BEGINNINGS OF THE STEAM-ENGINE: THE EARLY INVENTORS. BEGINNINGS OF THE STEAM-ENGINE: THE EARLY INVENTORS. CHAPTER I. JAMES WATT: HIS BOYHOOD AND EARLY LIFE: MECHANICAL INSTRUMENT MAKER, SURVEYOR, AND INVENTOR. BOULTON AND WATT, ENGINEERS, BIRMINGHAM. Transcriber’s Notes: Punctuation has been standardised. Spelling has been retained as it appears in the original publication except as marked like this in the text. The original text appears when hovering the cursor over the marked text. A list of amendments is at the end of the text. Clicking on an illustration with a blue border will open a higher resolution version of the image in the current window. LIVES BY THE SAME AUTHOR. LIVES OF BRITISH ENGINEERS, from the Earliest Times to the Death of Robert Stephenson; with an Account of their Principal Works, and a History of Inland Communication in Britain. With Portraits and 270 Woodcuts. 3 Vols. 8vo. 63s. SELF-HELP; with Illustrations of Character and Conduct. Post 8vo. 6s. ‘SELF-HELP,’ ou CaractÈre, Conduite et PersÉvÉrance, IllustrÉs À l’aide de Biographie. Traduit de l’Anglais par Alfred Talandier sur le texte revu et corrigÉ par l’Auteur. Post 8vo. 5s. INDUSTRIAL BIOGRAPHY: Iron-Workers and Tool-Makers. A Companion Volume to ‘Self-Help.’ Post 8vo. 6s. JAMES BRINDLEY AND THE EARLY ENGINEERS. [Abridged from ‘Lives of the Engineers.’] With Illustrations. Post 8vo. 6s. STORY OF THE LIFE OF GEORGE STEPHENSON including a Memoir of his Son Robert Stephenson. [Abridged from ‘Lives of the Engineers.’] With Illustrations. Post 8vo. 6s. WORKMEN’S EARNINGS,—SAVINGS,—and STRIKES: Reprinted from the ‘Quarterly Review.’ Post 8vo. 1s. 6d. JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. James Watt F.R.S. Engraved by W. Holl, after the portrait by Sir W. Beechy, R.A. Published by John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1865. LIVES |