tml#Page_201" class="pginternal">201, 205 —— (Louis XVI.), 277 Brass mounts (Chippendale), 227 Bridgman, 136 Brisseux, 164 Breakfast-room, 338–339 British architects, Adam on, 294–296 Bufet, 130–131 Buffet (Queen Anne), 130–131 —— (Louis XV.), 169–170 —— (Sheraton on), 350 ——, credence, 10 Buontalenti, Bernardo, 17 Bureau (Jacobean), 59 ——, Mme. de Gaudry’s, 85 ——, Mme. de Maintenon’s, 85 ——, Duchess of Orleans’s, 85 ——, Duke of Orleans’s, 85 ——, cylinder, 212 ——, À la Kaunitz, 212 ——, Louis XV.’s, 212–213 ——, table (Louis XV.), 212 Bureau. See Desk Bureaux (Louis XVI.), 275 Burjair, 208 Burlington, Earl of, 135, 137 Burlington House, Piccadilly, 137 Buroe dressing-tables (Chippendale), 239 C Cabinet, 10, 172 —— (Jacobean), 49–50 —— (Louis XIV.), 87–88 —— (Louis XV.), 182 —— (Queen Anne), 128 ——, en niche, 175 ——, À la Poudre, 202 Cabinet des Modes, furniture in, 284–285 Cabinet Dictionary, The, 331 Cabinet-maker’s Real Friend and Companion, The, 224 Cabinet-maker and Upholsterer’s Drawing Book, The, 331 Cabinet-maker, Upholsterer and General Artists’ EncyclopÆdia, 331 Cabinet-maker and Upholsterer’s Guide, The, 309–310 Cabinet-makers, Arms of English, 120 Cabinet-makers (Louis XV.), 165–166 Cabinet-makers (Louis XVI.), 267 Cabinet-making, books on, 223–224 Cabinets, 12–17 —— (Louis XIV.), 87–88 —— (Louis XIII.), 12 —— (Queen Anne), 128 ——, À portes, 15 Cabriole chair, 314 Cabriolet
berg@html@files@54866@54866-h@54866-h-10.htm.html#Page_146" class="pginternal">146–147 China as a decoration, 116–117 China cases (Chippendale), 237–239 Chinamania, The, 116–117, 237 China-shops in England, 113 Chinese designs (Chippendale), 228, 229, 231, 235–236, 237–239, 242 Chinese fad, The, 148 Chinese furore, 135 Chinese style, craze in England for, 138 Chinese subjects, 141 Chinese subjects, designers of, 142 Chinese art, taste for, 73, 114, 166–167, 221 Chinoiserie, 73, 161 Chintz, 43, 154 Chippendale, Thomas, 135, 142, 149 ——, carver and decorator, 225 ——, Chinese designs, 228, 229, 231, 235–236, 237–239, 242 ——, fondness for japanned furniture, 225 ——, fondness for Louis XV. style, 226–227 ——, furniture, 222 ——, Gothic designs, 228, 235, 241–243 ——, little known about, 223 ——, ornaments, 227, 229–230, 237, 247 ——, style erroneously understood, 221 ——, taste of, 225 ——, theft from Meissonier, 226–227 ——, use of brass mounts, 227 ——, use of mahogany, 225 Choffart, 257 Cipriani, 292, 305 Cisterns, 246 City and Country Builder’s and Workman’s Treasury of Designs, The, 142 Classic architecture, love of, 135, 138 Claw-and-ball foot, 118 Clock, Regency, 214 ——, tall, 154 <
>241–243 ——, Mrs. Delany on, 150–151 ——, Evelyn on, 114 —— revival, 135 ——, Langley’s influence, 150 ——, Ware on, 149–150 Gothic taste, the, 138, 221 GouthiÈre, 266 Gouvernet, La Marquise de, inventory of, 121–126 Grate, 155 Gravelot, 164 Grecian squab, 356 Gribelin, Samuel, 111 Gros de Tours, 264 Grotesque, Adam on 299–300 GuÉridon, 33 Guiffrey, Jules, quotation from, 180 Guimard, Mlle., apartments of, 282–284 H Halfpenny, 148 Hall, the, 40–41, 335 Hampton Court, 46 Hancock, wall-paper of, 141 Handles (Jacobean), 59 —— (Queen Anne), 130 Hangings, leather, 42 Harlequin Pembroke Table, 359 Harrateen, 154 Hatfield House, 46 Havard, quotation from, 75 Hearth furniture (Early Georgian), 155 Heinhofer, Philip, 16 Henri II. style, 3 Hentzer, Paul, 55 Heppelwhite, A. & Co., firm of, 309 ——, characteristics of, 312 ——, fondness for the straight line, 312 —— furniture, 309–310 ——, ornaments of, 312 ——, quotations from, 310–311, 326–327 —— room, 326–327 Herculaneum, 352 —— chair, 363 Hervey, Lord, quotations from, 137 Hervieux, 213 Hexagon, 9 High-boy, 154 Huet, 161, 257, 265 Huguenot refugees in England, 111 Huquier, 164 Hogarth chair, 152 —— furniture, 152 ——, quotation from, 247–248 ——, satire of Kent, 3 Louis XIV., magnificence of, 66 ——, takes Court to Versailles, 65 ——, style, characteristics of, 70–73 ——, ornamentation, 71–73 Louis XV. style, 195 ——, transitional from, to Louis XVI., 195 ——, great masters of the, 164 ——, style, small masters of the, 164–165 ——, ornaments of, 164 Louis XVI. style, 195, 196, 251–252 ——, cabinet-makers, 267 ——, furniture of last years, 284–285 ——, ornamentation of, 252–253 Low-boy, 154 Lucotte, 256 Lutestring, 55 Luti, Chevalier, 135 Luxury, in reign of Louis XIV., 70 Luynes, Duc de, quotation from, 196 M Mademoiselle, La Grande, quotations from, 91, 111–112 Mahogany, 11, 118, 334, 379 Maintenon, Mme. de, 78, 80, 85, 86 ——, apartments of, 92–96 ——, tables of, 86 Maisons de Plaisance (Blondel), 174 Mansart, 65 Marchand, 263 Martinet, 164 Martins, The, 167–168 Marie Antoinette, 255, 263 Marie Leczinska, bed of, 196 Marillier, 257, 262 Marot, Daniel, 91, 111 ——, furniture by, 119, 120–121 ——, use of china in decoration, 116 Marquetry, 11, 50, 87 Marquetry (Riesener’s), 265, 266 Marquetry (Queen Anne), 127–128 Marquise, The, 208 Marriage À la Mode, Bed in, 152 Marsenois, 165 Marvye, 252 Rubens, 3 Rudd’s Dressing-table, 324–325 Rueil, Castle, of, 4 Ruins, fad for, 150 ——, Langley on, 150 S Saint Non, 257, 363 Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de, 252 Saint-Simon, quotation from, 31 Salembier, 257, 261, 267, 277 Salon, the, 168 —— (Louis XIV.), 104–105 —— (Louis XV.), 171–172, 174–175, 182–183 ——, petit, 177–178 Saly, 263 Satin-wood, 334 Saunier, 267 Scagliola, 291 Scheemakers, 263 SchÜbler, J. J., 199–200 Schwerdfeger, 267 Screens (Chippendale), 246 —— (Heppelwhite), 322–323 ——, horse fire, 323, 345 —— (Louis XIV.), 88–89 ——, Pole fire, 322–323, 345 ——, Regency, 211 —— (Sheraton), 345–346 ——, tripod fire, 345–346 Screetore, 59 Secretary and bookcase (Sheraton), 359–360 Serre-papiers, 212, 213 Settee (Jacobean), 62 —— (Queen Anne), 119 Shakespeare, quotations from, 38–39, 53–54, 55 Shaving-tables (Chippendale), 241 Shell in Cabinet-maker’s arms, 120 Shell, decorative use of, 120 Shelves (Chippendale’s), 237–239 Sheraton, Thomas, 331 ——, arrangement of rooms, 335 ——, books by, 331 ——, cane, use of, 334 ——, carving, love of, 333 ——, on Chippendale, 223–224 ——, on colour, 335 ——, ornaments of, 334 ——, use o
li> —— (Louis XVI.), 276–277 —— (Queen Anne), 119 —— (Sheraton), 334–335 Urn stand (Heppelwhite), 322 V Val, apartments at, 102–104 Vallance, petticoat, 318 Vanburgh, 295, 296 Van der Meulen, 68 Vasari, 17 Vase, form of (Louis XIII.), 8 —— in decoration, the, 252–253, 262–263 Vase-knife cases, 321–322 Vases (Heppelwhite), 321 Vassy, 164 Vernis Martin, The, 168, 227, 273 Versailles, magnificence of, 65 Vervien, 164 Vestibule, 169 ——, 174 Viaucourt, 66 Vien, 263 Viollet le Duc, quotation from, 6–7 Voyelle, 277 Voyeuse, the, 32, 278, 363 Voltaire, 168 Vouet, Simon, 4 W Wailly, Charles de, 257, 263 Wainscot (Early Georgian), 146, 147 Wall decorations (Louis XV.), 173 Wall-hangings, Ware on, 147–148 Wall paper, 336 Wallis, N., 290 Walpole, Horace, 17, 149, 150 ——, quotations from, 136, 149 Wardrobes (Heppelwhite), 325 Ware, Isaac, quotations from, 138–140, 145–148, 149–150 Watelet, 256–263 Watteau, 142, 161, 225 ——, designs by, 205 Weisweiler, 267 William, King of England, 110 Winant, 213 Window (Jacobean), 43–44 Window-blinds (Sheraton), 336 Window-curtains (Early Georgian), Transcriber's Note:The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain. |