History.—The art of paper-making is undoubtedly one of the most important industries of the present day. The study of its development from the early bygone ages when men were compelled to find some means for recording important events and transactions is both interesting and instructive, so that a short summary of the known facts relating to the history of paper may well serve as an introduction to an account of the manufacture and use of this indispensable article. Tradition.—The early races of mankind contented themselves with keeping alive the memory of great achievements by means of tradition. Valiant deeds were further commemorated by the planting of trees, the setting up of heaps of stones, and the erection of clumsy monuments. Stone Obelisks.—The possibility of obtaining greater accuracy by carving the rude hieroglyphics of men and animals, birds and plants, soon suggested itself as an obvious improvement; and as early as B.C. 4000 the first Clay Tablets.—The ordinary transactions of daily life, the writings of literary and scientific men, and all that was worthy of note in the history of such nations as Chaldea and Assyria have come down to us also, inscribed on clay tablets, which were rendered durable by careful baking. On a tablet of clay, one of the earliest specimens of writing in existence, now preserved in the British Museum, is recorded a proposal of marriage, written about B.C. 1530, from one of the Pharaohs, asking for the hand of the daughter of a Babylonian king. Waxed Boards.—Bone, ivory, plates of metal, lead, gold, and brass, were freely used, and at an early period wooden boards covered with wax were devised by the Romans. In fact, any material having a soft impressionable surface was speedily adopted as a medium for the permanent expression of men's fancy, so that it is not strange to find instances of documents written on such curious substances as animal skins, hides, dried intestines, and leather. The works of Homer, preserved in one of the Egyptian libraries in the days of PtolemÆus Philadelphus, were said to have been written in letters of gold on the skins of serpents. Leaves, Bark.—The first actual advance in the direction of paper, as commonly understood, was made when the leaves and bark of trees were utilised. The latter especially came speedily into favour, and the extensive use of the inner bark (liber) made rapid headway. Manuscripts and documents written on this liber are to be found in many museums. Papyrus.—The discovery of the wonderful properties of the Egyptian papyrus was a great step in developing the art of paper-making. The date of this discovery is very uncertain, but one of the earliest references is to be found Fig. 1.—Sheet of Papyrus, showing the layers crossing one another (Evans). The Egyptian papyrus was made from the fine layers of fibrous matter surrounding the parent stem. These layers were removed by means of a sharp tool, spread out on a board, moistened with some gummy water, and then covered with similar layers placed over them crosswise. The sheets so produced were pressed, dried, and polished with a piece of ivory or a smooth stone. Long rolls of papyrus were formed by pasting several sheets together to give what was termed a volumen. Roman Papyri.—The Romans improved the process of manufacture, and were able to produce a variety of papers, to which they gave different names, such as Charta hieratica (holy paper, used by priests), Charta Fanniana (a superior paper made by Fannius), Charta emporetica (shop or wrapping paper), Charta Saitica (after the city of Sais), etc. The papyrus must have been used in great quantities for this purpose, since recent explorations in Eastern countries have brought to light enormous finds of papyri in a wonderful state of preservation. In 1753, when the ruins of Herculaneum were unearthed, no less than 1,800 rolls were discovered. During the last ten years huge quantities have been brought to England. Parchment.—Parchment succeeded papyrus as an excellent writing material, being devised as a substitute for the latter by the inhabitants of Pergamus on account of the prohibited exportation of Egyptian papyrus. For many centuries parchment held a foremost place amongst the available materials serving the purpose of paper, and even to-day it is used for important legal documents. This parchment was made from the skins of sheep and goats, which were first steeped in lime pits, and then scraped. By the plentiful use of chalk and pumice stone the colour and surface of the parchment were greatly enhanced. Vellum, prepared in a similar manner from the skins of Paper.—The Chinese are now generally credited with the art of making paper of the kind most familiar to us, that is from fibrous material first reduced to the condition of pulp. Materials such as strips of bark, leaves, and papyrus cannot of course be included in a definition like this, which one writer has condensed into the phrase “Paper is an aqueous deposit of vegetable fibre.” A.D. 105.—The earliest reference to the manufacture of paper is to be found in the Chinese EncyclopÆdia, wherein it is stated that Ts'ai-Lun, a native of Kuei-yang, entered the service of the Emperor Ho-Ti in A.D. 75, and devoting his leisure hours to study, suggested the use of silk and ink as a substitute for the bamboo tablet and stylus. Subsequently he succeeded in making paper from bark, tow, old linen, and fish nets (A.D. 105). He was created marquis in A.D. 114 for his long years of service and his ability. A.D. 704.—It has been commonly asserted that raw cotton, or cotton wool, was first used by the Arabs at this date for the manufacture of paper, they having learnt the art from certain Chinese prisoners captured at the occupation of Samarkand by the Arabs. The complete conquest of Samarkand does not, however, seem to have taken place until A.D. 751, and there is little doubt that this date should be accepted for the introduction of the art of paper-making among the Arabs. Recent Researches.—Professors Wiesner and Karabacek have ascertained one or two most important and interesting facts concerning the actual manufacture of pure rag paper. In 1877 a great quantity of ancient manuscripts Researches of a later date resulted in the discovery of some further interesting documents which appear to establish with some degree of certainty the approximate date at which pure rag paper, that is, paper made entirely from rag, was manufactured. Chinese documents dated A.D. 768-786, which have been reported upon by Dr. Hoernle, and others dated A.D. 781-782-787, reported upon by Dr. Stein as recently as 1901, appear to show what materials were used by the Chinese paper-makers in Western Turkestan. The manuscripts mentioned were dug out from the sand-buried site of Dandan Uilig, in Eastern Turkestan. Professor Wiesner found that all the papers of the Rainer collection were made of linen rag, with an occasional trace of cotton, probably added accidentally. The earliest dated paper was a letter A.D. 874, but two documents, which from other reasons could be identified as belonging to A.D. 792, proved that at the end of the eighth century the Arabs understood the art of making linen paper on network moulds, and further that they added starch for the purpose of sizing and loading the paper. Professor Karabacek advances some ingenious explanations as to the origin of the idea that raw cotton was first used for paper-making, and he suggests that the legend owes its origin to a misunderstanding of terms. In mediÆval times paper was known as Charta bombycina, and sometimes as Charta Damascena, the latter from its place of origin. Paper was also made in Bambyce, and a natural confusion The suggestions of Professor Karabacek, together with the microscopical investigations of Dr. Wiesner, appear to show that paper made entirely from raw cotton fibre was not known. Invention of Rag Paper.—Dr. Hoernle, in discussing this question, points out that, taking A.D. 751 as the date when the Arabs learnt the art of paper-making, and A.D. 792 as the date when paper made entirely of linen rag was produced, the date of the invention of rag paper must lie between these two dates. The documents discovered in Eastern Turkestan and bearing the dates mentioned, which papers fill up the gap between the years A.D. 751 and A.D. 792, were found to contain certain raw fibres, such as China grass, mulberry, laurel, as the main constituents, and macerated flax and hemp rags as the minor constituents. The addition and substitution of rag evidently increased in course of time, and since the improvement thus effected soon became an obvious and established fact, the raw fibres were omitted. Hence the credit of the manufacture of pure rag paper would be given to the people of Samarkand, the date being between the years A.D. 760 and A.D. 792; and further the constitution of such paper has been shown by Dr. Wiesner to be linen, and not cotton, as commonly stated. These researches are of such interest that we quote Professor Hoernle's translation of the summary of the principal results of Dr. Wiesner's examination of the Eastern Turkestani papers so recently discovered:— “Taking into account the dates assigned to the papers on “(1) The oldest of the Eastern Turkestani papers, dating from the fourth and fifth centuries A.D., are made of a mixture of raw fibres of the bast of various dicotyledonous plants. From these fibres the half-stuff for the paper was made by means of a rude mechanical process. “(2) Similar papers, made of a mixture of raw fibres, are also found belonging to the fifth, sixth, and seventh centuries. But in this period there also occur papers which are made of a mixture of rudely pounded rags and of raw fibres extracted by maceration. “(3) In the same period papers make their appearance in which special methods are used to render them capable of being written on, viz., coating with gypsum and sizing with starch or with a gelatine extracted from lichen. “(4) In the seventh and eighth centuries both kinds of papers are of equal frequency, those made of the raw fibre of various dicotyledonous plants and those made of a mixture of rags and raw fibres. In this period the method of extracting the raw fibre is found to improve from a rude stamping to maceration; but that of preparing the rags remains a rude stamping, and in the half-stuff thus produced from rags it is easy to distinguish the raw fibre from the crushed and broken fibre of the rags. “(5) The old Eastern Turkestani (Chinese) paper can be distinguished from the old Arab paper, not only by the raw fibres which accompany the rag fibres, but also by the far-reaching destruction of the latter. “(6) The previous researches of Professor Karabacek and the author had shown that the invention of rag paper was not made in Europe by Germans or Italians about the turn of the fourteenth century, but that the Arabs knew its preparation as early as the end of the eighth century. “The present researches now further show that the beginnings of the preparation of rag paper can be traced to the Chinese in the fifth or fourth centuries, or even earlier. “The Chinese method of preparing rag paper never progressed beyond its initial low stage. It was the Arabs who, having been initiated into the art by the Chinese, improved the method of preparing it, and carried it to that stage of perfection in which it was received from them by the civilised peoples of Europe in the mediÆval ages. “(7) The author has shown that the process of sizing the paper with starch in order to improve it was already known to the Arabs in the eighth century. In the fourteenth century the knowledge of it was lost, animal glue being substituted in the place of starch, till finally in the nineteenth century, along with the introduction of paper machines, the old process was resuscitated. But the invention of it was due to the Chinese. The oldest Eastern Turkestani paper which is sized with starch belongs to the eighth century. “(8) The Chinese were not only the inventors of felted paper and the imitators of rag paper—though in the preparation of the latter they made use of rags only as a surrogate by the side of raw fibres—but they must also be credited with being the forerunners of the modern method of preparing ‘cellulose paper.’ For their very ancient practice of extracting the fibre from the bark and other parts of plants by means of maceration is in principle identical with the modern method of extracting ‘cellulose’ by means of certain chemical processes.” Fig. 2.—An Early Paper Mill (from “Kulturhistorisches Bilderbuch,” A.D. 1564). Paper-making in Europe.—The introduction of the art into Europe seems to have taken place early in the eleventh century, when the Moors manufactured paper at Toledo. The early authorities who have studied this subject express
One of the most interesting books on this subject is the “Historical Account of the Substances used to describe Events from the Earliest Date,” by Matthias Koops, published in 1800. This writer appears to have obtained most of his information from German authorities. The industry of paper-making passed through Spain into Italy, France, and the Netherlands. In 1189 paper was being manufactured at Hainault, in France, and the industry rapidly spread all over the Continent. In 1390 Ulman Stromer established a mill at Nuremberg, in Germany, employing a great number of men, who were obliged to take an oath that they would not teach anyone the art of paper-making or make paper on their own account. In the sixteenth century the Dutch endeavoured to protect their industry by making the exportation of moulds for paper-making an offence punishable by death. The bulk of the paper used in England was imported from France and Holland, and it was many years before the industry was established in England. This is not surprising in view of the protective and conservative policy of the Continental paper-makers. Fig. 3.—The Paper Mill of Ulman Stromer, A.D. 1390 (supposed to be the oldest known drawing of a Paper Mill). Paper-making in England.—The actual period at which the manufacture of paper was first started in England is somewhat uncertain. The first mention of any paper-maker is found in Wynkyn de Worde's “De Proprietatibus And John Tate the younger, joye mote he brok, John Tate was the owner of a mill at Stevenage, Hertfordshire. In the household book of Henry VII. an entry for the year 1499 reads, “Geven in rewarde to Tate of the mylne, 6s. 8d.” In 1588 a paper mill was erected by Sir John Spielman, a German, who obtained a licence from Queen Elizabeth “for the sole gathering for ten years of all rags, etc., necessary for the making of paper.” This paper mill was eulogised by Thomas Churchyard in a long poem of forty-four stanzas, of which we quote two:— I prayse the man that first did paper make, The industry made but little progress for some time after Spielman's death, and up till 1670 the supplies of paper were obtained almost entirely from France. The first British patent for paper-making was granted to Charles In 1695 a company was formed in Scotland for the “manufacture of white and printing paper.” Improvements in the art were slow until 1760, when Whatman, whose name has since become famous in connection with paper, commenced operations at Maidstone. Meantime the methods by which the rags were converted into paper were exceedingly slow and clumsy, so that the output of finished paper was very small. Some interesting details as to the early manufacture of paper in England are given by Mr. Rhys Jenkins, and from his account of “Early Attempts at Paper-making in England, 1495-1788,” the following extracts have been made:—
Early Methods.—The most rapid development of the industry appears to have taken place in Holland. The rags used for paper-making were moistened with water and stored up in heaps until they fermented and became hot. By this means the dirt and non-fibrous matter was rendered partially soluble, so that on washing a suitable paper pulp was obtained. The washed rags were then placed in a stamping machine resembling an ordinary pestle and mortar. The mortars were constructed of stone and wood, and the stamps were kept in motion by levers which were The invention of the “Hollander,” a simple yet ingenious engine which is deservedly known by the name of the country in which it first originated, gave a tremendous impetus to the art of paper-making, as by its means the quantity of material which could be treated in twenty-four hours was greatly increased. Unfortunately the date of the invention of this important machine has not been definitely traced. The earliest mention of it seems to occur in Sturm's “VollstÄndige MÜhlen Baukunst,” published in 1718. It was in extensive use at Saardam in 1697, so that the invention is at least some years previous to 1690. On this point Koops says: “In Gelderland are a great many mills, but some so small that they are only able to make 400 reams of paper annually, and there are also water mills with stampers, like those in Germany. But in the province of Holland there are windmills, with cutting and grinding engines, which do more in two hours than the others do in twelve. In Saardam 1,000 persons are employed in paper-making.” The First Fourdrinier Paper Machine.Up till the year 1799 paper was made entirely in sheets on a hand mould, but during the last few years of the eighteenth century a Frenchman, Nicholas Louis Robert, manager for M. Didot, who owned a paper mill at Essones, had been experimenting for the purpose of making paper in the form of a continuous sheet, and eventually produced some of considerable length. The idea was taken to England by Didot's brother-in-law, Gamble, and introduced to the notice of Messrs. Fourdrinier, wholesale stationers, of London. Fig. 4.—The First Paper Machine, A.D. 1802. Plan and Elevation. The first machine was naturally a very crude affair. It consisted of an endless wire cloth stretched in a horizontal position on two rollers, one of which rotated freely in a bearing attached to the frame of the machine, the other being fitted in an adjustable bearing so that the wire could be tightened up when necessary. The beaten pulp, contained in a vat placed below the wire, was thrown up in a continual stream upon the surface of the wire, and carried forward towards the squeezing rolls. A shaking motion was imparted to the travelling wire so as to cause the fibres to felt properly. A great deal of the water fell through the meshes of the gauze, and further quantities were removed by means of the press rolls. The wet paper was then wound up on to a wooden roller, which was taken out as soon as sufficient paper had been made. Fig. 5.—The Improved Paper Machine of A.D. 1810. The whole process was carried on under great difficulties, but substantial improvements were soon made by the enterprising Fourdriniers, who commenced operations in Bermondsey, employing Mr. Bryan Donkin, then in the service of Messrs. Hall & Co., of Dartford, who had shown himself keenly interested in the machine. In 1803 the first “Fourdrinier,” so called, was built at Bermondsey, and erected at Two Waters Mill in Herefordshire. In this machine the mixture of pulp and water was carried forward between two wires, and, after passing through the couch rolls, transferred to an endless felt. This arrangement proved to be faulty because the water did not escape freely enough from the wire, and a great deal of the paper was spoilt. Donkin, however, hit upon a simple but effective device for curing this fault by altering the relative position of the two couch rolls. Instead of keeping the two rolls exactly in a vertical position one over the other, he placed them at a slight angle so that the upper one should bear gently on the web of paper carried by the wire before receiving the full pressure of the rolls, and thus remove a greater proportion of the water. In this way the paper was firmer and less liable to break when pressed between the couch rolls, an additional advantage being secured in the fact that the upper wire could be dispensed with. The various improvements effected resulted in a machine the details of which appear in the appended diagram, the device of the inclined couch rolls being fitted about 1810. The mixture of water and pulp flowed from a stuff chest into a small regulating box and on to the wire over a sloping board. The pulp at once formed into a wet sheet of paper, the water falling through the meshes of the wire, being caught in a bucket-shaped appliance, and conveyed back to the regulating box. The stream of pulp was confined upon the wire by means of a deckle. Further quantities of water were removed by the aid of a pair of squeezing rolls before the web passed through the couch rolls after which the paper was reeled up on a wooden spindle. From this date the success of the machine was assured, though the inventor and his colleagues were practically ruined, an experience only too common with the early pioneers of many great and useful industrial enterprises. In fact, the firm of Messrs. Donkin were the only people to profit from the invention, for they manufactured a number of machines, as stated in the report of the Jurors of the Exhibition of 1851, and from 1803 to 1851 no less than 190 Fourdriniers were set to work. |