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  Circle, The. By Katherine Cecil Thurston (author of "The Masquerader," "The Gambler"). Colonial Free Lance, A. By Chauncey C. Hotchkiss. Conquest of Canaan, The. By Booth Tarkington. Courier of Fortune, A. By Arthur W. Marchmont. Darrow Enigma, The. By Melvin Severy. Deliverance, The. By Ellen Glasgow. Divine Fire, The. By May Sinclair. Empire Builders. By Francis Lynde. Exploits of Brigadier Gerard. By A. Conan Doyle. Fighting Chance, The. By Robert W. Chambers. For a Maiden Brave. By Chauncey C. Hotchkiss. Fugitive Blacksmith, The. By Chas. D. Stewart. God's Good Man. By Marie Corelli. Heart's Highway, The. By Mary E. Wilkins. Holladay Case, The. By Burton Egbert Stevenson. Hurricane Island. By H. B. Marriott Watson. In Defiance of the King. By Chauncey C. Hotchkiss. Indifference of Juliet, The. By Grace S. Richmond. Infelice. By Augusta Evans Wilson. Lady Betty Across the Water. By C. N. and A. M. Williamson. Lady of the Mount, The. By Frederic S. Isham. Lane That Had No Turning, The. By Gilbert Parker. Langford of the Three Bars. By Kate and Virgil D. Boyles. Last Trail, The. By Zane Grey. Leavenworth Case, The. By Anna Katharine Green. Lilac Sunbonnet, The. By S. R. Crockett. Lin McLean. By Owen Wister. Long Night, The. By Stanley J. Weyman. Maid at Arms, The. By Robert W. Chambers. TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Every effort has been made to replicate this text as faithfully as possible, including obsolete and variant spellings. Obvious typographical errors in punctuation (misplaced quotes and the like) have been fixed. Corrections [in brackets] in the text are noted below: page 24: typo corrected the courtyard, and with a wrenching growl Madame Alice de Breville's[BrÉville's] automobile whined up to my door. The next instant the tip of a page 201: swapped words fixed To-night the general is an in[in an] uproar of good humour page 225: spurious quote removed this country. ["]FranÇois!" he exclaimed, "You may bring in the little dog--and, FranÇois!" page 272: typo corrected business out at the county-seat? The Vicomtess[e] is furious. We were to leave, for a little voyage page 276: quote added "All of us to luncheon to-morrow at The Three Wolves!["] he cried, flinging his hat on page 277: quote added morning, if we are to reach The Three Wolves by noon.["] He recovered his hat from the floor, page 343: typo corrected smiling assurance, for be[he] brought me a telegram forwarded from my studio by my concierge. page 350: spurious comma removed; typo corrected and ten minutes later by the MÈre Pequin[PÉquin] who brings the milk, and then in turn gone away content with their little stomachs[,] filled and two big sous in their pockets. |