
The two organisms, fungus and alga, that enter into the composition of the lichen plant are each characterized by the simplicity of their original structure in which there is little or no differentiation into tissues. The gonidia-forming algae are many of them unicellular, and increase mainly by division or by sporulation into daughter-cells which become rounded off and repeat the life of the mother-cell; others, belonging to different genera, are filaments, mostly of single cell-rows, with apical growth. The hyphal elements of the lichen are derived from fungi in which the vegetative body is composed of branching filaments, a character which persists in the lichen thallus.

The union of the two symbionts has stimulated both, but more especially the fungus, to new developments of vegetative form, in which the fungus, as the predominant partner, provides the framework of the lichen plant-body. Varied structures have been evolved in order to secure life conditions favourable to both constituents, though more especially to the alga; and as the close association of the assimilating and growing tissues is maintained, the thallus thus formed is capable of indefinite increase.

A. Forms of Cell-Structure

There is no true parenchyma or cellular structure in the lichen thallus such as forms the ground tissue of the higher plants. The fungal hyphae are persistently filamentous and either simple or branched. By frequent and regular cell-division—always at right angles to the long axis—and by coherent growth, a pseudoparenchyma may however be built up which functions either as a protective or strengthening tissue (Fig. 36).

Fig. 36. Vertical section of young stage of stratose thallus (Xanthoria parietina Th. Fr.). a, plectenchyma of cortex; b, medullary hyphae; c, gonidial zone. × 500 (after Schwendener).

Lindau[311] proposed the name “plectenchyma” for the tangled weft of hyphae that is the principal tissue system in fungi as well as lichens. The more elaborated pseudoparenchyma he designates as “paraplectenchyma,” while the term “prosoplectenchyma” he reserved for the fibrous or chondroid strands of compact filaments that occur frequently in the thallus of the larger fruticose lichens, and are of service in strengthening the fronds. The term plectenchyma is now generally used for pseudoparenchyma.

B. Types of Thallus

Three factors, according to Reinke[312], have been of influence in determining the thalline development. The first, and most important, is the necessity to provide for the work of photosynthesis on the part of the alga. There is also the building up of a tissue that should serve as a storage of reserve material, essential in a plant the existence of which is prolonged far beyond the natural duration of either of the component organisms; and, finally, there is the need of protecting the long-lived plant as a whole though more particularly the alga.

Wallroth was the first to make a comparative study of the different lichen thalli. He distinguished those lichens in which the green cells and the colourless filaments are interspersed equally through the entire thallus as “homoiomerous” (Fig. 2), and those in which there are distinct layers of cortex, gonidia, and medulla, as “heteromerous” (Fig. 1), terms which, though now considered of less importance in classification, still persist and are of service in describing the position of the alga with regard to the general structure. A less evident definition of the different types of thallus has been proposed by Zukal[313] who divides them into “endogenous” and “exogenous.”

a. Endogenous Thallus. The term has been applied to a comparatively small number of homoiomerous lichens in which the alga predominates in the development, and determines the form of the thallus. These algae, members of the Myxophyceae, are extremely gelatinous, and the hyphae grow alongside or within the gelatinous sheath. In the simpler forms the vegetative structure is of the most primitive type: the alga retains its original character almost unchanged, and the ascomycetous fungus grows along with and beside it (Fig. 4). Such are the minutely tufted thalli of Thermutis and Spilonema and the longer strands of Ephebe, in which the associated Scytonema or Stigonema, filamentous blue-green algae, though excited to excessive growth, scarcely lose their normal appearance, making it difficult at times to recognize the lichenoid character unless the fruits also are present.

Equally primitive in most cases is the structure of the thallus associated with Gloeocapsa. The resulting lichens, Pyrenopsis, Psorotichia, etc. are simply gelatinous crusts of the alga with a more or less scanty intermingling of fungal hyphae.

In the Collemaceae, the gonidial cells of which are species of Nostoc (Fig. 2), there appears a more developed thallus; but in general, symbiosis in Collema has wrought the minimum of change in the habit of the alga, hence the indecision of the earlier botanists as to the identification and classification of Nostoc and Collema. Though in many of the species of the genus Collema no definite tissue is formed, yet, under the influence of symbiosis, the plants become moulded into variously shaped lobes which are specifically constant. In some species there is an advance towards more elaboration of form in the protective tissues of the apothecia, a layer of thin-walled plectenchyma being occasionally formed beneath or around the fruit as in Collema granuliferum.

In all these lichens, it is only the thallus that can be considered as primitive: the fruit is a more or less open apothecium—more rarely a perithecium—with a fully developed hymenium. Frequently it is provided with a protective thalline margin.

b. Exogenous Thallus. In this group, composed almost exclusively of heteromerous lichens, Zukal includes all those in which the fungus takes the lead in thalline development. He counts as such Leptogium, a genus closely allied to Collema but with more membranous lobes, in which the short terminal cells of the hyphae have united to form a continuous cortex. A higher development, therefore, becomes at once apparent, though in some genera, as in Coenogonium, the alga still predominates, while the simplest forms may be merely a scanty weft of filaments associated with groups of algal cells. Such a thallus is characteristic of the Ectolechiaceae, and some Gyalectaceae, etc., which have, indeed, been described by Zahlbruckner[314] as homoiomerous though their gonidia belong to the non-gelatinous Chlorophyceae.

Heteromerous lichens have been arranged by Hue[315] according to their general structure in three great series:

1. Stratosae. Crustaceous, squamulose and foliose lichens with a dorsiventral thallus.

2. Radiatae. Fruticose, shrubby or filamentous lichens with a strap-shaped or cylindrical thallus of radiate structure.

3. Stratosae-Radiatae. Primary dorsiventral thallus, either crustaceous or squamulose, with a secondary upright thallus of radiate structure called the podetium (Cladoniaceae).



A. General Structure

In the series “Stratosae,” the plant is dorsiventral, the tissues forming the thallus being arranged more or less regularly in strata one above the other (Fig. 37). On the upper surface there is a hyphal layer constituting a cortex, either rudimentary or highly elaborated; beneath the cortex is situated the gonidial zone composed of algae and hyphae in close association; and deeper down the medulla, generally a loose tissue of branching hyphae. The lower cortex which abuts on the medulla may be as fully developed as the upper or it may be absent.

Fig. 37. Vertical section of crustaceous lichen (Lecanora subfusca var. chlarona Hue) on bark. a, lichen cortex; b, gonidia; c, cells of the periderm. × 100.

The growing tissue is chiefly marginal; the hyphae on the outer edge remain “meristematic”[316] and provide for horizontal as well as vertical extension; and there is also continual increase of the algal cells. There is in addition a certain amount of intercalary growth due to the activity of the gonidial tissue, both algal and fungal, providing for the renewal of the cortex, and even interposing new tissue.

B. Saxicolous Lichens

a. Epilithic Lichens. The crustaceous lichens forming this group spread over the rock surfaces. The support must be stable to allow the necessary time for the slowly developing organism, and therefore rocks that are friable or subject to continual weathering are bare of lichens.

aa. Hypothallus or Prothallus. The first stage of growth in the lichen thallus can be most easily traced in epilithic crustaceous species, especially in those that inhabit a smooth rock surface. The spore, on germination, produces a delicate branching septate mycelium which radiates on all sides, as was so well observed and recorded by Tulasne[317] in Verrucaria muralis (Fig. 14). Zukal[318] has called this first beginning the prothallus. In time the cell-walls of the filaments become much thicker and though, in some species, they remain colourless, in others they become dark-coloured, all except the extreme tips, owing to the presence of lichen pigments—a provision, Zukal[319] considers, to protect them against the ravages of insects, etc. The prothallic filaments adhere closely to the substratum and the branching becomes gradually more dendroid in form, though sometimes hyphae are united into strands, or even form a kind of plectenchymatous tissue. This purely hyphal stage may persist for long periods without much change. In time there may be a fortuitous encounter with the algae (Fig. 38 A) which become the gonidia of the plant. Either these have been already established on the substratum as free-growing organisms, or, as accidentally conveyed, they alight on the prothallus. The contact between alga and hypha excites both to active growth and to cell-division; and the rapidly multiplying gonidia are as speedily surrounded by the vigorously growing hyphal filaments.

Fig. 38 A. Hypothallus of Rhizocarpon confervoides DC., from the extreme edge, with loose gonidia × 600.

Fig. 38 B. Young thallus of Rhizocarpon confervoides DC., with various centres of gonidial growth on the hypothallus × 30.

Schwendener[320] has thus described the origin and further development of prothallus and gonidia: on the dark-coloured proto- or prothallus, he noted small nestling groups of green cells which he, at that time, regarded as direct outgrowths from the lichen hyphae. These gonidial cells, increasing by division, multiplied gradually and gathered into a connected zone. He also observed that the hyphae in contact with the gonidia became more thin-walled and produced many new branches. Some of these newly formed branches grow upwards and form the cortex, others grow downwards and build up the medulla or pith; the filaments at the circumference continue to advance and may start new centres of gonidial activity (Fig. 38 B). In many species, however, this prothallus or, as it is usually termed at this stage, the hypothallus, becomes very soon overgrown and obscured by the vigorous increase of the first formed symbiotic tissue and can barely be seen as a white or dark line bordering the thallus (Fig. 39). Schwendener[321] has stated that probably only lichens that develop from the spore are distinguished by a protothallus, and that those arising from soredia do not form these first creeping filaments.

Fig. 39. Lecanora parella Ach. Determinate thallus with white bordering hypothallus, reduced (M. P., Photo.).

bb. Formation of crustaceous tissues. Some crustaceous lichens have a persistently scanty furfuraceous crust, the vegetative development never advancing much beyond the first rather loose association of gonidia and hyphae; but in those in which a distinct crust or granules are formed, three different strata of tissue are discernible:

1st. An upper cortical tissue of interlaced hyphae with frequent septation and with swollen gelatinous walls, closely compacted and with the lumen of the cells almost obliterated, not unfrequently a layer of mucilage serving as an outer cuticle. This type of cortex has been called by Hue[322] “decomposed.” It is subject to constant surface weathering, thin layers being continually peeled off, but it is as continually being renewed endogenously by the upward growth of hyphae from the active gonidial zone. Exceptions to this type of cortex in crustaceous lichens are found in some Pertusariae where a secondary plectenchymatous cortex is formed, and in Dirina where it is fastigiate[323] as in Roccella.

2nd. The gonidial zone—a somewhat irregular layer of algae and hyphae below the cortex—which varies in thickness according to the species.

3rd. The medullary tissue of somewhat loosely intermingled branching hyphae, with generally rather swollen walls and narrow lumen. It rests directly on the substratum and follows every inequality and crack so closely, even where it does not penetrate, that the thallus cannot be detached without breaking it away.

In Verrucaria mucosa, a smooth brown maritime lichen found on rocks between tide-levels, the thallus is composed of tightly packed vertical rows of hyphae, slender, rather thin-walled, and divided into short cells. The gonidia are chiefly massed towards the upper surface, but they also occur in vertical rows in the medulla. One or two of the upper cells are brown and form an even cortex. The same formation occurs in some other sea-washed species; the arrangement of the tissue elements recalls that of crustaceous Florideae such as Hildenbrandtia, Cruoria, etc.

Fig. 40. Young thallus of Rhizocarpon geographicum DC., with primary and subsequent (dotted lines) areolation × 5.

cc. Formation of areolae. An “areolate” thallus is seamed and scored by cracks of varying width and depth which divide it into minute compartments. These cracks or fissures or chinks originate in two ways depending on the presence or absence of hypothallic hyphae. Where the hypothallus is active, new areolae arise when the filaments encounter new groups of algae. More vigorous growth starts at once and proceeds on all sides from these algal centres, until similarly formed areolae are met, a more or less pronounced fissure marking the limits of each. This primary areolation, termed rimose or rimulose, is well seen in the thin smooth thallus of Rhizocarpon geographicum (Fig. 40); but the first-formed areolae are also very frequently slightly marked by subsequent cracks due to unequal growth. The areolation caused by primary growth conditions tends to become gradually less obvious or to disappear altogether.

Secondary areolation is due to unequal intercalary growth of the otherwise continuous thallus[324]. A more active increase of any minute portions provokes a tension or straining of the cortex between the swollen areas and the surrounding more sluggish tissues; the surface layers give way and chinks arise, a condition described by older lichenologists as “rimose-diffract” or sometimes as “rhagadiose.” The thallus is generally thicker, more broken and granular in the older central parts of the lichen. Towards the circumference, where the tissue is thinner and growth more equal, the chinks are less evident. Sometimes the more vigorously growing areolae may extend over those immediately adjoining, in which case the covered portions become brown and their gonidia gradually disappear.

Strongly marked intersecting lines, similar to those round the margin of the thallus, are formed when hypothalli that have themselves started from different centres touch each other. A large continuous patch of crustaceous thallus may thus be composed of many individuals (Fig. 41).

Fig. 41. Rhizocarpon geographicum DC. on boulder, reduced (M. P., Photo.).

b. Endolithic Lichens. In many species, only the lower hyphae penetrate the substratum either of rock or soil. In a few, more especially those growing on limestone, the greater part or even the whole of the vegetative thallus and sometimes also the fruits are, to some extent, immersed in the rock. It has now been demonstrated that a number of lichens, formerly described as athalline, possess a considerable vegetative body which cannot be examined until the limestone in which they are embedded is dissolved by acids. One such species, Petractis (Gyalecta) exanthematica, studied by Steiner[325] and later by FÜnfstÜck[326], is associated with the blue-green filamentous alga, Scytonema, and is homoiomerous in structure, the alga growing through and permeating the whole of the embedded thallus. A partly homoiomerous thallus, associated with Trentepohlia, has been described by Bachmann[327]. He found the bright-yellow filaments of the alga covering the surface of a calcareous rock. By reason of their apical growth, they pierced the rock and dissolved a way for themselves, not only among the loose particles, but right through a clear calcium crystal reaching generally to a depth of about 200µ, though isolated threads had gone 350µ below the surface. Near the outside the tendency was for the algae to become stouter and to increase by intercalary growth and by budded yeast-like outgrowths; lower down they were somewhat smaller. The hyphae that became united with the algae were unusually slender and were characterized by frequent anastomoses. They closely surrounded the gonidia and also filled the loose spaces of the limestone with their fine thread-like strands. Though oil was undoubtedly present in the lower hyphae there were no swollen nor sphaeroid cells[328]. Some interesting experiments with moisture proved that the part of the rock permeated with the lichen absorbed much more water and retained it longer than the part that was lichen-free.

Generally the embedded tissues follow the same order as in other crustaceous lichens: an upper layer of cortical hyphae, next a gonidial zone, and beneath that an interlaced tissue of medullary or rhizoidal hyphae which often form fat-cells[328]. Friedrich[329] has given measurements of the immersed thallus of Lecanora (Biatorella) simplex: under a cortical layer of hyphae there was a gonidial zone 600-700µ thick, while the lower hyphae reached a depth of 12 mm.; he has also recorded an instance of a thallus reaching a depth of 30 mm.

On siliceous rocks such as granite, rhizoidal hyphae penetrate the rock chiefly between the thin separable flakes of mica. Bachmann[330] has recognized in these conditions three distinct series of cell-formations: (1) slender long-celled sparsely branched hyphae which form a network by frequent anastomoses; (2) further down, though only occasionally, hyphae with short thick-walled bead-like cells; and (3) beneath these, but only in or near mica crystals, spherical cells containing oil or some albuminous substance.

c. Chemical Nature of the Substratum. Lichens growing on calcareous rocks or soils are more or less endolithic, those on siliceous rocks are largely epilithic, but Bachmann[331] found that the mica crystals in granite were penetrated, much in the same way as limestone, by the lichen hyphae. These travel through the mica in all directions, though they tend to follow the line of cleavage, thus taking the direction of least cohesion. He found that oil-hyphae were formed, and also certain peculiar bristle-like terminal branches; in other cases there were thin layers of plectenchyma, and gonidia were also present. If however felspar or quartz crystals, no matter how thin, blocked the way, further growth was arrested, the hyphae being unable to pierce through or even to leave any trace on the quartz[332]. On granite containing no mica constituents the hyphae can only follow the cracks between the different impenetrable crystals.

Stahlecker[333] has confirmed Bachmann’s observations, but he considers that the difference in habit and structure between the endolithic and epilithic series of lichens is due rather to the chemical than to the physical nature of the substratum. Thus in a rock of mixed composition such as granite, the more basic constituents are preferred by the hyphae, and are the first to be surrounded: mica, when present, is at once penetrated; particles of hornblende, which contain 40 to 50 per cent. only of silicic acid, are laid hold of by the filaments of the lichen before the felspar, of which the acid content is about 60 per cent.; quartz grains which are pure silica are attacked last of all, though in the course of time they also become corroded.

The character of the substratum also affects to a great extent the comparative development of the different thalline layers: the hyphal tissues in silicicolous lichens are much thinner than in lichens on limestone, and the gonidial zone is correspondingly wider. In a species of Staurothele on granite, Stahlecker[333] estimated the gonidial zone to be about 600 µ thick, while the lower medullary hyphae, partly burrowing into the rock, measured about 6 mm. Other measurements at different parts of the thallus gave a rhizoidal depth of 3 mm., while on a more finely granular substratum, with a gonidial zone of 350 µ, the rhizoidal hyphae measured only 1-1/2 mm. On calcareous rocks, on the contrary, with a gonidial zone that is certainly no larger, the hyphal elements penetrate the rock to varying depths down to 15 mm. or even more.

Lang[334] has recorded equally interesting measurements for Sarcogyne (Biatorella) latericola: on slaty rock which contained no mixture of lime, the gonidial zone had a thickness of 80 µ, a considerable proportion of the very thin thallus. FÜnfstÜck[335] has indeed suggested that this lichen on acid rocks is only a starved condition of Sarcogyne (Biatorella) simplex, which on calcareous rocks, though with a broader gonidial zone, has, as noted above, a correspondingly much larger hyphal tissue.

Stahlecker’s theory is that the hyphae require more energy to grow in the acid conditions that prevail in siliceous rocks, and therefore they make larger demands on the algal symbionts. It follows that the latter must be stimulated to more abundant growth than in circumstances favourable to the fungus, such as are found in basic (calcareous) rocks; he concludes that on the acid (siliceous) rocks, the epilithic or superficial condition is not only a physical but a biological necessity, to enable the algae to grow and multiply in a zone well exposed to light with full opportunity for active photosynthesis and healthy increase.

C. Corticolous Lichens

The crustaceous lichens occurring on bark or on dead wood, like those on rocks, are either partly or wholly immersed in the substratum (hypophloeodal), or they grow on the surface (epiphloeodal); but even those with a superficial crust are anchored by the lower hyphae which enter any crack or crevice of wood or bark and so securely attach the thallus, that it can only be removed by cutting away the underlying substance.

a. Epiphloeodal Lichens. These lichens originate in the same way as the corresponding epilithic series from soredia or from germinating spores, and follow the same stages of growth; first a hypothallus with subsequent colonization of gonidia, the formation of granules, areolae, etc. The small compartments are formed as primary or secondary areolae; the larger spaces are marked out by the encounter of hypothalli starting from different centres.

The thickness of the thallus varies considerably according to the species. In some Pertusariae with a stoutish irregular crust there is a narrow amorphous cortical layer of almost obliterated cells, a thin gonidial zone about 35 µ in width and a massive rather dense medulla of colourless hyphae. Darbishire[336] has described and figured in Varicellaria microsticta, one of the Pertusariaceae, single hyphae that extend like beams across the wide medulla and connect the two cortices. In some Lecanorae and Lecideae there is, on the contrary, an extremely thin thallus consisting of groups of algae and loose fungal filaments, which grow over and between the dead cork cells of the outer bark. On palings, there is often a fairly substantial granular crust present, with a gonidial zone up to about 80 µ thick, while the underlying or medullary hyphae burrow among the dead wood fibres.

b. Hypophloeodal Lichens. These immersed lichens are comparable with the endolithic species of the rock formations, as their thallus is almost entirely developed under the outer bark of the tree. They are recognizable, even in the absence of any fructification, by the somewhat shining brownish, white or olive-green patches that indicate the underlying lichen. This type of thallus occurs in widely separated families and genera, Lecidea, Lecanora, etc., but it is most constant in Graphideae and in those Pyrenolichens of which the algal symbiont belongs to the genus Trentepohlia. The development of these lichens is of peculiar interest as it has been proved that though both symbionts are embedded in the corky tissues, the hyphae arrive there first, and, at some later stage, are followed by the gonidia. There is therefore no question of the alga being a “captured slave” or “unwilling mate.”

Frank[337] made a thorough study of several subcortical forms. He found that in Arthonia radiata, the first outwardly visible indication of the presence of the lichen on ash bark was a greenish spot quite distinct from the normal dull-grey colour of the periderm. Usually the spots are round in outline, but they tend to become ellipsoid in a horizontal direction, being influenced by the growth in thickness of the tree. At this early stage only hyphae are present; Bornet[338] as well as Frank described the outer periderm cells as penetrated and crammed with the colourless slender filaments. Lindau[339], in a more recent work, disputes that statement: he found that the hyphae invariably grew between the dead cork cells, splitting them up and disintegrating the bark, but never piercing the membranes. The purely prothallic condition, as a weft of closely entangled hyphae, may last, Frank considers, for a long period in an almost quiescent condition—possibly for several years—before the gonidia arrive.

It is always difficult to observe the entrance of the gonidia but they seem to spread first under the second or third layers of the periderm. With care it is possible to trace a filament of Trentepohlia from the surface downwards, and to see that the foremost cell is really the growing and advancing apex of the creeping alga. Both symbionts show increased vigour when they encounter each other: the thallus at once develops in extent and in depth, and, ultimately, reproductive bodies are formed. In some species the apothecia or perithecia alone emerge above the bark, in others the outer peridermal cells are thrown off, and the thallus thus becomes superficial to some extent as a white scurfy or furfuraceous crust.

The change from a hypophloeodal to a partly epiphloeodal condition depends largely on the nature of the bark. Frank[337] found that Lecanora pallida remained for a long time immersed when growing on the thick rugged bark of oak trunks. When well lighted, or on trees with a thin periderm, such as the ash, the lichen emerges much earlier and becomes superficial.

Black (or occasionally white) lines intersect the thallus and mark, as in saxicolous lichens (Fig. 41), the boundary lines between different individuals or different species. The pioneer hyphae of certain lichens very frequently become dark-coloured, and Bitter[340] has suggested as the reason for this that in damp weather the hypothallic growth is exceptionally vigorous. When dry weather supervenes, with high winds or strong sunshine, the outlying hyphae, unprotected by the thallus, become dark-coloured. On the return of more normal conditions the blackened tips are thrown off. Bitter further states that species of Graphideae do not form a permanent black limiting line when they grow in an isolated position: it is only when their advance is checked by some other thallus that the dark persistent edge appears, a characteristic also to be seen in the crust of other lichens. The dark boundary is always more marked in sunny exposed situations: in the shade, the line is reduced to a mere thread.

Bitter’s restriction of black boundary lines to cases of encountering thalli only, would exclude the comparison one is tempted to make between the advancing hyphae of lichens and those of many woody fungi where the extreme edge of the white invaded woody tissue is marked by a dark line. In the latter case however it is the cells of the host that are stained black by the fungus pigment.


A. Development of the Squamule

The crustaceous thallus is more or less firmly adherent to, or confused with, the substratum. Further advance to a new type of thallus is made when certain hyphal cells of soredium or granule take the lead in an ascending direction both upwards and outwards. As growth becomes definitely apical or one-sided, the structure rises free from the substratum, and small lobules or leaflet-like squamules are formed. Each squamule in this type of thallus is distinct in origin and not merely the branch of a larger whole.

In a few lichens the advance from the crustaceous to the squamulose structure is very slight. The granules seem but to have been flattened out at one side, and raised into minute rounded projections such as those that compose the thallus of Lecanora badia generally described as “subsquamulose.” The squamulose formation is more pronounced in Lecidea ostreata, and in some species of Pannaria; and the whole thallus may finally consist of small separate lobes as in Lecidea lurida, Lecanora crassa, L. saxicola, species of Dermatocarpon and the primary thallus of the Cladoniae. Most of these squamules are of a firm texture and more or less round in outline; in some species of Cladonia, etc., they are variously crenate, or cut into pinnate-like leaflets. Squamulose lichens grow mostly on rocks or soil, occasionally on dead wood, and are generally attached by single rhizoidal hyphae, either produced at all points of the under surface, or from the base only, growth in the latter case being one-sided. In a few instances, as in Heppia Guepini, there is a central hold-fast.

A frequent type of squamulose thallus is that termed “placodioid,” or “effigurate,” in which the squamulose character is chiefly apparent at the circumference. The thallus is more or less orbicular in outline; the centre may be squamulose or granular and cracked into areolae; the outer edge is composed of radiating lobules closely appressed to the substratum (Fig. 42).

Fig. 42. Placodium murorum DC. Part of placodioid thallus with apothecia × 2.

All lichens with this type of thallus were at one time included in the genus Placodium, now restricted by some lichenologists to squamulose or crustaceous species with polarilocular spores. Many of them rival Xanthoria parietina in their brilliant yellow colouring.

Fig. 43. Lecania candicans A. Zahlbr., with placodioid thallus, reduced (S. H., Photo.).

There are also greyish-white effigurate lichens such as Lecanora saxicola, Lecania candicans (Fig. 43) and Buellia canescens, well-known British species.

B. Tissues of Squamulose Thallus

The anatomical structure of the squamules is in general somewhat similar to that of the crustaceous thallus: an upper cortex, a gonidial zone, and below that a medullary layer of loose hyphae with sometimes a lower cortex.

1. The upper cortex, as in crustaceous lichens, is generally of the “decomposed”[341] or amorphous type: interlaced hyphae with thick gelatinous walls. A more highly developed form is apparent in Parmeliella and Pannaria where the upper cortex is formed of plectenchyma, while in the squamules of Heppia the whole structure is built up of plectenchyma, with the exception of a narrow band of loose hyphae in the central pith.

2. The gonidia are Myxophyceae or Chlorophyceae; the squamules in some instances may be homoiomerous as in Lepidocollema, but generally they belong to the heteromerous series, with the gonidia in a circumscribed zone, and either continuous or in groups. Friedrich[342] held that, as in crustaceous lichens the development of the gonidial as compared with the other tissues depended on the substratum. The squamules of Pannaria microphylla on sandstone were 100 µ thick, and the gonidial layer occupied 80 or 90 µ of the whole[343]. With that may be compared Placodium Garovagli on lime-containing rock: the gonidial layer measured only 50 µ across, the pith hyphae 280 µ and the rhizoidal hyphae that penetrated the rock 500 µ.

3. The medullary layer, as a rule, is of closely compacted hyphae which give solidity to the squamules; in those of Heppia it is almost entirely formed of plectenchyma.

4. The lower cortex is frequently little developed or absent, especially when the squamules are closely applied to the support as in some species of Dermatocarpon. In some of the squamulose Lecanorae (L. crassa and L. saxicola) the lowest hyphae are somewhat more closely interwoven; they become brown in colour, and the lichen is attached to the substratum by rhizoid-like branches. In Lecanora lentigera there is a layer of parallel hyphae along the under surface. Further development is reached when a plectenchyma of thick-walled cells is formed both above and below, as in Psoroma hypnorum, though on the under surface the continuity is often broken. The squamules of Cladoniae are described under the radiate-stratose series.


A. Development of foliose Thallus

The larger leafy lichens are occasionally monophyllous and attached at a central point as in Umbilicaria, but mostly they are broken up into lobes which are either imbricate and crowded, or represent the dividing and branching of the expanding thallus at the circumference. They are horizontal spreading structures, with marginal and apical growth. The several tissues of the squamule are repeated in the foliose thallus, but further provision is made to meet the requirements of the larger organism. There is the greater development of cortical tissue, especially on the lower surface, and the more abundant formation of rhizoidal organs to attach the large flat fronds to the support. There are also various adaptations to secure the aeration of the internal tissues[344].

B. Cortical Tissues

Schwendener[345] was the first who, with the improved microscope, made a systematic study of the minute structure of lichens. He examined typical species in genera of widely different groups and described their anatomy in detail. The most variable and perhaps the most important of the tissues of lichens is the cortex, which is most fully developed in the larger thalli, and as the same type of cortical structures recurs in lichens widely different in affinity as well as in form, it seems well to group together here the ascertained facts about these covering layers.

a. Types of Cortical Structure. Zukal[346], and more recently Hue[347], have made independent studies in the comparative morphology of the thallus and have given particular attention to the different varieties of cortex. They each find that the variations come under a definite series of types. Zukal recognized five of these:

1. Pseudoparenchymatous (plectenchyma): by frequent septation of regularly arranged hyphae and by coalescence a kind of continuous cell-structure is formed.

2. Palisade cells: the outer elongate ends of the hyphae lie close together in a direction at right angles to the surface of the thallus and form a coherent row of parallel cells.

3. Fibrous: the cortical hyphae lie in strands of fine filaments parallel with the surface of the thallus.

4. Intricate: hyphae confusedly interwoven and becoming dark in colour form the lower cortex of some foliose lichens.

These four types, Zukal finds, are practically without interstices in the tissue and form a perfect protection against excessive transpiration. He adds yet another form:

5. A cortex formed of hyphae with dark-coloured swollen cells, which is not a protection against transpiration. It occurs among lower crustaceous forms.

Hue has summed up the different varieties under four types, but as he has omitted the “fibrous” cortex, we arrive again at five different kinds of cortical formation, though they do not exactly correspond to those of Zukal. A definite name is given to each type:

1. Intricate: an intricate dense layer of gelatinous-walled hyphae, branching in all directions, but not coalescent (Fig. 44). This rather unusual type of cortex occurs in Sphaerophorus and Stereocaulon, both of which have an upright rigid thallus (fruticose).

Fig. 44. Sphaerophorus coralloides Pers. Transverse section of cortex and gonidial layer near the growing point of a frond × 600.

Fig. 45. Roccella fuciformis DC. Transverse section of cortex near the growing point of a frond × 600.

2. Fastigiate: the hyphae bend outwards or upwards to form the cortex. A primary filament can be distinguished with abundant branches, all tending in the same direction; anastomosis may take place between the hyphae. The end branches are densely packed, though there are occasional interstices (Fig. 45). Such a cortex occurs in Thamnolia; in several genera of Roccellaceae—Roccellographa, Roccellina, Reinkella, Pentagenella, Combea, Schizopelte and Roccella—and also in the crustaceous genus Dirina. The fastigiate cortex corresponds with Zukal’s palisade cells.

3. Decomposed: in this, the most frequent type of cortex, the hyphae that travel up from the gonidial layer become irregularly branched and frequently septate. The cell-walls of the terminal branches become swollen into a gelatinous mass, the transformation being brought about by a change in the molecular constituents of the cell-walls which permits the imbibition and storage of water. The tissue, owing to the enormous increase of the wall, is so closely pressed together that the individual hyphae become indistinct; the cell-lumen finally disappears altogether, or, at most, is only to be detected in section as a narrow disconnected dark streak. The decomposed cortex is characteristic of many lichens, crustaceous (Fig. 46) and squamulose, as well as of such highly developed genera as Usnea, Letharia, Ramalina, Cetraria, Evernia and certain Parmeliae.

Fig. 46. Lecanora glaucoma var. corrugata Nyl. Vertical section of cortex × 500 (after Hue).

Zukal took no note of the decomposed cortex but the omission is intentional and is due to his regarding the structure of the youngest stages of the thallus near the growing point as the most typical and as giving the best indication as to the true arrangement of hyphae in the cortex. He thus describes palisade tissue as the characteristic cortex of Evernia, since the formation near the growing point of the fronds is somewhat palisade-like and he finds fibrous cortex at the tips of Usnea filaments. In both these instances Hue has described the cortex as decomposed because he takes account only of the fully formed thallus in which the tissues have reached a permanent condition.

Fig. 47. Peltigera canina DC. Vertical section of cortex and gonidial zone × 600.

4. Plectenchymatous: the last of Hue’s types corresponds with the first described by Zukal. It is the result of the lateral coherence and frequent septation of the hyphae into short almost square or rounded cells (Fig. 47). The simplest type of such a cortex can be studied in Leptogium, a genus of gelatinous lichens in which the tips of the hyphae are cut off at the surface by one or more septa. The resulting cells are wider than the hyphae and they cohere together to form, in some species, disconnected patches of cells; in others, a continuous cortical covering one or more cells thick, while in the margin of the apothecium they form a deep cellular layer. The cellular type of cortex is found also, as already stated, in some crustaceous Pertusariae, and in a few squamulose genera or species. It forms the uppermost layer of the Peltigera thallus and both cortices of many of the larger foliose lichens such as Sticta, Parmelia, etc.

5. The “fibrous” cortex must be added to this series, as was pointed out by Heber Howe[348] who gave the less appropriate designation of “simple” to the type. It consists of long rather sparingly branched slender hyphae that grow in a direction parallel with the surface of the thallus (Fig. 48). It is characteristic of several fruticose and foliose lichens with more or less upright growth, such as we find in several of the Physciae, and in the allied genus Teloschistes, in Alectoria, several genera of Roccellaceae, in Usnea longissima and in Parmelia pubescens, etc. Zukal would have included all the Usneae as the tips are fibrous.

Fig. 48. Physcia ciliaris DC. Vertical section of thallus. a, cortex; b, gonidial zone; c, medulla. × 100.

More than one type of cortex, as already stated, may appear in a genus: a striking instance of variability occurs in Solorina where, as Hue[349] has pointed out, the cortex of S. octospora is fastigiate, that of all the other species being plectenchymatous. Cortical development is a specific rather than a generic characteristic.

b. Origin of Variation in Cortical Structure. The immediate causes making for differentiation in cortical development are: the prevailing direction of growth of the hyphae as they rise from the gonidial zone; the amount of branching and the crowding of the filaments; the frequency of septation; and the thickening or degeneration of the cell-walls which may become almost or entirely mucilaginous. In the plectenchymatous cortex, the walls may remain quite thin and the cells small as in Xanthoria parietina, or the walls may be much thickened as in both cortices of Sticta. As a result of stretching the cell may increase enormously in size: in some instances where the internal hyphae are about 3 µ to 4 µ in width, the cortical cells formed from these hyphae may have a cell cavity 15 µ to 16 µ in diameter.

c. Loss and Renewal of Cortex. Very frequently the cortex is covered over by a layer of homogeneous mucilage which forms an outer cuticle. It arises from the continual degeneration of the outer cell-walls and it is liable to friction and removal by atmospheric agency as was first described by Schwendener[350] in the weather-beaten cortex of Umbilicaria pustulata. He had noted the irregular jagged outline of the cross section of the thallus, and he then suggested, as the probable reason, the decay of the outer rind with the constant renewal of it by the hyphae from the underlying gonidial zone, though he was unable definitely to prove his theory. The peeling of the dead outer layer (with its replacement by new tissue) has however been observed many times since his day. It has been described by Darbishire[351] in Pertusaria: in that genus there is at first a primary cortex formed of hyphae that grow in a radial direction, parallel to the surface of the thallus. The walls of these hyphae become gradually more and more mucilaginous till the cells are obliterated. Meanwhile short-celled filaments grow up in serried ranks from the gonidial layer and finally push off the dead “fibrous” cortex. The new tissue takes on a plectenchymatous character, and the outer cells in time become decomposed and provide a mucilaginous cuticle which in turn is also subject to wasting.

The same process of peeling was noted by Rosendahl[352] in some species of brown Parmeliae, where the dead tissues were thrown off in shreds, though only in isolated patches. But whether in patches or as a continuous sheath, there is constant degeneration, with continual renewal of the dead material from the internal tissues.

The cortex is the most highly developed of all the lichen structures and is of immense importance to the plant as may be judged from the various adaptations to different needs[353]. The cortical cell-walls are frequently impregnated with some dark-coloured substance which, in exposed situations, must counteract the influence of too direct sunlight and be of service in sheltering the gonidia. Lichen acids—sometimes very brightly coloured—and oxalic acid are deposited in the cortical tissues in great abundance and aid in retaining moisture; but the two chief functions to which the cortex is specially adapted are the checking of transpiration and the strengthening of the thallus against external strains.

d. Cortical Hairs or Trichomes. Though somewhat rare, cortical hairs are present on the upper surface of several foliose lichens. They take rise, in all the instances noted, as a prolongation of one of the cell-rows forming a plectenchymatous cortex.

In Peltidea (Peltigera) aphthosa they are especially evident near the growing edges of the thallus; and they take part in the development of the superficial cephalodia[354] which are a constant feature of the lichen. They tend to disappear with age and leave the central older parts of the thallus smooth and shining. In several other species of Peltigera (P. canina, etc.) they are present and persist during the life of the cortex. In these lichens the cells of the cortical tissue are thin-walled, all except the outer layer, the membranes of which are much thicker. The hairs rising from them are also thick-walled and septate. Generally they branch in all directions and anastomose with neighbouring hairs so that a confused felted tangle is formed; they vary in size but are, as a rule, about double the width of the medullary hyphae as are the cortical cells from which they rise. They disappear from the thallus, frequently in patches, probably by weathering, but over large surfaces, and especially where any inequality affords a shelter, they persist as a soft down.

Hairs are also present on the upper surface of some Parmeliae. Rosendahl[355] has described and figured them in P. glabra and P. verruculifera—short pointed unbranched hyphae, two or more septate and with thickened walls. They are most easily seen near the edge of the thallus, though they persist more or less over the surface; they also grow on the margins of the apothecia. In P. verruculifera they arise from the soredia; in P. glabra a few isolated hairs are present on the under surface.

In Nephromium tomentosum there is a scanty formation of hairs on the upper surface. They are abundant on the lower surface, and function as attaching organs. A thick tomentum of hairs is similarly present on the lower surface of many of the Stictaceae either as an almost unbroken covering or in scattered patches. In several species of Leptogium they grow out from the lower cortical cells and attach the thin horizontal fronds; and very occasionally they are present in Collema.

C. Gonidial Tissues

With the exception of some species of Collema and Leptogium lichens included under the term foliose, are heteromerous in structure, and the algae that form the gonidial zone are situated below the upper cortex and, therefore, in the most favourable position for photosynthesis. Whether belonging to the Myxophyceae or the Chlorophyceae, they form a green band, straight and continuous in some forms, in others somewhat broken up into groups. In certain species they push up at intervals among the cortical cells, as in Gyrophora and in Parmelia tristis. In Solorina crocea a regular series of gonidial pyramids rises towards the upper surface. The green cells are frequently more dense at some points than at others, and they may penetrate in groups well into the medulla.

The fungal tissue of the gonidial zone is composed of hyphae which have thinner walls, and are generally somewhat loosely interlacing. In Peltigera[356] the gonidial hyphae are so connected by frequent branching and by anastomosis that a net-like structure is formed, in the meshes of which the algae—a species of Nostoc—are massed more or less in groups. In lichens with a plectenchymatous cortex, the cellular tissue may extend downwards into the gonidial zone and the gonidia thus become enmeshed among the cells, a type of formation well seen in the squamulose species, Dermatocarpon lachneum and Heppia Guepini, where the massive plectenchyma of both the upper and lower cortices encroaches on the pith. In Endocarpon and in Psoroma the gonidia are also surrounded by short cells.

A similar type of structure occurs in Cora Pavonia, one of the Hymenolichenes: the gonidial hyphae in that species form a cellular tissue in which are embedded the blue-green Chroococcus cells[357].

D. Medulla and Lower Cortex

a. Medulla. The hyphal tissue of the dorsiventral thallus that lies between the gonidial zone and the lower cortex or base of the plant is always referred to as the medulla or pith. It is, as a rule, by far the most considerable portion of the thallus. In Parmelia caperata (Fig. 49), for instance, the lobes of which are about 300 µ thick, over 200 µ of the space is occupied by this layer. It varies however very largely in extent in different lichens according to species, and also according to the substratum. In another Parmelia with a very thin thallus, P. alpicola growing on quartzite, the medulla measures scarcely twice the width of the gonidial zone. It forms a fairly massive tissue in some of the crustaceous lichens—in some Pertusariae and Lecanorae—attaining a width of about 600 µ.

Nylander[358] distinguished three types of medullary tissue in lichens:

(1) felted, which includes all those of a purely filamentous structure;

(2) cretaceous or tartareous, more compact than the felted, and containing granular or crystalline substances as in some Pertusariae; and lastly

(3) the cellular medulla in which the closely packed hyphae are divided into short cells and a kind of plectenchyma is formed, as in Lecanora (Psoroma) hypnorum, in Endocarpon, etc.

Fig. 49. Parmelia caperata Ach. (S. H., Photo.).

The felted medulla is characteristic of most lichens and is formed of loose slender branching septate hyphae with thickish walls. This interwoven hyphal texture provides abundant air-spaces.

Hue[359] has noted that the walls of the medullary hyphae in Parmeliae are smooth, unless they have been exposed to great extremes of heat or cold, when they become wrinkled or scaly. They are very thick-walled in Peltigera (Fig. 50).

Fig. 50. Hyphae from lower medulla of Peltigera canina DC. × 600.

b. Lower Cortex. In some foliose lichens such as Peltigera there is no special tissue developed on the under surface. In Lobaria pulmonaria large patches of the under surface are bare, and the medulla is exposed to the outer atmosphere, sheltered only by its position. In some other lichens the lowermost hyphae lie closer together and a kind of felt of almost parallel filaments is formed, generally darker in colour, as in Lecanora lentigera, and in some species of Physcia.

Most frequently however the tissues of the upper cortex are repeated on the lower surface, though differing somewhat in detail. In all of the brown Parmeliae, according to Rosendahl[360], the structure is identical for both cortices, though the upper develops now hairs, now isidia, breathing pores, etc., while the lower produces rhizinae. The amorphous mucilaginous cuticle so often present on the upper surface is absent from the lower, the walls of the latter being often charged instead with dark-brown pigments.

c. Hypothallic Structures. An unusual development of hyphae from the lower cortex occurs in the genera Anzia and Pannoparmelia—both closely related to Parmelia—whereby a loose sponge-like hypothallus of anastomosing reticulate strands is formed. In one of the simpler types, Anzia colpodes, a North American species, the hyphae passing out from the lower medulla become abruptly dark-brown in colour, and are divided into short thick-walled cells. Frequent branching and anastomosis of these hyphae result in the formation of a cushion-like structure about twice the bulk of the thallus. In another species from Australia (A. Japonica) there is a lower cortex, distinct from the medulla, consisting of septate colourless hyphae with thick walls. From these branch out free filaments, similar in structure but dark in colour, which branch and anastomose as in the previous species.

Fig. 51. Pannoparmelia anzioides Darb. Vertical section of thallus and hypothallus. a, cortex; b, gonidial zone; c, medulla; d, lower cortex; e, hypothallus. × ca. 450 (after Darbishire).

In Pannoparmelia the lower cortex and the outgrowths from it are several cells thick; they may be thick-walled as in Anzia, or they may be thin-walled as described and figured by Darbishire[361] in Pannoparmelia anzioides, a species from Tierra del Fuego (Fig. 51). A somewhat dense interwoven felt of hyphae occurs also in certain parts of the under surface of Parmelia physodes[362].

This peculiar structure, regarded as a hypothallus, is probably of service in the retention of moisture. The thick cell-walls in most of the forms suggest some such function.

E. Structures for Protection and Attachment

Such structures are almost wholly confined to the larger foliose and fruticose lichens and are all of the same simple type; they are fungal in origin and very rarely are gonidia associated with them.

Fig. 52. Usnea florida Web. Ciliate apothecia (S. H., Photo.).

a. Cilia. In a few widely separated lichens stoutish cilia are borne, mostly on the margins of the thallus lobes, or on the margins of the apothecia (Fig. 52). They arise from the cortical cells or hyphae, several of which grow out in a compact strand which tapers gradually to a point. Cilia vary in length up to about 1 cm. or even longer. In some lichens they retain the colour of the cortex and are greyish or whitish-grey, as in Physcia ciliaris or in Physcia hispida (Fig. 110). They provide a yellow fringe to the apothecia of Physcia chrysophthalma and a green fringe to those of Usnea florida. They are dark-brown or almost black in Parmelia perlata var. ciliata and in P. cetrata, etc. as also in Gyrophora cylindrica. The fronds of Cetraria islandica and other species of the genus are bordered with short spinulose brown hairs whose main function seems to be the bearing of “pycnidia” though in many cases they are barren (Fig. 128).

Superficial cilia are more rarely formed than marginal ones, but they are characteristic of one not uncommon British species, Parmelia proboscidea (P. pilosella Hue). Scattered over the surface of that lichen are numerous crowded groups of isidia which, frequently, are prolonged upwards as dark-brown or blackish cilia. Nearly every isidium bears a small brown spot on the apex at an early stage of growth. Similar cilia are sparsely scattered over the thallus, but their base is always a rather stouter grey structure, which suggests an isidial origin. Cilia also occur on the margin of the lobes.

As lichens are a favourite food of snails, insects, etc., it is considered that these structures are protective in function, and that they impede, if they do not entirely prevent, the larger marauders in their work of destruction.

Fig. 53. Rhizoid of Parmelia exasperata Carroll (P. aspidota Rosend.). A, hyphae growing out from lower cortex × 450. B, tip of rhizoid with gelatinous sheath × 335 (after Rosendahl).

b. Rhizinae. Lichen rootlets are mainly for the purpose of attachment and have little significance as organs of absorption. They have been noted in only one crustaceous lichen, Varicellaria microsticta[363], an alpine species that spreads over bark or soil, and which is further distinguished by being provided with a lower cortex of plectenchyma. In foliose lichens they are frequently abundant, though by no means universal, and attach the spreading fronds to the support. They originate, as Schwendener[364] pointed out, from the outer cortical cells, exactly as do the cilia, and are scattered over the under surface or are confined to special areas. Rosendahl[365] has described their development in the brown species of Parmeliae: the under cortex in these lichens is formed of a cellular plectenchyma with thickish walls; the rootlets arise by the outgrowth of several neighbouring cells from some slight elevation near the edge of the thallus. Branching and interlacing of these growing rhizinal hyphae follow, the outermost frequently spreading outwards at right angles to the axis, and forming a cellular cortex. The apex of the rhizoid is generally an enlarged tuft of loose hyphae involved in mucilage (Fig. 53), a provision for securing firmer cohesion to the support; or the tips spread out as a kind of sucker. Not unfrequently neighbouring “rootlets” are connected by mucilage at the tips, or by outgrowths of their hyphae, and a rather large hold-fast sheath is formed.

Fig. 54. Peltigera canina DC. (S. H., Photo.).

Fig. 55. Peltigera canina DC. Under surface with veins and rhizoids (after Reinke).

In species of Peltigera (Fig. 54) the rhizinae are confined to the veins or ridges (Fig. 55); they are thickish at the base, and are generally rather long and straggling. Meyer[366] states that the central hyphae are stoutish and much entangled owing to the branching and frequent anastomosis of one hypha with another; the peripheral terminal branches are thinner-walled and free. These rhizinae vary in colour from white in Peltigera canina to brown or black in other species. Most species of Peltigera spread over grass or mosses, to which they cling by these long loose “rootlets.”

Lichen rhizinae, distinguished by Reinke[367] as “aerial rhizinae,” are more or less characteristic of all the species of Parmelia with the exception of those belonging to the subgenus Hypogymnia in which they are of very rare occurrence, arising, according to Bitter[368], only in response to some external friction. They are invariably dark-coloured, rather short, about one to a few millimetres in length, and are simple or branched. The branches may go off at any angle and are sometimes curved back at the ends in anchor-like fashion. The Parmeliae grow on firm substances, trees, rocks, etc., and the irregularities of their attaching structures are conditioned by the obstacles encountered on the substratum. Not unfrequently the lobes are attached by the rhizinae to underlying portions of the thallus.

In the genus Gyrophora, the rhizinae are simple strands of hyphae (G. polyrhiza) or they are corticate structures (G. murina, G. spodochroa and G. vellea). They are also present in species of Solorina, Ricasolia, Sticta and Physcia and very sparingly in Cetraria (Platysma).

c. Haptera. Sernander[369] has grouped all the more distinctively aerial organs of attachment, apart from rhizinae, under the term “hapteron” and he has described a number of instances in which cilia and even the growing points of the thallus may become transformed to haptera or sucker-like sheaths.

The long cilia of Physcia ciliaris occasionally form haptera at their tips where the hyphae are loose and in active growing condition. Contact with some substance induces branching by which a spreading sheath arises; a plug-like process may also be developed which pierces the substance encountered—not unfrequently another lobe of its own thallus. The long flaccid fronds of Evernia furfuracea are frequently connected together by bridge-like haptera which rise at any angle of the thallus or from any part of the surface.

The spinous hairs that border the thalline margins in Cetraria may also, in contact with some body—often another frond of the lichen—form a hapteron, either while the spermogonium, which occupies the tip of the spine, is still in a rudimentary stage, or after it has discharged its spermatia. The small sucker sheath may in that case arise either from the apex of the cilium, from the wall of the spermogonium or from its base. By means of these haptera, not only different individuals become united together, but instances are given by Sernander in which Cetraria islandica, normally a ground lichen, had become epiphytic by attaching itself in this way to the trunk of a tree (Pinus sylvestris).

In Alectoria, haptera are formed at the tip of the thallus filament as an apical cone-like growth from which hyphae may branch out and penetrate any convenient object. A species of this genus was thus found clinging to stems of Betula nana. Apical haptera are very frequent in Cladonia rangiferina and Cl. sylvatica, induced here also by contact. These two plants, as well as several species of Cetraria, tend, indeed, to become entirely epiphytic on the heaths of the Calluna formations. Haptera similar to those of Alectoria occur in Usnea, Evernia, Ramalina and Cornicularia (Cetraria). In Evernia prunastri var. stictoceros, a heath form, the fronds become attached to the stems and branches of Erica tetralix by hapteroid strands of slender glutinous hyphae which persist on the frond of the lichen after it is detached as small very dark tubercles surmounted, as Parfitt[370] pointed out, by a dark-brown grumous mass of cells. Plug-like haptera may be formed at the base of Cladoniae which attach them to each other and to the substratum. The brightly coloured fronds of Letharia vulpina are attached to each other in somewhat tangled fashion by lateral bridges or by fascicles of hyphae dark-brown at the base but colourless at the apices, exactly like aerial adventitious rhizinae. They grow out from the fronds generally at or near the tips and lay hold of a neighbouring frond by means of mucilage. These haptera are evidently formed in response to friction. Haptera along with other lichen attachments have received considerable attention from GallØe[371]. He finds them arising on various positions of the lichen fronds and has classified them accordingly.

After the haptera have become attached, they increase in size and strength and supply a strong anchorage for the plant; the point of contact frequently forms a basis for renewed growth while the part beneath the hapteron may gradually die off. Haptera are more especially characteristic of fruticose lichens, but Sernander considers that the rhizinae of foliose species may function as haptera. They are important organs of tundra and heath formations as they enable the lichens to get a foothold in well-lighted positions, and by their aid the fronds are more able to resist the extreme tearing strains to which they are subjected in high and unsheltered moorlands.

F. Strengthening Tissues of Stratose Lichens

Squamulose and foliose lichens grow mostly in close relation with the support, and the flat expanding thallus, as in the Parmeliae, is attached at many points to the substance—tree, rock, etc.—over which the plants spread. Special provision for support is therefore not required, and the lobes remain thin and flaccid. Yet, in a number of widely different genera the attachment to the substratum is very slight, and in these we find an adaptation of existing tissues fitted to resist tearing strains, resistance being almost invariably secured by the strengthening of the cortical layers.

a. By development of the Cortex. Such a transformation of tissue is well illustrated in Heppia Guepini. The thallus consists of rigid squamules which are attached at one point only; the cortex of both surfaces is plectenchymatous and very thick and even the medulla is largely cellular.

The much larger but equally rigid coriaceous thallus of Dermatocarpon miniatum (Fig. 56) has also a single central attachment or umbilicus, and both cortices consist of a compact many-layered plectenchyma. The same structure occurs in Umbilicaria pustulata and in some species of Gyrophora, which, having only a single central hold-fast, gain the necessary stiffening through the increase of the cortical layers.

Fig. 56. Dermatocarpon miniatum Th. Fr. (S. H., Photo.).

In the Stictaceae there are a large number of widely-expanded forms, and as the attachment depends mostly on a somewhat short tomentum, strength is obtained here also by the thick plectenchymatous cortex of both surfaces. When areas denuded of tomentum and cortex occur, as in Lobaria pulmonaria, the under surface is not sensibly weakened, since the cortical tissue remains connected in a stout and firm reticulation.

b. By development of Veins or Nerves. Certain ground lichens belonging to the Peltigeraceae have a wide spreading thallus often with very large lobes. The upper cortex is a many-layered plectenchyma, but the under surface is covered only by a loose felt of hyphae which branch out into a more or less dense tomentum. As the firm upper cortex continues to increase by intercalary growth from the branching upwards of hyphae from the meristematic gonidial zone, there occurs an extension of the upper thallus with which the lower cannot keep pace[372]. A little way back from the edge, the result of the stretching is seen in the splitting asunder of the felted hyphae of the under surface, and in the consequent formation of a reticulate series of ridges known as the veins or nerves; they represent the original tomentose covering, and are white, black or brown, according to the colour of the tomentum itself. The naked ellipsoid interstices show the white medulla, and, if the veins are wide, the colourless areas are correspondingly small. Rhizinae are formed on the nerves in several of the species, and anchor the thallus to the support. In Peltigera canina, the under surface is almost wholly colourless, the veins are very prominent (Fig. 55), and are further strengthened by the growth and branching of the parallel hyphae of which they are composed. They serve to strengthen the large and flabby thallus and form a rigid base for the long rhizinae by which the lichen clings to the grass or moss over which it grows.

The most perfect development of strengthening nerves is to be found in Hydrothyria venosa[373], a rather rare water lichen that occurs in the streams of North America. It consists of fan-like lobes of thin structure, the cortex being only about one cell thick. The fronds are about 3 cm. wide and they are contracted below into a stalk which serves to attach the plant to the substratum. Several fronds may grow together in a dense tuft, the expanded upper portion floating freely in the water. Frequently the plants form a dense growth over the rocky beds of the stream.

At the point where the stalk expands into the free erect frond, there arise a series of stout veins which spread upwards and outwards. They are definitely formed structures and not adaptations of pre-existing tissues: certain hyphae arise from the medulla at the contracted base of the frond, take a radial direction and, by increase, become developed into firm strands. The individual hyphae also increase in size, and the swelling of the nerve gives rise to a ridge prominent on both surfaces. They seldom anastomose at first but towards the tips they become smaller and spread out in delicate ramifications which unite at various points. There is no doubt, as Bitter[372] points out, that the nerves function as strengthening tissues and preserve the frond from the strain of the water currents which would, otherwise, tear apart the delicate texture.



In the stratose dorsiventral thallus, there is a widely extended growing area situated round the free margins of the thallus. In the radiate thallus of the fruticose or filamentous lichens, growth is confined to an apical region. Attachment to the substratum is at one point only—the base of the plant—thus securing the exposure of all sides equally to light. The cortex surrounds the fronds, and the gonidia (mostly Protococcaceae) lie in a zone or in groups between the cortex and the medulla. It is the highest type of vegetative development in the lichen kingdom, since it secures the widest room for the gonidial layer, and the largest opportunity for photosynthesis.

Fig. 57. Roccella fuciformis DC.

Shrubby upright lichens consist mostly of strap-shaped fronds, either simple or branched, which may be broadened to thin bands (Fig. 57) or may be narrowed and thickened till they are almost cylindrical. The fronds vary in length according to the species from a few millimetres upwards: those of Roccella have been found measuring 30 cm. in length; those of Ramalina reticulata, the largest of all the American lichens, extend to considerably more.

Lichens of filamentous growth are more or less cylindrical (Fig. 58). They are in some species upright and of moderate length, but in a few pendulous forms they grow to a great length: specimens of Usnea longissima have been recorded that measured 6 to 8 metres from base to tip.

Fig. 58. Usnea barbata Web. (S. H., Photo.).

The radiate type of thallus occurs in most of the lichen groups but most frequently in the Gymnocarpeae. In gelatinous Discolichens it is represented in the Lichinaceae. It is rare among Pyrenocarpeae: there is one very minute British lichen in that series, Pyrenidium actinellum, and one from N. America, Pyrenothamnia, that are of fruticose habit.


Between the foliose and the fruticose types, there are intermediate forms that might be, and often are, classified now in one group and now in the other. These are chiefly: Physcia (Anaptychia) ciliaris, Ph. leucomelas and the species of Evernia.

In the two former the habit is more or less fruticose as the plants are affixed to the substratum at a basal point, but the fronds are decumbent and the internal structure is of the dorsiventral type: there is an upper “fibrous” cortex of closely compacted parallel hyphae, a gonidial zone—the gonidia lying partly in the cortex and partly among the loose hyphae of the medulla—and a lower cortex formed of a weft of hyphae which also run somewhat parallel to the surface. Both species are distinguished by the numerous marginal cilia, either pale or dark in colour. These two lichens are greyish-coloured on the upper surface and greyish or whitish below.

Evernia furfuracea with a basal attachment[374], and with a partly horizontal and partly upright growth, has a dorsiventral thallus, dark greyish-green above and black beneath, with occasional rhizinae towards the base. The cortex of both surfaces belongs to the “decomposed” type; the gonidial zone lies below the upper surface, and the medullary tissue is of loose hyphae. In certain forms of the species isidia are abundant on the upper surface, a character of foliose rather than of fruticose lichens. E. furfuracea grows on trees and very frequently on palings.

Fig. 59. Evernia prunastri Ach. (M. P., Photo.).

E. prunastri, the second species of the genus, is more distinctly upright in habit, with a penetrating basal hold-fast and upright strap-shaped branching fronds, light-greyish green on the “upper” surface and white on the other (Fig. 59). The internal structure is sub-radiate; both cortices are “decomposed”; the gonidial zone consists of somewhat loose groups of algae, very constant below the “upper” surface, with an occasional group in the pith near to the lower cortex in positions that are more exposed to light. There is also a tendency for the gonidial zone to pass round the margin and spread some way along the under side. The medulla is of loose arachnoid texture and the whole plant is very limp when moist. It grows on trees, often in dense clusters.


A. General Structure of Thallus

The conditions of strain and tension in the upright plant are entirely different from those in the decumbent thallus, and to meet the new requirements, new adaptations of structure are provided either in the cortex or in the medulla.

Cortical Structures. With the exception of the distinctly plectenchymatous cortex, all the other types already described recur in fruticose lichens; in various ways they have been modified to provide not only covering but support to the fronds.

a. The fastigiate cortex. This reaches its highest development in Roccella in which the branched hyphal tips, slightly clavate and thick-walled, lie closely packed in palisade formation at right angles to the main axis (Fig. 45). They afford not only bending power, but give great consistency to the fronds. The cortex is further strengthened in R. fuciformis[375] by the compact arrangement of the medullary hyphae that run parallel with the surface, and among which occur single thick-walled filaments. The plant grows on maritime rocks in very exposed situations; and the narrow strap-shaped fronds, as stated above, may attain a length of 30 cm., though usually they are from 10 to 18 cm. in height. The same type of cortex, but less highly differentiated, affords a certain amount of stiffness to the cylindrical much weaker fronds of Thamnolia.

b. The fibrous cortex. This type is found in a number of lichens with long filamentous hanging fronds. It consists of parallel hyphae, rarely septate and rarely branched, but frequently anastomosing and with strongly thickened “sclerotic” walls. Such a cortex is the only strengthening element in Alectoria, and it affords great toughness and flexibility to the thong-like thallus. It is also present in Ramalina (Alectoria) thrausta, a species with slender fronds (Fig. 60).

Fig. 60. Alectoria thrausta Ach. A, transverse section of frond; a, cortex; b, gonidia; c, arachnoid medulla × 37. B, fibrous hyphae from longitudinal section of cortex. × 430 (after Brandt).

In Usnea longissima the cortex both of the fibrillose branchlets and of the main axis is fibrous, and is composed of narrow thick-walled hyphae which grow in a long spiral round the central strand. The hyphae become more frequently septate further back from the apex (Fig. 61). Such a type of cortex provides an exceedingly elastic and efficient protection for the long slender thallus.

Fig. 61. Usnea longissima Ach. Longitudinal sections of outer cortex. A, near the apex; B, the middle portion of a fibril. × 525 (after Schulte).

The same type of cortex forms the strengthening element in the fruticose or partly fruticose members of the family Physciaceae. One of these, Teloschistes flavicans, is a bright yellow filamentous lichen with a somewhat straggling habit. The fronds are very slender and are either cylindrical or slightly flattened. The hyphae of the outer cortex are compactly fibrous; added toughness is given by the presence of some longitudinal strands of hyphae in the central pith.

Another still more familiar grey lichen, Physcia ciliaris, has long flat branching fronds which, though dorsiventral in structure, are partly upright in habit. Strength is secured as in Teloschistes by the fibrous upper cortex. Other species of Physciae are somewhat similar in habit and in structure.

In Dendrographa leucophaea, a slender strap-shaped rock lichen, Darbishire[376] has described the outer cortex as composed of closely compacted parallel hyphae resembling the strengthening cortex of Alectoria and very different from the fastigiate cortex of the Roccellae with which it is usually classified.

B. Special strengthening Structures

a. Sclerotic strands. This form of strengthening tissue is characteristic of Ramalina. With the exception of R. thrausta (more truly an Alectoria) all the species have a rather weak cortical layer of branching intricate thick-walled hyphae, regarded by Brandt[377] as plectenchymatous, but more correctly by Hue[378] as “decomposed” on account of the gelatinous walls and diminishing lumen of the irregularly arranged cells.

Fig. 62. Ramalina minuscula Nyl. A, transverse section of frond × 37; B, longitudinal strengthening hyphae of inner cortex × 430 (after Brandt).

In R. evernioides, a plant with very wide flat almost decumbent fronds of soft texture, in R. ceruchis and in R. homalea there is a somewhat compact medulla which gives a slight stiffness to the thallus. The other species of the genus are provided with strengthening mechanical tissue within the cortex formed of closely united sclerotic hyphae that run parallel to the surface (Fig. 62). In a transverse section of the thallus, this tissue appears sometimes as a continuous ring which may project irregularly into the pith (R. calicaris); more frequently it is in the form of strands or bundles which alternate with the groups of gonidia (R. siliquosa, R. Curnowii, etc.). In R. fraxinea these strands may be scarcely discernible in young fronds, though sometimes already well developed near the tips. Occasionally isolated strands of fibres appear in the pith (R. Curnowii), or the sclerotic projections may even stretch across the pith to the other side (R. strepsilis) (Fig. 75 B).

In the Cladoniae support along with flexibility is secured to the upright podetium by the parallel closely packed hyphae that form round the hollow cylinder a band called the “chondroid” layer from its cartilage-like consistency.

b. Chondroid axis. The central medullary tissue in Ramalina is, with few exceptions, a loose arachnoid structure; often the fronds are almost hollow. In one species of Usnea, U. Taylori, found in polar regions, there is a similar loose though very circumscribed medullary and gonidial tissue in the centre of the somewhat cylindrical thallus, and a wide band of sclerotic fibres towards the cortex.

Fig. 63 A. A, Usnea barbata Web. Longitudinal section of filament with young adventitious branch. a, chondroid axis; b, gonidial tissue; c, cortex. × 100 (after Schwendener). B, U. longissima Ach. Hyphae from central axis × 525 (after Schulte).

In all other species of Usnea the medulla itself is transformed into a strong central strand of long-celled thick-walled hyphae closely knit together by frequent anastomoses (Fig. 63 A). This central strand of the Usneas is known as the “chondroid axis.” A narrow band of loose air-containing hyphae and a gonidial zone lie round the central axis between it and the outer cortex (Fig. 63 A, b). At the extreme apex, the external cortical hyphae grow in a direction parallel with the long axis of the plant, but further back, they branch out at right angles and become swollen and mostly “decomposed” as in the cortex of Ramalina.

In Letharia (L. vulpina, etc.) the structure is midway between Ramalina and Usnea: the central axis is either a solid strand of chondroid hyphae or several separate strands.

Fig. 63 B. Usnea longissima Ach. A, transverse section of fibril × 85. B, a, chondroid axis; b, gonidial tissue; c, cortex × 525 (after Schulte).

In three other genera with upright fruticose thalli, Sphaerophorus, Argopsis and Stereocaulon, rigidity is maintained by a medulla approaching the chondroid type. In Sphaerophorus the species may have either flattened or cylindrical branching stalks, but in all of them, the centre is occupied by longitudinal strands of hyphae. Argopsis, a monotypic genus from Kerguelen, has a cylindrical branching thallus with a strong solid axis; it is closely allied to Stereocaulon, a genus of familiar moorland lichens. The central tissue of the stalks in Stereocaulon is also composed of elongate, thick-walled conglutinate hyphae, formed into a strand which is, however, not entirely solid.

C. Survey of Mechanical Tissues

Mechanical tissues scarcely appear among fungi, except perhaps as stoutish cartilaginous hyphae in the stalks of some Agarics (Collybiae, etc.), or as a ring of more compact consistency round the central hyphae of rhizomorphic strands. It is practically a new adaptation of hyphal structure confined to lichens of the fruticose group, where there is the same requirement as in the higher plants for rigidity, flexure and tenacity.

Rigidity is attained as in other plants by groups or strands of mechanical tissue situated close to the periphery, as they are so arranged in Ramalina and Cladonia; or the same end is achieved by a strongly developed fastigiate cortex as in Roccella. Bending strains to which the same lichens are subjected, are equally well met by the peripheral disposition of the mechanical elements.

Tenacity and elasticity are provided for in the pendulous forms either by a fibrous cortex as in Alectoria, or by the chondroid axis in Usnea. Haberlandt[379] has recorded some interesting results of tests made by him as to the stretching capacity of a freshly gathered pendulous species in which the central strand was from ·5 to 1 mm. thick. He found he could draw it out 100 to 110 per cent. of its normal length before it gave way. In an upright species the frond broke when stretched 60 to 70 per cent. In both of the plants tested, the central strand retained its elasticity up to 20 per cent. of stretching. The outer cortical tissue was cracked and broken in the experiments. Schulte[380] calculated somewhat roughly the tenacity of Usnea longissima and found that a piece of the main axis 8 cm. long carried up to 300 grms. without breaking.

D. Reticulate Fronds

In the upright radiate thallus, more especially among the Ramalinae, though also among Cladoniae[381], there has appeared a reticulate thallus resulting from the elongate splitting of the tissues, and due to unequal growth tension and straining of the gelatinous cortex when swollen with moisture. In several species of Ramalina, the strap-shaped frond is hollow in the centre; and strands of strengthening fibres give rise to a series of cortical ridges. The thinner tissue between is frequently torn apart and ellipsoid openings appear which do not however pierce beyond the central hollow. Such breaks are irregular and accidental though occurring constantly in Ramalina fraxinea, R. dilacerata, etc.

A more complete type of reticulation is always present in a Californian lichen, Ramalina reticulata, in which the large flat frond is a delicate open network from tip to base (Fig. 64). It grows on the branches of deciduous trees and hangs in crowded tufts up to 30 cm. or more in length. Usually it is so torn, that the real size attainable can only be guessed at. It is attached at the base by a spreading discoid hold-fast, and, in mature plants, consists of a stoutish main axis from which side branches are irregularly given off. These latter are firm at the base like the parent stalk, but soon they broaden out into very wide fronds. Splitting begins at the tips of the branches while still young; they are then spathulate in form with a slightly narrower recurved tip, below which the first perforations are visible, small at first, but gradually enlarging with the growth of the frond.

Fig. 64. Ramalina reticulata Krempelh. Portion of frond (after Cramer).

Ramalina reticulata is an extremely gelatinous lichen and the formation of the network was supposed by Lutz[382] to be entirely due to the swelling of the tissues, or the imbibition of water, causing tension and splitting. A more exact explanation of the phenomenon is given by Peirce[383]: he found that it was due to the thickened incurved tip, which, on the addition of moisture, swells in length, breadth and thickness, causing it to bend slightly upwards and then curve backwards over the thallus, thus straining the part immediately behind. These various movements result in the splitting of the frond while it is young and the cortices are thin and weak.

Peirce made a series of experiments to test the capacity of the tissues to support tensile strains. In a dry state, a piece of the lichen held a weight up to 150 grms.; when wet it broke with a weight of 30 grms. It was also observed that the thickness of the frond doubled on wetting.

E. Rooting Base in Fruticose Lichens

Fruticose and filamentous lichens are distinguished by their mode of attachment to the substratum: instead of a system of rhizinae or of hairs spread over a large area, there is usually one definite rooting base by which the plant maintains its hold on the support.

Intermediate between the foliose and fruticose types of thallus are several species which are decumbent in habit, but which are attached at one (or sometimes more) definite points, with but little penetration of the underlying substance. One such lichen, Evernia furfuracea, has been classified now as foliose, and again as fruticose. The earliest stage of the thallus is in the form of a rosette-like sheath which bears rhizinae on the under surface, very numerous at the centre of the sheath, but entirely wanting towards the periphery. A secondary thallus of strap-shaped rather narrow fronds rises from the sheath and increases by irregular dichotomous branching. These branches, which are considered by Zopf[384] as adventitious, may also come into contact with the substratum and produce a few rhizinae at that point; or if the frond is more closely applied, the irritation thus produced causes a still greater outgrowth of rhizinae and the formation of a new base from which other fronds originate. These renewed centres of growth are not of very frequent occurrence; they were first observed and described by Lindau[385] in another species, Evernia prunastri, and were aptly compared by him to the creeping stolons of flowering plants.

Evernia furfuracea grows frequently on dead wood, palings, etc., as well as on trees. E. prunastri grows invariably on trees, and has a more constantly upright fruticose habit; in this species also, a basal sheath is present, and the attachment is secured by means of rhizoidal hyphae which penetrate deeply into the periderm of the tree, taking advantage of the openings afforded by the lenticels. The sheath hyphae are continuous with the medullary hyphae of the frond, and gonidia are frequently enclosed in the tissues; the sheath spreads to some extent over the surface of the bark, and round the base of the fronds, thus rendering the attachment of the lichen to the tree doubly secure.

Among Ramalinae, the development of the base was followed by Brandt[386] in one species, R. Landroensis, an arboreal lichen from S. Tyrol. A rosette-like sheath was formed consisting solely of strands of thick-walled hyphae which spread over the bark. There were no gonidia included in the tissue.

A different type of attachment was found by Lilian Porter[387] in corticolous RamalinaeR. fraxinea, R. fastigiata, and R. pollinaria. The lichens were anchored to the tree by strands of closely compacted hyphae longitudinally arranged and continuous with the cortical hyphae. These enter the periderm of the tree by cracks or lenticels, and by wedge action cause extensive splitting. The strands may also spread horizontally and give rise to new plants. The living tissues of the tree were thus penetrated and injured, and there was evidence that hypertrophied tissue was formed and caused erosion of the wood.

Fig. 65. Ramalina siliquosa A. L. Sm., on rocks, reduced (M. P., Photo.).

Several RamalinaeR. siliquosa, R. Curnowii, etc.—grow on rocks, often in extremely exposed situations, in isolated tufts or in crowded swards (Fig. 65). The separate tufts are not unfrequently connected at the base by a crustaceous thallus. It is possible also to see on the rock, here and there, small areas of compact thalline granules that have scarcely begun to put out the upright fronds. These granules are corticate on the upper surface and contain gonidia; from the lower surface, slender branching hyphae in rhizoid-like strands penetrate down between the inequalities and separable particles of the rock, if the formation is granitic. They frequently have groups of gonidia associated with them, and they continue to ramify and spread, the pure white filaments often enough enclosing morsels of the rock. The upright fronds are continuous with the base and are thus securely anchored to the substratum.

On a smooth rock surface such as quartzite a continuous sward of Ramalina growth is impossible. The basal hyphae being unable to penetrate the even surface of the rock, the attachment is slight and the plants are easily dislodged. They do however succeed, sometimes, in taking hold, and small groups of fronds arise from a crustaceous base which varies in depth from ·5 to 1 mm. The tissues of this base are very irregularly arranged: towards the upper surface loose hyphae with scattered groups of algae are traversed by strands of gelatinized sclerotic hyphae similar to the strengthening tissues of the upright fronds, while down below there are to be found not only slender hyphae, but a layer of gonidia visible as a white and green film on the rock when the overlying particles are scaled off.

Darbishire[388] found that attachment to the substratum by means of a basal sheath was characteristic of all the genera of Roccellaceae. He looks on this sheath, which is the first stage in the development of the plant, as a primary or proto-thallus, analogous to the primary squamules of the Cladoniae, and he carries the analogy still further by treating the upright fronds as podetia. The sheath of the Roccellaceae varies in size but it is always of very limited extent; it is mainly composed of medullary hyphae, and gonidia may or may not be present. The whole structure is permanent and important, and is generally protected by a well-developed upper cortex similar in structure to that of the upright thallus, i.e. of a fastigiate type. There is no lower cortex.

The two British species of RoccellaR. fuciformis and R. phycopsis—grow on maritime rocks, the latter also occasionally on trees. In R. fuciformis, the attaching sheath is a flat structure which slopes up a little round the base of the upright frond. It is about 2 mm. thick, the cortex occupying about 40 µ of that space; a few scattered gonidia are present immediately below. The remaining tissue of the sheath is composed of firmly wefted slender filaments. Towards the lower surface, there is a more closely compacted dark brown layer from which pass out the hyphae that penetrate the rock.

The sheath of R. phycopsis is a small structure about 3 to 4 mm. in width and 1·5 mm. thick. A few gonidia may be found below the dense cortical layer, but they tend to disappear as the upright fronds become larger and the shade, in consequence, more dense. Lower down the hyphae take an intensely yellow hue; mixed with them are also some brown filaments. A somewhat larger sheath 7 to 8 mm. wide forms the base of R. tinctoria. In structure it corresponds—as do those of the other species—with the ones already described.

In purely filamentous species such as Usnea there is also primary sheath formation: the medullary hyphae spread out in radiating strands which force their way wherever possible into the underlying substance; on trees they enter into any chink or crevice of the outer bark like wedges; or they ramify between the cork cells which are split up by the mere growth pressure. By the vertical increase of the base, the fronds may be hoisted up and an intercalary basal portion may arise lacking both gonidia and cortical layer. Very frequently several bases are united and the lichen appears to be of tufted habit.

A basal sheath provides a similar firm attachment for Alectoria jubata and allied species: these are slender mostly dark brown lichens which hang in tangled filaments from the branches of trees, rocks, etc.

These attaching sheaths differ in function as well as in structure from the horizontal thallus of the Cladoniaceae. They may be more truly compared with the primary thallus of the red algae Dumontia and Phyllophora which are similarly affixed to the substratum, while upright fronds of subsequent formation bear the fructifications.



A. General Characteristics

Fig. 66. Cladonia pyxidata Hoffm. Basal squamule and podetium. a, apothecia; s, spermogonia (after Krabbe).

This series includes the lichens of one family only, the Cladoniaceae, the genera of which are characterized by the twofold thallus, one portion being primary, horizontal and stratose, the other secondary and radiate, the latter an upright simple or branching structure termed a “podetium” which narrows above, or widens to form a trumpet-shaped cup or “scyphus” (Fig. 66). The apothecia are terminal on the podetium or on the margins of the scyphi; in a few species they are developed on the primary thallus. Some degree of primary thallus-formation has been demonstrated in all the genera, if not in all the species of the family. The genus Cladina was established to include those species of Cladonia in which, it was believed, only a secondary podetial thallus was present, but Wainio[389] found in Cladonia sylvatica a granular basal crust and, in Cladonia uncialis, minute round scales with crenate margins measuring from ·5 to 1 mm. in width. In some species (subgenus Cladina) the primary thallus is quickly evanescent, in others it is granular or squamulose and persistent. Where the basal thallus is so much reduced as to be practically non-existent, apothecia are rarely developed and soredia are absent. Renewal of growth in these lichens is secured by the dispersal of fragments of the podetial thallus; they are torn off and scattered by the wind or by animals, and, if suitable conditions are met, a new plant arises.

Cladonia squamules vary in size from very small scales as in Cl. uncialis to the fairly large foliose fronds of Cl. foliacea which extend to 5 cm. in length and about 1 cm. or more in width. It is interesting to note that when the primary thallus is well developed, the podetia are relatively unimportant and frequently are not formed. As a rule the squamules are rounded or somewhat elongate in form with entire or variously cut and crenate margins. They may be very insignificant and sparsely scattered over the substratum, or massed in crowded swards of leaflets which are frequently almost upright. In colour they are bluish-grey, yellowish or brownish above, and white beneath (red in Cl. miniata), frequently becoming very dark-coloured towards the rooting base. These several characteristics are specific and are often of considerable value in diagnosis. In certain conditions of shade or moisture, squamules are formed on the podetium; they repeat the characters of the basal squamules of the species.

B. Tissues of the Primary Thallus

The stratose layers of tissue in the squamules of Cladonia are arranged as in other horizontal thalli.

a. Cortical tissue. In nearly all these squamules the cortex is of the “decomposed” type. In a few species there is a plectenchymatous formation—in Cl. nana, a Brazilian ground species, and in two New Zealand species, Cl. enantia f. dilatata and Cl. Neo-Zelandica. The principal growing area is situated all round the margins though generally there is more activity at the apex. Frequently there is a gradual perishing of the squamule at the base which counterbalances the forward increase.

The upper surface in some species is cracked into minute areolae; the cracks, seen in section, penetrate almost to the base of the decomposed gelatinous cortex. They are largely due to alternate swelling and contraction of the gelatinous surface, or to extension caused, though rarely, by intercalary growth from the hyphae below. The surface is subject to weathering and peeling as in other lichens; but the loss is constantly repaired by the upward growth of the meristematic hyphae from the gonidial zone; they push up between the older cortical filaments and so provide for the expansion as well as for the renewal of the cortical tissue.

b. Gonidial tissue. The gonidia consisting of Protococcaceous algae form a layer immediately below the cortex. Isolated green cells are not unfrequently carried up by the growing hyphae into the cortical region, but they do not long survive in this compact non-aerated tissue. Their empty membranes can however be picked out by the blue stain they take with iodine and sulphuric acid.

Krabbe[390] has described the phases of development in the growing region: he finds that differentiation into pith, gonidial zone and cortex takes place some little way back from the edge. At the extreme apex the hyphae lie fairly parallel to each other; further back, they branch upwards to form the cortex, and to separate the masses of multiplying gonidia, by pushing between them and so spreading them through the whole apical tissue. The gonidia immediately below the upper cortex, where they are well-lighted, continue to increase and gradually form into the gonidial zone; those that lie deeper among the medullary hyphae remain quiescent, and before long disappear altogether.

Where the squamules assume the upright position (as in Cladonia cervicornis), there is a tendency for the gonidia to pass round to the lower surface, and soredia are occasionally formed.

c. Medullary tissue. The hyphae of the medulla are described by Wainio as having long cells with narrow lumen, and as being encrusted with granulations that may coalesce into more or less detachable granules; in colour they are mostly white, but pale-yellow in Cl. foliacea and blood-red in Cl. miniata, a subtropical species. They are connected at the base of the squamules with a filamentous hypothallus which penetrates the substratum and attaches the plant. In a few species rhizinae are formed, while in others the hyphae of the podetium grow downwards, towards and into the substratum as a short stout rhizoid.

d. Soredia. Though frequent on the podetia, soredia are rare on the squamules, and, according to Wainio[391], always originate at the growing region, from which they spread over the under surface—rather sparsely in Cl. cariosa, Cl. squamosa, etc., but abundantly in Cl. digitata and a few others. In some instances, they develop further into small corticate areolae on the under surface (Cl. coccifera, Cl. pyxidata and Cl. squamosa).


A. Origin of the Podetium

The upright podetium, as described by Wainio[392] and by Krabbe[393], is a secondary product of the basal granule or squamule. It is developed from the hyphae of the gonidial zone, generally where a crack has occurred in the cortex and rather close to the base or more rarely on or near the edge of the squamule (Cl. verticillata, etc.). At these areas, certain meristematic gonidial hyphae increase and unite to form a strand of filaments below the upper cortex but above the gonidial layer, the latter remaining for a time undisturbed as to the arrangement of the algal cells.

This initial tissue—the primordium of the podetium—continues to grow not only in width but in length: the basal portion grows downwards and at length displaces the gonidial zone, while the upper part as a compact cylinder forces its way through the cortex above, the cortical tissue, however, taking no part in its formation; as it advances, the edges of the gonidial and cortical zones bend upwards and form a sheath distinguishable for some time round the base of the emerging podetium.

Even when the primary horizontal thallus is merely crustaceous, the podetia take origin similarly from a subcortical weft of hyphae in an areola or granule.

B. Structure of the Podetium

a. General structure. In the early stages of development the podetium is solid throughout, two layers of tissue being discernible—the hyphae forming the centre of the cylinder being thick-walled and closely compacted, and the hyphae on the exterior loosely branching with numerous air-spaces between the filaments.

In all species, with the exception of Cl. solida, which remains solid during the life of the plant, a central cavity arises while the podetium is still quite short (about 1 to 1·5 mm. in Cl. pyxidata and Cl. degenerans). The first indication of the opening is a narrow split in the internal cylinder, due to the difference in growth tension between the more free and rapid increase of the external medullary layer and the slower elongation of the chondroid tissue at the centre. The cavity gradually widens and becomes more completely tubular with the upward growth of the podetium; it is lined by the chondroid sclerotic band which supports the whole structure (Fig. 67).

b. Gonidial tissue. In most species of Cladoniaceae, a layer of gonidial tissue forms a more or less continuous outer covering of the podetium, thus distinguishing it from the purely hyphal stalks of the apothecia in Caliciaceae. Even in the genus Baeomyces, while the podetia of some of the species are without gonidia, neighbouring species are provided with green cells on the upright stalks clearly showing their true affinity with the Cladoniae. In one British species of Cladonia (Cl. caespiticia) the short podetium consists only of the fibrous chondroid cylinder, and thus resembles the apothecial stalk of Baeomyces rufus, but in that species also there are occasional surface gonidia that may give rise to squamules.

Fig. 67. Cladonia squamosa Hoffm. Vertical section of podetium with early stage of central tube and of podetial squamules × 100 (after Krabbe).

Krabbe[394] concluded from his observations that the podetial gonidia of Cladonia arrived from the open, conveyed by wind, water or insects from the loose soredia that are generally so plentiful in any Cladonia colony. They alighted, he held, on the growing stalks and, being secured by the free-growing ends of the exterior hyphae, they increased and became an integral part of the podetium. In more recent times Baur[395] has recalled and supported Krabbe’s view, but Wainio[396], on the contrary, claims to have proved that in the earliest stages of the podetium the gonidia were already present, having been carried up from the gonidial zone of the primary thallus by the primordial hyphae. Increase of these green cells follows normally by cell-division or sporulation.

Algal cells have been found to be common to different lichens, but in Cladoniae Chodat[397] claims to have proved by cultures that each species tested has a special gonidium, determined by him as a species of Cystococcus, which would render colonization by algae from the open much less probable. In addition, the fungal hyphae are specific, and any soredia (with their combined symbionts) that alighted on the podetium could only be utilized if they originated from the same species; or, if they were incorporated, the hyphae belonging to any other species would of necessity die off and be replaced by those of the podetium.

c. Cortical tissue. In some species a cortex of the decomposed type of thick-walled conglutinate hyphae is present, either continuous over the whole surface of the podetium, as in Cl. gracilis (Fig. 68), or in interrupted areas or granules as in Cl. pyxidata (Fig. 69) and others. In Cl. degenerans, the spaces between the corticated areolae are filled in by loose filaments without any green cells. Cl. rangiferina, Cl. sylvatica, etc. are non-corticate, being covered all over with a loose felt of intricate hyphae.

Fig. 68. Cladonia gracilis Hoffm. (S. H., Photo.).

Fig. 69. Cladonia pyxidata Hoffm. (S. H., Photo.).

In the section Clathrinae (Cl. retepora, etc.) the cortex is formed of longitudinal hyphae with thick gelatinous walls.

d. Soredia. Frequently the podetium is coated in whole or in part by granules of a sorediate character—coarsely granular in Cl. pyxidata, finely pulverulent in Cl. fimbriata. Though fairly constant to type in the different species, they are subject to climatic influences, and, when there is abundant moisture, both soredia and areolae develop into squamules on the podetium. A considerable number of species have thus a more or less densely squamulose “form” or “variety.”

C. Development of the Scyphus

Two types of podetia occur in Cladonia: those that end abruptly and are crowned when fertile by the apothecia or spermogonia (pycnidia), or if sterile grow indefinitely tapering gradually to a point (Fig. 70); and those that widen out into the trumpet-shaped or cup-like expansion called the scyphus (Fig. 69). Species may be constantly scyphiferous or as constantly ascyphous; in a few species, and even in individual tufts, both types of podetium may be present.

Fig. 70. Cladonia furcata Schrad. Sterile thallus (S.H., Photo.).

Wainio[398], who has studied every stage of development in the Cladoniae, has described the scyphus as originating in several different ways:

a. From abortive Apothecia. In certain species the apothecium appears at a very early stage in the development of the podetium of which it occupies the apical region. Owing to the subsequent formation of the tubular cavity in the centre of the stalk, the base of the apothecium may eventually lie directly over the hollow space and, therefore, out of touch with the growing assimilating tissues; or even before the appearance of the tube, the wide separation between the primordium of the apothecium and the gonidia, entailing deficient nutrition, may have produced a similar effect. In either case central degeneration of the apothecium sets in, and the hypothecial filaments, having begun to grow radially, continue to travel in the same direction both outwards and upwards so that gradually a cup-shaped structure is evolved—the amphithecium of the fruit without the thecium.

The whole or only a part of the apothecium may be abortive, and the scyphus may therefore be entirely sterile or the fruits may survive at the edges. The apothecia may even be entirely abortive after a fertile commencement, but in that case also the primordial hyphae retain the primitive impulse not only to radial direction, but also to the more copious branching, and a scyphus is formed as in the previous case. It must also be borne in mind that the tendency in many Cladonia species to scyphiform has become hereditary.

Baur[399], in his study of Cl. pyxidata, has taken the view that the origin of the scyphus was due to a stronger apical growth of the hyphae at the circumference than over the central tubular portion of the podetium, and that considerable intercalary growth added to the expanding sides of the cup.

Scyphi originating from an abortive apothecium are characteristic of species in which the base is closed (Wainio’s Section Clausae), the tissue in that case being continuous over the inside of the cup as in Cl. pyxidata, Cl. coccifera and many others.

b. From polytomous Branching. Another method of scyphus formation occurs in Cl. amaurocrea and a few other species in which the branching is polytomous (several members rising from about the same level). Concrescence of the tissues at the base of these branches produces a scyphus; it is normally closed by a diaphragm that has spread out from the different bases, but frequently there is a perforation due to stretching. These species belong to the Section Perviae.

c. From arrested Growth. In most cases however where the scyphus is open as in Cl. furcata, Cl. squamosa, etc., development of the cup follows on cessation of growth, or on perforation at the summit of the podetium. Round this quiescent portion there rises a circle of minute prominences which carry on the apical development. As they increase in size, the spaces between them are bridged over by lateral growth, and the scyphus thus formed is large or small according to the number of these outgrowths. Apothecia or spermogonia may be produced at their tips, or the vegetative development may continue. Scyphi formed in this manner are also open or “pervious.”

d. Gonidia of the Scyphus. Gonidia are absent in the early stages of scyphus formation when it arises from degeneration of the apical tissues, either fertile or vegetative; but gradually they migrate from the podetium, from the base of young outgrowths, or by furrows at the edge, and so spread over the surface of the cup. Soredia may possibly alight, as Krabbe insists that they do, and may aid in colonizing the naked area. Their presence, however, would only be accidental; they are not essential, and scyphi are formed in many non-sorediate species such as Cl. verticillata. The cortex of the scyphus becomes in the end continuous with that of the podetium and is always similar in type.

e. Species without Scyphi. In species where the whole summit of the podetium is occupied by an apothecium, as in Cl. bellidiflora, no scyphus is formed. There is also an absence of scyphi in podetia that taper to a point. In those podetia the hyphae are parallel to the long axis and remain in connection with the external gonidial layer so that they are unaffected by the central cavity. Instances of tapering growth are also to be found in species that are normally scyphiferous such as Cl. fimbriata subsp. fibula, and Cl. cornuta, as well as in species like Cl. rangiferina that are constantly ascyphous.

The scyphus is considered by Wainio[400] to represent an advanced stage of development in the species or in the individual, and any conditions that act unfavourably on growth, such as excessive dryness, would also hinder the formation of this peculiar lichen structure.

D. Branching of the Podetium

Though branching is a constant feature in many species, regular dichotomy is rare: more often there is an irregular form of polytomy in which one of the members grows more vigorously than the others and branches again, so that a kind of sympodium arises, as in Cl. rangiferina, Cl. sylvatica, etc.

Adventitious branches may also arise from the podetium, owing to some disturbance of the normal growth, some undue exposure to wind or to too great light, or owing to some external injury. They originate from the gonidial tissue in the same way as does the podetium from the primary thallus; the parallel hyphae of the main axis take no part in their development.

In a number of species secondary podetia arise from the centre of the scyphus—constantly in Cl. verticillata and Cl. cervicornis, etc., accidentally or rarely in Cl. foliacea, Cl. pyxidata, Cl. fimbriata, etc. Wainio[401] has stated that they arise when the scyphus is already at an advanced stage of growth and that they are to be regarded as adventitious branches.

The proliferations from the borders of the scyphus are in a different category. They represent the continuity of apical growth, as the edges of the scyphus are but an enlarged apex. These marginal proliferations thus correspond to polytomous branching. In many instances their advance is soon stopped by the formation of an apothecium and they figure more as fruit stalks than as podetial branches.

E. Perforations and Reticulation of the Podetium

Perforations in the podetial wall at the axils of the branches are constant in certain species such as Cl. rangiferina, Cl. uncialis, etc. They are caused by the tension of the branches as they emerge from the main stalk. A tearing of the tissue may also arise in the base of the scyphus, due to its increase in size, which causes the splitting of the diaphragm at the bottom of the cup.

Among the Cladoniae the reticulate condition recurs now and again. In our native Cladonia cariosa the splitting of the podetial wall is a constant character of the species, the carious condition being caused by unequal growth which tears apart the longitudinal fibres that surround the central hollow.

A more advanced type of reticulation arises in the group of the Clathrinae in which there is no inner chondroid cylinder. In Cladonia aggregata, in which the perforations are somewhat irregular, two types of podetia have been described by Lindsay[402] from Falkland Island specimens: those bearing apothecia are short and broad, fastigiately branched upwards and with reticulate perforations, while podetia bearing spermogonia are slender, elongate and branched, with fewer reticulations. An imperfect network is also characteristic of Cl. Sullivani, a Brazilian species. But the most marvellous and regular form of reticulation occurs in Cl. retepora, an Australian lichen (Fig. 71): towards the tips of the podetia the ellipsoid meshes are small, but they gradually become larger towards the base. In this species the outer tissue, though of parallel hyphae, is closely interwoven and forms a continuous growth at the edges of the perforations, giving an unbroken smooth surface and checking any irregular tearing. The enlargement of the walls is solely due to intercalary growth. The origin of the reticulate structure in the Clathrinae is unknown, though it is doubtless associated with wide podetia and rendered possible by the absence of an internal chondroid layer. The reticulate structure is marvellously adapted for the absorption of water: Cl. retepora, more especially, imbibes and holds moisture like a sponge.

Fig. 71. Cladonia retepora Fr. From Tasmania.

F. Rooting Structures of Cladoniae

The squamules of the primary thallus are attached, as are most squamules, to the supporting substance by strands of hyphae which may be combined into simple or branching rhizinae and penetrate the soil or the wood on which the lichen grows. There is frequently but one of these rooting structures and it branches repeatedly until the ultimate branchlets end in delicate mycelium. Generally they are grey or brown and are not easily traced, but when they are orange-coloured, as according to Wainio[403] they frequently are in Cladonia miniata and Cl. digitata, they are more readily observed, especially if the habitat be a mossy one.

In Cl. alpicola it has been found that the rooting structure is frequently as thick as the podetium itself. If the podetium originates from the basal portion of the squamule, the hyphae from the chondroid layer, surrounding the hollow centre, take a downward direction and become continuous with the rhizoid. Should the point of insertion be near the apex of the squamule, these hyphae form a nerve within the squamule or along the under surface, and finally also unite with the rhizoid at the base, a form of rooting characteristic of Cl. cartilaginea, Cl. digitata and several other species.

Mycelium may spread from the rhizinae along the surface of the substratum and give rise to new squamules and new tufts of podetia, a method of reproduction that is of considerable importance in species that are generally sterile and that form no soredia.

Many species, especially those of the section Cladina, soon lose all connection with the substratum, there being a continual decay of the lower part of the podetia. As apical growth may continue for centuries, the perishing of the base is not to be wondered at.

G. Haptera

The presence of haptera in Cladoniae has already been alluded to. They occur usually in the form of cilia or rhizinae[404], but differ from the latter in their more simple regular growth being composed of conglutinate parallel hyphae. They arise on the edges of the squamules or of the scyphus, but in Cl. foliacea and Cl. ceratophylla they are formed at the points of the podetial branches (more rarely in Cl. cervicornis and Cl. gracilis). By the aid of these rhizinose haptera the squamule or branch becomes attached to any substance within reach. They also aid in the production of new individuals by anchoring some fragment of the thallus to a support until it has grown to independent existence and has produced new rhizinae or hold-fasts. They are a very prominent feature of Cl. verticillaris f. penicillata in which they form a thick fringe on the edges of the squamules, or frequently grow out as branched cilia from the proliferations on the margins of the scyphus.

H. Morphology of the Podetium

In the above account, the podetia have been treated as part of the vegetative thallus, seeing that, partly or entirely, they are assimilative and absorptive organs. This view does not, however, take into account their origin and development, in consideration of which Wainio[405] and later Krabbe[406] considered them as part of the sporiferous organ. This view was also held by some of the earliest lichenologists: Necker[407], for instance, constantly referred to the upright structure as “stipes”; Persoon[408] included it, under the term “pedunculus,” as part of the “inflorescence” of the lichen, and Acharius[409] established the name “podetium” to describe the stalk of the apothecium in Baeomyces.

Later lichenologists, such as Wallroth[410], looked on the podetia as advanced stages of the thallus, or as forming a supplementary thallus. Tulasne[411] described them as branching upright processes from the horizontal form, and Koerber[412] considered them as the true thallus, the primary squamule being merely a protothallus. By them and by succeeding students of lichens the twofold character of the thallus was accepted until Wainio and Krabbe by their more exact researches discovered the endogenous origin of the podetium, which they considered was conclusive evidence of its apothecial character: they claimed that the primordium of the podetium was homologous with the primordium of the apothecium. Reinke[413] and Wainio are in accord with Krabbe as to the probable morphological significance of the podetium, but they both insist on its modified thalline character. Wainio sums up that: “the podetium is an apothecial stalk, that is to say an elongation of the conceptacle most frequently transformed by metamorphosis to a vertical thallus, though visibly retaining its stalk character.” SÄttler[414], one of the most recent students of Cladonia, regards the podetium as evolved with reference to spore-dissemination, and therefore of apothecial character. His views are described and discussed in the chapter on phylogeny.

Reinke and others sought for a solution of the problem in Baeomyces, one of the more primitive genera of the Cladoniaceae. The thallus, except in a few mostly exotic species, scarcely advances beyond the crustaceous condition; the podetia are short and so varied in character that species have been assigned by systematists to several different genera. In one of them, Baeomyces roseus, the podetium or stalk originates according to Nienburg[415] deep down in the medulla of a fertile granule as a specialized weft of tissue; there is no carpogonium nor trichogyne formed; the hyphae that grow upward and form the podetium are generative filaments and give rise to asci and paraphyses. In a second species, B. rufus (Sphyridium), the gonidial zone and outer cortex of a thalline granule swell out to form a thalline protuberance; the carpogonium arises close to the apex, and from it branch the generative filaments. Nienburg regards the stalk of B. roseus as apothecial and as representing an extension of the proper margin[416] (excipulum proprium), that of B. rufus as a typical vegetative podetium.

In the genus Cladonia, differentiation of the generative hyphae may take place at a very early stage. Wainio[417] observed, in Cl. caespiticia, a trichogyne in a still solid podetium only 90µ in height; usually they appear later, and, where scyphi are formed, the carpogonium often arises at the edge of the scyphus. Baur[418] and Wolff[419] have furnished conclusive evidence of the late appearance of the carpogonium in Cl. pyxidata, Cl. degenerans, Cl. furcata and Cl. gracilis: in all of these species carpogonia with trichogynes were observed on the edge of well-developed scyphi. Baur draws the conclusion that the podetium is merely a vertical thallus, citing as additional evidence that it also bears the spermogonia (or pycnidia), though at the same time he allows that the apothecium may have played an important part in its phylogenetic development. He agrees also with the account of the first appearance of the podetium as described by Krabbe, who found that it began with the hyphae of the gonidial zone branching upwards in a quite normal manner, only that there were more of them, and that they finally pierced the cortex. Krabbe also asserted that in the early stages the podetia were without gonidia and that these arrived later from the open as colonists, in this contradicting Wainio’s statement that gonidia were carried up from the primary thallus.

It seems probable that the podetium—as Wainio and Baur both have stated—is homologous with the apothecial stalk, though in most cases it is completely transformed into a vertical thallus. If the view of their formation from the gonidial zone is accepted, then they differ widely in origin from normal branches in which the tissues of the main axis are repeated in the secondary structures, whereas in this vertical thallus, hyphae from the gonidial zone alone take part in the development. It must be admitted that Baur’s view of the podetium as essentially thalline seems to be strengthened by the formation of podetia at the centre of the scyphus, as in Cl. verticillata, which are new structures and are not an elongation of the original conceptacular tissue. It can however equally be argued that the acquired thalline character is complete and, therefore, includes the possibility of giving rise to new podetia.

The relegation of the carpogonium to a position far removed from the base or primordium of the apothecium need not necessarily interfere with the conception of the primordial tissue as homologous with the conceptacle; but more research is needed, as Baur dealt only with one species, Cl. pyxidata, and Gertrude Wolff confined her attention to the carpogonial stages at the edge of the scyphus.

The Cladoniae require light, and inhabit by preference open moorlands, naked clay walls, borders of ditches, exposed sand-dunes, etc. Those with large and persistent squamules can live in arid situations, probably because the primary thallus is able to retain moisture for a long time[420]. When the primary thallus is small and feeble the podetia are generally much branched and live in close colonies which retain moisture. Sterile podetia are long-lived and grow indefinitely at the apex though the base as continually perishes and changes into humus. Wainio[421] cites an instance in which the bases of a tuft of Cl. alpestris had formed a gelatinous mass more than a decimetre in thickness.

I. Pilophorus and Stereocaulon

These two genera are usually included in Cladoniaceae on account of their twofold thallus and their somewhat similar fruit formation. They differ from Cladonia in the development of the podetia which are not endogenous in origin as in that genus, but are formed by the growth upwards of a primary granule or squamule and correspond more nearly to Tulasne’s conception of the podetium as a process from the horizontal thallus. In Pilophorus the primary granular thallus persists during the life of the plants; the short podetium is unbranched, and consists of a somewhat compact medulla of parallel hyphae surrounded by a looser cortical tissue, such as that of the basal granule, in which are embedded the algal cells. The black colour of the apothecium is due to the thick dark hypothecium.

Stereocaulon is also a direct growth from a short-lived primary squamule[422]. The podetia, called “pseudopodetia” by Wainio, are usually very much branched. They possess a central strand of hyphae not entirely solid, and an outer layer of loose felted hyphae in which the gonidia find place. A coating of mucilage on the outside gives a glabrous shiny surface, or, if that is absent, the surface is tomentose as in St. tomentosum. In all the species the podetia are more or less thickly beset with small variously divided squamules similar in form to the primary evanescent thallus. Gall-like cephalodia are associated with most of the species and aid in the work of assimilation.

Stereocaulon cannot depend on the evanescent primary thallus for attachment to the soil. The podetia of the different species have developed various rooting bases: in St. ramulosum there is a basal sheath formed, in St. coralloides a well-developed system of rhizoids[423].



A. Cyphellae and Pseudocyphellae

The thallus of Stictaceae has been regarded by Nylander[424] and others as one of the most highly organized, not only on account of the size attained by the spreading lobes, but also because in that family are chiefly found those very definite cup-like structures which were named “cyphellae” by Acharius[425]. They are small hollow depressions about 1/2 mm. or more in width scattered irregularly over the under surface of the thallus.

a. Historical. Cyphellae were first pointed out by the Swiss botanist, Haller[426]. In his description of a lichen referable to Sticta fuliginosa he describes certain white circular depressions “to be found among the short brown hairs of the under surface.” At a later date Schreber[427] made these “white excavated points” the leading character of his lichen genus Sticta.

In urceolate or proper cyphellae, the base of the depression rests on the medulla; the margin is formed from the ruptured cortex and projects slightly inwards over the edge of the cup. Contrasted with these are the pseudocyphellae, somewhat roundish openings of a simpler structure which replace the others in many of the species. They have no definite margin; the internal hyphae have forced their way to the exterior and form a protruding tuft slightly above the surface. Meyer[428] reckoned them all among soredia; but he distinguished between those in which the medullary hyphae became conglutinated to form a margin (true cyphellae) and those in which there was a granular outburst of filaments (pseudocyphellae). He also included a third type, represented in Lobaria pulmonaria on the under surface of which there are numerous non-corticate, angular patches where the pith is laid bare (Fig. 72). Delise[429], writing about the same time on the Sticteae, gives due attention to their occurrence, classifying the various species of Sticta as cyphellate or non-cyphellate.

Acharius had limited the name “cyphella” to the hollow urceolate bodies that had a well-defined margin. Nylander[430] at first included under that term both types of structure, but later[431] he classified the pulverulent “soredia-like” forms in another group, the pseudocyphellae. As a rule they bear no relation to soredia, and algae are rarely associated with the protruding filaments. Schwendener[432], and later Wainio[433], in describing Sticta aurata from Brazil, state, as exceptional, that the citrine-yellow pseudocyphellae of that species are sparingly sorediate.

Fig. 72. Lobaria pulmonaria Hoffm. Showing pitted surface. a, under surface. Reduced (S. H., Photo.).

Fig. 73. Sticta damaecornis Nyl. Transverse section of thallus with cyphella × 100.

b. Development of Cyphellae. The cortex of both surfaces in the thallus of Sticta is a several-layered plectenchyma of thick-walled closely packed cells, the outer layer growing out into hairs on the under surface of most of the species. Where either cyphellae or pseudocyphellae occur, a more or less open channel is formed between the exterior and the internal tissues of the lichen. In the case of the cyphellae, the medullary hyphae which line the cup are divided into short roundish cells with comparatively thin walls (Fig. 73). They form a tissue sharply differentiated from the loose hyphae that occupy the medulla. The rounded cells tend to lie in vertical rows, though the arrangement in fully formed cyphellae is generally somewhat irregular. The terminal empty cells are loosely attached and as they are eventually abstricted and strewn over the inside of the cup they give to it the characteristic white powdery appearance.

According to Schwendener[434] development begins by an exuberant growth of the medulla which raises and finally bursts the cortex; prominent cyphellae have been thus formed in Sticta damaecornis (Fig. 73). In other species the swelling is less noticeable or entirely absent. The opening of the cup measures usually about 1/2 mm. across, but it may stretch to a greater width.

c. Pseudocyphellae. In these no margin is formed, the cortex is simply burst by the protruding filaments which are of the same colour—yellow or white—as the medullary hyphae. They vary in size, from a minute point up to 4 mm. in diameter.

d. Occurrence and Distribution. The genus Sticta is divided into two sections: (1) Eusticta in which the gonidia are bright-green algae, and (2) Stictina in which they are blue-green. Cyphellae and pseudocyphellae are fairly evenly distributed between the sections; they never occur together. Stizenberger[435] found that 36 species of the section Eusticta were cyphellate, while in 43 species pseudocyphellae were formed. In the section Stictina there were 38 of the former and only 31 of the latter type. Both sections of the genus are widely distributed in all countries, but they are most abundant south of the equator, reaching their highest development in Australia and New Zealand.

In the British Isles Sticta is rather poorly represented as follows:

§ Eusticta (with bright-green gonidia).

Cyphellate: S. damaecornis.

Pseudocyphellate: S. aurata.

§ Stictina (with blue-green gonidia).

Cyphellate: S. fuliginosa, S. limbata, S. sylvatica, S. Dufourei.

Pseudocyphellate: S. intricata var. Thouarsii, S. crocata.

Structures resembling cyphellae, with an overarching rim, are sprinkled over the brown under surface of the Australian lichen, Heterodea MÜlleri; the thallus is without a lower cortex, the medulla being protected by thickly woven hyphae. Heterodea was at one time included among Stictaceae, though now it is classified under Parmeliaceae. Pseudocyphellae are also present on the non-corticate under surface of Nephromium tomentosum, where they occur as little white pustules among the brown hairs; and the white impressed spots on the under surface of Cetraria islandica and allied species, first determined as air pores by Zukal[436], have also been described by Wainio[437] as pseudocyphellae.

There seems no doubt that the chief function of these various structures is, as Schwendener[438] suggested, to allow a free passage of air to the assimilating gonidial zone. Jatta[439] considers them to be analogous to the lenticels of higher plants and of service in the interchange of gases—expelling carbonic acid and receiving oxygen from the outer atmosphere. It is remarkable that such serviceable organs should have been evolved in so few lichens.

B. Breathing-Pores

Fig. 74. Parmelia exasperata Carroll. Vertical section of thallus. a, breathing-pores; b, rhizoid. × 60 (after Rosendahl).

a. Definite Breathing-Pores. The cyphellae and pseudocyphellae described above are confined to the under surface of the thallus in those lichens where they occur. Distinct breathing-pores of a totally different structure are present on the upper surface of the tree-lichen, Parmelia aspidota (P. exasperata), one of the brown-coloured species. They are somewhat thickly scattered as isidia- or cone-like warts over the lichen thallus (Fig. 74) and give it the characteristically rough or “exasperate” character. They are direct outgrowths from the thallus, and Zukal[440], who discovered their peculiar nature and function, describes them as being filled with a hyphal tissue, with abundant air-spaces, and in direct communication with the medulla; gonidia, if present, are confined to the basal part. The cortex covering these minute cones, he further states, is very thin on the top, or often wanting, so that a true pore is formed which, however, is only opened after the cortex elsewhere has become thick and horny. Rosendahl[441], who has re-examined these “breathing-pores,” finds that in the early stage of their growth, near the margin or younger portion of the thallus, they are entirely covered by the cortex. Later, the hyphae at the top become looser and more frequently septate, and a fine network of anastomosing and intricate filaments takes the place of the closely cohering cortical cells. These hyphae are divided into shorter cells, but do not otherwise differ from those of the medulla. Rosendahl was unable to detect an open pore at any stage, though he entirely agrees with Zukal as to the breathing function of these structures. The gonidia of the immediately underlying zone are sparsely arranged and a few of them are found in the lower half of the cone; the hyphae of the medulla can be traced up to the apex. Zukal[442] claims to have found breathing-pores in Cornicularia (Parmelia) tristis and in several other Parmeliae, notably in Parmelia stygia. The thallus of the latter species has minute holes or openings in the upper cortex, but they are without any definite form and may be only fortuitous.

Fig. 75 A. Ramalina fraxinea Ach. A, surface view of frond. a, air-pores; b, young apothecia. × 12. B, transverse section of part of frond. a, breathing-pore; f, strengthening fibres. × 37 (after Brandt).

Fig. 75 B. Ramalina strepsilis Zahlbr. Transverse section of part of frond showing distribution of: a, air-pores, and f, strengthening fibres. × 37 (after Brandt).

Zukal[442] published drawings of channels of looser tissue between the exterior and the pith in Oropogon Loxensis and in Usnea barbata. He considered them to be of definite service in aeration. The fronds of Ramalina dilacerata by stretching develop a series of elongate holes. Reinke[443] found openings in Ramalina Eckloni which pierced to the centre of the thallus, and Darbishire[444] has figured a break in the frond of another species, R. fraxinea (Fig. 75 A), which he has designated as a breathing-pore. Finally Brandt[445], in his careful study of the anatomy of Ramalinae, has described as breathing-pores certain open areas usually of ellipsoid form in the compact cortex of several species: in R. strepsilis (Fig. 75 B) and R. Landroensis, and in the British species, R. siliquosa and R. fraxinea. These openings are however mostly rare and difficult to find or to distinguish from holes that may be due to any accident in the life of the lichen. It is noteworthy that Rosendahl found no further examples of breathing-pores in the brown Parmeliae that he examined in such detail. No other organs specially adapted for aeration of the thallus have been discovered.

b. Other openings in the Thallus. Lobaria is the only genus of Stictaceae in which neither cyphellae nor pseudocyphellae are formed; but in two species, L. scrobiculata and L. pulmonaria, the lower surface is marked with oblong or angular bare convex patches, much larger than cyphellae. They are exposed portions of the medulla, which at these spots has been denuded of the covering cortex. Corresponding with these bare spots there is a pitting of the upper surface.

A somewhat similar but reversed structure characterizes Umbilicaria pustulata, which as the name implies is distinguished by the presence of pustules, ellipsoid swellings above, with a reticulation of cavities below. Bitter[446] in this instance has proved that they are due to disconnected centres of intercalary growth which are more vigorous on the upper surface and give rise to cracks in the less active tissue beneath. These cracks gradually become enlarged; they are, as it were, accidental in origin but are doubtless of considerable service in aeration.

In some Parmeliae there are constantly formed minute round holes, either right through the apothecia (P. cetrata, etc.), or through the thallus (P. pertusa). Minute holes are also present in the under cortex of Parmelia vittata and of P. enteromorpha, species of the subgenus Hypogymnia. Nylander[447], who first drew attention to these holes of the lower cortex, described them as arising at the forking of two lobes; but though they do occur in that position, they as frequently bear no relation to the branching. Bitter’s[448] opinion is that they arise by the decay of the cortical tissues in very limited areas, from some unknown cause, and that the holes that pierce right through the thallus in other species may be similarly explained.

Still other minute openings into the thallus occur in Parmelia vittata, P. obscurata and P. farinacea var. obscurascens. In the two latter the openings like pin-holes are terminal on the lobes and are situated exactly on the apex, between the pith and the gonidial zone; sometimes several holes can be detected on the end of one lobe. Further growth in length is checked by these holes. They appear more frequently on the darker, better illuminated plants. In Parmelia vittata the terminal holes are at the end of excessively minute adventitious branches which arise below the gonidial zone on the margin of the primary lobes. All these terminal holes are directed upwards and are visible from above.

Bitter does not attribute any physiological significance to these very definite openings in the thallus. It has been generally assumed that they aid in the aeration of the thallus; it is also possible that they may be of service in absorption, and they might even be regarded as open water conductors.

C. General Aeration of the Thallus

Definite structures adapted to secure the aeration of the thallus in a limited number of lichens have been described above. These are the breathing-pores of Parmelia exasperata and the cyphellae and pseudocyphellae of the Stictaceae, with which also may be perhaps included the circumscribed breaks in the under cortex in some members of that family.

Though lichens are composed of two actively growing organisms, the symbiotic plant increases very slowly. The absorption of water and mineral salts must in many instances be of the scantiest and the formation of carbohydrates by the deep-seated chlorophyll cells of correspondingly small amount. Active aeration seems therefore uncalled for though by no means excluded, and there are many indirect channels by which air can penetrate to the deeper tissues.

In crustaceous forms, whether corticate or not, the thallus is often deeply seamed and cracked into areolae, and thus is easily pervious to water and air. The growing edges and growing points are also everywhere more or less loose and open to the atmosphere. In the larger foliose and fruticose lichens, the soredia that burst an opening in the thallus, and the cracks that are so frequent a feature of the upper cortex, all permit of gaseous interchange. The apical growing point of fruticose lichens is thin and porous, and in many of them the ribs and veins of their channelled surfaces entail a straining of the cortical tissue that results in the formation of thinner permeable areas. Zukal[449] devoted special attention to the question of aeration, and he finds evidence of air-passages through empty spermogonia and through the small round holes that are constant in the upper surface of certain foliose species. He claims also to have proved a system of air-canals right through the thallus of the gelatinous Collemaceae. Though his proof in this instance is somewhat unconvincing, he establishes the abundant presence of air in the massively developed hypothecium of Collema fruits. He found that the carpogonial complex of hyphae was always well supplied with air, and that caused him to view with favour the suggestion that the function of the trichogyne is to provide an air-passage. In foliose lichens, the under surface is frequently non-corticate, in whole or in part; or the cortex becomes seamed and scarred with increasing expansion, the growth in the lower layers failing to keep pace with that of the overlying tissues, as in Umbilicaria pustulata.

It is unquestionable that the interior of the thallus of most lichens contains abundant empty spaces between the loose-lying hyphae, and that these spaces are filled with air.


A. Historical and Descriptive

The term “cephalodium” was first used by Acharius[450] to designate certain globose apothecia (pycnidia). At a later date he applied it to the peculiar outgrowths that grow on the thallus of Peltigera aphthosa, already described by earlier writers, along with other similar structures, as “corpuscula,” “maculae,” etc. The term is now restricted to those purely vegetative gall-like growths which are in organic connection with the thallus of the lichen, but which contain one or more algae of a different type from the one present in the gonidial zone. They are mostly rather small structures, and they take various forms according to the lichen species on which they occur. They are only found on thalli in which the gonidia are bright-green algae (Chlorophyceae) and, with a few exceptions, they contain only blue-green (Myxophyceae). Cephalodia with bright-green algae were found by Hue[451] on two Parmeliae from Chili, in addition to the usual blue-green forms; the one contained Urococcus, the other Gloeocystis. Several with both types of algae were detected also by Hue[451] within the thallus of Aspicilia spp.

FlÖrke[452] in his account of German lichens described the cephalodia that grow on the podetia of Stereocaulon as fungoid bodies, “corpuscula fungosa.” Wallroth[453], who had made a special study of lichen gonidia, finally established that the distinguishing feature of the cephalodia was their gonidia which differed in colour from those of the normal gonidial zone. He considered that the outgrowths were a result of changes that had arisen in the epidermal tissues of the lichens, and, to avoid using a name of mixed import such as “cephalodia,” he proposed a new designation, calling them “phymata” or warts.

Further descriptions of cephalodia were given by Th. M. Fries[454] in his Monograph of Stereocaulon and Pilophorus; but the greatest advance in the exact knowledge of these bodies is due to Forssell[455] who made a comprehensive examination of the various types, examples of which occurred, he found, in connection with about 100 different lichens. Though fairly constant for the different species, they are not universally so, and are sometimes very rare even when present, and then difficult to find. A striking instance of variability in their occurrence is recorded for Ricasolia amplissima (Lobaria laciniata) (Fig. 76). The cephalodia of that species are prominent upright branching structures which grow in crowded tufts irregularly scattered over the surface. They are an unfailing and conspicuous specific character of the lichens in Europe, but are entirely wanting in North American specimens.

Fig. 76. Ricasolia amplissima de Not. (Lobaria laciniata Wain.) on oak, reduced. The dark patches are tufts of branching cephalodia (A. Wilson, Photo.).

As cephalodia contain rather dark-coloured, blue-green algae, they are nearly always noticeably darker than the thalli on which they grow, varying from yellowish-red or brown in those of Lecanora gelida to pale-coloured in Lecidea consentiens[456], a darker red in Lecidea panaeola and various shades of green, grey or brown in Stereocaulon, Lobaria (Ricasolia), etc. They form either flat expansions of varying size on the upper surface of the thallus, rounded or wrinkled wart-like growths, or upright branching structures. On the lower surface, where they are not unfrequent, they take the form of small brown nodules or swellings. In a number of species packets of blue-green algae surrounded by hyphae are found embedded in the thallus, either in the pith or immediately under the cortex. They are of the same nature as the superficial excrescences and are also regarded as cephalodia.

B. Classification

Forssell has drawn up a classification of these structures, as follows:

I. Cephalodia vera.

1. Cephalodia epigena (including perigena) developed on the upper outer surface of the thallus, which are tuberculose, lobulate, clavate or branched in form. These are generally corticate structures.

2. Cephalodia hypogena which are developed on the under surface of the thallus; they are termed “thalloid” if they are entirely superficial, and “immersed” when they are enclosed within the tissues. They are non-corticate though surrounded by a weft of hyphae. Forssell further includes here certain placodioid (lobate), granuliform and fruticose forms which develop on the hypothallus of the lichen, and gradually push their way up either through the host thallus, or, as in Lecidea panaeola, between the thalline granules.

Nylander[457] arranged the cephalodia known to him in three groups: (1) Ceph. epigena, (2) Ceph. hypogena and (3) Ceph. endogena. Schneider[458] still more simply and practically describes them as Ectotrophic (external), and Endotrophic (internal).

II. Pseudocephalodia.

These are a small and doubtful group of cephalodia which are apparently in very slight connection with the host thallus, and show a tendency to independent growth. They occur as small scales on Solorina bispora[459] and S. spongiosa and also on Lecidea pallida. Forssell has suggested that the cephalodia of Psoroma hypnorum and of Lecidea panaeola might also be included under this head.

Forssell and others have found and described cephalodia in the following families and genera:


Sphaerophorus (S. stereocauloides).


Lecidea (L. panaeola, L. consentiens, L. pelobotrya, etc.).


Stereocaulon, Pilophorus and Argopsis.


Psoroma (P. hypnorum).


Peltigera (Peltidea), Nephroma and Solorina.


Lobaria, Sticta.


Lecania (L. lecanorina), Aspicilia[460].


Placodium bicolor[461].

C. Algae that form Cephalodia

The algae of the cephalodia belong mostly to genera that form the normal gonidia of other lichens. They are:

Stigonema,—in Lecanora gelida, Stereocaulon, Pilophorus robustus, and Lecidea pelobotrya.

Scytonema,—a rare constituent of cephalodia.

Nostoc,—the most frequent gonidium of cephalodia. It occurs in those of the genera Sticta, Lobaria, Peltigera, Nephroma, Solorina and Psoroma; occasionally in Stereocaulon and in Lecidea pallida.

Lyngbya and Rivularia,—rarely present, the latter in Sticta oregana[462].

Chroococcus and Gloeocapsa,—also very rare.

Scytonema, Chroococcus, Gloeocapsa and Lyngbya are generally found in combination with some other cephalodia-building alga, though Nylander[463] found Scytonema alone in the lobulate cephalodia of Sphaerophorus stereocauloides, a New Zealand lichen, and the only species of that genus in which cephalodia are developed; and Hue[460] records Gloeocapsa as forming internal cephalodia in two species of Aspicilia. Bornet[464] found Lyngbya associated with Scytonema in the cephalodia of Stereocaulon ramulosum, and, in the same lichen, Forssell[465] found, in the several cephalodia of one specimen, Nostoc, Scytonema, and Lyngbya, while, in those of another, Scytonema and Stigonema were present. In the latter instance these algae were living free on the podetium. Forssell[465] also determined two different algae, Gloeocapsa magma and Chroococcus turgidus, present in a cephalodium on Lecidea panaeola var. elegans.

As a general rule only one kind of alga enters into the formation of the cephalodia of any species or genus. A form of Nostoc, for instance, is invariably the gonidial constituent of these bodies in the genera, Lobaria, Sticta, etc. In other lichens different blue-green algae, as noted above, may occupy the cephalodia even on the same specimen. Forssell finds alternative algae occurring in the cephalodia of:

Lecanora gelida and Lecidea illita contain either Stigonema or Nostoc;

Lecidea panaeola, with Gloeocapsa, Stigonema or Chroococcus;

Lecidea pelobotrya, with Stigonema or Nostoc;

Pilophorus robustus, with Gloeocapsa, Stigonema, or Nostoc.

Fig. 77. Lecanora gelida Ach. a, lobate cephalodia × 12 (after Zopf).

Riddle[466] has employed cephalodia with their enclosed algae as diagnostic characters in the genus Stereocaulon. When the alga is Stigonema, as in S. paschale, etc., the cephalodia are generally very conspicuous, grey in colour, spherical, wrinkled or folded, though sometimes black and fibrillose (S. denudatum). Those containing Nostoc are, on the contrary, minute and are coloured verdigris-green (S. tomentosum and S. alpinum).

Instances are recorded of algal colonies adhering to, and even penetrating, the thallus of lichens, but as they never enter into relationship with the lichen hyphae, they are antagonistic rather than symbiotic and have no relation to cephalodia.

D. Development of Cephalodia

a. Ectotrophic. Among the most familiar examples of external cephalodia are the small rather dark-coloured warts or swellings that are scattered irregularly over the surface of Peltigera (Peltidea) aphthosa. This lichen has a grey foliose thallus of rather large sparingly divided lobes; it spreads about a hand-breadth or more over the surface of the ground in moist upland localities. The specific name “aphthosa” was given by Linnaeus to the plant on account of the supposed resemblance of the dotted thallus to the infantile ailment of “thrush.” Babikoff[467] has published an account of the formation and development of these Peltidea cephalodia. He determined the algae contained in them to be Nostoc by isolating and growing them on moist sterilized soil. He observed that the smaller, and presumably younger, excrescences were near the edges of the lobes. The cortical cells in that position grow out into fine septate hairs that are really the ends of growing hyphae. Among the hairs were scattered minute colonies of Nostoc cells lying loose or so closely adhering to the hairs as to be undetachable (Fig. 78 A). In older stages the hairs, evidently stimulated by contact with the Nostoc, had increased in size and sent out branches, some of which penetrated the gelatinous algal colony; others, spreading over its surface, gradually formed a cortex continuous with that of the thallus. The alga also increased, and the structure assumed a rounded or lentiform shape. The thalline cortex immediately below broke down, and the underlying gonidial zone almost wholly died off and became absorbed. The hyphae of the cephalodium had meanwhile penetrated downwards as root-like filaments, those of the thallus growing upwards into the new overlying tissue (Fig. 78 B). The foreign alga has been described as parasitic, as it draws from the lichen hyphae the necessary inorganic food material; but it might equally well be considered as a captive pressed into the service of the lichen to aid in the work of assimilation or as a willing associate giving and receiving mutual benefit.

Fig. 78 A. Hairs of Peltigera aphthosa Willd. associated with Nostoc colony much magnified (after Babikoff).

Fig. 78 B. Peltigera aphthosa Willd. Vertical section of thallus and cephalodium × 480 (after Babikoff).

Th. M. Fries[468] had previously described the development of the cephalodia in Stereocaulon but failed to find the earliest stages. He concluded from his observations that parasitic algae were common in the cortical layer of the lichens, but only rarely formed the “monstrous growths” called cephalodia.

b. Endotrophic. Winter[469] examined the later stages of internal cephalodine formation in a species of Sticta. The alga, probably a species of Rivularia, which gives origin to the cephalodia, may be situated immediately below the upper cortex, in the medullary layer close to the gonidial zone, or between the pith and the under cortex. The protuberance caused by the increasing tissue, which also contains the invading alga, arises accordingly either on the upper or the lower surface. In some cases it was found that the normal gonidial layer had been pushed up by the protruding cephalodium and lay like a cap over the top. The cephalodia described by Winter are endogenous in origin, though the mature body finally emerges from the interior and becomes either epigenous or hypogenous. Schneider[470] has followed the development of a somewhat similar endotrophic or endogenous type in Sticta oregana due also to the presence of a species of Rivularia. How the alga attained its position in the medulla of the thallus was not observed.

Fig. 79. Nephroma expallidum Nyl. Vertical section of thallus. a, endotrophic cephalodium × 100 (after Forssell).

Both the algal cells of internal cephalodia and the hyphae in contact with them increase vigorously, and the newly formed tissue curving upwards or downwards appears on the outside as a swelling or nodule varying in size from that of a pin-head to a pea. On the upper surface the gonidial zone partly encroaches on the nodule, but the foreign alga remains in the centre of the structure well separated from the thalline gonidia by a layer of hyphae. The group is internally divided into small nests of dark-green algae surrounded by strands of hyphae (Fig. 79). The swellings, when they occur on the lower surface of the lichen, correspond to those of the upper in general structure, but there is no intermixture of thalline gonidia. That Nostoc cells can grow and retain the power to form chlorophyll in adverse conditions was proved by Etard and Bouilhac[471] who made a culture of the alga on artificial media in the dark, when there was formed a green pigment of chlorophyll nature.

Endotrophic cephalodia occur in many groups of lichens. Hue[472] states that he found them in twelve species of Aspicilia. As packets of blue-green algae they are a constant feature in the thallus of Solorinae. The species of that genus grow on mossy soil in damp places, and must come frequently in contact with Nostoc colonies. In Solorina crocea an interrupted band of blue-green algae lies below the normal gonidial zone and sometimes replaces it—a connecting structure between cephalodia and a true gonidial zone.

c. Pseudocephalodia. Under this section have been classified those cephalodia that are almost independent of the lichen thallus though to some extent organically connected with it, as for instance that of Lecidea panaeola which originate on the hypothallus of the lichen and maintain their position between the crustaceous granules.

The cephalodia of Lecanora gelida, as described by Sernander[473], might also be included here. He watched their development in their native habitat, an exposed rock-surface which was richly covered with the lichen in all stages of growth. Two kinds of thallus, the one containing blue-green algae (Chroococcus), the other bright-green, were observed on the rock in close proximity. At the point of contact, growth ceased, but the thallus with bright-green algae, being the more vigorous, was able to spread round and underneath the other and so gradually to transform it to a superficial flat cephalodium. All such thalli encountered by the dominant lichen were successively surrounded in the same way. The cephalodium, growing more slowly, sent root-like hyphae into the tissue of the underlying lichen, and the two organisms thus became organically connected. Sernander considers that the two algae are antagonistic to each other, but that the hyphae can combine with either.

The pseudocephalodia of Usnea species are abortive apothecia; they are surrounded at the base by the gonidial zone and cortex of the thallus, and they contain no foreign gonidia.

E. Autosymbiotic Cephalodia

Bitter[474] has thus designated small scales, like miniature thalli, that develop constantly on the upper cortex of Peltigera lepidophora, a small lichen not uncommon in Finland, and first recorded by Wainio as a variety of Peltigera canina. The alga contained in the scales is a blue-green Nostoc similar to the gonidia of the thallus. Bitter[475] described the development as similar to that of the cephalodia of Peltigera aphthosa, but the outgrowths, being lobate in form, are less firmly attached and thus easily become separated and dispersed; as the gonidia are identical with those of the parent thallus they act as vegetative organs of reproduction.

Bitter’s work has been criticized by Linkola[476] who claims to have discovered by means of very thin microtome sections that there is a genetic connection between the scales and the underlying thallus, not only with the hyphae, as in true cephalodia, but with the algae as well, so that these outgrowths should be regarded as isidia.

In the earliest stages, according to Linkola, a small group of algae may be observed in the cortical tissue of the Peltigera apart from the gonidial zone and near the upper surface. Gradually a protruding head is formed which is at first covered over with a brown cortical layer one cell thick. The head increases and becomes more lobate in form, being attached to the thallus at the base by a very narrow neck and more loosely at other parts of the scale. In older scales, the gonidia are entirely separated from those of the thallus, and a dark-brown cortex several cells in thickness covers over the top and sides; there is a colourless layer of plectenchyma beneath. At this advanced stage the scales are almost completely superficial and correspond with the cephaloidal rather than with the isidial type of formation. The algae even in the very early stages are distinct from the gonidial zone and the whole development, if isidial, must be considered as somewhat abnormal.


A. Structure and Origin of Soredia

Soredia are minute separable parts of the lichen thallus, and are composed of one or more gonidia which are clasped and surrounded by the lichen hyphae (Fig. 80). They occur on the surface or margins of the thallus of a fairly large number of lichens either in a powdery excrescence or in a pustule-like body comprehensively termed a “soralium” (Fig. 81). The soralia vary in form and dimensions according to the species. Each individual soredium is capable of developing into a new plant; it is a form of vegetative reproduction characteristic of lichens.

Fig. 80. Soredia. a, of Physcia pulverulenta Nyl.; b, of Ramalina farinacea Ach. × 600.

Acharius[477] gave the name “soredia” to the powdery bodies with reference to their propagating function; he also interpreted the soredium as an “apothecium of the second order.” But long before his time they had been observed and commented on by succeeding botanists: first by Malpighi[478] who judged them to be seeds, he having seen them develop new plants; by Micheli[479] who however distinguished between the true fruit and those seeds; and by Linnaeus[480] who considered them to be the female organs of the plant, the apothecia being, as he then thought, the male organs. Hedwig[481], on the other hand, regarded the apothecia as the seed receptacles and the soredia as male bodies. Sprengel’s[482] statement that they were “a subtile germinating powder mixed with delicate hair-like threads which take the place of seeds” established finally their true function. Wallroth[483], who was the first really to investigate their structure and their relation to the parent plant, recognized them as of the same type as the “brood-cells” or gonidia; and as the latter, he found, could become free from the thallus and form a green layer on trees, walls, etc., in shady situations, so the soredia also could become free, though for a time they remained attached to the lichen and were covered by a veil, i.e. by the surrounding hyphal filaments. Koerber[484] also gave much careful study to soredia, their nature and function. As propagating organs he found they were of more importance than spores, especially in the larger lichens.

Fig. 81. Vertical section of young soralium of Evernia furfuracea var. soralifera Bitter × 60 (after Bitter).

According to Schwendener[485], the formation of soredia is due to increased and almost abnormal activity of division in the gonidial cell; the hyphal filament attached to it also becomes active and sends out branches from the cell immediately below the point of contact which force their way between the newly divided gonidia and finally surround them. A soredial “head” of smaller or larger size is thus gradually built up on the stalk filament or filaments, and is ultimately detached by the breaking down of the slender support.

a. Scattered Soredia. The simplest example of soredial formation may be seen on the bark of trees or on palings when the green coating of algal cells is gradually assuming a greyish hue caused by the invasion of hyphal lichenoid growth. This condition is generally referred to as “leprose” and has even been classified as a distinct genus, Lepra or Lepraria. Somewhat similar soredial growth is also associated with many species of Cladonia, the turfy soil in the neighbourhood of the upright podetia being often powdered with white granules. Such soredia are especially abundant in that genus, so much so, that Meyer[486], Krabbe[487] and others have maintained that the spores take little part in the propagation of species. The under side of the primary thallus, but more frequently the upright podetia, are often covered with a coating of soredia, either finely furfuraceous, or of larger growth and coarsely granular, the size of the soredia depending on the number of gonidia enclosed in each “head.”

Soredia are only occasionally present on the apothecial margins: the rather swollen rims in Lobaria scrobiculata are sometimes powdery-grey, and Bitter[488] has observed soredia, or rather soralia, on the apothecial margins of Parmelia vittata; they are very rare, however, and are probably to be explained by excess of moisture in the surroundings.

b. Isidial Soredia. In a few lichens soredia arise by the breaking down of the cortex at the tips of the thalline outgrowths termed “isidia.” In Parmelia verruculifera, for instance, where the coralloid isidia grow in closely packed groups or warts, the upper part of the isidium frequently becomes soredial. In that lichen the younger parts of the upper cortex bear hairs or trichomes, and the individual soredia are also adorned with hairs. The somewhat short warted isidia of P. subaurifera may become entirely sorediose, and in P. farinacea the whole thallus is covered with isidia transformed into soralia. The transformation is constant and is a distinct specific character. Bitter[488] considers that it proves that no sharp distinction exists between isidia and soralia, at least in their initial stages.

Fig. 82. Usnea barbata Web. Longitudinal section of filament and base of “soredial” branch × 40 (after Schwendener).

c. Soredia as Buds. Schwendener[489] has described soredia in the genus Usnea which give rise to new branches. Many of the species in that genus are plentifully sprinkled with the white powdery bodies. A short way back from the apex of the filament the separate soredia show a tendency to apical growth and might be regarded as groups of young plants still attached to the parent branch. One of these developing more quickly pushes the others aside and by continued growth fills up the soredial opening in the cortex with a plug of tissue; finally it forms a complete lateral branch. Schwendener calls them “soredial” branches (Fig. 82) to distinguish them from the others formed in the course of the normal development.

B. Soralia

In lichens of foliose and fruticose structure, and in a few crustaceous forms, the soredia are massed together into the compact bodies called soralia, and thus are confined to certain areas of the plant surface. The simpler soralia arise from the gonidial zone below the cortex by the active division of some of the algal cells. The hyphae, interlaced with the green cells, are thin-walled and are, as stated by Wainio[490], still in a meristematic condition; they are thus able readily to branch and to form new filaments which clasp the continually multiplying gonidia. This growth is in an upward or outward direction away from the medulla, and strong mechanical pressure is exerted by the increasing tissue on the overlying cortical layers. Finally the soredia force their way through to the surface at definite points. The cortex is thrown back and forms a margin round the soralium, though shreds of epidermal tissue remain for a time mixed with the powdery granules.

a. Form and Occurrence of Soralia. The term “soralium” was first applied only to the highly developed soredial structures considered by Acharius to be secondary apothecia; it is now employed for any circumscribed group of soredia.[491] The soralia vary in size and form and in position, according to the species on which they occur; these characters are constant enough to be of considerable diagnostic value. Within the single genus Parmelia, they are to be found as small round dots sprinkled over the surface of P. dubia; as elongate furrows irregularly placed on P. sulcata; as pearly excrescences at or near the margins of P. perlata, and as swollen tubercles at the tips of the lobes of P. physodes (Fig. 83). Their development is strongly influenced and furthered by shade and moisture, and, given such conditions in excess, they may coalesce and cover large patches of the thallus with a powdery coating, though only in those species that would have borne soredia in fairly normal conditions.

Soralia of definite form are of rather rare occurrence in crustaceous lichens, with the exception of the Pertusariaceae, where they are frequent, and some species of Lecanora and Placodium. They are known in only two hypophloeodal (subcortical) lichens, Arthonia pruinosa and Xylographa spilomatica. Among squamulose thalli they are typical of some Cladoniae, and also of Lecidea (Psora) ostreata, where they are produced on the upper surface towards the apex of the squamule.

Fig. 83. Parmelia physodes Ach. Thallus growing horizontally; soredia on the ends of the lobes (S. H., Photo.).

b. Position of soraliferous Lobes. According to observations made by Bitter[492], the occurrence of soralia on one lobe or another may depend to a considerable extent on the orientation of the thallus. He cites the variability in habit of the familiar lichen, Parmelia physodes and its various forms, which grow on trees or on soil. In the horizontal thalli there is much less tendency to soredial formation, and the soredia that arise are generally confined to branching lobes on the older parts of the thallus.

That type of growth is in marked contrast with the thallus obliged to take a vertical direction as on a tree. In such a case the lobes, growing downward from the point of origin, form soralia at their tips at an early stage (Fig. 84). The lateral lobes, and especially those that lie close to the substratum, are the next to become soraliate. Similar observations have been made on the soraliferous lobes of Cetraria pinastri. The cause is probably due to the greater excess of moisture draining downwards to the lower parts of the thallus. The lobes that bear the soralia are generally narrower than the others and are very frequently raised from contact with the substratum. They tend to grow out from the thallus in an upright direction and then to turn backwards at the tip, so that the opening of the soralium is directed downwards. Bitter says that the cause of this change in direction is not clear, though possibly on teleological reasoning it is of advantage that the opening of the soralium should be protected from direct rainfall. The opening lies midway between the upper and lower cortex, and the upper tissue in these capitate soralia continues to grow and to form an arched helmet or hood-covering which serves further to protect the soralium.

Fig. 84. Parmelia physodes Ach. Thallus growing vertically; soredia chiefly on the lobes directed downwards, reduced (M. P., Photo.).

Similar soralia are characteristic of Physcia hispida (Ph. stellaris subsp. tenella), the apical helmet being a specially pronounced feature of that species, though, as Lesdain[493] has pointed out, the hooded structures are primarily the work of insects. In vertical substrata they occur on the lower lobes of the plant.

Apical soralia are rare in fruticose lichens, but in an Alpine variety of Ramalina minuscula they are formed at the tips of the fronds and are protected by an extension of the upper cortical tissues. Another instance occurs in a Ramalina from New Granada referred by Nylander to R. calicaris var. farinacea: it presents a striking example of the helmet tip.

c. Deep-seated Soralia. In the cases already described Schwendener[494] and Nilson[495] held that the algae gave the first impulse to the formation of the soredia; but in the Pertusariaceae[496], a family of crustaceous lichens, there has been evolved a type of endogenous soralium which originates with the medullary hyphae. In these, special hyphae rise from a weft of filaments situated just above the lowest layer of the thallus at the base of the medulla, the weft being distinguished from the surrounding tissue by staining blue with iodine. A loose strand of hyphae staining the usual yellow colour rises from the surface of the “blue” weft and, traversing the medullary tissue, surrounds the gonidia on the under side of the gonidial zone. The hyphae continue to grow upward, pushing aside both the upper gonidial zone and the cortex, and carrying with them the algal cells first encountered. When the summit is reached, there follows a very active growth of both gonidia and hyphae. Each separate soredium so produced consists finally of five to ten algal cells surrounded by hyphae and measures 8 µ to 13 µ in diameter. The cortex forms a well-defined wall or margin round the mass of soredia.

A slightly different development is found in Lecanora tartarea, one of the “crottle” lichens, which has been placed by Darbishire in Pertusariaceae. The hyphae destined to form soredia also start from the weft of tissue at the base of the thallus, but they simply grow through the gonidial zone instead of pushing it aside.

In his examination of Pertusariaceae Darbishire found that the apothecia also originated from a similar deeply seated blue-staining tissue, and he concluded that the soralia represented abortive apothecia and really corresponded to Acharius’s “apothecia of the second order.” His conclusion as to the homology of these two organs is disputed by Bitter[497], who considers that the common point of origin is explained by the equal demand of the hyphae in both cases for special nutrition, and by the need of mechanical support at the base to enable the hyphae to reach the surface and to thrust back the cortex without deviating from their upward course through the tissues.

C. Dispersal and Germination of Soredia

Soredia become free by the breaking down of the hyphal stalks at the septa or otherwise. They are widely dispersed by wind or water and soon make their appearance on any suitable exposed soil. Krabbe[498] has stated that, in many cases, the loosely attached soredia coating some of the Cladonia podetia are of external origin, carried thither by the air-currents. Insects too aid in the work of dissemination: Darbishire[499] has told us how he watched small mites and other insects moving about over the soralia of Pertusaria amara and becoming completely powdered by the white granules.

Darbishire[499] also gives an account of his experiments in the culture of soredia. He sowed them on poplar wood about the beginning of February in suitable conditions of moisture, etc. Long hyphal threads were at once produced from the filaments surrounding the gonidia, and gonidia that had become free were seen to divide repeatedly. Towards the end of August of the same year a few soredia had increased in size to about 450µ in diameter, and were transferred to elm bark. By September they had further increased to a diameter of 520µ, and the gonidia showed a tendency towards aggregation. No further differentiation or growth was noted.

More success attended Tobler’s[500] attempt to cultivate the soredia of Cladonia sp. He sowed them on soil kept suitably moist in a pot and after about nine months he obtained fully formed squamules, at first only an isolated one or two, but later a plentiful crop all over the surface of the soil. Tobler also adds that soredia taken from a Cladonia, that had been kept for about half a year in a dry room, grew when sown on a damp substratum. The algae however had suffered more or less from the prolonged desiccation, and some of them failed to develop.

A suggestion has been made by Bitter[501] that a hybrid plant might result from the intermingling of soredia from the thallus of allied lichens. He proposed the theory to explain the great similarity between plants of Parmelia physodes and P. tubulosa growing in close proximity. There is no proof that such mingling of the fungal elements ever takes place.

D. Evolution of Soredia

Soredia have been compared to the gemmae of the Bryophytes and also to the slips and cuttings of the higher plants. There is a certain analogy between all forms of vegetative reproduction, but soredia are peculiar in that they include two dissimilar organisms. In the lichen kingdom there has been evolved this new form of propagation in order to secure the continuance of the composite life, and, in a number of species, it has almost entirely superseded the somewhat uncertain method of spore germination inherited from the fungal ancestor, but which leaves more or less to chance the encounter with the algal symbiont.

From a phylogenetic point of view we should regard the sorediate lichens as the more highly evolved, and those which have no soredia as phylogenetically young, though, as Lindau[502] has pointed out, soredia are all comparatively recent. They probably did not appear until lichens had reached a more or less advanced stage of development, and, considering the polyphyletic origin of lichens, they must have arisen at more than one point, and probably at first in circumstances where the formation of apothecia was hindered by prolonged conditions of shade and moisture.

That soredia are ontogenetic in character, and not, as Nilson[503] has asserted, accidental products of excessively moist conditions is further proved by the non-sorediate character of those species of crustaceous lichens belonging to Lecanora, Verrucaria, etc. that are frequently immersed in water. Bitter[504] found that the soredia occurring on Peltigera spuria were not formed on the lobes which were more constantly moist, nor at the edges where the cortex was thinnest: they always emerged on young parts of the thallus a short way back from the edge.

Bitter[504] points out that in extremely unfavourable circumstances—in the polluted atmosphere near towns, or in persistent shade—lichens, that would otherwise form a normal thallus, remain in a backward sorediose state. He considers, however, that many of these formless crusts are autonomous growths with specific morphological and chemical peculiarities. They hold these outposts of lichen vegetation and are not found growing in any other localities. The proof would be to transport them to more favourable conditions, and watch development.


A. Form and Structure of Isidia

Many lichens are rough and scabrous on the surface, with minute simple or divided coral-like outgrowths of the same texture as the underlying thallus, though sometimes they are darker in colour as in Evernia furfuracea. They always contain gonidia and are covered by a cortex continuous with that of the thallus.

This very marked condition was considered by Acharius[505] as of generic importance and the genus, Isidium, was established by him, with the diagnostic characters: “branchlets produced on the surface, or coralloid, simple and branched.” In the genus were included the more densely isidioid states of various crustaceous species such as Isidium corallinum and I. Westringii, both of which are varieties of Pertusariae. Fries[506], with his accustomed insight, recognized them as only growth forms. The genus was however still accepted in English Floras[507] as late as 1833, though we find it dropped by Taylor[508] in the Flora Hibernica a few years later.

The development of the isidial outgrowth has been described by Rosendahl[509] in several species of Parmelia. In one of them, P. papulosa, which has a cortical layer one cell thick, the isidium begins as a small swelling or wart on the upper surface of the thallus. At that stage the cells of the cortex have already lost their normal arrangement and show irregular division. They divide still further, as gonidia and hyphae push their way up. The full-grown isidia in this species are cylindrical or clavate, simple or branched. They are peculiar in that they bear laterally here and there minute rhizoids, a development not recorded in any other isidia. The inner tissue accords with that of the normal thallus and there is a clearly marked cortex, gonidial zone and pith. A somewhat analogous development takes place in the isidia of Parmelia proboscidea; in that lichen they are mostly prolonged into a dark-coloured cilium.

In Parmelia scortea the cortex is several cells thick, and the outermost rows are compressed and dead in the older parts of the thallus; but here also the first appearance of the isidium is in the form of a minute wart. The lower layers (4 to 6) of living cortical cells divide actively; the gonidia also share in the new growth, and the protuberance thus formed pushes off the outer dead cortex and emerges as an isidium (Fig. 85). They are always rather stouter in form than those of P. papulosa and may be simple or branched. The gonidia in this case do not form a definite zone, but are scattered through the pith of the isidium.

Here also should be included the coralloid branching isidia that adorn the upper surface and margins of the thallus of Umbilicaria pustulata. They begin as small tufts of somewhat cylindrical bodies, but they sometimes broaden out to almost leafy expansions with crisp edges. Most frequently they are situated on the bulging pustules where intercalary growth is active. Owing to their continued development on these areas, the tissue becomes slack, and the centre of the isidial tuft may fall out, leaving a hole in the thallus which becomes still more open by the tension of thalline expansion. New isidia sprout from the edges of the wound and the process may again be repeated. It has been asserted that these structures are only formed on injured parts of the thallus—something like gall-formations—but Bitter[510] has proved that the wound is first occasioned by the isidial growth weakening the thallus.

Fig. 85. Vertical section of isidia of Parmelia scortea Ach. A, early stage; B. later stage. × 60 (after Rosendahl).

B. Origin and Function of Isidia

Nilson[511] (later Kajanus[512]) insists that isidia and soredia are both products of excessive moisture. He argues that lichen species, in the course of their development, have become adapted to a certain degree of humidity, and, if the optimum is passed, the new conditions entail a change in the growth of the plant. The gonidia are stimulated to increased growth, and the mechanical pressure exerted by the multiplying cells either results in the emergence of isidial structures where the cortex is unbroken, or, if the cortex is weaker and easily bursts, in the formation of soralia.

This view can hardly be accepted; isidia as well as soredia are typical of certain species and are produced regularly and normally in ordinary conditions; both of them are often present on the same thallus. It is not denied, however, that their development in certain instances is furthered by increased shade or moisture. In Evernia furfuracea isidia are more freely produced on the older more shaded parts of the thallus. Zopf[513] has described such an instance in Evernia olivetorina (E. furfuracea), which grew in the high Alps on pine trees, and which was much more isidiose when it grew on the outer ends of the branches, where dew, rain or snow had more direct influence. He[514] quotes other examples occurring in forms of E. furfuracea which grew on the branches of pines, larches, etc. in a damp locality in S. Tyrol. The thalli hung in great abundance on each side of the branches, and were invariably more isidiose near the tips, because evidently the water or snow trickled down and was retained longer there than at the base.

Bitter[515] has given a striking instance of shade influence in Umbilicaria. He found that some boulders on which the lichen grew freely had become covered over with fallen pine needles. The result was at first an enormous increase of the coralline isidia, though finally the lichen was killed by the want of light.

Isidia are primarily of service to the plant in increasing the assimilating surface. Occasionally they grow out into new thallus lobes. The more slender are easily rubbed off, and, when scattered, become efficient organs of propagation. This view of their function is emphasized by Bitter who points out that both in Evernia furfuracea and in Umbilicaria pustulata other organs of reproduction are rare or absent. Zopf[513] found new plants of Evernia furfuracea beginning to grow on the trunk of a tree lower down than an old isidiose specimen. They had developed from isidia which had been detached and washed down by rain.


A. Supposed Affinity with other Plants

Lichens in which the fungal elements belong to the Hymenomycetes are confined to three tropical genera. They are associated with blue-green algae and are most nearly related to the Thelephoraceae among fungi. The spores are borne, as in that family, on basidia.

Fig. 86. Cora Pavonia Fr. (after Mattirolo).

The best known Hymenolichen, Cora Pavonia (Fig. 86), was discovered by Swartz[516] during his travels in the W. Indies (1785-87) growing on trees in the mountains of Jamaica, and the new plant was recorded by him as Ulva montana. Gmelin[517] also included it in Ulva in close association with Ulva (Padina) Pavonia, but that classification was shortly after disputed by Woodward[518] who thought its affinity was more nearly with the fungi and suggested that it should be made the type of a new genus near to Boletus (Polystictus) versicolor. Fries[519] in due time made the new genus Cora, though he included it among algae; finally Nylander[520] established the lichenoid character of the thallus and transferred it to the Lecanorei.

It was made the subject of more exact investigation by Mattirolo[521] who recognized its affinity with Thelephora, a genus of Hymenomycetes. Later Johow[522] went to the West Indies and studied the Hymenolichens in their native home. The genera and species described by Johow have been reduced to Cora and Dictyonema; a new genus Corella has since been added by Wainio[523].

Johow found that Cora grew on the mountains usually from 1000 to 2000 ft. above sea-level. As it requires for its development a cool damp climate with strong though indirect illumination, it is found neither in sunny situations nor in the depths of dark woods. It grows most freely in diffuse light, on the lower trunks and branches of trees in open situations, but high up on the stem where the vegetation is more dense. It stands out from the tree like a small thin bracket fungus, one specimen placed above another, with a dimidiate growth similar to that of Polystictus versicolor. Both surfaces are marked by concentric zones which give it an appearance somewhat like Padina Pavonia. These zones indicate unequal intercalary growth both above and below. The whole plant is blue-green when wet, greyish-white when dry, and of a thin membranaceous consistency.

B. Structure of Thallus

There is no proper cortex in any of the genera, but in Cora there is a fastigiate branching of the hyphae in parallel lines towards the upper surface; just at the outside they turn and lie in a horizontal direction, and, as the branching becomes more profuse, a rather compact cover is formed. The gonidia, which consist of blue-green Chroococcus cells, lie at the base of the upward branches and they are surrounded with thin-walled short-celled hyphae closely interwoven into a kind of cellular tissue. The medulla of loose hyphae passes over to the lower cortex, also of more or less loose filaments. The outermost cells of the latter very frequently grow out into short jagged or crenate processes (Fig. 87).

Fig. 87. Cora Pavonia Fr. Vertical section of thallus. a, upper cortex; b, gonidial layer; c, medulla and lower cortex of crenate cells; d, tuft of fertile hyphae. × 160. e, basidia and spores × 1000 (after Johow).

In Corella, the mature lichen is squamulose or consists of small lobes; in Dictyonema there is a rather flat dimidiate expansion; in both the alga is Scytonema, the trichomes of which largely retain their form and are surrounded by parallel growths of branching hyphae. The whole tissue is loose and spongy.

Corella spreads over soil on a white hypothallus without rhizinae. In the other two genera which live on soil, or more frequently on trees, there is a rather extensive formation of hold-fast tissue. When the dimidiate thallus grows on a rough bark, rhizoidal strands of hyphae travel over it and penetrate between the cracks; if the bark is smooth, there is a more continuous weft of hyphae. In both cases a spongy cushion of filamentous tissue develops at the base of the lichen between the tree and the bracket thallus. There is also in both genera an encrusting form which Johow regarded as representing a distinct genus Laudatea, but which MÖller found to be merely a growth stage. MÖller[524] judged from that and from other characteristics that the same fungus enters into the composition of both Cora and Dictyonema and that only the algal constituents are different.

C. Sporiferous Tissues

As in Hymenomycetes, the spores of Hymenolichens are exogenous, and are borne at the tips of basidia which in these lichens are produced on the under surface of the thallus. In Cora the fertile filaments may form a continuous series of basidia over the surface, but generally they grow out in separate though crowded tufts. As these tufts broaden outwards, they tend to unite at the free edges, and may finally present a continuous hymenial layer. Each basidium bears four sterigmata and spores (Fig. 87 e); paraphyses exactly similar to the basidia are abundant in the hymenium. In Dictyonema the hymenium is less regular, but otherwise it resembles that of Cora. No hymenium has as yet been observed in Corella; it includes, so far as known, one species, C. brasiliensis, which spreads over soil or rocks.


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