ADDENDUM Footnote to Page 404 |
  E. M. Holmes[1332] has published recently an account of a substance which seems in some respects to answer to the description of manna (Exodus xvi.; Numbers xi.) more nearly than the generally accepted Lecanora esculenta. The information is quoted from Swann’s book: Fighting the slave-hunters in Central Africa. The author writes (p. 116): “I was shown a curious white substance similar to porridge. It was found early in the morning before the sun rose. On examination it was found to possess all the characteristics of the manna ... of the Israelites. In appearance it resembled coriander seed, was white in colour like hoar frost, sweet to the taste, melted in the sun and if kept over night was full of worms in the morning. It required to be baked if you intended to keep it for any length of time. It looked as if it was deposited on the ground in the night.” The writer has suggested that “the substance might be mushroom spawn as, on the spot where it melted tiny fungi sprung up the next night.” Swann’s statement has been confirmed by Dr Wareham, a medical missionary from the same district, who states, however, that it is of rare occurrence.