tml@files@35873@35873-h@35873-h-13.htm.html#Page_358" class="pginternal">358, 553 Cutwa, 200 Cyrillus, 418 Cyrus, 370 Dalhousie, Marquis of, 199 Dante, 358 Dare, Mrs., 237 Darius, Hystaspes, 409 Darwin, 108 Dealtry, Bishop, 16 Demonolators, 134 Diamonds, 342 Dinapore, 201, 258 Dissenters, 168 Doddridge, 17, 214 Dravidian, 134 Dryden, 358 Duff, Alexander, 24, 34, 146, 563 Duncan, Jonathan, 318, 326 Dundas, Sir F., 119 Dwight, H.G.O., missionary, 520 East India Company, 202, 529 East India Company’s Charters, 138, 150 Eclectic Society, 59, 79 Edesius, 418 Edmonds, Canon, 417, 420, 490 Educational missions, 201, 216, 274 Edwards, Jerusha, 91 — Jonathan, 28, 91 Elam, 356, 441 Eliot, J., 418 Ellerton, Mr. and Mrs., 135, 201 Elphinstone, Admiral, 119 — Mountstuart, 316, 327 Ely Cathedral, 35 English Bible, 418 Erasmus, 418 Erivan, 499 Erskine, Dr. J., 132 Erzroom, 508 Etchmiatzin, 499 Ethiopia, 120 Ethiopic Bible, 418 Eudoxia, 534 Eurasians, 222 Fabricius, 418 Fal Estuary, 24 Falmouth, 83, 88
s="pginternal">564 Karass, 488 Kars, 506 Kaye, Sir John, 330 Kaziroon, 353 Keith-Falconer, Ion, 22, 326, 564 Kelland, Prof., 20 Kempthorne, 10, 12, 17 Kerr, Dr., chaplain, 144, 226 Kichener, missionary, 125 Kiernander, 48, 134 King’s Chapel, Cambridge, 67 Kingsley, Charles, 44 Kirke White, H., 27, 40 Kirkpatrick, Capt., 136 Komana Pontica, 533 Koran, 324, 398, 487 Kum, 466 Land’s End, 2 Lassen, 409 Latin Bible, 418 — Church on the Bible, 491 Law, William, 30 Lawrence, Honoria, 260 — Lord, 140, 220 — Sir Henry, 260 Lee, Prof., 400, 404 Leighton, R., 59, 102, 555 Letters to Lydia Grenfell, 82, 90, 175, 181, 185, 246, 256, 292, 304, 318, 334, 360, 473, 479 Lewis, G., 133 Leyden, Dr., 423 Limerick, Chaplain, 151 Livingstone, David, 121 Lolworth, 35, 74 London Missionary Society, 28, 200 Ludovicus de Dieu, 400 Lull, Raimund, 400 Luther, 418 Lyte, F.T., 547 Macartney, Earl of, 119 Macaulay, Lord, 516
ml@files@35873@35873-h@35873-h-1.htm.html#Page_51" class="pginternal">51 Regiment, the 59th, 101 — the 67th, 220, 312 Regiment, the 53rd, 257 — the 8th Light Dragoons, 276 Reid, missionary, 125 Reshire, 346 Rich, C.J., 516, 563 Riebeck, Governor, 119 Robber Island, 118 Roberts, Lord, 565 Robinson, Archdeacon, 489 Rodney, Capt., 320 Romanist Christians, 217, 318, 569 Rumsden, Prof., 441 Ruskin, 33 Russia, 415, 345, 482 Rutherford, Samuel, 2 Ryland, Dr., 516 Sabat, 225, 269, 422 Sadi, 371 St. Andrews, 24 St. Hilary church, 55 St. John’s College, Cambridge, 13, 33, 570 St. Michael’s Mount, 43, 90, 96 Sandys, Major, 54 San Salvador, 106 Sanskrit, 199 Sardhana, 286 Sargent, John, 22, 50, 227, 544 Sati, 184 SchÜrmann, missionary, 432 Schwartz, 60, 65, 139, 144, 317 Scott, Sir Walter, 423 Scott’s Dekkan, 108 Scottish Missions, 488, 564 Seatonian Prize, 67 Seleukos Nikator, 202 Serampore, 34, 158, 162, 422 Sermons by Martyn, 55, 67, 78, 109, 151, 549 Serope or Serrafino,
tenberg@html@files@35873@35873-h@35873-h-4.htm.html#Page_120" class="pginternal">120 Ziegenbalg, 132 Zoroaster, 371 PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE LONDON |