JOSEPH SMITH, SENIOR, AND DON CARLOS, VISIT STOCKHOLM. In the summer after the Church was organized, my husband set out, with Don Carlos, to visit his father, Asael Smith. After a tedious journey, they arrived at the house of John Smith, my husband's brother. His wife Clarissa had never before seen my husband, but as soon as he entered, she exclaimed, "There, Mr. Smith, is your brother Joseph." John, turning suddenly, cried out, "Joseph, is this you?" "It is I," said Joseph; "is my father yet alive? I have come to see him once more, before he dies." For a particular account of this visit, I shall give my readers an extract from brother John Smith's journal. He writes as follows: The next morning after brother Joseph arrived, we set out together for Stockholm to see our father, who was living at that place with our brother Silas. We arrived about dark at the house of my brother Jesse, who was absent with his wife. The children informed us, that their parents were with our father, who was supposed to be dying. We hastened without delay to the house of brother Silas, and upon arriving there, were told that father was just recovering from a severe fit, and, as it was not considered advisable to let him or mother know that Joseph was there, we went to spend the night with brother Jesse. As soon as we were settled, brothers Jesse and Joseph entered into conversation respecting their families. Joseph briefly related the history of his family, the death of Alvin, etc. He then began to speak of the discovery and translation of the Book of Mormon. At this Jesse grew very angry, and exclaimed, "If you say another word about that Book of Mormon, you shall not stay a minute longer in my house, and if I can't get you out any other way, I will hew you down with my broadaxe." We had always been accustomed to being treated with much harshness by our brother, but he had never carried it to so great an extent before. However, we spent the night with him, and the next morning visited our aged parents. They were overjoyed to see Joseph, for he had been absent from them so long, that they had been fearful of never beholding his face again in the flesh. After the usual salutations, enquiries, and explanations, the subject of the Book of Mormon was introduced. Father received with gladness, that which Joseph communicated; and remarked, that he had always expected that something would appear to make known the true Gospel. In a few moments brother Jesse came in, and on hearing that the subject of our conversation was the Book of Mormon, his wrath rose as high as it did the night before. "My father's mind," said Jesse, "is weak; and I will not have it corrupted with such blasphemous stuff, so just shut up your head." Brother Joseph reasoned mildly with him, but to no purpose. Brother Silas then said, "Jesse, our brother has come to make us a visit, and I am glad to see him, and am willing he should talk as he pleases in my house." Jesse replied in so insulting a manner, and continued to talk so abusively, that Silas was under the necessity of requesting him to leave the house. After this, brother Joseph proceeded in conversation, and father seemed to be pleased with every word which he said. But I must confess that I was too pious, at that time, to believe one word of it. I returned home next day, leaving Joseph with my father. Soon after which, Jesse came to my house and informed me, that all my brothers were coming to make me a visit, "and as true as you live," said he, "they all believe that cursed Mormon book, every word of it, and they are setting a trap for you, to make you believe it." I thanked him for taking so much trouble upon himself, to inform me that my brothers were coming to see me, but told him that I considered myself amply able to judge for myself in matters of religion. "I know," he replied, "that you are a pretty good judge of such things, but I tell you that they are as wary as the devil. And I want you to go with me and see our sister Susan and sister-in-law Fanny, and we will bar their minds against Joseph's influence." We accordingly visited them, and conversed upon the subject as we thought proper, and requested them to be at my house the next day. My brothers arrived according to previous arrangement, and Jesse, who came also, was very careful to hear every word which passed among us, and would not allow one word to be said about the Book of Mormon in his presence. They agreed that night to visit our sisters the following day, and as we were about leaving, brother Asael took me aside and said, "Now, John, I want you to have some conversation with Joseph, but if you do, you must cheat it out of Jesse. And if you wish, I can work the card for you." I told him that I would be glad to have a talk with Joseph alone, if I could get an opportunity. "Well," replied Asael, "I will take a certain number in my carriage, and Silas will take the rest, and you may bring out a horse for Joseph to ride, but when we are out of sight, take the horse back to the stable again, and keep Joseph over night." I did as Asael advised, and that evening Joseph explained to me the principles of "Mormonism," the truth of which I have never since denied. The next morning, we (Joseph and myself) went to our sisters, where we met our brothers. Jesse censured me very sharply for keeping Joseph over night. In the evening, when we were about to separate, I agreed to take Joseph in my wagon twenty miles on his journey the next day. Jesse rode home with me that evening, leaving Joseph with our sisters. As Joseph did not expect to see Jesse again, when we were about starting, Joseph gave Jesse his hand in a pleasant, affectionate manner, and said, "Farewell, brother Jesse." "Farewell, Jo, for ever," replied Jesse, in a surly tone. "I am afraid," returned Joseph, in a kind, but solemn manner, "it will be for ever, unless you repent." This was too much for even Jesse's obdurate heart. He melted into tears; however, he made no reply, nor ever mentioned the circumstance afterwards. I took my brother twenty miles on his journey the next day, as I had agreed. Before he left me, he requested me to promise him, that I would read a Book of Mormon, which he had given me, and even should I not believe it, that I would not condemn it; "for," said he, "if you do not condemn it, you shall have a testimony of its truth." I fulfilled my promise, and thus proved his testimony to be true. Just before my husband's return, as Joseph was about commencing a discourse one Sunday morning, Parley P. Pratt came in, very much fatigued. He had heard of us at considerable distance, and had traveled very fast, in order to get there by meeting time, as he wished to hear what we had to say, that he might be prepared to show us our error. But when Joseph had finished his discourse, Mr. Pratt arose, and expressed his hearty concurrence in every sentiment advanced. The following day he was baptized and ordained. In a few days he set off for Canaan, N.Y., where his brother Orson resided, whom he baptized on the nineteenth of September, 1830. About this time Joseph's trouble commenced at Colesville with the mob, who served a writ upon him, and dragged him from the desk as he was about taking his text to preach. But as a relation of this affair is given in his history, (see Times and Seasons, vol. IV., pp. 40 and 61. Supp. to Mill. Star, vol. XIV., p. 31) I shall mention only one circumstance pertaining to it, for which I am dependent upon Esquire Reid, Joseph's counsel in the case, and I shall relate it as near in his own words as my memory will admit:— I was so busy at that time, when Mr. Smith sent for me, that it was almost impossible for me to attend the case, and never having seen Mr. Smith, I determined to decline going. But soon after coming to this conclusion, I thought I heard some one say to me, "You must go, and deliver the Lord's Anointed!" Supposing it was the man who came after me, I replied, "The Lord's Anointed? What do you mean by the Lord's Anointed?" He was surprised at being accosted in this manner, and replied, "What do you mean, sir? I said nothing about the Lord's Anointed." I was convinced that he told the truth, for these few words filled my mind with peculiar feelings, such as I had never before experienced; and I immediately hastened to the place of trial. Whilst I was engaged in the case, these emotions increased, and when I came to speak upon it, I was inspired with an eloquence which was altogether new to me, and which was overpowering and irresistible. I succeeded, as I expected, in obtaining the prisoner's discharge. This the more enraged the adverse party, and I soon discovered that Mr. Smith was liable to abuse from them, should he not make his escape. The most of them being fond of liquor, I invited them into another room to drink, and thus succeeded in attracting their attention, until Mr. Smith was beyond their reach. I knew not where he went, but I was satisfied that he was out of their hands. Since this circumstance occurred, until this day, Mr. Reid has been a faithful friend to Joseph, although he has never attached himself to the Church. After escaping the hands of the mob, Joseph traveled till daybreak the next morning, before he ventured to ask for victuals, although he had taken nothing, save a small crust of bread, for two days. About day-break he arrived at the house of one of his wife's sisters, where he found Emma, who had suffered great anxiety about him, since his first arrest. They returned home together, and immediately afterwards Joseph received a commandment by revelation, to move his family to Waterloo. Joseph had at this time just completed a house, which he had built on a small farm, that he had purchased of his father-in-law; however, he locked up his house with his furniture in it, and repaired with Emma, immediately to Manchester. About the time of his arrival at our house, Hyrum had settled up his business, for the purpose of being at liberty to do whatever the Lord required of him: and he requested Joseph to ask the Lord for a revelation concerning the matter. The answer given was, that he should take a bed, his family, and what clothing he needed for them, and go straightway to Colesville, for his enemies were combining in secret chambers to take away his life. At the same time, Mr Smith received a commandment to go forthwith to Waterloo, and prepare a place for his family, as our enemies also sought his destruction in the neighborhood in which we then resided, but in Waterloo he should find favor in the eyes of the people. The next day, by ten o'clock, Hyrum was on his journey. Joseph and Emma left for Macedon, and William went away from home in another direction, on business. Samuel was absent on a third mission to Livonia, for which he had set out on the first of October, soon after the arrival of my husband and Don Carlos from their visit to father Smith. Catherine and Don Carlos were also away from home. Calvin Stodard and his wife, Sophronia, had moved several miles distant, some time previous. This left no one but Mr. Smith, myself, and our little girl, Lucy, at home.