
Accidents from fulminating powders, 168.
Acid, (sulphuric) lake of, 49, 58
river of, 59.
Address to the people of the Western Country, 203.
Agates, 49, 134, 236.
Alkali, a new one, 309, 310.
Alleghany mountains, 60.
Alluvial formation, 324.
Alveolites, 383.
Alumine, pure, 310.
American Geological Society, 442.
Amianthus, 55.
Analcime, at Deerfield, 134.
Antigua, silicious petrifactions of, 56
—geology of, 141.
Apatite, 236.
Apparatus, improvement on Woolf's, &c., 410.
Asbestos, 237, 243.
Asclepias lanceolata, 252.
Atwater, (Caleb, Esq.) on prairies, 116
—on Ohio, 207
—on Belmont county, 226
—on winds of the west, 276.
Augite, 244, 310.


Baldwin, (Dr. William) on RottbÖllia, 355.
Barbuda, (island of) its geology, 142.
Barrens and Prairies of the West, 116.
Barrow's travels, extract from, 148.
Barytes, (sulphat of) 63, 237, 240.
Basins, peculiar formation of, 213.
Battery, (electrical) of Dr. Dana, 292.
Beck, (Dr. John B.) on salt storms, 388.
Belmont county, Ohio, its geology, &c., 227.
Beryl of Haddam, 242.
Bigelow, (Prof.) on American climate, 76.
Blende, 50.
Blow-pipe, compound, priority of discovery and use of, 97.
Boats, steam, 8.
Bodies, dead, preservation of, 307, 8.
Bones, extraction of gelatine from, 170.
Botany, American, 5.
Brace, (Mr. John J.) on cut-worm, 154
—on minerals of Litchfield county, &c., 350.
Breccia of the Potomack, 216.
Brest, experiments at, 174.
Bridge, natural, 66, 319.
Brongniart on organized remains, 71
—his address in Paris, 74.
Brown, (Dr. Samuel) 147, 439.
Bruce, (Dr.) 3, 37, 255, 299, 439.
Bufo cornuta, 265.
Burial ground of the Aborigines, 108.
Burrstone of Indiana, 132.


Cabinet of Col. Gibbs, 6
—of B. D. Perkins and Dr. Bruce, 37.
Calendar, floral, of United States, 76
—near Philadelphia, 77
—of Plainfield, 255
—of Deerfield, 359.
Calorimotor of Prof. Hare, 413.
Calton hill, its structure, 230.
Carbonats, hard, of lime, 63
—of magnesia, pulverulent, at Hoboken, 54
—crystallized, 142.
Cave, Wier's, 59, 64, 317
—in Mount Toby, 111
—at Corydon, with Epsom salt, 133.
Caves, in Tennessee, 429.
Chabasie, at Deerfield, 49, 134.
Chalcedony in silicious wood, 57,
at Deerfield and East Haven, 134.
Characters of minerals, 43-45.
Cinnabar, in Michigan, 433.
Clays, porcelain, 57, 58, 242.
Cleaveland, (Prof.) Review of his mineralogy, 35
—notice of, 308.
Coal mines of Virginia, 125
—of Tennessee, 63
—of Ohio, 239
—of Connecticut, ibid. and 240.
College, (Medical) of Ohio, 311.
Coluber trivittata, &c., 260-262.
Comstock, (Dr.) 433.
Cooper, (Prof. Thomas) 439.
Copal, identity of, with amber, 307.
Copper-head snake, 84.
Copper, native, 55.
Cornelius, (Rev. Elias) 59, 214, 317.
Crotali, 263.
Cumberland mountain, 221-223.
Cut-worm, 154.
Cuvier's geology, 68.
Cylactis, &c., 377.


Dana, (Dr. J. F.) on electrical battery, 292
—on Myrica cerifera, 293
—on flame, 301.
Deerfield, Floral Calendar of, 359.
Delirium, intermissions of, 431.
Dewey, (Prof. Chester) his sketch, &c., 337.
Diplocea barbata, 252.
Disruption of the ground at Deerfield, 286.
Distillation of seawater, 172.
Doolittle, (Mr. Isaac) on gelatine, 170.
Drake, (Dr. Daniel) and others, 206.
Dust, atmospherical, 397.
Dwight, (Dr. B. W.) on delirium, 431.


Earthquakes of 1811 and 1812, 93.
Eaton, (Mr. Amos) on New-England geology, 69
—on Southampton level, 136.
Elliott (Stephen, Esq.) 5.
Engine, (Steam) its importance, 7.
Exoglossum (a freshwater fish) 155.


Falls in Connecticut river, 111.
Favosites, 389.
Fish, impressions of, 110.
Fisher, (Prof.) his essay, &c., 9, 179.
Flame, how affected by steam, &c., 401.
Flint, 225.
Floral calendar of the United States, 76
—Plainfield, 254
—Deerfield, 359.
Floerkea, genus, 373.
Fluor Spar, 49-52.


Galvanism, Dr. Hare's discovery in, 413.
Gambold, (Mrs.) on the Cherokee plants, 245.
Gas, (Oxygen) respiration of, 95.
Gases, (Inflammable) in Ohio, 49.
Guadaloupe, minerals from, 237.
Gelatine, how obtained from bones in Paris, 170.
Geological society, (American) 442.
Geology and mineralogy of Virginia, &c., 50, 317
—New-England, index of, 59
—Deerfield and vicinity, 107
—Indiana, 131
—Antigua, &c., 140
—introduction to the study of, 50.
Gibbs, (Col. George) on gunpowder, 87
—on light and magnetism, 89, 207
—on tourmalines, &c., 346.
Gill, (Mr. Thomas) his new lamp, 207.
Gnaphalium, new species of, 380.
Gneiss, 339.
Gorham, (Prof. John) elements of chemistry, 434.
Granite, 237, 339, 437.
Grammer, (Mr. John) on coal mines of Virginia, 125.
Graphite, 237.
Grindstones, 62.
Gunpowder, its force, how increased, 87.
Gypsum, 62, 211, 245.


Hard carbonate of lime, 63.
Hare, (Dr. Robert) his blow-pipe, 97
—on Woulfe's apparatus, 411
—his calorimotor, 413
—theoretical views, 434.
Harrodsburg salts, analysis of, 403.
Hayden, (Dr. H. H.) on new minerals, 244, 306.
Heat and light, new mode of producing, 91.
Herpetology, Thomas Say on, 256.
Hitchcock, (Mr. Ed.) on Deerfield, &c., 105
—disruption, 286
—supplement, 426.
Hoboken, carbonate of magnesia at, 54.
Hematite, brown, 236.
Hornstones, 62, 225.


Ice, (Greenland) 101.
Indiana, geology of, 131.
Insect, destructive, 328.
Intelligence, botanical, 435.
Iron ores, 50, 62, 438.
Ives, (Prof. Eli) on limosella, 74
—asclepias, 252
—the potato, 297
—gnaphalium, 380.


Java, river and lake of sulphuric acid in, 58, 59.
Jameson, (Prof.) his additions to Cuvier, 69.
Jasper, 62, 236.
Journals, scientific, 1-3
—of vegetation, 76, 77, 255, 359.


Kain, (Mr. John H.) on geology, &c., 60
—mounds and caves, 428-430.


Lane, (Ephraim) his mine, 316.
Lamp without flame, 207.
Lead ore, 53, 63
—native, in Michigan, 434.
Light, connexion between, and magnetism, 89, 207
—and heat, new mode of producing, 91.
Lime, augments the force of gunpowder, 87.
Limestone, with shells, 61
—carbonates of, 63, 131, 237, 241, 307, 341.
Limosella, description of, 74.
Lithia, a new alkali, 309.
Lithography, art of, 439.
Localities, (American) of minerals, 49.


Maclure, (William, Esq.) his geological survey, 37
—map, 61
—on geology, 209.
Magnesia, sulphat of, 49
—carbonat, 49, 54, 236
—of hydrate, 55.
Magnetic, iron mine of, 89.
Magnetism and light, their connexion, 89.
Malachite, compact, 236.
Manganese, 50.
Marten, new species of, 82.
Matches kindling without fire, 308.
Mercury, fulminating explosion of, 168.
Metal, new, 310.
Meteors, theory of, 266.
Mica, plumose, 50
—of Porto Rico, 237
—of slate, 339.
Mill stones, 62, 132.
Mineralogy, elementary works on, 38.
Minerals of Deerfield, &c., 112
—of Indiana, &c., 132
—of Southampton level, 136
—silicious, 224
—localities, by Rev. Mr. Schaeffer, 237
—American collections, of, 310.
Mineral springs, 66.
Mind, human, its operations in a diseased state, 431.
Mitchill, (Dr. S. L.) 37, 55
—his edition of Cuvier, 68.
Molybdena, 50, 238, 242.
Morey, (Samuel) his fire apparatus, 91
—steam engine, 162.
Mounds, ancient, 322, 428.
Mountains, Alleghany, 60.
Mustela vulpina, 82.
Myosurus Shortii, 379.
Myrica cerifera, analysis of, 294.


Native copper, near New-Haven, 55
—sulphur of Java, 58
Natural Bridge, 66.
Necronite, 306.
New England, its geology, 69.
Nitrate of lime and of potash, 65.
Nitre, natural, 321.
Nomenclature of minerals, 45.
Nugent, (Dr.) on Antigua, &c., 56, 141.


Ohio, notes on, 207
—its medical college, 311.
Opal, semi, 225, 237.
Ophisaurus ventralis, 262.
Organized remains, Brongniart on, 71.
Oxygen gas, respiration of, 95.


Paint, rock, 77.
Paris, porcelain of, 56.
Paris, (Dr. John Ayston) on sandstone, 234.
Passage, northwest, 101.
Peat of Dutchess county, 139.
Peril, (Mr Pelatiah) 85.
Perkins, (Dr. Benjamin) 37.
Petroleum, 49.
PhalÆna devastator, 154.
Picture of Independence, 200.
Pierce, (James, Esq.) on magnesia, 54, 142
—on Staten-Island, 143.
Plants of Cherokee country, 245.
Plumbago, 239.
Pole, north, attempts to discover the, 101.
Pomeroy, (T.) his certificate, 87.
Porcelain and porcelain clays, 57.
Porter, (Dr. J.) on vegetation at Plainfield, 254.
Potato, Prof. Ives on, 297.
Powders, fulminating, 168.
Prairies and barrens of the west, 116, 331.
Prehnite, 50, 135.
Pyrites, magnetical, 49.
Pyroxene, red, 244.


Quartz, 53, 237, 238, 241, 340, 345.


Ray (solar) connexion with magnetism, 90.
Rafinesque (C. S., Esq.) on vegetation, 77
—on mustela vulpina, 83
—on copper-head, 84
—on sponges, 149
—on Xanthium maculatum, 151
—Exoglossum, 155
—on Diplocea barbata, 252
—on discoveries in the West, 311
—on genus Floerkea, 373
—on Cylactis, &c., 377
—on Myosurus shortii, 379
—atmospheric dust, 397.
Rain, red, 309.
Refraction, (polar) effects on magnetism, 90.
Respiration of oxygen gas, 95.
Review of Cleaveland's Mineralogy, 35.
Reynolds (Dr. W. G.) on meteors, 266.
Ridge, (Blue) its geology, 217.
River, (White) in Java, 59
—In a cave, 320.
Rock paint, 67.
Rocks, transition, of East Tennessee, 61
—Of Indiana, 131
—Secondary, 213.
RottbÖllia, 355.


Sandstone, old red, 212
—of the Capitol, Washington, 215
—of Cornwall, England, 234.
Salt, its effects on vegetation, 389-391
—on animals, 394.
Salts of Harrodsburg, 403.
Say (Mr. Thomas) on Herpetology, 256
—on zoophytes, &c., 381.
Schaeffer, (Rev. F. C.) on peat, 139
—localities, 236.
Sea-water, (distilled) 172.
Seybert, (Dr. Adam) 37.
Sienite, 106.
Sheldon (Wm.) on tanning, &c., 312.
Silver, (fulminating) accidents from, 169.
Sines and Cosines, formulÆ for, 424.
Slate, argillaceous, 62, 67, 70, 342.
Smith (Professor E. D.) on earthquakes, &c., 93.
Soapstone, 62.
Society, (American Geological) 442.
Southampton level, 137.
Spar, (fluor) 49, 52.
Sponges, on Long Island, 149.
Springs, saline, 49
—mineral, 66.
Steam decomposed, 92
—engine, 93
—rotatory of S. Morey, 162.
Stilbite, 134.
Stilson (Mr. W. B.) on Indiana.
Storms, salt, 388.
Strong's (Prof.) mathematical papers, 424.
Sullivan (John S., Esq.) on heat and light, 91
—on steam engines, 157.
Sulphur, (native) 237
—springs in Indiana, 133.


Tabular view, 46, 134.
Talc, fibrous and scaly, 237.
Tanning, by means of chesnut wood, 312
—notice of a new mode of, 439.
Tar, used to afford light, 92
—to work steam engines, 164.
Tennessee, (East) its Geology, &c., 60.
Temperament, (Musical) essay on, 9, 176.
Thorax, (affection of) relieved by oxygen gas, 95.
Titanium, oxyde of, 50, 134, 355.
Tom (Mount) rests on sandstone, 109.
Torpedoes of fulminating silver, 169.
Torrey, (Dr. John) on Staurotide, &c., 437.
Tourmaline, 237.
Tourmalines of Goshen, &c., Col. Gibbs on, 346.
Trap, what it is, 51
—primitive and transition, 212.
Trumbull, (Col.) his picture of Independence, 206.
Tungsten and Tellurium, American, 312, 316, 405.


Vapour, effects of, on flame, 401.
Vauquelin, a new alkali, 310.
Vegetables, effects of their combustion, 334.
Vegetation, Journals of, 76, 77, 256, 359.
View, tabular, 46.
Virginia, geology and mineralogy of, &c., 60.


Wacke, of aqueous origin, 233
—analysis of, 296.
Warm springs, 66.
Waterhouse, (Dr. Benjamin) 37.
Webster (Dr. I. W.) on Calton Hill, 230
—letter from, 243
—on wacke, 296
—his lectures, 304
—cabinet, 305.
Wells (Mr. R. W.) on Prairies, &c., 331
—of Columbia affected by earthquakes, 93.
Western Museum Society, 203.
Williams, (Dr. Stephen) his calendar, &c., 359.
Williamstown, its geology, &c., 337.
Winds of the West, 276.
Wood, petrifactions of, 50-56
—chesnut applied to tanning, 313.
Woolf's apparatus, substitute for, 410.
Works (elementary) on mineralogy, 38.


Xanthium maculatum, 151.


Zoology, American, 5
—fossil, 381.
Zoophytes, &c., 381.


Four illustrations have been moved from their book location to be close to the text describing them. One from page 289 to p293; another from p413 to p337; another from p414 to p423; another from p448 to p91.

Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources.

Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. For example, knifeblade, knife-blade; New England, New-England; carbonat, carbonate; musqueto; illy; chesnut; connexion.

Pg 2, 'these scources' replaced by 'these sources'.
Pg 13, 'arch AGN .. VA' replaced by 'arc AGN..VA'.
Pg 14, 'Vth A´D´G' replaced by 'Vth A´D´G´'.
Pg 39, 'sooner, in might' replaced by 'sooner, it might'.
Pg 50, 'are two limited' replaced by 'are too limited'.
Pg 51, 'importance usally' replaced by 'importance usually'.
Pg 58, 'shall be acertained' replaced by 'shall be ascertained'.
Pg 60, 'Geology of the the' replaced by 'Geology of the'.
Pg 77, '20th of Ferbuary' replaced by '20th of February'.
Pg 90, 'than elswhere;' replaced by 'than elsewhere;'.
Pg 91, 'convenient mothod' replaced by 'convenient method'.
Pg 94, 'heretofore peccolated' replaced by 'heretofore percolated'.
Pg 104 Footnote [16], 'by inadventence' replaced by 'by inadvertence'.
Pg 108, 'aud three feet' replaced by 'and three feet'.
Pg 113, 'Some has' replaced by 'Some have'.
Pg 133, 'tress; insects' replaced by 'trees; insects'.
Pg 138, 'three huudred feet' replaced by 'three hundred feet'.
Pg 147, 'quantitites of sandrock' replaced by 'quantities of sandrock'.
Pg 149, 'is is not a proper' replaced by 'is not a proper'.
Pg 158, Illustration caption, 'P. IV' replaced by 'Pl. IV'.
Pg 171, 'much of the gelantine' replaced by 'much of the gelatine'.
Pg 173, 'empyxeuma arising' replaced by 'empyreuma arising'.
Pg 204, 'unknown to to all' replaced by 'unknown to all'.
Pg 238, 'Honsatonuck River' replaced by 'Housatonick River'.
Pg 247, 'Inis, low' replaced by 'Iris, low'.
Pg 249, 'Yacca filamentosa' replaced by 'Yucca filamentosa'.
Pg 257, 'eleven apicial' replaced by 'eleven apical'.
Pg 261, 'the tripple series' replaced by 'the triple series'.
Pg 269, 'situation of of the' replaced by 'situation of the'.
Pg 285, 'my own observatiou' replaced by 'my own observation'.
Pg 290, 'thrown purmiscuously' replaced by 'thrown promiscuously'.
Pg 308, 'for sometime made' replaced by 'for some time made'.
Pg 315, 'chrystallography of HaÜy' replaced by 'crystallography of HaÜy'.
Pg 315, 'in cold weather.' replaced by 'in cold water.'.
Pg 316, 'common iron pyrytes' replaced by 'common iron pyrites'.
Pg 344, 'regular octaedrons' replaced by 'regular octahedrons'.
Pg 345, 'Hill in Cattskill' replaced by 'Hill in Catskill'.
Pg 346, 'The schorl cruciforn' replaced by 'The schorl cruciform'.
Pg 359, 'Deerfield, Massachuchusetts,' replaced by 'Deerfield, Massachusetts,'.
Pg 363, 'Humingbirds arrived' replaced by 'Hummingbirds arrived'.
Pg 367, 'American hazle' replaced by 'American hazel'.
Pg 370, 'been unusully warm' replaced by 'been unusually warm'.
Pg 371, 'and mullin' replaced by 'and mullein'.
Pg 409, 'appear irreconcileable' replaced by 'appear irreconcilable'.
Pg 415, 'inerposed agents' replaced by 'interposed agents'.
Pg 416, 'corruscating flame' replaced by 'coruscating flame'.
Pg 429, 'to many visiters' replaced by 'to many visitors'.
'Diplocoea barbata, 282.' replaced by 'Diplocea barbata, 252.'.
'Localites' replaced by 'Localities'.
'Rafinesque', 'on Diplocoea barbata, 352' replaced by 'on Diplocea barbata, 252'.
'Slate', '70—342.' replaced by '70, 342.'.
'Torrey' page number '437' added.

End of Project Gutenberg's American Journal of Science, Vol. 1., by Various


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