AnÆsthesia, 146, 147
Apologetics, Christian, 177
Two-dimensional analogue of, 15, 16
Discussion of evidence for, 62, 73 sqq.
Astral plane, 35, 53
Aura, 142, 143, 161
Cantilever, Crawford's, 86-91, 145
Carrington, Hereward, 71, 74, 77, 113-141
Change—in a two dimensional world, 17, 20
Clairvoyance, 42, 48
Crawford, 86, 145, 147
Death. Loss of weight at, 143
Dimension. Definition of, 3
Direct Voice, 62
Disembodiment, cases of, 58, 150-154
Dreams, 54, 55
Electricity. Hinton's theories of, 127
Etheric double, 35, 62, 147-148
Energy, conservation of, 117, 120
Ether. Hinton's analogy, 127
Exteriorisation of Sensibility, 141
Faith and Reason, 169
Fatalism, 107-109
Flatland, 7
Geometry. Possible break down of, 124, 126
Hair-trigger theory, 116, 141
Hallucination, 50, 51
Hypothesis. Need of, 24-38
Valid, 29
True, 29
Hyslop, Dr., 77
Internal Vision, 46-49
Kilner, Dr., 142-143
Levitation, 86, 91, 145
Light. Theories, of 29, 30
Materialists, 32, 176, 177
Milan Committee, 83
Occultists 32, 34
One-dimensional space, 7
Palladino, Eusapia, 74, 83
Parallaxes, Negative, 126
Peters, Dr., 83
Phantasms, 52, 55, 57
Pogorelsky, 84
PoincarÉ, 124
Postvision, 42, 52
Prevision, 39, 42, 52, 103-107
Psycho-analysis, 55
Reason and Faith, 169
Reichenbach, 140
Relativity, 133-135
Religion, 32, 168-180
Richet, 31
Rotation in four space, 129
Sambor, 84
Secondary personality, 41
Sensibility. Exteriorisation of, 141
Slade, 64, 73 sqq.
Space. Objectivity of, 109-112
Spectrum, 43
Symmetry, 131-133
Telekinesis, 39, 86
Telepathy, 39, 41
Television, 46, 48, 111
Tesseract, 188, 189, 191
Theologians, 32
Theosophists, 35, 159, 160
Time, 92-103
Measurement of, 94
Bergson's views on, 96, 98
Subjective, 99
Two-dimensional world, analogy of, 7 sqq.
Ultra-violet light, 43, 144, 160
Vitality, 113-141
Vortices. Four-dimensional, 127
Will, 113-141
Zero-dimensional space, 7
ZÖllner, 1, 62, 73 sqq.