Agrimony, Common, | 23. | Alkanet, Evergreen, | 144. | Anemone, Wood, | 47. | Angelica, Wild, | 56. | Asphodel, Bog, | 39. | Aster, Sea, | 147. | Autumnal Hawkbit, | 25. | Avens, Common, | 15. | Avens, Water, | 99. | Bedstraw, Yellow, | 32. | Bethlehem, Star of, | 73. | Bindweed, Small, | 128. | Birdsfoot Trefoil, | 17. | Biting Stonecrop, | 31. | Black Knapweed, | 107. | Bladder Campion, Common, | 79. | Bluebell or Harebell, | 138. | Blue Bottle or Corn Flower, | 135. | Blue Meadow Crane's-bill, | 133. | Bog Asphodel, | 39. | Borage, Common, | 143. | Broad-leaved Willow Herb, | 130. | Brooklime Speedwell, | 141. | Broom, | 12. | Bryony, Red-berried, | 84. | Bugle, Common, | 112. | Bugloss, Viper's, | 148. | Burdock, Greater, | 89. | Burnet Rose, | 125. | Butterbur, Common, | 88. | Buttercup, Bulbous, | 2. | Buttercup, Meadow, | 3. | Butterwort, Common, | 111. | Campion, Common Bladder, | 79. | Campion, Red, | 117. | Campion, Sea, | 80. | Carrot, Sea, | 61. | Celandine, Lesser, | 1. | Chervil, Wild, | 60. | Chickweed, Common, | 52. | Chickweed, Mouse-eared, | 53. | Chickweed, Wintergreen, | 85. | Cinquefoil, Creeping, | 21. | Cinquefoil, Marsh, | 98. | Cleavers or Goosegrass, | 66. | Clover, Red, | 123. | Coltsfoot, | 27.109. | Purple Sea Rocket, | 96. | Purse, Shepherd's, | 49. | Ragged Robin, | 116. | Ragwort, Common, | 29. | Ransoms, | 74. | Red-berried Bryony, | 84. | Red Campion, | 117. | Red Clover, | 123. | Red Poppy, | 149. | Red Rattle, or Lousewort, | 126. | Rest Harrow, | 121. | Ribwort Plantain, | 91. | Robert, Herb, | 119. | Rock Cress, Hairy, | 51. | Rocket, Purple Sea, | 96. | Rock Rose, | 9. | Rose, Burnet, | 125. | Rose, Dog, | 124. | Saintfoin, | 122. | St. John's Wort, | 14. | Saxifrage, Mossy, | 75. | Saxifrage, Opposite-leaved Golden, | 10. | Scabious, Field, | 105. | Scarlet Pimpernel, | 150. | Scentless Mayweed, | 71. | Scotch Thistle, | 103. | Scurvy Grass, | 50. | Sea Aster, | 147. | Sea Campion, | 80. | Sea Carrot, | 61. | Sea Holly, | 139. | Sea Rocket, Purple, | 96. | Shepherd's Purse, | 49. | Silver Weed, | 22. | Small Bindweed, | 128. | Smock, Lady's, | 97. | Sneezewort Yarrow, | 44. | Snowdrop, | 72. | Sorrel, Common, | 151. | Sorrel, Wood, | 65. | Speedwell, Brooklime, | 141. | Speedwell, Germander, | 140. | Spotted Orchis, | 83. | Star of Bethlehem, Common, | 73. | Stitchwort, Greater, | 54. | Stonecrop, Biting, | 31. | Stork's Bill, | 120. | Edinburgh: Printed by T. and A. Constable   |