THE number of diamonds which exceed a hundred carats in weight when cut is very limited. Their extreme costliness renders them something more than mere ornaments; in a condensed and portable form they represent great wealth and all the potentiality for good or ill thereby entailed, and have played no small, if sinister, rÔle in the moulding of history. In bygone days when despotic government was universal, the possession of a splendid jewel in weak hands but too often precipitated the aggression of a greedy and powerful neighbour, and plunged whole countries into the horrors of a ruthless and bloody war. In more civilized days a great diamond has often been pledged as security for money to replenish an empty treasury in times of stress. The ambitions of Napoleon might have received a set-back but for the funds raised on the security of the famous Pitt diamond. The history of such stones—often one long romance—is full of interest, but space will not permit of more than a brief sketch here. If we except the colossal Cullinan stone, the mines of Brazil and South Africa cannot compare with the old mines of India as the birthplace of large and perfect diamonds of world-wide fame. (1) Koh-i-norFig. 61.—Koh-i-nor (top view). Fig. 62.—Koh-i-nor (side view). The history of the famous stone called the Koh-i-nor, meaning Mound of Light, is known as far back as the year 1304, when it fell into the hands of the Mogul emperors, and legend even traces it back some four thousand years previously. It remained at Delhi until the invasion of North-West India by Nadir Shah in 1739, when it passed together with an immense amount of spoil into the hands of the conqueror. At his death the empire which he had so strenuously founded fell to pieces, and the great diamond after many vicissitudes came into the possession of Runjit Singh at Lahore. His successors kept it until upon the fall of the Sikh power in 1850 it passed to the East India Company, in whose name it was presented by Lord Dalhousie to Queen Victoria. At this date the stone still retained its original Indian form, but in 1862 it was re-cut into the form of a shallow brilliant (Fig. 62), the weight thereby being reduced from 1861/16 to 1061/16 carats. The wisdom of this course has been severely criticized; the stone has not the correct shape of a brilliant and is deficient in ‘fire,’ and it has with the change (2) Pitt or RegentFig. 63.—Pitt or Regent (top view). Fig. 64.—Pitt or Regent (side view). This splendid stone was discovered in 1701 at the famous diamond mines at Partial, on the Kistna, about 150 miles (240 km.) from Golconda, and weighed as much as 410 carats in the rough. By devious ways it came into the hands of Jamchund, a Parsee merchant, from whom it was purchased by William Pitt, governor of Fort St. George, Madras, for £20,400. On his return to England Pitt had it cut into a perfect brilliant (Fig. 63), weighing 163? carats, the operation occupying the space of two years and costing £5000; more than £7000 is said to have been realized from the sale of the fragments left over. Pitt had an uneasy time and lived in constant dread of theft of the stone until, in 1717, after lengthy negotiations, he parted with it to the Duc d’OrlÉans, Regent of France, for the immense sum of three and three-quarter million francs, about £135,000. With the remainder of the French regalia it was stolen from the Garde-meuble on August 17, (3) OrloffFig. 65.—Orloff (top view). Fig. 66.—Orloff (side view). One of the finest diamonds existing, this large stone forms the top of the imperial sceptre of Russia. It is rose-cut (Fig. 65), the base being a cleavage face, and weighs 194¾ carats. It is said to have formed at one time one of the eyes of a statue of Brahma which stood in a temple on the island of Sheringham in the Cavery River, near Trichinopoli, in Mysore, and to have been stolen by a French soldier who had somehow persuaded the priests to appoint him guardian of the temple. He sold it for £2000 to the captain of an English ship, who disposed of it to a Jewish dealer in London for £12,000. It changed hands to a Persian merchant, Raphael Khojeh, who eventually sold it to Prince Orloff for, so it is said, the immense (4) Great MogulThis, the largest Indian diamond known, was found in the Kollur mines, about the year 1650. Its original weight is said to have been 787½ carats, but it was so full of flaws that the Venetian, Hortensio Borgis, then in India, in cutting it to a rose form reduced its weight to 240 carats. It was seen by Tavernier at the time of his visit to India, but it has since been quite lost sight of. It has been identified with both the Koh-i-nor and the Orloff, and it is even suggested that both these stones were cut from it. (5) SancyThe history of this diamond is very involved, and probably two or more stones have been confused. It may have been the one cut by Berquem for Charles the Bold, from whose body on the fatal day of Nancy, in 1477, it was snatched by a marauding soldier. It was acquired by Nicholas Harlai, Seigneur de Sancy, who sold it to Queen Elizabeth at the close of the sixteenth century. A hundred years later, in 1695, it was sold by James II to Louis XIV. The stone in the French regalia, according to the inventory taken in 1791, weighed 53¾ carats. It was never recovered after the theft of the regalia in the following year, but may be identical with the diamond which was in the possession of the Demidoff family and was sold by Prince Demidoff in 1865 to a London firm who were said (6) Great TableThis mysterious stone was seen by Tavernier at Golconda in 1642, but has quite disappeared. It weighed 2423/16 carats. (7) Moon of the MountainsThis diamond is often confused with the Orloff. It was captured by Nadir Shah at Delhi, and after his murder was stolen by an Afghan soldier who disposed of it to an Armenian, by name Shaffrass. It was finally acquired by the Russian crown for an enormous sum. (8) NizamA large diamond, weighing 340 carats, belonged to the Nizam of Hyderabad; it was fractured at the beginning of the Indian Mutiny. Whether the weight is that previous to fracture or not, there seems to be no information. (9) Darya-i-norThis fine diamond, rose-cut and 186 carats in weight, is of the purest water and merits its title of ‘River of Light.’ It seems to have been captured by Nadir Shah at Delhi, and is now the largest diamond in the Persian collection. (10) ShahThis fine stone, of the purest water, was presented to the Czar Nicholas by the Persian prince Chosroes, younger son of Abbas Mirza, in 1843. At that time it still retained three cleavage faces which were engraved with the names of three Persian sovereigns, and weighed 95 carats. It was, however, subsequently re-cut with the loss of 9 carats, and the engraving has disappeared in the process. (11) Akbar Shah, or Jehan Ghir ShahOnce the property of the great Mogul, Akbar, this diamond was engraved on two faces with Arabic inscriptions by the instructions of his successor, Jehan. It disappeared, but turned up again in Turkey under the name of ‘Shepherd’s Stone’; it still retained its original inscriptions and was thereby recognized. In 1866 it was re-cut, the weight being reduced from 116 to 71 carats, and the inscriptions destroyed. The stone was sold to the Gaekwar of Baroda for 3½ lakhs of rupees (about £23,333). (12) Polar StarA beautiful, brilliant-cut stone, weighing 40 carats, which is known by this name, is in the Russian regalia. (13) NassakThe Nassak diamond, which weighed 89¾ carats, formed part of the Deccan booty, and was put up (14) NapoleonThis diamond was purchased by Napoleon Buonaparte for £8000, and worn by him at his wedding with Josephine Beauharnais in 1796. (15) CumberlandThis stone, which weighs 32 carats, was purchased by the city of London for £10,000 and presented to the Duke of Cumberland after the battle of Culloden; it is now in the possession of the Duke of Brunswick. (16) PigottA fine Indian stone, weighing 47½ carats, this diamond was brought to England by Lord Pigott in 1775 and sold for £30,000. It came into the possession of Ali Pacha, Viceroy of Egypt, and was by his orders destroyed at his death. (17) EugÉnieThis fine stone, weighing 51 carats, was given by the Czarina Catherine II of Russia to her favourite, Potemkin. It was purchased by Napoleon III as a bridal gift for his bride, and on his downfall was bought by the Gaekwar of Baroda. (18) White SaxonSquare in contour, measuring 11/12 in. (28 mm.), and weighing 48¾ carats, this stone was purchased by Augustus the Strong for a million thalers (about £150,000). (19) Pacha of EgyptThis 40-carat brilliant was purchased by Ibrahim, Viceroy of Egypt, for £28,000. (20) Star of EsteThough a comparatively small stone, in weight 25½ carats, it is noted for its perfection of form and quality. It belongs to the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austrian-Este, eldest son of the Archduke Karl Ludwig. (21) Tuscany, or Austrian YellowThe beauty of this large stone, 133¾ carats in weight, is marred by the tinge of yellow, which is sufficiently pronounced to impair its brilliancy; it is a double rose in form. At one time the property of the Grand Dukes of Tuscany, it is now in the possession of the Emperor of Austria. King mentions a tale that it was bought at a curiosity stall in Florence for an insignificant sum, the stone being supposed to be only yellow quartz. (22) Star of the SouthThis, the largest of the Brazilian diamonds, was discovered at the mines of Bagagem in July 1853. (23) English DresdenThis beautiful stone, which weighed 119½ carats in the rough, was found at the Bagagem mines, in Brazil, in 1857, and came into the possession of Mr. E. Dresden. It was cut as a long, egg-shaped brilliant, weighing 76½ carats. (24) Star of South AfricaThe first considerable stone to be found in South Africa, it was discovered at the Vaal River diggings in 1869, and weighed 83½ carats in the rough. It was cut to a triangular brilliant of 46½ carats. It was finally purchased by the Countess of Dudley for £25,000. (25) StewartThis large diamond, weighing in the rough 288? carats, was found at the Vaal River diggings in 1872, and was first sold for £6000 and shortly afterwards for £9000; it was reduced on cutting to 120 carats. Like many South African stones, it has a faint yellowish tinge. (26) Porter-RhodesThis blue-white stone, which weighed 150 carats, was found in a claim belonging to Mr. Porter-Rhodes in the Kimberley mine in February 1880. (27) Imperial, Victoria, or Great WhiteThis large diamond weighed as much as 457 carats in the rough, and 180 when cut; it is quite colourless. It was brought to Europe in 1884, and was eventually sold to the Nizam of Hyderabad for £20,000. (28) De BeersA pale yellowish stone, weighing 428½ carats, was found in the De Beers mine in 1888. It was cut to a brilliant weighing 228½ carats, and was sold to an Indian prince. A still larger stone of similar tinge, weighing 503¼ carats, was discovered in 1896, and among other large stones supplied by the same mine may be mentioned one of 302 carats found in 1884, and another of 409 carats found in early years. (29) ExcelsiorThis, which prior to the discovery of the ‘Cullinan,’ was by far the largest South African stone, was found in the Jagersfontein mine on June 30, 1893; bluish-white in tint, it weighed 969½ carats. From it were cut twenty-one brilliants, the larger stones weighing 67?, 4513/16, 4511/16, 393/16, 34, 27?, 25?, 2311/16, 1611/32, 13½ carats respectively, and the total weight of the cut stones amounting to 3643/32 carats. (30) JubileeAnother large stone was discovered in the Jagersfontein mine in 1895. It weighed 634 carats in the rough, and from it was obtained a splendid, faultless brilliant weighing 239 carats. It was shown at the Paris Exhibition of 1900. (31) Star of Africa, or CullinanFig. 67.—Cullinan No. 1. All diamonds pale into insignificance when compared with the colossal stone that came to light at the Premier mine near Pretoria in the Transvaal on January 25, 1905. It was first called the ‘Cullinan’ after Sir T. M. Cullinan, chairman of the Premier Diamond Mine (Transvaal) Company, but has recently, by desire of King George V, received the name ‘Star of Africa.’ The rough stone weighed 621·2 grams or 3025¾ carats (about 1? lb.); it displayed three natural faces (Plate XXV) and one large cleavage face, and its shape suggested that it was a portion of an enormous stone more than double its size; it was transparent, colourless, and had only one small flaw near the surface. This magnificent diamond was purchased by the Transvaal Government for £150,000, and presented to King Edward VII on his birthday, November 9, 1907. PLATE XXV CULLINAN DIAMOND (Natural size) Fig. 68.—Cullinan No. 2. The Cullinan was entrusted to the famous firm, Messrs. I. J. Asscher & Co., of Amsterdam, for cutting on January 23, 1908, just three years after its discovery. On February 10 it was cleaved into two parts, weighing respectively 1977½ and 1040½ carats, from which the two largest stones have been Although the Premier mine has yielded no worthy compeer of the Cullinan, it can, nevertheless, boast of a considerable number of large stones which but for comparison with that giant would be thought remarkable for their size, no fewer than seven of them having weights of over 300 carats, viz. 511, 487¼, 458¾, 391½, 373, 348, and 334 carats. (32) Star of MinasThis large diamond, which was found in 1911 at the Bagagem mines, Minas Geraes, Brazil, had the The large stone called the ‘Braganza,’ in the Portuguese regalia, which is supposed to be a diamond, is probably a white topaz; it weighs 1680 carats. The Mattan stone, pear-shaped and weighing 367 carats, which was found in the Landak mines near the west coast of Borneo in 1787, is suspected to be quartz. COLOURED DIAMONDS (1) HopeFig. 69.—Hope. The largest of coloured diamonds, the Hope, weighs 44? carats, and has a steely- or greenish-blue, and not the royal-blue colour of the glass models supposed to represent it. It is believed to be a portion of a drop-form stone (d’un beau violet) which was said to have been found at the Kollur mines, and was secured by Tavernier in India in 1642 and sold by him to Louis XIV in 1668; it then weighed 67 carats. This stone was stolen with the remainder of the French regalia in 1792 and never recovered. In 1830 the present stone (Fig. 69) was offered for sale by Eliason, a London dealer, and was purchased for £18,000 by Thomas Philip Hope, a wealthy banker and a keen collector of gems. Probably the apex of the original stone had been cut off, reducing it to a nearly square (2) DresdenA beautiful apple-green diamond, faultless, and of the purest water, is contained in the famous Green Vaults of Dresden. It weighs 40 carats, and was purchased by Augustus the Strong in 1743 for 60,000 thalers (about £9000). (3) Paul IA fine ruby-red diamond, weighing 10 carats, is included among the Russian crown jewels. (4) TiffanyThe lovely orange brilliant, weighing 125? carats, which is in the possession of Messrs. Tiffany & Co., the well-known jewellers of New York, was discovered in the Kimberley mine in 1878. |