- Insignificant punctuation corrections have been made without note.
- Legitimate variant spellings have been retained.
- Variations in hyphenation have been retained.
- Pg 95. One instance of the word ‘to’ was removed from the following sentence, “I disclose those feelings to Him I have no power to to any earthly friend.”
- Pg 167. The word ‘ong’ was changed to ‘long’.
- Pg 170. The word ‘natives’ was changed to ‘native’s’.
- Pg 234. The word ‘Crhist’ was changed to ‘Christ’.
- Pg 403. A closing quotation mark was added to the end of the following phrase: “‘... he has taken upon himself to write the following pages.’”
- Pg 498. The following sentence does not appear to be correct, “Though it was near midnight I had a fire lighted to dry my books, took some coffee and sunk into deep sleep; from which awaking at the earliest dawn of”. This has been retained.
- Pg 498. The following sentence does not appear to be correct, “Ararat was now quite near; at the foot of it is Duwala, six parasangs from Nakshan, where we arrived at seven in the morning of”. This has been retained.
- Pg 500. The word ‘delivreance’ was changed to ‘deliverance’.
- Pg 549. The word ‘a’ was added to the following sentence: “The remembrance of the event of the day has been rendered useless by my absence from home a great part of it.”
- Pg 574. The word ‘Bundelkhund’ was changed to ‘Bundlekhund’.
- Pg 579. The index entry for ‘Rich, C.J., 517, 563’ was changed to ‘Rich, C.J., 516, 563’.
- Pg 579. The word ‘Serafino’ was changed to ‘Serrarfino’.
- Pg 579. The index entry for ‘Simeon, Charles, 13, 27, 34, 42, 109, 190, 544, 553’ was changed to ‘Simeon, Charles, 15, 27, 34, 42, 109, 190, 544, 553’.
- Pg 580. The index entry for ‘Wolverton, Lord, 46’ was changed to ‘Wolverton, Lord, 44’.