THE methods available for the measurement of refractive indices are of two kinds, and make use of two different principles. The first, which is based upon the very simple relation found in the last chapter to subsist at total-reflection, can be used with ease and celerity, and is best suited for discriminative purposes; but it is restricted in its application. The second, which depends on the measurement of the angle between two facets and the minimum deviation experienced by a ray of light when traversing a prism formed by them, is more involved, entails the use of more elaborate apparatus, and takes considerable time, but it is less restricted in its application. (1) The Method of Total-ReflectionWe see from equation b (p. 18), connecting the angle of total-reflection with the refractive indices of the adjacent media, that, if the denser medium be constant, the indices of all less dense media may be easily determined from a measurement of the corresponding critical angle. In all refractometers the constant medium is a glass with a high refractive index. Some instruments have rotatory Fig. 16.—Refractometer (actual size). For use in the identification of cut stones, a refractometer with a fixed scale, such as that (Fig. 16) devised by the author, is far more convenient. In order to facilitate the observations, a totally reflecting prism has been inserted between the two lenses of the eyepiece. The eyepiece may be adjusted to suit the individual eyesight; but for observers with exceptionally long sight an adapter is provided, which permits the eyepiece being drawn out to the requisite extent. The refractometer must be held in the manner illustrated in Fig. 17, so that the light from a window or other source of illumination enters the instrument by the lenticular opening underneath. Good, even illumination of the field may also very simply be secured by reflecting light into the instrument from a sheet Fig. 17.—Method of Using the Refractometer. Fig. 18.—Scale of the Refractometer. Fig. 19.—Shadow-edge given by a singly refractive Substance. A fat, or a liquid, wets the glass, i.e. comes into intimate contact with it, but if a solid substance be tested in the same way, a film of air would intervene and entirely prevent an observation. To displace it, a drop of some liquid which is more highly refractive than the substance under test must first be applied to the plane surface of the dense glass. The most convenient liquid for the purpose is methylene iodide, CH2I2, which, when pure, has at ordinary room temperatures a refractive index of 1·742. It is almost colourless when fresh, but turns reddish brown on exposure to light. If desired, it may be cleared in the manner described below (p. 66), but the film of liquid actually used is so thin that this precaution is scarcely necessary. If we test a piece of ordinary glass—one of the slips used by microscopists for covering thin sections is very convenient for the purpose—first applying a drop of methylene iodide to the plane surface of the dense glass of the refractometer (Fig. 20), we notice a coloured shadow-edge corresponding to the glass-slip at about 1·530 and another, almost colourless, at 1·742, which corresponds to the liquid. If the solid substance which is tested is more highly refractive than methylene iodide, only the latter of the shadow-edges is visible, and we must utilize some more refractive liquid. We can, however, raise the refractive index of methylene iodide by dissolving sulphur[2] in it; the refractive index of Fig. 20.—Faceted Stone in Position on the Refractometer. Fig. 21.—Shadow-edges given by a doubly refractive substance. We have so far assumed that the substance which we are testing is simple and gives a single shadow-edge; but, as may be seen from Table V, many of the gem-stones are doubly refractive, and such will, in general, show in the field of the refractometer two distinct shadow-edges more or less widely separated. Suppose, for example, we study the effect produced by a peridot, which displays the phenomenon to a marked degree. If we revolve the stone so that the facet under observation remains parallel to the plane surface of the dense glass of the refractometer and in contact with it, we notice that both the shadow-edges in general move up or down the scale. In particular cases, depending upon the relation of the position of the facet selected to the crystalline symmetry, one or both of them may remain fixed, or one may even move across the other. But whatever facet of the stone be used for the test, and however variable be the movements of the shadow-edges, the highest and lowest readings obtainable remain the same; they are the principal indices of refraction, such as are stated in Table III at the end of the book, and their difference measures the maximum amount of double refraction possessed by the stone. The procedure is therefore simplicity itself; we have merely to revolve the stone on the instrument, usually through not more than a right angle, and note the greatest and least readings. It will be noticed that the shadow-edges cross the scale symmetrically in the critical and skewwise in intermediate positions. Fig. 21 represents the effect when the facet is such as to give simultaneously Any facet of a stone may be utilized so long as it is flat, but the table-facet is the most convenient, because it is usually the largest, and it is available even when the stone is mounted. That the stone need not be removed from its setting is one of the great advantages of this method. The smaller the stone the more difficult it is to manipulate; caution especially must be exercised that it be not tilted, not only because the shadow-edge would be shifted from its true position and an erroneous value of the refractive index obtained, but also because a corner or edge of the stone would inevitably scratch the glass of the instrument, which is far softer than the hard gem-stones. Methylene iodide will in time attack and stain the glass, and must therefore be wiped off the instrument immediately after use. (2) The Method of Minimum DeviationIf the stone be too highly refractive for a measurement of its refractive index to be possible with the refractometer just described, and it is desired to determine this constant, recourse must be had to the prismatic method, for which purpose an instrument known as a goniometer[3] is required. Fig. 22.—Path at Minimum Deviation of a Ray traversing a Prism formed of two Facets of a Cut Stone. Fig. 22 represents a section of a step-cut stone perpendicular to a series of facets with parallel edges; t is the table, and a, b, c, are facets on the culet side. The path of light traversing the prism formed by the pair of facets, t and b, is indicated. Suppose that A is the interior angle of the prism, i the angle of incidence of light at the first facet and i´ the angle of emergence at the second facet, and r and r´ the angles inside the stone at the two facets respectively. Then at the first facet light has been bent through an angle i - r, and again at the second facet through an angle i´ - r´; the angle of deviation, D, is therefore given by D = i + i´ - (r + r´). We have further that r + r´ = A, whence it follows that A + D = i + i´. If the stone be mounted on the goniometer Therefore at minimum deviation r = A/2 and i = A + D/2 and, since sin i = n sin r, where n is n = sin A + D/2 / sin A/2 This relation is strictly true only when the direction of minimum deviation is one of crystalline symmetry in the stone, and holds therefore in general for all singly refractive stones, and for the ordinary ray of a uniaxial stone; but the values thus obtained even in the case of biaxial stones are approximate enough for discriminative purposes. If then the stone be singly refractive, the result is the index required; if it be uniaxial, one value is the ordinary index and the other image gives a value lying between the ordinary and the extraordinary indices; if it be biaxial, the values given by the two images may lie anywhere between the greatest and the least refractive indices. The angle A must not be too large; otherwise the light will not emerge at the second facet, but will be totally reflected inside the stone: on the other hand, it must not be too small, because any error in its determination would then seriously affect the accuracy of the value derived for the refractive index. Although the monochromatic light of a sodium flame is essential for precise work, a sufficiently approximate value for discriminative purposes is obtained by noting the position of the yellow portion of the spectral image given in white light. In the case of a stone such as that depicted in Fig. 22 images are given by other pairs of facets, for Fig. 23.—Course of Observations in the Method of Minimum Deviation. The table, or some easily recognizable facet, is selected as the facet at which light enters the stone. The telescope is first placed in the position in which it is directly opposite the collimator (T0 in Fig. 23), and clamped. The scale is turned until it reads exactly zero, 0° or 360°, and clamped. The telescope is released and revolved in the direction of increasing readings of the scale to the position of minimum deviation, T. The reading of the scale gives at once the angle of minimum deviation, D. The holder carrying the stone is now clamped to the scale, and the telescope is turned to the position, T1,in which the image given by reflection from the table facet is in the centre of the field of view; the reading of the scale is taken. The telescope is clamped, and the scale is released and rotated until it reads the angle already found for D. If no mistake has been made, the reflected image from the second facet is now in the field of view. It will probably not be quite central, as theoretically it should be, because the Let us take an example.
The readings S and T are very nearly the same, and therefore we may be sure that no mistake has been made in the selection of the facets. In place of logarithm-tables we may make use of the diagram on Plate II. The radial lines This method has several obvious disadvantages: it requires the use of an expensive and elaborate instrument, an observation takes considerable time, and the values of the principal refractive indices cannot in general be immediately determined. Table III at the end of the book gives the refractive indices of the gem-stones. PLATE II REFRACTIVE INDEX DIAGRAM |