Abduction of the soul, 49, 50, 568–573, 574–579; Adolescence, ceremonies at, 352–361; Air, charms connected with the, 107–109 Anchak (sacrificial tray), 76, 225, 260, 270, 310–313, 414–423, 432, 433 Animals, see Beasts, Birds, Fish, Reptiles Animism, 47–54, 579, 580; Astrological calculations, 544–555 Badi (mischiefs, evil influences), origin and number of, 94, 428, 429; Bajang (vampire), 320–325 Bamboo, supernatural development of children, etc., in, 16–18; Bananas, time for planting, 217 Batara Guru, 85–92 Bathing, ceremonial, 81, 277, 278, 334, 335, 338 (note), 385, 387, 399–401, 424, 431, 465 Bear, legends about the, 183–187; Beasts, ideas about, 52, 53, 141–193; Beating, expulsion of evil influences by, 22, 155, 177 Bee-trees, 202–204 Bees, an unlucky omen, 535 Betrothal ceremonies, 364–368 Bezoar stones, magic properties and use of, 274–277, 425, 426, 441 Bidan (midwife), ceremonies connected with engagement of, 332, 333 Birds, ideas about, 109–141; Birth ceremonies, 332–352; Birth-spirits or vampires, 320–331, 334 Bisnu (Vishnu), 85, 86 (note), 87, 545, 546 Black divinity, 92 Black King of the Genii, 93–96 Blood, supposed colour of royal, 18 (note), 37; Bloodsucking demons, see Birth-spirits Bloodsucking snail, 306 Blue, rare use of, 51 (note) Boar, ideas about the wild, 188, 189 Boats, used to carry away evil spirits, 235, 413, 414, 433–436 Body, theories about the constitution of the human, 22, 23; Bomor, see Magicians, Medicine Bracelet used as a protection against spirits, 321 Brahma, 85, 86 (note), 545, 546 Buffalo, mythical, supporting the world, 5, 6; Building ceremonies, 141–147 Burial, 403–407 Calendar, division of the, 545–555 Camphor, mode of obtaining, 212–214; Card games, 487–493 Caterpillar, transformation of, into the squirrel, 190 Cats, ideas and legends about, 108, 190–192; Caves, haunted, 14 Celts (stone weapons), ideas about, 276, 277 Chandrawasih, mythical bird, 110, 111 Charms, to the soul, 47–49; Chastity, observance of, 59, 269, 315, 524 Children, supernatural development of, etc., in bamboos, 16–18; Children’s games, 494–503 Chintamani, the lucky snake, 111 (note), 303, 506 Cobra, ideas about the, 303 Cocoa-nut palm, charms connected with the, 216, 217; Cocoa-nut pearls, 195–197 Cock-fighting, 475–483; Cocks, fighting, different kinds of, 479, 480 Coffins, kinds of, 399 Colour, mystic importance of, 30, 33, 34, 51, 60, 155, 156, 237, 256, 416, 420, 421, 431, 433, 481, 482, 545–548, 557, 568, 569 Compass, aspect-, divination by, 558–561 Corpses, superstitions about, 398, 406 Cows, objection to the flesh of, 189 Crab, mythical, the cause of tides, 7, 92 Creation of the world, 1–5; Crocodile, sacred, 68, 283; Cucumbers, times for planting, 217, 218 Cycles of years, 554 Dances, 457–468; Dancing girls, costumes of, 460, 461, 464 Days, lucky and unlucky, 545–550 Dead, graves of the sainted, 62, 64–70, 163, 405; Deer, theory about the origin of the, Demons, 93–106; Dew, origin of, 4 Dewa (deities), 88 (note) Divination, used by the tiger, 159, 160; Diving, ordeal by, 542–544 Divining rod, 542 Dogs, hunting, 181, 182; Dragon, mythical, surrounding the world, 6; Dreams, omens from, 142, 144, 305, 562, 563; Dress, description of an old-time raja’s, 29–32; Dugong, ideas about the, 307, 308 Durian, ideas and ceremonies connected with the, 197–199 Eagle-wood, ideas about, 206–212 Ear-boring ceremony, 45, 46, 359 Earth, creation of the, 1–5; Earthquakes, cause of, 5 Earth-spirit, propitiating the, 230–233, 506, 507 Eclipses, cause of, 11–13; Eel, origin of the, 308 Elephant, tusks, the royal right to, 35; Evil eye, 534 Evil influences, see Badi, Spirits Fasting, places for, 71; rules of, 81, 82 Fighting cocks, different kinds of, 479, 480 Fights, buffalo, 468–474; Figures, mystic, used in divination, 555–561 Finger, reason of length of middle, 20; Fire, production of, 317, 318; Firmament, ideas about the, 5 First-fruits, ceremonial treatment of, 225, 226, 235–249 Fish, ideas about the origin of, 187, 306–309; Fishermen, superstitious ideas of, 192 Five times, system of the, 545–547 Five moments, system of the, 547, 548 Floods, cause of, 10 Food offered to spirits, 76, 231–233, 268, 280, 311–314, 415–424, 432–434 Football, 483 Fowling, ceremonies connected with, 132–141 Gabriel, the archangel, 3, 19–21, 98, 425 Games, 483–503; Garuda or Gerda, mythical bird, 110 Genii, number and origin of the, 93–97; Gharu, see Eagle-wood Ghosts, various kinds of, 101–105; Giants, 105 Goats, sacrificial killing of, 43, 74, 143, 232, 262, 312 God, the name of, objectionable to spirits, 271 Gold, recipe for turning brass into, 188; Grass, origin of, 4 Grave-stones, ideas about, 66, 405 Ground pigeon, legends about the, 126, 127, 190 Gutta-percha, charms connected with, 215 Hair, ideas and ceremonies connected with, 44, 45, 244, 341, 342, 344, 345, 353–355, 524, 570 Harvest, rice, 225–228, 235–249; Hatred, charm to cause, 573, 574 Head, sanctity of the, 43–45; Heart of the earth, 19–21 Heavens, creation of the, 3–5 High places or holy places, 61–71, 81 Hinduism, influence of, 2–4, 84–91, 189, 545, 546 Hornbills, legends about various kinds of, 125, 129, 130 House, selection of a site for a, 141–143; Human origin of animals, plants, etc., 53–55, 121, 122, 126, 127, 129, 130, 151, 152, 158, 159, 170, 171, 185–187, 285, 286, 308, 318 Hunting, elephant, 155, 156; Huntsman, spectre, 91; Illness, attributed to the agency of spirits, 64, 65, 91, 92, 116, 117, 120, 322–325, 330, 410–456, 505–509, 573 Images for harming people, 45, 413, 430, 569–574; Incense, ceremonial burning of, 60, 61, 65, 67, 75, 76, 78, 142, 144, 149, 172, 207, 208, 219, 221, 225, 232, 239, 240, 242, 244, 268, 270, 312, 376, 410–413, 417–420, 440, 465, 467, 504, 511, 537, 570, 572, 575–577; Invocations, see Charms Iron, magic use of, 225, 232, 236, 237, 273, 274, 338, 398, 429, 454–456 Jambu Agai or Rakai, see Sambu Jintayu, mythical bird, 110 Ka?bah, pillar of the, 3 Kaf (or Kof), mountains of, 1, 2 Kala, 85, 86 (note), 89–91, 545, 546 King, see Raja Kingfisher, fable about the, 131 Kinta, mining district of, 251–253 Korinchi were-tigers, 161–163 Kramat (holy) places, 61–71; K’ris, the national weapon, 26, 33; K’ris-hilts, shape of, 4 (note) Lanchang (spirit boat), 235, 413, 414, 433–436 Landslips, cause of, 14 Langsuir (vampire), 320, 325–327 Language, special, appropriated to royalty, 35; Leaves, magic use of, 78–80, 155, 172, 208, 221, 232, 236, 312, 313, 334, 355, 376, 411, 412, 414, 419, 429, 431, 437, 445 Legends, of the creation of the world, 1–5; Licking, casting out evil influences by, 443 Lime-tree, the object of a special cult, 205, 206 Limes, not allowed on mines, 254, 255, 264; Love-charms, 362 (note), 566, 568, 577 Lucky snakes, 111 (note), 303, 506; Lustration, by water, 77–81, 277–279, 347, 348, 387; Magic, sympathetic, 82, 108 (note), 161 (note), 213, 217, 241, 248, 310, 323, 355, 570–573; Magicians or Pawangs, significance of, 56; Mahameru, Mount, 2 Maize, rules for planting, 217 Malacca cane, ideas about the, 199–201 Mambang (inferior deities), 85, 88 (note), 91–93 Man, in the moon, 13; Marking the body, a protection against evil influences, 336 Marriage, customs and ceremonies at, 368–396; Maswara (Maheswara), 86 (note), 545, 546 Ma’yong, invocations and ceremonies used when opening site for a, 504–512; Medicine, 346, 347, 408–457; Medicine-men, see Magicians Metamorphoses, 53–55, 121–123, 126, 129–131, 152, 160–163, 170, 185–187, 190–192, 201, 205, 262, 283–286, 302, 206–309 Minerals, souls of, 52; Mining, tin, 250–271; Mischiefs, see Badi Monkeys, legends about, 184–188 Monopolies, royal, 33–35; Months, methods of reckoning, 553, 554 Moon, ideas about eclipses of the, 11–13; Mountains, in legend, 1, 2; Mouse-deer, the, in fable, 179; Musical instruments, supernatural power of royal, 25, 27, 40–42; Naga, the Indian, 4 Nails, worn long, 45, 46; Names, importance of, 341 Nature, 1–7, 10–15; Navel, of the earth, 3; Night-jar, origin of the Malay name of the, 121, 122 Noise, objection of spirits to, 231, 257, 258 Nursery rhymes, 494–502 Omens, from natural events, 15, 129, 144, 264, 411, 534, 535; Orchids, 205 (note) Ordeals, 542–544 Origin, magic power involved in the knowledge of a thing’s, 156 Owls, omens of ill-luck, 123, 124 Pantang, see Taboos Pauh Janggi (mythical tree), 6–9 Pearls, cocoa-nut, 195–197; Pelesit (familiar spirit), 330, 331 Penance or religious retreat, 71, 81 Penanggalan (vampire), 327, 328, 334 Performances, theatrical, 503–521 Petrified pilgrim, legend of the, 8–10 Pheasant, Argus, legend about the, 130, 131 Physician, court, his exemption from taboos, 39 Pig, wild, ideas about the, 188, 189 Pigeon, ground, legends about the, 126, 127, 190; Pillar of the Ka?bah, the navel of the earth, 3 Plays, theatrical, 503–521 Poisons, charms against, 424–427, 449, 450 Polong (familiar spirit), 329 Pontianak (demon), 327 Porpoise, origin of the, 308, 309 Potatoes, sweet, time for planting, 217 Pregnancy, precautions taken during, 344–346, 348–352 Prerogatives, royal, 23, 24, 27, 33–36, 38–42, 215 (note), 277 Price, customary, sanctioned by taboo, 58, 59 Princes and princesses, development of, in bamboo, 16–18 Princess, legendary, of Mt. Ophir and Jugra Hill, 71, 82 (note), 158 (note), 163–166, 363; Prohibitions, see Taboos Pusat tasek, see Navel of the sea Python, ideas about the, 302, 303 Rain, origin of, 4; Rainbow, origin of the, 4; Raja, sanctity of the person of the, 23, 24; Rats, ideas about, 192 Regalia, sanctity and supernatural powers of the, 23–29, 39–42 Religion, 56, 61, 83, 84, 193, 234, 457 Reptiles, ideas about, 282–306 Rhinoceros, 150 Rice, instruments to be used in reaping, 58, 226, 227; Rice-paste, ceremonial use of, 77, 78, 81, 133, 134, 136, 221, 232, 233, 236, 239, 293, 312–314, 354, 356, 376, 386; Riddles, 484 Rites, nature of, performed at sacred places, 74–77 Rivers, spirits of, 103, 279–280; Roads, ceremonies connected with the making of, 149 Roc, 9; Royalty, see Raja Rubbing, casting out evil influences by, 431, 441, 449, 455 Sacred animals, 63, 68, 70, 71, 153, 163–166, 283 Sacrifices, propitiatory, 43; Sakatimuna, mythical serpent, 3, 4, 25, 28 (note), 95 Sambu (or Jambu Rakai or Agai), the crocodile-spirit, 89, 286 (note), 298, 435 Scapegoats, ceremonial use of, 72, 432, 433 Sea, navel of the, 7; Sea-eagle, ideas about the, 128, 129 Semangat, see Soul Seven, importance of the number, 50, 241, 431, 508, 509, 548, 569, 570 Seven times, the system of the, 548, 549 Shadow, importance of the, 143, 244, 245, 248, 306, 332, 575 Shadow-plays, 514–516 Sheikhs, the four legendary, 100 Ships, ideas about, 279, 280, 315 Silver, ideas about, 272, 273; Sites, selection of, for houses, 141–143; Snails, bloodsucking, 306 Snakes, mythical, 3, 4, 6, 14, 25, 28 (note), 95, 111 (note), 303, 506; Soil, kinds of, 141 Sorcerers, detection of, 323 Sorcery, methods of, 568–579 Soul, conception of the, 47–53, 579, 580; Spectre Huntsman, divinity of the, 91; Spirits, of various kinds, 40, 59, 93–106, 113–120, 445–448, 505–509; Spoons, magic use of, 108, 350–352 Squares, magic, 555–558 Squirrel, origin of the, 190 Stars, ideas about the, 5; Stick-insect, ideas about the, 200, 201 Stones, magic use of, 236, 338–340; Stroking, expulsion of evil influences by, 178, 430, 442 Substitutes, 72, 73, 143, 144 (note), 211, 340, 432, 433 Sugar-cane, time for planting the, 217; Sun, divinity living in the, 92 Sunset, evil influence of, 15, 90, 92, 93, 109, 428, 429 Sympathetic magic, 82, 108 (note), 161 (note), 213, 217, 241, 248, 310, 323, 355, 570–573 Taboos, royal, 23, 24, 27, 33–42; Tadpole, ideas about the, 309 Talismans, 361, 522–524, 566, 567 Tapers, magic use of, 268, 411, 421, 422, 440, 441, 447, 452, 511, 536, 572, 578 Tepong tawar, see Rice-paste Theatrical exhibitions, 503–521; Thieves, discovery of, by divination, 537–542 Tiger, ideas about the, 157–170; Times, lucky and unlucky, 545–561 Tin, soul of, 52, 250, 271; Tooth-filing ceremony, 45, 46, 355, 359 Top-spinning, 481 Towns, selection of sites for, 147–149; Tray, sacrificial, see Anchak Trees, mythical, 3, 7–9; Umbrellas, royal, 26, 33, 34; Vampires, bloodsucking, 320–331, 334 Vegetation souls, 52, 53, 193, 194, 200, 202, 211, 213, 215, 216, 225, 226, 237–249 Viper, ideas about the, 302, 303 Walimana (mythical bird), 110 (note) War, 522–525, 531, 532; Water, lustration by, 77, 81, 277–279, 347, 348, 387, 399–401, 424; Wave-offering, 418–422 Waxen images, magic use of, 45, 413, 430, 569–574 Weapons, royal, 24–26, 30, 31, 33, 40 (note); Weaver bird, ideas about, 127, 128 Weddings, description of two, 388–394; White, colour of royal blood, 18 (note), Wind, charms connected with the, 107, 108 Wizards, see Magicians, Sorcerers Yajuj and Majuj (Gog and Magog), 2 Yellow, use of the royal colour, 33, 34 51, 419–421, 433 THE END Printed by R. & R. 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