
Abraham, 39.
Adam, 39.
Administration, to sick, 256,
Advancement, personal, helps Church, 131.
Agriculture, 434.
Almighty, see God.
Amusements, 400, 401.
Angel, 548.
Anger, 268.
Animal, 333.
Apostle, 221, 222.
labors in spirit world, 581.
Apostleship, proselyting office, 217.
Appetite, 300.
Army, conduct of boys in, 531.
message to boys in, 535.
Atonement, 120.
Authority, 125, 170.
all should exercise, 208.
gives power, 186.
how administered, 186.
know duties of, 187.
man's relation to, 56.
Authorities, pray for, 279.
Auxiliary organizations, 179.
place in Church, 479.
relation to ward, 480.

Backbiting, 330.
Baptism, see Ordinances.
Baptism, 111, 117, 118, 121.
when to b. children, 120.
Bible, 57.
Birth control, see Children.
Birth control, 349, 362.
Bishop, 225, 230, 233, 234.
Blessing, how obtained, 60, 84, 296.
for truth, 12.
personal, 181, 635, 641.
Books, 295, 405.
Book of Mormon, witnesses to, 590.
Boys, how achieve greatness, 419.
lesson for, 418.
taught industry, 432.

Calamity, Lesson in, 67.
Calvin, 39, 500.
Card playing, 410, 411, 412, 413, 415, 416.
Chance, 408.
Charity, see Poor, see also Tithing.
Charity, 294.
Child, see Birth control.
Children, be true to, 353, 398.
condition of in heaven, 569.
consult parents, 201.
do not pledge, 373.
duties to teach, 365.
filial affection, 393.
how to give to, 371.
in the resurrection, 574.
relation to parents, 342.
responsible for, 359.
teach gospel, 369.
teach Jesus' death, 370.
training at home, 367.
treatment of family members, 355.
watch your, 365.
what to teach, 365.
when to baptize, 120.
Church, see Officers.
Church, see Priesthood, also Kingdom of God.
Church ample for all organizations, 442.
contempt is heritage, 425.
democratic institution, 84.
desires to be known, 139.
destiny of, 91.
devil against it, 464.
duties paramount, 323.
government, 178.
house in order, 477.
how officers chosen, 188.
how vote in, 196.
identity unchanged, 140.
in advance of members, 131.
is kingdom of God, 87.
loyal, 518.
man and, 131.
message of, 89.
mission to save, 88.
no nationalities in, 141, 511.
no neutrals in, 142.
no classes in, 141.
not in politics, 519.
not man-made, 171.
not partisan, 170, 517.
offers peace, 89.
personal advancement helps, 131.
political parties and, 519.
privilege to be associated with, 133.
purpose and duty of, 87, 191.
what it stands for, 192.
worth of standing in, 133.
Church Leaders, see Church Officers.
Church Leaders, help them, 223.
be courageous, 193.
goodness of, 210.
not self called, 209.
purpose of visits, 250.
what advocate, 114.
Church Records, names to be in, 134.
Church Schools, agriculture in, 435.
object of, 441, 485.
value of, 441.
Christ, see also Jesus.
Christ the great example, 22.
his rest, 155.
taught gospel to Adam, 39.
Citizen, Saint good, 518.
Classes, no classes in Church, 141.
Clubs, no exclusive in Church, 418.
College, see School, see University.
Columbus, 39.
Comforter, see Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit.
Comforter, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, 73.
Commandments, two great, 339.
Commencement address, 334.
Consecration, 299.
Constitution, loyalty to, 512.
Contention, 465.
Cooperation, 443.
Counsel, 200.
Courage, leaders must have, 193.
be not discouraged, 147.
Courts, avoid, 322.
Covenants, of Latter-day Saints 132.
Criminals, 469.

Daughter, education of, 429.
Dead, vision of redemption of, 596.
work for, 593.
Death and eternal progress, 371.
nature of, 553.
spiritual, 544.
Debt, 325.
Devil, arrayed against truth, 464.
his knowledge, 464.
Difficulty, settlement of, 53.
Discouragement, 147, 421.
Disobedience, treatment of, 139.
Disturbance, Gospel causes, 146.
Doctrine and Covenants, 56.
Doctrine, where to expect false, 466.
Duty, first to household, 386.

Earth, typical of heaven, 26.
Edison, 39.
Education, see School.
Education, danger of false, 392.
defined, 337.
for eternity, 338.
for women, 439.
industrial pursuits, 427.
practical, 430.
value of practical, 428.
Elders, 230.
to proclaim gospel, 230.
Elohim, 85.
Enemy, in God's hands, 422, 423.
love your, 421.
our debt to, 423.
prayer for, 424.
those to fear, 426.
Estates of, exaltation, 85.
Eternal, life, 538.
nature of salvation, 13.
progress and death, 371.
relations of family, 342.
Eternity, educate for, 338.
we live for, 348.
Evidence, revelation and legal, 49.
Evil, not caused by God, 69.
fashions, 416.
retreat from, 468.
unchastity dominant, 386.
Exaltation, estates of, 85.
Excess, see Temperance, Moderation.
Experiments, to be avoided, 337.

Faith, see Testimony.
Faith, 122.
be true to, 322.
reality of, 6.
False teachings, 464.
Family, 341.
basis of government, 203.
eternity of, 348.
father presiding authority, 359.
governed by love, 393.
importance of filial affection, 393.
large f. desirable, 352.
mutual treatment, 355.
should be example to, 357.
Fashions, 349, 400, 416, 417.
Fast day, 298, 306.
Fasting, 299, 305.
Father, duties of, 361.
Father presiding authority of family, 359.
Female, and male in heaven, 346.
Final Judgment, and resurrection, 566.
Find, search and, 151.
First Presidency, not always apostles, 216.
relation of members, 219.
when to organize, 214.
First Principles, 116, 121.
Flattery, danger of, 392.
Food, spirit needs, 262.
Forestry, 437.
Forgiveness, 421.
Franklin, 39.
Free agency, 58.
Freedom, use of, 59.
Saints to exercise, 59.
Freeze, Mary A., funeral services of, 577.
Future life, see Life Hereafter.
Future life, condition in, 543.

Gambling, 407, 408.
General authorities, see Church Leaders.
General authorities, questions to, 223.
temporal support of, 224.
Gift of Holy Ghost, 124.
Gift of tongues, 251.
Gifts of Spirit, 471.
Giving, to children, 371.
God, directs work, 64.
an eternal being, 78.
attain blessings of, 60.
at the helm, 168.
do not limit, 69.
extent of power, 69.
fatherhood of, 37.
fatherly love, 498.
Father and Son distinct, 83.
his rest, 71.
his warfare, 71.
how to secure blessings of, 84.
inspires man, 75.
man, and, 64.
man in image of, 71.
need of trust in, 79.
not author of evil, 69.
nothing temporal with, 85.
purposes unchangeable, 41.
personal knowledge of, 64.
right to rule, 66.
Saints to serve, 515.
speaks to honest, 65.
Spirit of, 73.
strives with warring nations, 530.
this God's work, 636.
will to exalt men, 66.
warfare, 71.
work cannot be stopped, 94.
Golden Rule, 424.
Good, foundation in home, 380.
Good Will, Church stands for, 192.
Government, family at basis of, 203.
Gospel, see Gospel principles.
Principles of Gospel, 36.
Gospel, all comprehensive, 104
be as broad as, 150.
causes disturbance, 146.
designed for temporal, 261.
divinity of, 95.
first principles of, 116, 121.
greatest thing, 392.
is simple, 11.
men not ready for, 450.
message, 89.
message of love, 114.
most important, 131.
principles eternal, 14.
preached in spirit world, 595.
shield from terror, 109.
should study, 323.
taught to Adam, 39.
teach to children, 369.
trumpet, 110.
where leads, 90.
Gossip, 136.
Grant, Heber J., 36.
Grant, Rachel, 29.
Gratitude, 328.
Grave, redemption beyond, 550.
Greatness, truest, 358.

Harmony, 159.
Hate, of truth, 464.
why Church is hated, 425.
Heaven, condition of children in, 569.
male and female in, 346.
no marriage in, 350.
typical of earth, 26.
Heal, wounds, 331.
High Council, duty of, 226.
High priests, duties of, 225, 227.
duties of quorums, 227.
History, 295.
Hobbies, 143.
Holy Ghost, blasphemy against, 18.
Holy Spirit, Comforter, 73.
personage of spirit, 74.
religion fruit of, 112.
Spirit of Lord, 82.
Holy Spirit, see Comforter, Holy Ghost.
nature of influence, 72.
Holy, venerate h. things, 355.
Home, see Household.
Home, 341.
basis of, 378.
child, and, 398.
first duty to, 386.
foundation of good in, 380.
ideal, 378.
motherhood, foundation of, 361.
no substitute for, 375.
not mortgage, 374, 382.
secure, 380.
training of children, 367.
worship in, 377.
Honest, God speaks to, 65.
Honor, Church stands for, 192.
reward of all, 10.
Hopelessness, 146.
Household, see Home.
House of the Lord, see Temple.
House of the Lord, children have rights in, 374.
Husband, depends on wife, 363.
duty to wife, 392.
treatment of family, 355.
wife in eternity, 392.

Identity, immortal, 28.
Idler, 295.
no place, 296.
Ignorance, address on, 427.
Image, man in God's, 71.
Industry, 282.
learn arts of, 432.
Ingratitude, sin of, 339.
Immortality, see Eternal.
Immortality, indestructible identity, 28.
Immortality of man, 16, 27.
Injustice, how avoid, 268.
Inspires, God i. man, 75.
Inspiration, spirit of, 42.
Intelligence, eternal, 32.
Israel, to flourish, 91.

Jehovah, see Jesus.
Jesus, see also Christ.
Jesus, eternal, 39.
first born, 85.
is the Son, 85.
teachers must believe in, 502.
teach story of to children, 370.
Judgment, use of judgment, 59.

Keys of Priesthood, distinction
between and priesthood, 168.
Kill, only for need, 334.
Kimball, Heber C, 212.
tribute to, 246.
Kindliness, 332.
Kingdom of God, see Church.
Kingdom of God, is Church, 87.
to continue, 92.
Knowledge, is limited, 11.
of devil, 464.
of sin unnecessary, 467.
Labor, blessings obtained by, 296.
morals and, 430.
unions, 521, 522.
Language, use good, 333.
Latter-day Saints, see Saints.
Latter-day Saints, character of, 163.
are as leaven, 90.
Church in advance of, 131.
conduct of boys in army, 531.
covenants of, 132.
free people, 58.
good citizens, 518.
law-abiding, 114.
loyal to U. S., 512.
must be workers and thinkers, 140.
may know truth, 8.
message to boys in army, 535.
no cause for worry, 107.
possess spirit of salvation, 91.
requirements of, 326.
to serve God, 515. .
Latter-day work, God directs, 64.
Leaders, see Officers, Church.
Learning, ever learning, 427.
Lesser Priesthood, see Priesthood.
Lesser Priesthood, 234.
be active, 233.
Life, 333.
Life hereafter, see Future Life.
Life hereafter, 540, 542.
our relation to, 540.
Life, main purpose of, 338.
not destroy wantonly, 333.
the test of, 86.
Light, let shine, 106.
Lincoln, 39.
Love, gospel message of, 114.
your enemies, 421.
govern family by, 393.
one another, 425.
Loyalty of Church, 518.
United States proud of, 512.
Luther, 39, 500.

Man, broad as Gospel, 150.
cause versus, 90.
destiny of, 77.
dual being, 337.
eternal spirit, 40.
eternally responsible, 27.
experiences like God's, 78.
God and, 64.
God inspires, 75.
God's will to exalt, 66.
greatest achievement, 4.
his three conditions, 20.
honor himself, 321.
an immortal being, 86.
love one another, 425.
master of appetite, 300.
to be master, 311.
origin and destiny, 114.
personal advancement helps Church, 131.
possibilities, 83.
respect rights, 354.
settlement of difficulties, 53.
Male, and female in heaven, 346.
Manual training, 434.
Marriage, 129, 341.
eternal, 347.
God-ordained, 341.
none in heaven, 350.
necessity of, 341.
plural forbidden, 351.
purpose of, 347.
righteousness and, 343.
Marriage, within Church, 350.
Master, man to be, 311.
Mechanic arts, 435.
Melanchthon, 39, 500.
Melchizedek Priesthood, restoration of, 236.
Members, checks upon, 205.
Messiah craze, 473.
Ministering angels, 548.
Misfortune not caused by God, 69.
Missionaries, advice to, 454.
all men not ready for gospel, 450.
care of returned, 462.
caution to, 460.
duty when called, 463.
elders as, 230.
guard health, 461.
how called, 444.
kind wanted, 445.
people generous to, 453.
qualifications of, 445, 446.
requirements of, 444.
to teach, 447.
what to teach, 447.
Word of Wisdom, 457.
work for returned, 463.
Mob, danger of, 521.
shun Spirit of, 520.
Morals, and labor, 430.
"Mormonism," defined, 87.
Mortality, how rise above weakness of, 264.
Moderation, 300, 305.
Mortgage, do not mortgage home, 374, 382.
evils of, 384.
Mother, her love, 395.
Motherhood, foundation of nation, 361.
Mutual Improvement Associations, see Young Men's
Mutual Improvement Associations, see Young Ladies'
Mutual Improvement Associations
Mutual Improvement Associations, importance of, 487.
purpose of, 491.

Nationality, none in Church, 141, 511.
Nation, foundation of, 361.
God strives with warring, 530.
Neglects, correct our, 281.
Neighbor, honor your, 321.
how to love, 339.
Nephite apostles, 475.
Neutrals, none in Church, 142.

Obedience, 129, 263.
blessings from, 272.
to ordinances indispensable, 265.
value of, 267.
Occupation, how to prepare for, 336.
most desirable, 429.
Officers, Church see Leaders.
Officers, all necessary, 204.
dependent on people, 197.
duties of, 190, 193.
how chosen, 188.
order of vote for, 197.
consult parents about children, 201.
qualities of, 191.
to set example, 195.
One Mighty and Strong, 477.
Ordinance, see Baptism, etc.
Ordinance, obedience to indispensable, 265.
sanctity of, 177.
Organization, necessity of, 185.

Parents, in eternity, 79.
consult, 201.
duties of, 364.
relation to children, 342.
responsible for children, 359.
of spirits, 85.
Partisan, Church not, 517.
Patent Medicines, 302.
Patriarch, duties of, 225.
Patriotism, importance of, 517.
true, 516.
Peace, key to, 529.
when to come, 525.
People determine officers, 197.
Perfection, 163.
Persecution, follows revelation, 57.
Persistence, 165.
Personal blessings, 635.
Personal testimonies, 635.
Philosophers, inspired by God, 39.
Philosophy, 48, 295.
Plan of Life, 88.
Plan of Salvation, eternal nature of, 13.
Pleasure hunting, 404.
Pledge, do not p. children, 373.
of my life, 639.
Plural marriage forbidden, 351.
wives of Joseph Smith, 619.
Political Government, 503.
Politics, and the Church, 519.
Church not in, 519.
Poor, see Charity and Tithing.
Poor, 282.
place in Church, 296.
should be tithe-payers, 289.
Prayer, 269, 273, 274.
blessings follow, 281.
for authorities, 279.
how to pray, 275.
practical, 276.
Preexistence, 14, 114.
Preside, who fit to, 206.
President of Church, authority of, 219.
all under his direction, 217,
divine missions of, 211.
inspired, 213.
Presiding authority, father in family, 359.
Presiding Bishopric, 222.
Presiding officers, authority of, 230.
composition, 478.
Priesthood, 168.
all officers necessary, 204.
all should exercise authority, 208.
authority of, 218.
blessing upon, 224.
conferring of, 169.
definition and purpose of, 174.
distinction between keys and, 168.
duty of, 196.
explanation of, 181.
Priesthood, greater than its offices, 184.
held alone by Joseph, 55.
how authority administered, 186.
how honor, 207.
its offices, 216.
jurisdiction of quorums, 188.
keys held by Joseph alone, 55.
keys of, 176.
Lesser, 234.
Lesser, be active, 233.
many hold, 198.
membership rolls, 207.
mission of, 174.
must be called, to preside, 217.
nearly all hold, 197.
obligations of, 206.
order of, 215.
order of presidency, 179.
presiding authority, 178.
privileged to bless, 182.
responsibilities of quorums, 199.
serious acceptance of, 185.
sanctity of ordinances, 177.
study Section 107, 205.
truth will unite, 195.
use of titles, 203.
vote in, 196.
what it is, 199, 173.
Principles of the Gospel, not new, 36.
Profanity, 303.
Prohibtion, 302.
Prosperity, foundation of, 443.
Purity, see Unchastity.
Purity, 390.
Church stands for, 192.

Question, when to submit, 223.
Quorum, see Priesthood.
Quorum, responsibility of, 199.

Raffling, 407.
gambling, 410,
Reading, 295, 407.
Recompense, the law of, 468,
Redeemer, see Jesus.
Redeemer, I know he lives, 80, 84, 642.
Redemption, beyond grave, 550.
vision of dead, 596.
Relief Society, 179.
duties of, 482.
duty and purpose of, 484.
object of, 483.
purpose of, 482.
Religion, be true to, 322.
fruits of true, 90.
spirit of, 152.
Religion Classes, purpose and
duties of, 502.
Religious, not naturally, 148.
Repentance, 123.
change with, 117.
fallacy of death-bed, 116.
Responsibility, man's eternal, 27.
personal, 84.
Rest, for followers of Christ, 155.
God's, 71.
Resurrected beings parents, 85.
Resurrection, 29, 85, 547, 564, 577, 584.
condition of children, 569.
final judgment, 566.
status of children, 574.
Retreat from evil, 468.
Revelation, 128.
enjoyed by all, 43.
legal evidence and, 49.
modern necessary, 45.
new, 43.
persecution follows, 57.
proper channels for, 50.
theory and divine, 47.
value of, 42.
when expect new, 46.
Righteousness and marriage, 343.
will prevail, 5.
Rights, respect others', 354.
Reward, according to works, 155.
Rule, God's right to, 66.
Sabbath, see Sunday.
Sabbath, 300, 303.
don't rob, 310.
Sabbath, keep holy, 307.
meaning of, 304.
purpose of, 304.
what do on, 304.
Sacrament, 252.
Saints, see Latter-day Saints.
Salvation, see Plan of salvation.
Salvation, 538.
spirit of, 91.
spiritual and temporal, 260.
Saloon, 301.
Saturday's work, 303.
Save, mission of Church, 88.
School, address to graduates, 334.
need manual training, 432.
Science, 48.
defined, 6.
Search, 151.
Secret societies, 135.
Secret organizations, 134.
Seventy, duties of, 228, 229.
how to replenish quorums, 229.
Sick, order of administration to, 256.
Singing, 324.
Sin, degrees of sexual, 388.
how cleansed, 116.
knowledge of, unnecessary, 467.
pardonable, 545.
washed away by atonement, 120.
Smith, Hyrum, meaning of martyrdom, 620.
Smith, Joseph, 39, 604.
Joseph, the boy, 617.
Joseph, meaning of martyrdom, 620.
a resource, 619.
Joseph, name will not perish, 605.
Joseph, plural wives of, 619.
Joseph, prediction fulfilled, 614.
Joseph, reality of first vision of, 604.
Joseph will reveal himself, 52.
Joseph restorer, 619.
service of, 604.
testimony about, 210.
Smith, Joseph F., an appreciation, 644.
a biographical sketch, 666.
editorial on his death and life, 683.
reminiscences, 655.
Snow, Erastus, tribute to, 249.
Snow, Lorenzo, 212.
Social duties, 402.
Soul, test of greatness, 332.
Spirit, memories, 15.
needs food, 262.
preexistence of, 114.
Spirit of God vs. Holy Ghost, 82.
Spirit world, labors in, 581.
preaching in, 595.
Spiritual death, 20, 544.
Spiritual gifts, 251.
Spiritual and temporal, 260.
Staines, W. C., 29.
Stake, jurisdiction, 189.
Stake Presidents, Counsel to, 225.
duties of, 225.
Stake Sunday School Board, 487.
Stephenson, 39.
Strong drinks, 301.
Study the gospel, 323.
Success, defined, 152.
Sunday, see Sabbath.
Sunday, need of worship, 305.
Sunday School, how to teach, 368.
object of, 485.
principle of teaching, 485.
qualification of teachers, 485.
Stake Board, 487.
teacher essential, 485.
training of children, 367.
Superstitions, 470, 472.
Sympathize, with unfortunate, 294.

Tasks, respect daily, 358.
Taylor, John, 212.
Teach, what, 366.
Teacher, dignity of calling, 235.
beware of false, 466.
essential in Sunday School, 485.
Teacher, must believe in Christ, 502.
principle of Sunday School, 485.
qualification for Sunday
School, 485.
value of work, 236.
Temperance, 300, 301, 305.
Temple, care and need of, 594.
ordinances unchanged, 593.
Temporal death, 20.
Temporal, gospel designed for, 261.
and spiritual, 260.
nothing, with God, 85.
spiritual and, 260.
Terror, gospel shield from, 109.
Testimony, see Faith.
Testimony, 158, 636, 638, 641, 643.
how to acquire, 158.
personal, 635.
purpose of bearing, 258.
use of, 257.
Theory, 47.
Thinkers, Latter-day Saints must be, 140.
Time, cease to waste, 295.
Tithe-payers, books open to, 293.
a Church help, 289.
Tithing, 282.
commercialism and, 291.
how used and accounted for, 293.
law of revenue, 283.
test a, 283.
use of, 291.
why instituted, 282.
widow and, 286, 289.
Tobacco, 301.
True to family, 353.
Truth, 1.
blessings for, 12.
Church stands for, 192.
foundation of gospel, 1.
from God, 6.
gospel on foundation of, 112.
how foundation laid, 9.
how may know, 8.
man saved by, 2.
not superseded, 3.
the fountain of, 36, 497.
why hated, 464.
will prevail, 5.
will unite, 195.
Twelve apostles, labors in spirit world, 581.

Unchastity, see Purity.
Unchastity, danger of, 392.
degrees of, 388.
dominant evil, 386.
how avoid, 263.
Unfortunate, respect, 355.
should sympathize with, 294.
Unions, see Labor unions.
United States, loyalty to Constitution, 512.
loyalty of Saints, 512.
origin and destiny, 512.
Saints loyal to, 512.
Unpardonable Sin, 545.
Untruth, where to expect it, 466.
Utah, guided to, 515.
possibilities of, 630.

Venerate, 355.
Violence, shun spirit of, 520.
Virtue, Church stands for, 192.
Vision, redemption of dead, 596.
Vitality and patent medicines, 302.
Vote, how in Church, 196.
order of, 197.
Vulgarity, 303.

War, attitude towards, 524.
cause of, 523.
conduct of boys in, 531.
God strives with nations, 530.
message to boys in, 535.
Ward, relation to auxiliary organizations, 450.
jurisdiction, 189.
Warfare, God's, 71.
Washington, 39, 500.
Waste, 295.
Watts, 39.
Weakness, how rise above, 264.
Wealth, 144.
West, guided to, 515.
Wicked, keep from, 426.
Wife, and husband in eternity, 392.
be true to, 353.
determines husband, 363.
treatment of family members, 355.
Wisdom in everything, 305.
Witchcraft, 470, 472.
Woodruff, Wilford, 212.
Women, practical preparation of, 439.
Word of Wisdom, 305.
missionaries and, 457.
Work of Lord will grow, 92.
Workers, Latter-day Saints must be, 140.
World, not love Church, 425.
Worry, no cause for, 107.
Wounds, not inflict, 331.

Young, Brigham, 211.
testimony to, 628.
Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Associations,
see Mutual Improvement Associations
see Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations.
Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association, 179.
order of presiding, 180.
Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations,
Mutual Improvement Associations
Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Associations.
Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association, 179.
field of, 488.
order of presiding, 180.
Youth, address to, 334.
look forward, 400.

Zion, no place for idlers, 296.
to remain, 92.


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