Page 14, col. 1, line 24 from bottom, for "Lea," read "Lee."
"22,"2,"22""for "368," read "367."
"23,"2,"12""dele "Barnes, D. W."
"75,"1,"15 from top, for "156," read "157."
"86,"2,"22""for "358," read "354."
"98,"2,"4 from bottom, for "xxxiii," read "xxxii."
"156,"2,"12 and 13 from bottom, dele the lines.
"185,"1,"16 from bottom, for "xxxiii," read "xxiii."
"185,"1,"21""for "271," read "371."
"212,"1,"12 from top, dele "x, 203; xi, 335," and insert the same in the 2d line from top.
"287,"2,"21 from top, insert xliii, 390.
"287,"2,"3 from bottom, insert xxiv, 151.
The above errata from the printed edition have been applied to this e-text, also see further transcriber notes at the end.