@54552@54552-h@54552-h-6.htm.html#Page_73" class="pginternal">73, 304 Bruyn, Charles de, 140 Court pointerie, 17 Coxie, Michel, 73 Cradles, 198 Credence, 12, 14–15, 140 Cressent, 300 Crispin de Passe, the Elder. See Passe, Crispin van de Croissy, Fouquet de, 270 Crusade, the First, 18 Crusades, 1, 7 Crusaders, 23 Cubiculum, 141 Cuirs, 93, 94, 103, 104, 114 Cupboards, 62, 256, 257–8, 260 Curios, 69, 71–2, 89, 114–5, 143, 204–5, 300–1 Curtains, 17–8 Cushions, 6, 13, 16, 69, 70, 71, 141 Custode, Dominic, 107; DaÏs, 4 Dale, Lucas van, 221 Dam, The, 145, 169 Damme, 19 Dangeau, quoted, 249 Daret, Jehan, 39 Davies, G. C., quoted, 319–21 Decadence, The, 107, 131, 158–9, 165; - —— of Dutch Art, 301;
- ——, Flemish, 203
Decorations, 29, 200 Decorative designers, 103, 106–7, 165–6 D’Erembert, 25 Defoe, quoted, 281 Delft, looms, 77; - —— ware, 204, 216, 88, 120, 124, 125, 126, 128, 220–1
- Guionet, 26
- Haarlem, Groote Kerk, 82
- Hague, The, 170, 201, 265
- Hall, 192–3;
- Halles (Brussels), 51
- Hameidan, M. van der, 156
- Hampton Court Palace, 157, 274, 278, 280, 282–4
- Handel, clavecin of, 128
- Hangings, 7
- Harpsichords, 124, 267
- Harrewyn, J. J., 166
- Hee, Gilles de la, 88
- Hecker, A., 165
- Heemskerck, M. van, 96
- HÉliot, B., 48
- Helt-Stocade, N. de, 170
- Hendricks, L., 165
- Henri II., style, 83;
- Henry le Backer, 61;
- Hervey, John, 285–7, 295
- Hervormde Kerk. See Breda
- Heylbrouck, M., 166
- Hessels, Gerrit (Gerritz), 94, 165
- Het Loo, 170
- Hicks, Robert, 77
- Hill, Robert, quoted, 310–2
- Hindeloopen, 318, 319
- Hoevens, The van der, 221
- “Hogarth, The Dutch,” 301
- Holland, buildings, 145–6;
- ——, jealousy of, 302. See Dutch Holme, Lacy, 279
- Holsteyn, C., 170
- Hoogerhuis, room from the, 172
- Hooghe, R. de, 165
- Hoogstraten, S. van, 250
- Hosemant, J., 58
- Houbraken, A., 165
- Hour-glasses, 268
- House-in-the-Wood, 170
- Houses, miniature, 173–6;
- Seventeenth century, 145–6
- 33, 156, 110, 124, 129, 147, 154, 160, 162, 164, 171, 172, 175, 250, 252, 261, 267, 313, 319
- Richard II., 57
- Robbia, Luca della, 91
- Robert, Duke of Albany, 57;
- Rocaille, 276, 300, 309
- Roelants, John, 62
- Roman, The, 19
- Romano, Giulio, 59, 73
- Rooms, 134–5, 171, 172
- Root-wood, 261, 262
- Roovere, Sara de, 257
- Rost, John, 77
- Rozmital, Leo van, 33
- Rubens, 131, 132–3, 135–7, 157–8, 203;
- ——, house of, 132–4;
- —— pupils of, 136, 137;
- —— School of, 94
- Ruckers, Andreas, 127–8;
- ——, Andreas the Younger, 128;
- ——, Christofel, 128;
- ——, Hans, 125–6;
- ——, Jean, 126–7
- Rugs, 7
- SabliÈre, Marchioness de, 230
- Sacerdan. See Sacredaan
- Sacredaan-wood, 143, 189, 197, 198, 229, 255, 256, 257, 266, 268
- Sadeler, Ægidius, 106, 107
- Saffron-pots, 228
- Saint-Florent of Saumur, Monastery of, 19;
- ——
_292" class="pginternal">292–3
- Theophilus, 23
- Theorbo, 129
- Thornhill, Sir James, 276
- Thuys, J., 166
- Tiles, 179, 180
- Titian, 73, 161
- Toilet-table, 262–3
- Tournay, 20, 21, 25, 32
- Toys, 173–4, 176, 242, 244, 321
- Trade with the East, 64, 207, 208, 213, 214–20, 226, 237–8, 287, 288–92, 299;
- —— and Navigation of Great Britain Considered, 302, 303
- Travellers, 205;
- —— in Holland, quoted, 183–7
- Trekschuyt, The, 322
- Trestles, 7, 53
- TrÈves, 39
- Troost, Cornelis, 301
- Trundle-bed, 266
- Trunk, 12
- Tulips, 204
- Turquet, Pierre, 53
- Turkey-work, 243
- Tverff, J. van der, 165
- Unteutsch, F. 166
- Upholstery, 234, 274
- Utrecht Museum, 173, 310;
- Valance, 245
- Valenciennes, looms, 58
- Valentin d’Arras, 59
- Van Dyck, 157
- Van Eycks, The, 54, 55, 58
- Van Varick, Mrs., possessions, 241–6, 260;
- Van Loo, 305
- Varnish-tree, 296
- Vasari, quoted, 75–6
- Vases, 278
- Velasquez, 161
- Venic