th, 505, 540 73rd, 515 Regiments (German)— 1st German Hussars, 24, 25, 28-30, 45; stories of soldiers, 26, 27, 47, 48, 52; at Waterloo, 269 n. Nassau and Frankfort desert from the French, 155; at Waterloo, 269 Regiments (French)— 32nd Voltigeurs, 160, 161 Regiments (Portuguese)— 1st and 3rd CaÇadores, 28, 30, 56 n., 130, 132, 268 Seapoys, 492
">Spencer, Sir Brent, 47 Spencer, Lord Charles (95th), 170 Sport, 15, 20, 21, 38, 39, 55, 61, 63, 82, 89, 92, 162, 293, 295-298, 301-304, 308, 318, 319, 340, 343, 363-368, 462, 710 Stackpoole, Capt., 227, 228 Stag-hunting: in Portugal, 21; at St. Germain, 295-297 Stanley, Lord, 609. See Derby, Lord Stanway (Provost Marshal), 82 Stedman, Brig., 537 Stephanie, Queen of Portugal, 667 Steuart, Capt. (95th), 184 Stewart, Capt. the Hon. James (95th), 20, 38, 39, 41, 62, 63, 79, 92, 93, 110 Stewart, Lieut. (88th), 58 Stewart, Lieut, and Adj. James (95th), 29, 35, 43 Stewart, Major Jas., 348 Stewart, Major John (95th), 43 Stewart, the Hon. Sir W., 3, 87; organizes the 95th, 3 n.; anecdote of, 170; his bravery, 170, 171 Stirling, Sir James, 255-258, 339 Stockenstrom, Capt. (Sir) Andries, 453, 455, 457, 58, 63, 79, 80, 89, 93, 97, 98, 101, 104, 111, 113, 126; stories of, 82, 105 Van der Byl (a horse-breeder), 367 Van Diemen’s Land, 613 Van Reenen (a horse-breeder), 363, 367 Van Wyk, Field Commandant, 626, 723, 751 Vera, 112, 113, 117, 131, 137; attack at the bridge of, 118-125; storming of the Pass of, 133-136, 159 Vernais, 298 Vet R., 605, 606 Veterans, 337; discharge of, 321, 322 Vicalbaro, Vicar of, 79-92 (passim) Vic Begorre, 174 Victoria, Queen, 571, 578, 659, 660, 664 Victoria, district of, 587 Villa de Ciervo, 24, 25 Villa de Lobos, 24 Villalba, 108 Villa ViÇosa, 16 Vimiero, battle of, 15 Vittoria, 93, 94; battle of, 97-100, 105, 125, 277, 778 “Vittoria,” a pug dog, 101, 102, 154, 213, 220, 260, 281-PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BECCLES. |