A good bag of Tarpon, 175
A Matched Pair: Story of wedding breakfast and accident to M.F.H. in, 5
Aberdeen, ladies' golf links at, 341
Descendants winners at Peterborough Show, 84
Winning Champion Cup, 1893, 84
All-England Croquet Association, 358
All-England Croquet Club, 358
Allgood Kennels, 90
Archer's Register, 232
ARCHERY, by Miss Walrond, 187
Bow, lineage of, 187
Eastern ladies' exploits, 187
Improvement in, 204
Revival of, 200
Royal amusement, 193
ARCHERY (practical) by Mrs. Berens, 207
Aiming, 221
Arm guard, 213
Arrow, weight of, 212
Before the draw, 218, 219, 229
Beginners, advice to, 208
Books recommended, 232
Bows recommended, 208
Club National Round, 228
Club Prize Meeting, 231
Coach desirable for beginners, 224
Distances shot by women, 215
Drawing, 218
Dress suitable for, 217
Equipment needs care, 223
Full Draw, 225
Gloves or tips, 214
Hereford Round, 215
Loosing, 222
Nocking, 217
Standing, 217
String recommended, 210
Stringing bow, 209
Targets, 215
To form a club, 227
Weekly Club Meeting, 231
Archery Dresses (about 1832), 201
Archery Societies, 196-200
Art of Golf, Sir W. C. Sampson, 261
Art of Shooting, by C. Lancaster, 152
Ascham, Roger, treatise on Archery, 193
Association of Masters of Harriers and Beagles, 101
Australia, Golf Clubs, Ladies' Championship, 343
Austria, hare drive in, 121
Archery, 207
Golf, 261
Quoted on Shooting, 116
Balfour, Miss May, Article on Skating, 235
Portrait, 234
Banks, Miss, on Archery, 199
Banks, Sir Joseph, 199
Barham Downs, ladies' golf course, 343
Beagle Stud-book, 96
Breeding, 96, 97
For rabbit-shooting, 140
Hunting with, 92, 95
Kennelling and feeding, 99
Bentley Harriers, 61
Account of, 85
Berens, Mrs., Article on Archery, 207
Portrait, 206
Berkeley, Lady, using longbow, 195
Betham, Miss, archery score, 204
Book of Archery, Hansard, quoted on Persian ladies' archery, 189
Bowby, Mrs., archery score, 204
Bownass, Miss, golfing at Windermere, 347
Brentwood Croquet Club, 360
Brighton and Hove ladies' golf course, 342
Briscoe, Mrs., whipping in hounds, 61
Bronwydd Beagles, account of, by Miss Lloyd, 105
Budleigh Salterton Croquet Club, 360
Burn, Mrs., Fox Hunting, 13
Portrait, 12
Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy, quoted, 352
"Bush Farm," Meath, fences, 20
Butt, Mrs. W., archery score, 204
Butterflies at Captiva Island, 173
Buxom (hound) account of, 86
Buxom, Bentley Harrier, 67
Caledon Beagle Kennels, 96
Campbell, Lady Ileene, hunting Lord Huntingdon's pack, 61
Canada, golf clubs in, 343
Captiva Island (Gulf of Mexico).
Account of, 171
Tarpon, fishing at, 170
Vegetation, 173
Carnoustie, ladies' putting course at, 341
Carter, Bonham, croquet playing, 372
Cartridges recommended for women, 111
Cheape, Mrs., and her Peterborough winners, Bracelet, Waterwitch,
Verity, Woodbine, Generous, Worry, 87
Cheape, Mrs., buying harriers, 85
Cheape, Mrs., Wellfield Beagles and Bentley Harriers, 60
Cheetham. Miss L., skating "a pass", 252
Cheltenham, ladies' golf course, 343
Cheltenham, lady golfers at, 348
Chester, ladies' golf course, 343
Chetwynd, Miss H., archery score, 204
Chole, game of, 261
Chorley Wood, ladies' golf course, 343
Clay Bird shooting competition, 130
Clay Pigeon Trap, 113
Clorinda, Moorish Queen, skilful with bow, 188
Clumber Spaniel, 97
Comet (property of Lady Gerard), 37
County Down ladies' golf links, 338
Cox, Miss, ex-Irish Golf Champion, 338
CROQUET, All-England Laws. Appendix B., 391
Article on, by Mrs. Spong, 357
Advantages of, 368
Balls, 361
Beginning, option of, 367
Bisques, 363
Championships, 370
Clips, 362
Clubs, 360
Handicapping bisques, 363
Hoops, 361
Lawn measurements, 360
Lawns at Hurlingham and Ranelagh, 370
Lawns, size reduced, 372
Mallets, 362; manner of holding, 363
Origin of game, 357
Pegs, 361
Qualities necessary for good player, 369
Revival of, 370
"Roquet", 365
Terms employed in, 365
Tight croquet, expulsion of, 358
Time games, 371
Tournaments, 358
Crusades, women prominent in sport during, 6
Crystal Palace Archery Meeting, 200
Cub-hunting at Brigstock, 15
Dahlia (hound), 86
Davies, George (Whip), 106
Deal Golf Club, 331
Desmond, Lady, skill with bow, 194
"Dinah," retriever, 146, 148
Dog breaking, secret of, 149
DOG BREEDING, by Hutchinson recommended, 152
Dogs and dog-breaking, utilising land for, 145
Driving popular with shooters and owners of moors, 131
Dulcimer, pure harrier, 89; account of, 90
Dumfries, ladies' golf links at, 341
Eastbourne Ladies' Golf Course, 341
Edinburgh, ladies' golf links at, 341
Englishwomen and Sport, 1
Hare-hunting, 59
Portrait, 1
Elie and Earlsferry, ladies' golf links at, 341
Eltham Ladies' Golf Course, 341
Englishwomen and Sport, by the Editor, 1
"Fallible," beagle bitch, 99
FISHING FOR TARPON, by Mrs. Murphy-Grimshaw, 157
Bait used, 162
Bottom-fishing, 178
Catching first tarpon, 163
Clothes required for, 160
First tarpon stuffed and set up, 184
Fishing at Captiva, 176-77, 179
Florida, arrival in, 160
Playing a tarpon, 164;
excitement of, 165
Rod suitable for, 162
Season for, 164
Flat-coated Retriever, Champion Darenth, 143
Folkestone Ladies' Golf Course, 343
Fort Myers, on Caloosakatchie River, 181, 183
Fishing for tarpon at, 158
FOX-HUNTING, by Mrs. Burn.
"Alone with the hounds," pleasure of being, 31
Beauty and fit surroundings, 14
Champion and Wilton's Safety Stirrup, 36
Country in the shires, 19
Driving to and from hunting, 52
Falls, 35
Gates, opening, 32, 33
Gruel for horse, directions for making, 51
"Hands" cannot be taught, 25
Hunting in provinces advantage over shires, 16
Huntsmen, way to be made for, 32
Ideal hunter, 50
Mounting, 41
Need for pilot, 44
People hunting like a flock of sheep, 31
Quick eye to hounds, 43
Quietness necessary, 24, 47
Riding a refuser, 48
Riding sane horses, 47
Riding slow, 35
Riding to hounds, advice on, 22
Safety habits, 39
"Seeds" "Young Grass", 34
Spurs, 40
Stirrup foot, position of, 29
Tired horse, jumping a, 50
Women in hunting field, why unpopular, 30
Women riding without third pommel, 26
France, golf clubs in, 344
Gadfly (hound), 86
Gainer (hound), account of, 86
Game of Golf, by W. Park, junr., 261
Gentil on Amazoni in retinue of Indian Prince, 190
Gifford, Lady
And her Harriers, 58
Beagles-harriers, 89, 90
Carrying horn with harriers, 61
Cure for distemper, 92
Interest in Kennel Management, 90
On hounds' food, 91
Golf Annual, Article by John Thomson in, 352
GOLF, by Miss Starkie-Bence, 259
Approach Shot, 284
"Approach Shots," Competitions for, 324
Balls, different kinds, 333
"Bap", 275
"Bogey" Competition, 297
Books recommended, 261
Brassey, 283
Bunkers, 260
Cleek, 283
Clubs, 262
Clubs, choice of (instruments), 274
"Cuppy" lie, 300
Dress suitable for, 304
Driver, 274, 279
Dropping the ball, Rule on, 351
Esprit-de-Corps, 351
Etiquette to be observed, 294
Failing to sign card, 260
Faults—Slicing, Hooking, Topping, 299
Foresome, 259
Founding of, 261
Green, 260
Grip 261;
wrong grip, 276
Grip of hands for driving, 275
Grip when at top of swing, 280
Handicapping, 297
"Handicapping Scheme" 326;
Rules, 327
Hazard, St. Andrew's Rules 14, 288;
Machrihanish, ladies' golf links at, 341
Maidstone Croquet Club, 360
Malvern, ladies' golf course, 343
Mandeville, A., K.H. and Second Whip to Mrs. Pryse-Rice, 85
Mary, Queen of Scots, adept in golf, 265
Maxwell, Miss A., golfing at Dumfries, 347
Meath, hunting in, 20, 21
Melville, Whyte, heroines in hunting field, 4
Meriden, archery assemblies at, 196
Midlands Golf Championship, 345
Mitcham, Princes Ladies' Golf Links, 334
Meetings, 337
Moffatt, Croquet Championship Meeting at, 370
Monmouth, Robert Cary, Earl of, extract from Memories of, 194
Montecute, Lord, entertaining Queen Elizabeth at Cowdray, 194
Murphy-Grimshaw, Mrs.:
Fishing for Tarpon, 157
Portrait, 156;
on board the tarpon boat, 167
Murray, Mrs., golfing at Gullane, 347
Mussellburgh, ladies' golf links at, 341
Nevill, Misses, golfing, 348
New Zealand golf links in—ladies' championships, 343
Newcastle, Duchess of, hunting harriers, 61
Nicholas', Sir H., Household Expenses of Henry VIII., entries from, 193
Nicol's Progress quoted, 194
North Berwick Ladies' Golf Club, 347
North Berwick, ladies' golf links at, 341
Norwich, deer parks owned by See, 2
Orr, Miss E. C., Portrait, 263
Our Sisters in Canada, 243
Park, W., junr., Game of Golf, 261
Paris, Comtesse de, giving up Woodnorton harriers, 80
Partridge, Fur and Feather series recommended, 152
Partridge Shooting, 121, 134
Driving, 134
Over dogs, 134, 138
Walking up, 137
Partridge, work by Stuart Wortley on, 137
Pascoe, Miss, Portrait, 307
Pearson, Miss Issette,
Article in Ladies' Golf Union Annual, 328
Golfing, 306, 313
Portrait, 329
Records at Wimbledon, 341
Peel, W. H., founded All-England Croquet Association, 358
Pelicans, 159
Persian ladies amusing themselves with Archery, 189
Pheasant Shooting, 138
Pheasants, by Tegetmeier recommended, 152
Pointer on Partridge, 119
Portrush Golf Links, 312
Portrush, Irish Ladies' Golf Union Championship Meeting, 75
Woodmen of Arden, 196
Yonge, John, Somerset Herald, 190
Yorkshire golf championship, 345