Art. XXI. Essay on Musical Temperament.


Art. XXI. Essay on Musical Temperament. By Professor Fisher, of Yale College.

[Concluded from page 35.]

Proposition V.

To determine that position of any degree in the scale, which will render all the concords terminated by it, at a medium, the most harmonious; supposing their relative frequency given, and all the other degrees fixed.

The best scheme of temperament for the changeable scale, on supposition that all the concords were of equally frequent occurrence, is investigated in Prop. III. But it is shown, in the last Proposition, that some chords occur in practice far more frequently than others. Hence it becomes necessary to ascertain what changes in the scale above referred to, this different frequency requires. Any given degree, as C, terminates six different concords; a Vth, IIId, and 3d above, and the same intervals below it. Let the numbers denoting the frequency of these chords below C be denoted by a, b, and c, and their temperaments, before the position of C is changed, by m, n, and p: and let the frequency of the chords above C be denoted by a', b', and c', and their temperaments by m', n', and p', respectively. If, now, we regard any two of these 6 chords, whose temperaments would be diminished by moving C opposite ways, and of which the sum of the temperaments is consequently fixed, it is manifest that the more frequent the occurrence, the less ought to be the temperament. Were we guided only by the consideration of making the aggregate of dissonance heard in them in a given time, the least possible, we should make the one of most frequent occurrence perfect, and throw the whole of the temperament upon the other. Let, for example, a be greater than a', and let x be any variable distance to which C is moved, so as to diminish the temperament m, of the chord whose frequency is expressed by a. Then the temperament of a will become = m ~ x, and that of a' = m' + x. Hence, as the dissonance head in each, in a given time, is in the compound ratio of its frequency of occurrence and its temperament, their aggregate dissonance will be as a · m ~ x + a' · m' + x; a quantity which, as a is supposed greater than a', evidently becomes a minimum when x = m, or the chord, whose frequency is a, is made perfect. But in this way we render the harmony of the chords very unequal, which is, cÆteris paribus, a disadvantage. As these considerations are heterogeneous, it must be a matter of judgment, rather than of mathematical certainty, what precise weight is to be given to each. We will give so much weight to the latter consideration, as to make the temperament of each concord inversely as its frequency. We have then
a : a' :: 1 mx : 1 m' + x ; which gives x = ama'm' a + a' .

But there are six concords to be accommodated, instead of two; and it is evident that all the pairs cannot have their temperament inversely as their frequency, since the numbers a, b, &c. and m, n, &c. have no constant ratio to each other. This, however, will be the case, at a medium, if x be made such, that the sum of the products of the numbers expressing the frequency of those chords whose temperaments are increased by x, into their respective temperaments, shall be equal to the sum of the corresponding products belonging to those chords whose temperaments are diminished by x. Applying this principle to the system of temperament in Prop. III, which flattens all the concords, it is plain that raising any given degree by x will increase the temperaments of the concords above that degree, and diminish those of the concords below it. Hence it ought to be raised till (mx) a +(nx)b + (px)c = (m' + x)a + (n' + x)b' + (p + x)c' ; from which x is found = ama'm' + bnb'n' + cpc'p' a + a' + b + b' + c + c' . Should either of the temperaments be sharp, the sign of that term of the numerator, in which it occurs, must be changed; and should the total value of the expression be negative, x must be taken below C.

Proposition VI.

To determine that system of temperaments for the concords of the changeable scale, which will render it, including every consideration, the most harmonious possible.

We can scarcely expect to find any direct analytical process, which will furnish us with a solution of this complicated problem, at a single operation. We shall therefore content ourselves with a method which gradually approximates towards the desired results. The best position of any given degree, as C, supposing all the rest fixed, is determined by the last proposition. In the same manner it is evident that the constitution of the whole scale will be the best possible, when no degree in it can be elevated or depressed, without rendering the sums of the products there referred to, unequal. We can approximate to this state of the scale, by applying the theorem in Prop. V. to each of the degrees successively. It is not essential in what order the application is made; but for the sake of uniformity, in the successive approximations, we will begin with that degree which has the greatest sum a + a' + b + &c. belonging to it, and proceed regularly to that in which it is least. Making the equal temperament of Prop. III., (in which the Vths, IIIds, and 3ds are flattened, 154, 77 and 77, respectively.) the standard from which to commence the alterations in the scale required by the unequal frequency of different chords, and beginning with D, the theorem gives x = 5. Hence supposing the rest of the degrees in the scale unaltered, it will be in the most harmonious state, when D is raised 5/540 of a comma. For by the last proposition, the temperament of the six concords affected by changing the place of D is best distributed, and that of the other concords is not at all affected. We will now proceed to the second degree in the scale, viz. A; in which the application of the theorem gives x = 13. In this application, however, as D was before raised 5, m, the temperament of the Vth below A, must be taken 154 + 5; and in all the succeeding operations, when the exterior termination of any concord has been already altered, we must take its temperament, not what it was at first, but what it has become, by such previous alteration. In this manner, the scale is becoming more harmonious at every step, till we have completed the whole succession of degrees which it contains.

Let us now revert to D, the place where we began. As each of the outer extremities of the chords which are terminated by D has been changed, a new application of the theorem will give a second correction for the place of D; although, as the numbers a, a', b, &c. continue the same, it will be less than before. Continue the process through the whole scale, and a second approximation to the most harmonious state will be obtained. In this manner let the theorem be applied, till the value of x is exhausted, for every degree; and it will then be in the most harmonious state possible. Three operations gave the following results:


Bases. 1st Oper-
2d. 3d. Bases. 1st Oper-
2d. 3d.
F +18 +5 +1 B +18 +5 0
F -20 -6 -1 B +19 +5 0
E +18 +5 0 B -23 -10 -1
E +14 +5 0 A +18 +7 0
E -69 -8 -1 A +13 +4 +1
D +19 +5 +1 A -71 -7 -2
D +5 +2 +1 G +17 +5 0
D -45 -7 -2 G -14 0 0
C +18 +6 0 F +44 +5 0
C -5 -5 -2 G -46 -5 0

The sign plus denotes that the degree to which it belongs is to be raised, and minus, that it is to be depressed. The corrections in each succeeding operation are to be added to those in the preceding. The errors, in the 3d approximation, are so trifling, that a 4th would be wholly useless.

Note. The foregoing calculations will be rendered much more expeditious and sure, by reducing the theorem, in some sense, to a diagram, as in the first of the following figures; and by applying the successive corrections to the circumference of a circle divided into parts proportioned to the intervals of the enharmonic scale, as in the second.

Proposition VII.

To determine the temperaments and beats of all the concords, together with the values of the diatonic and chromatic intervals, and the lengths and vibrations per second of a string producing all the sounds, of the system resulting from the last proposition.

The temperaments of all the concords are easily deduced from Table V. The Vth CG, for example, has its lower extremity lowered 12, and its upper extremity 14. Hence it is flatter by 2 than at first, and consequently its temperament=156. The temperaments of all the concords, thus calculated, will be found in the 2d, 3d, and 4th columns of Table VII.

Having ascertained the temperaments, the value of the diatonic and chromatic intervals may be found. The Vth CG being flattened 156, and the Vth FC 139, the major tone FG must be diminished 156 + 139, or be = 4820. By thus fixing the extent of one interval after another, from the temperaments of either of the different kinds of concords, as is most convenient, the intervals in question will be found to have the values exhibited in Table VI.

Let the numbers in this table be added successively, beginning at the bottom, to the log. of 240, the number of vibrations per second of the tenor C, (see Rees's Cyc. Art. Concert Pitch,) and the numbers corresponding to these logarithms will be the vibrations in a second, of a string sounding the several degrees of the scale. They are shown in col. 6, Table VII.

Since the length of a string cÆteris paribus is inversely as its number of vibrations, the lengths in col. 5 may be deduced from the vibrations in col. 6; or more expeditiously, by subtracting the numerical distances from C of the several degrees in Table VI. from O, and taking the corresponding numbers, from the table of logarithms. These numbers, when used as logarithms, must be brought back to the decimal form, agreeably to Scholium 2. Prop. I.

To find the number of beats made in a second by any concord, it is only necessary to take from col. 5 the numbers belonging to the degrees which terminate that concord, and to multiply them crosswise into the terms of its perfect ratio. The difference of the products will be the number of beats made in a second. The 3 last columns contain the beats made by each of the concords, in 10 seconds.


C ——— ——— ——— C
2998 2998 ——— B
B ——— ——— ——— B
1831 3033
B ——— 4813
——— A
2982 1780
A ——— ——— ——— A
1871 3030
A ——— 4839
——— G
2968 1809
G ——— ——— ——— G
1814 ——— F
G ——— 1798
4820 ——— F
3006 1824
F ——— ——— ——— F
——— E
2988 2988
E ——— ——— ——— E
1870 3028
E ———
4818 ——— D
2948 1790
D ——— ——— ——— D
1835 3018
D ——— 4827
——— C
2992 1809
C ——— ——— ——— C


Bases Temperaments of the Lengths of String. Vibrations in a Second. Beats in 10 S. of the
Vths IIIds 3ds Vths. IIIds. 3ds.
B 77 51431 466,64 43,4
B 154 76 93 53574 447,98 47,4 39,0 57,8
B 147 35 97 55880 429,49 43,5 17,7 57,4
A 156 78 57448 417,77 45,1 46,2
A 153 71 107 59852 400,99 42,5 33,5 59,4
A 154 9 62487 384,08 40,4 4,0
G 151 76 75 64177 373,97 39,1 32,9 39,2
G 132 39 97 66907 358,71 32,9 16,3 48,1
F 101 68778 348,95 48,5
G 56 69760 344,03 21,9
F 154 76 83 71685 334,80 36,0 29,2 38,5
F 139 32 130 74760 321,03 30,9 11,9 57,8
E 154 78 76874 312,20 33,2 33,5
E 149 74 110 80085 299,68 30,8 25,2 45,3
E 110 13 54 83608 287,05 21,7 4,1 21,5
D 154 53 78 85868 279,50 29,6 17,0 30,0
D 144 61 112 89480 268,21 26,5 18,5 41,1
D 180 50 93342 257,12 32,0 14,8
C 156 78 82 95920 250,20 26,6 22,0 28,0
C 156 46 143 100000 240,00 25,8 12,8 47,5

Proposition VIII.

To compare the harmoniousness of the foregoing system with that of several others, which have been most known and approved.

The aggregate of dissonance, heard in any tempered concord, is as its temperament (Prop. I.) when its frequency of occurrence is given, and as its frequency of occurrence, when its temperament is given: hence, universally, it is as the product of both. The whole amount of dissonance heard in all the concords of the same name must consequently be as the sum of the products of the numbers denoting their temperaments, each into the number in Table IV. denoting its frequency. These products, for the scale of Huygens which divides the octave into 31 equal parts, of which the tone is 5 and the semi-tone 3; for the system of mean tones, and for Dr. Smith's system of equal harmony, compared with the scale of the last proposition, (cutting off the three right-hand figures) stand as follows:


Systems. Huygen's. Dr. Smith's. Mean Tones. New Scale.
Disso- { Vths 825 945 850 786
nance { IIIds 121 382 0 240
of the { 3ds 1049 629 944 683
Total 1995 1956 1794 1709

Were we to adhere to Dr. Smith's measure of equal harmony, the rows of products belonging to the Vths, IIIds, and 3ds, must be divided, respectively, by ?, 1/10, and 1/13 (the reciprocals of half the products of the terms of their perfect ratios,) before they could be properly added to express the whole amount of dissonance heard in all the concords; but, according to Prop. I. the simple products ought to be added, and the sums at the bottom of the table will express the true ratio of the aggregate dissonance of the systems under which they stand. The last has decidedly the advantage over the first, both in regard to the aggregate dissonance, and the equality of its distribution among the different classes of concords. It has nearly an equal advantage over the second in regard to the first of these considerations; although in regard to the equality of distribution, the latter has slightly the advantage. It has, in a small degree, the advantage over the third, in regard to the aggregate dissonance; while, as it respects the equality of its distribution, it has the decided preference. It is true that the temperaments of the concords of the same name, in the new scale, are not as in the others, absolutely equal; but no one of them is so large as to give any offence to the nicest ear. The largest in the whole scale exceeds the uniform temperament of Dr. Smith's Vths by only 1/18 of a comma.

Scholium 1.

The above system may be put in practice on the organ, by making the successive Vths CG, GD, DE, &c. beat flat at the rate contained in Table VII., descending an octave, where necessary, and doubling the number of beats belonging to any degree in the table, when the Vth to be tuned has its base in the octave above the treble C. The tenor C must first be made to vibrate 240 in a second, the methods of doing which are detailed at length in various authors. Whenever a IIId results from the Vths tuned, its beats ought to be compared with those required in the table, and the correctness of the Vths thus proved. This system is as easy, in practice, as any other; for no one can be tuned correctly except by counting the beats, and rendering them conformable to what that system requires. The intervals of the first octave tuned ought to be adjusted with the utmost accuracy, by a table of beats. When this is done, the labour of making perfect the other octaves of the same stop, and the unisons, octaves, Vths, &c. of the other stops, is the same in every system. This last, indeed, is so much the most laborious part of the tuning of the organ, that if even much more labour were required than actually is, in adjusting the intervals of the octave first tuned it would occasion little difference in the whole.

Scholium 2.

The harmony of the IIIds and 3ds in any of the foregoing systems for the changeable scale is so much finer than it can possibly be in the common Douzeave, that it seems highly desirable that this scale should be introduced into general use. But the increased bulk and expense attendant on the introduction of so many new pipes or strings, together with the trouble occasioned to the performer, in rectifying the scale for music in the different keys, have hitherto prevented its becoming generally adopted. To multiply the number of finger keys would render execution on the instrument extremely difficult; and the apparatus necessary for transferring the action of the same key from one string or set of pipes to another, besides being complicated and expensive, requires such exactness that it must be continually liable to get out of order. This latter expedient, however, has been deemed the only practicable one, and has been carried into effect, under different forms, by Dr. Smith, Mr. Hawkes, M. Loeschman, and others. But Dr. Smith's plan (which is confined to stringed instruments) requires only one of the unisons to be used at once; while those of the two latter nearly double the whole number of strings or pipes. It deserves an experiment, among the makers of imperfect instruments, whether a changeable scale cannot be rendered practicable, at least on the piano forte,[26] without increasing the number of strings, and at the same time allowing both the unisons to be used together—either by an apparatus for slightly increasing the tension of the strings, or by one which shall intercept the vibrations of such a part of the string, at its extremity, as shall elevate its tone, by the diesis of the system of temperament adopted. Were only 4 degrees to the octave, furnishing the instrument with 5 sharps and 4 flats, thus rendered changeable, there is little music which could not be correctly executed upon it.

Scholium 3.

In the same general manner, may be found the best system of intervals, for a scale confined to a less number of degrees than that of the complete Enharmonic scale. In such an investigation, the numbers in Table IV. expressing the frequency of all such adjacent degrees as have but one sound in the given scale, must be united; and the temperaments m, n, &c. of the theorem, when belonging to concords whose terminating degrees are united to those adjacent, must be taken, not what they were in the complete scale, but what they become, considering them as terminated by the substituted adjacent degree.

If, for example, the best temperaments were required for a scale of 15 degrees to the octave, such as is that of some European organs, or in other words, having no Enharmonic intervals except D E, and G A,—the numbers in Table IV. belonging to C and D, E and F, F and G, &c. must be united, and their sums substituted when they occur, for a, a', b, &c. in the theorem; while the temperament, for example, of the IIId on C must not be reckoned 77 as in the complete scale, but 1261 – 77 sharp, since its upper termination has become F, instead of E. With these variations let the same theorem be applied as before, till no value of x can be obtained, and the temperaments for that scale will be the best adjusted possible.

But as the scale which contains but 13 degrees, or 12 intervals, to the octave, is in much more general use than every other, we shall content ourselves with stating how the problem may be solved for scales containing any intermediate number of degrees, and proceed directly to the consideration of that which is so much the most practically important.


No arrangement of the intervals in the common scale of 12 degrees, which renders none of the Vths or 3ds sharp, and none of the IIIds flat, can make any change in the aggregate temperaments of all the concords of the same name.

We will conceive the 12 Vths of the Douzeave scale to be arranged in succession, as CG, GD, DA, &c. embracing 7 octaves. Let them at first be all equal: they will each be flattened 49. I say that no change in these Vths which preserves the two extreme octaves perfect, and renders none of them sharp, can alter the sum of their temperaments. Let a, b, c, &c. be any quantities, positive or negative, by which the points C, G, D, &c. may be conceived to be raised above the corresponding points, belonging to the scheme of equal Vths. Then as the mean temperament Vth = V – 49, the first Vth in the supposed arrangement will be V – 49 + a. The distance from C to D will be, in like manner, 2 · (V – 49) + b; and consequently the Vth GD will be V – 49 + ba. In the same manner the third Vth DE will be V – 49 + cb, &c. Hence the temperament of CG = -49 + a, of GD = -49 + ba, of DA = -49 + cb, &c. Adding the 12 temperaments together, we find their sum = -12 × 49 + a + b + &c. – ab – &c. in which all the terms except the first destroy each other, and leave their sum = –12 × 49 which is the aggregate temperament of the twelve equal Vths in the scheme of equal semitones.

The same reasoning holds good if we bring these Vths within the compass of an octave; since, if the octave be kept perfect, all the Vths on the same letter, in whatever octave they are situated, must have the same temperament.

The reasoning is precisely the same for the IIIds and 3ds, considering the former as forming 4 distinct series of an octave each, beginning with C, C, D and E; and the latter as forming 3 distinct series of an octave each, beginning with C, C and D. If the former be made all equal, each will be sharpened 343; if the latter be made equal, each will be flattened 392. In every system which renders none of the former flat, and none of the latter sharp, the sum of their temperaments will be 12 × 343, and 12 × 392, respectively.

Cor. The demonstration holds equally true, whatever be the magnitude of a, b, c, &c.: only if they be such that the difference –a + b, –b + c, &c. of any two successive ones be greater than the temperament of the corresponding concord in the system of equal semitones, the temperament of that chord must be reckoned negative, and the sum, in the enunciation of the proposition, must be considered as the excess of those temperaments which have the same sign with those of the same concords in the system of equal semitones, above those which have the contrary sign. Hence it is universally true that the excess of the flat above the sharp temperaments of the Vths is equal to 12 × 49; that the excess of the sharp above the flat temperaments of the IIIds is equal to 12 × 343; and that the excess of the flat above the sharp temperaments of the 3ds is 12 × 392. Hence likewise we have a very easy method of proving whether the temperaments of any given system have been correctly calculated. It is only to add those which have the same sign; and if the differences of the sums be equal to the products just stated, the work is right.

Proposition IX.

If all the concords of the same name, in a scale of twelve intervals to the octave, were of equally frequent occurrence, the best system of temperament would be that of equal semitones.

It is evidently best, so far as the concords of the same name are concerned, that if of equal frequency, they should be equally tempered, unless by rendering them unequal, their medium temperament could be diminished; but this appears, from the Lemma, to be impossible. By tempering them unequally, the aggregate dissonance heard in a given time, by supposition of their equal frequency, would not be diminished, whilst the disadvantage of a transition from a better to a worse harmony would be incurred. Some advocates of irregular systems of temperament have, indeed, maintained this irregularity to be a positive advantage, as giving variety of character to the different keys. But this variety of character is obviously neither more nor less than that of greater and less degrees of dissonance. Now, what performer on a perfect instrument ever struck his intervals false, for the sake of variety? Who was ever gratified by the variety produced in vocal music by a voice slightly out of tune? If this be absurd, when applied to instruments capable of perfect harmony, it is scarcely less so to urge variety of character as being of itself a sufficient ground for introducing large temperaments into the scale. For these large temperaments will have nearly the same effect, compared with the smaller ones, that small temperaments would have, when compared with the perfect harmony of voices and perfect instruments. Possibly a discordant interval, or a concord largely tempered, might, in a few instances, add to the resources of the composer. But when an instrument is once tuned, the situation of these intervals is fixed beyond his control, and by occurring in a passage where his design required the most perfect harmony, it might as often thwart as favour the intended effect.

Since, then, the proposition is true in reference to the Vths, IIIds, and 3ds, when separately considered, it will be equally true when they are considered jointly, that is, as formed into harmonic triads, unless, by rendering the concords of the same name unequal in their temperament, the mean temperament of the Vths could be increased, and that of the IIIds and 3ds proportionally diminished. Could this be done, it might be a question whether the more equal distribution of the temperament among the concords of different names, might not justify the introduction of some inequality among those of the same name. But it is demonstrated in the Lemma, that the sum of the temperaments of each parcel of concords, in the system of equal semitones, is the least possible. Hence no changes in the Vths can diminish the average temperaments of the IIIds and 3ds.

Cor. Hence we derive an important practical conclusion: that whatever irregularities are introduced into the scale, must be such as are demanded by the different frequency of occurrence of the several concords. If we make any alterations in the scale of equal semitones, this must be our sole criterion. A given system of temperament is eligible, in proportion to the accuracy with which it is deduced from the different frequency of the different concords. And those who maintain that the frequency of different intervals does not sensibly vary, or that it is of such a nature as not to be susceptible of calculation, must, to be consistent, adhere to the scale of equal semitones.

Proposition X.

To determine the best distribution of the temperaments of the concords in the Douzeave Scale.

As the scale of equal semitones has been demonstrated to be the best, on supposition that all the concords of the same name occurred equally often, it ought to be made the standard from which all the variations, required by their unequal frequency, are to be reckoned. To find a set of numbers expressing the relative frequency of the several concords in the common scale, we have only to unite the numbers in Table IV. standing against those adjacent degrees which have but one sound in this scale. They will then stand as in the following table:


Bases. Vths, 4ths, and Octaves. IIIds, 6ths, and Octaves. 3ds, VIths, and Octaves.
B 221 135 1161
B 418 654 34
A 870 568 1085
G 57 82 365?
G 1207 1197 567¼
F 67 29½ 1072
F 639 924 78
E 548 323 1151
E 265? 363½ 144½
D 1166 943 569
C 26 18 581
C 816 1131 184

The general theorem of Prop. V. is equally applicable to the determination of the approximate place for any degree in this scale, considering the numbers in the above table as those to be substituted for a, a', b, &c.; and m, n, and p, in the first instance, as 49, –343 and 392, the uniform temperaments of the Vths, IIIds, and 3ds, in the scale of equal semitones. Since, however, the temperaments of the IIIds in this scale are sharp, which would require the signs of the 3d and 4th terms in the numerator of the general formula to be continually changed, it will be rendered more convenient for practice, if they are changed at first, so that it will stand thus:
x = ama'm'bn + b'n' + cpc'p' a + a' + b + b' + c + c' .

Three successive applications of this theorem to each degree in the scale, in the manner described Prop. VI., will bring them very near to the required position, as appears by the smallness of the corrections in the 3d column below, where the results of the several operations are exhibited at one view.


Bases. First Operation. Second Operation. Third Operation.
B -140 -35 -2
B +308 +33 -1
A -8 -23 +2
G -257 -22 -2
G +107 +24 -8
F -264 -7 0
F +238 +40 +6
E -80 -34 -4
E +157 +2 -4
D +58 + 8 0
C -352 -29 -1
C +176 +29 +4

Cor. Hence we may deduce, in the same manner as in Prop. VII., the diatonic and chromatic intervals, the lengths of a string and their vibrations in a second, and the temperaments and beats of all the concords for the scale which results from the foregoing computations. They may be seen in the two following tables:



C ——— ——— C
2895 2895
B ——— ——— B
4869 ——— B
A ——— ——— A
4865 ——— G
G ——— ——— G
4856 ——— F
F ——— ——— F
2911 2911
E ——— ——— E
4833 ——— E
D ——— ——— D
4874 ——— C
C ——— ——— C


Bases. Temperaments of the Lengths of Strings. Vibrations per Second. Beats in 10 Seconds of the
Vths IIIds 3ds Vths IIIds 3ds
B 143 675 149 53446 449,04 44,0 352,8 92,4
B 105 69 1114 55954 428,92 30,8 34,0 155,2
A 138 10. 154 59787 401,42 38,6 4,6 85,2
G 387 833 288 63712 376,79 98,7 360,5 155,4
G 106 43 175 66874 358,88 26,4 17,6 86,8
F 160 954 150 71496 335,68 37,2 372,8 69,8
F 124 30 957 74786 320,92 27,6 10,8 143,0
E 108 180 151 79970 300,10 22,2 66,6 62,0
E 136 311 818 84194 285,06 26,6 102,2 186,6
D 144 6 174 89384 268,50 26,6 2,2 64,0
C 52 1009 128 95682 250,83 10,9 295,3 44,8
C 135 16 446 100000 240,00 22,4 4,0 147,0

Nothing in the above tables will need explanation, except the anomalous sharp beats of the 3ds, in the last column. These are derived from the perfect ratio 6 : 7, because these 3ds are, in reality, much nearer to the ratio of 6 : 7 than to that of 5 : 6; and hence could their beats be counted, they would be those of the table, and not those which would be derived from considering these 3ds as having flat temperaments of the ratio 5 : 6. But although the beats are slower, the nearer they approach the ratio 6 : 7, this ought not to be regarded as any sufficient reason for admitting so large temperaments into the scale, were it not absolutely necessary, in order to accommodate those 3ds which are of far more frequent occurrence. Although the beats of these 3ds grow slower as their temperaments are increased, yet they are losing their character in melody; and become, in this respect, more and more offensive, the more they are tempered. Hence the harmony and melody of the several intervals, jointly considered, are to be judged of rather from their temperaments, in the three first columns, than from their beats, in the three last.

Scholium 1.

It will be perceived, from a comparison of the temperaments in Table XII. with the corresponding numbers in Table IX., that the harshness of the several concords, especially of the IIIds and 3ds, is, in general, nearly in the inverse ratio of their frequency. The contending claims of the different concords render it impossible that this ratio should hold exactly. Including the Vths, the harmony of the concords is much more nearly equal, than the principle of rendering the temperament of each inversely as its frequency, could it be carried into complete effect, would require.

Scholium 2.

The foregoing system may be put in practice, on the organ, by making the Vths beat flat, with the exception of those on C, E, and G, which must beat sharp, at the rate required in the table; proving the correctness of the temperaments of the Vths, by comparing the beats of the IIIds, as they rise, with those required by column two. Should less accuracy be required, the IIIds on C, D, and A, might be made perfect, without producing any essential change in the system. This would reduce the labour of counting the beats to eight degrees only.

Scholium 3.

To show that the computations of the different frequency of occurrence of the different concords, on which this system of temperament is founded, may be relied on as practically correct, for music in general, it may be proper to state, that a similar series of calculations had been before made, from an enumeration of the concords in fifty scores of music entirely different from that made use of in Prop. IV. They were not, indeed, made with the same accuracy, for the music of which the chords were counted, was too generally of the simpler kind, and the numbers corresponding to those in the two columns under each concord in Table II., and those belonging to the major and to the minor signatures, corresponding to the numbers in Table III., were added, before the products were taken, instead of keeping the modes distinct, which is necessary to perfect accuracy. Yet the resulting scheme of temperament was essentially the same throughout, with the one which has been just described. It had the same anomalous temperaments, viz. the Vths on C, E, and G; and the IIId on A; and these anomalies were similar in degree. The greatest difference between any two corresponding temperaments, was between those of the 3d on E; the first computation making it only 702, while the last has it 818.

Proposition XI.

The aggregate of dissonance, heard in a given time, in the system of temperament unfolded in the last Proposition, will be less than in either of the systems generally practised.

In order to compare the foregoing system with those which have been most generally approved, the temperaments of all the concords have been calculated, in the system of equal semitones; in that of Earl Stanhope, which has had considerable celebrity; in that of Dr. T. Young; in that of Mr. Hawkes; in that of Kirnberger, which has been extensively adopted in Germany; and in that which is described by Rousseau and D'Alembert as generally practised in France. If these temperaments be multiplied into the corresponding numbers of Table IX., agreeably to what was shown under Prop. VIII., and those products which belong to the several concords of the same name be added, the sums, after the three right-hand figures are cut off, will be as follows:


Systems. Mean Temp. Young's. Kirnber-
French. Stan-
Hawkes'. New Scale.
Disso- { Vths 309 494 681 561 595 665 810
nance {IIIds 2184 1541 1397 1346 1175 925 530
of the { 3ds 2740 2448 2019 2121 1992 1676 1363
Total 5233 4483 4097 4028 3762 3266 2703

From an inspection of the sums at the foot of the table, it will be seen that the amount of dissonance heard in a given time is decidedly less in the new scale than in either of the others; and that it is scarcely more than half as great as in the scale of equal semitones. On the other hand, the temperament is very unequally distributed, which must be admitted, cÆteris paribus, to be a disadvantage. It is even somewhat greater than in the scheme of Mr. Hawkes, although by no means in the same ratio, as the aggregate dissonance is less. It contains one Vth, which will be somewhat harsh, and four IIIds and three 3ds, which will be quite harsh. But these, as will appear from an inspection of Table IX., are, of all others, of by far the most unfrequent occurrence; so that the unpleasant effect of a transition from a better to a much worse harmony will be very seldom felt. In the six simplest keys of the major, and in the three of most frequent occurrence in the minor mode, they are never heard, except in occasional modulations; and even then, generally no one, and rarely more than one is heard. Now these nine keys, as will appear from Table III., comprise more than five times as much of the music examined as all the rest. The same remarks might be extended to three other minor keys, were it not that the sharp seventh is so generally used, that it deserves to be considered as an essential note of the key.

But there are two important considerations, more than counterbalancing the objection to this system, derived from the greater inequality in the distribution of its temperaments, which have not been hitherto noticed, as not being susceptible of mathematical computation.

1st. We have gone on the supposition that tunes on the more difficult keys are as often performed, according to their number, as those on the simpler keys; and have taken for the measure of dissonance, in different systems, what would be actually heard, if the 1600 scores, whose signatures were examined, were all played in succession, and on the keys to which they are set. But the fact is, that those pieces which are set to the simpler keys are oftener played, and with fuller harmony, on account of the greater ease of execution, than those in which many of the short finger keys must be used.

2d. Pieces on the more difficult keys are often played on the adjacent easier keys, but the contrary is seldom or never done.

Giving to these two considerations no more than a reasonable weight, they will counterbalance the objection, and will render it evident that the sums under the several systems in the table may be taken as a true exhibition of their respective merits, without any injustice to the more equal systems at the left-hand of the table.

Cor. We may hence draw a comparison between the systems in common use. Their merits, when every consideration is taken into view, are nearly in the inverse ratio of the sums denoting their aggregate dissonance. That of Mr. Hawkes is the best, and, in many respects, has a remarkable analogy to the one derived from the preceding investigations.

Cor. 2. As the aggregate dissonance of the changeable scale is calculated on the same principles, in Prop. VIII., as that of the Douzeave in this, a comparison of the results in Table VIII. with those in Table XIII., will furnish us with the relative dissonance of different systems for these different scales. The relative dissonance of the two systems which form the object of this essay, is nearly as 17 : 27. Hence it appears, that by inserting eight new sounds between those of the common octave, the harshness of the music executed, at a medium of all the keys, may be diminished by more than one third of the whole, while the transition from a better to a worse harmony will never be perceived.


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