dx">Evenley ( N. Hants.), 127 “Everington Field,” 69 “Every Year Lands,” 80, 178 Ewelme (Oxon.), 50 “Farthingholds,” 30 “Field Jury,” 11 Fiennes, Celia, “Tour,” 201, 212, 214, 222, 224, 226, 228, 229, 231, 238, 252, 255 Flax growing in Axholme, 54 “Fold Courses,” 83 Fordington (Dorset), 30 Fordington Field, 19, 30 “Foreman of the Fields,” 11, 14 Forrest, W., “Princelye Poesie,” 10 Foston (Leicester), 100 “Four Field Course,” 48, 74 Fox, J., “Glamorganshire,” 244 Frilsham Common, 69 Frome R., 20 Furze common (Ewelme), 51 Gateshead (Durham), 177 “Gathering and Splitting,” 15 Gavelkind, 245 General Enclosure Acts, 17 General report on enclosures, 95, 108, 123, 124, 129, 161 Gloucestershire, enclosure of, 241 Granger, J., “Durham,” 154, 229 “Great Horse Shoe,” 27 Great Sheepey (Leicester), 127 Grimspound (Dartmoor), 170 Grimston (Leicester), 138 Grimstone (Dorset), 19 Grimstone common rights, 172, 180; “Rural economy of: Gloucestershire,” 108, 153, 241; “Norfolk,” 79; “Yorkshire,” 156; “Midlands,” 206; “Southern District,” 232, 235; “West of England,” 248 Massachusetts, decrees for common fields, 185 Massie, J., 91 Matton (Lincoln), 177 Maxwell, G., “Huntingdonshire,” 74, 212 Mercian type of village community, 8 Mere (Wilts.), 236 “Meres,” 63 Merrow (Surrey), 66 Merton, statute of, 6 “Mesne inclosures,” 225 “Middle Field,” 20 Middlesex, enclosure of, 218 “Mill Bars Patch,” 26 “Mill Field,” 8, 16 “Mingle Mangle,” 18 Misterton (Leicester), 208 Monk, R., “Leicestershire,” 198 Monmouthshire, enclosure of, 252 Moore, John, 111, 201, 208 More, Sir T., “Utopia,” 116 Moreton, North (Berks.), 70 Morgan, G. B., “Cornwall,” 249 “Narrow Oxgangs,” 31 Nen, R., 17 “Nether Field,” 16 “New Closes,” 21 Newborough (N. Hants.), 197 Newtontony (Wilts.), 200 “No Ditch Field,” 61 Norden, J., “Book of Surveying,” 155, 214, 238 Norfolk, enclosure of, 217 Norham, 179 BRADBURY, AGNEW, & CO. LD., PRINTERS, LONDON AND TONBRIDGE.