
In Professor Sars' "Crustacea of Norway," quite a number of the British species of woodlice are figured in detail and described in English, but few copies of this fine work are to be met with in our country. The Rev. Canon Norman has from time to time published notes on the British species in "The Annals and Magazine of Natural History;" these are, however, scattered, and contain but few figures, while other literature that exists is out of date. Under these circumstances, we have thought that the following account and figures of all the British species would be useful to those anxious to work at the woodlice, and might also encourage others to pay attention to the distribution and habits of the interesting tribe to which they belong.

The writers would welcome any corrections or additions in view of a second edition.


Odstock, Hanwell, December, 1905.


Introduction 1
Geological history 1
External structure and appendages 2
Alimentary canal 6
Circulatory system 7
Excretory system 7
Nervous system 8
Reproductive organs 8
Development 9
Habits and Economic considerations 12
Local names 15
Methods of collections and preservation 16
Classification 17
Scheme of classification and synopsis of generic characters 18
British Species 19
Section—LigiÆ 19
Family—LigiidÆ 19
Genus—Ligia Fabricius 19
Ligia oceanica LinzÉ 19
Genus—Ligidium Brandt 21
Ligidium hypnorum Cuvier 21
Family—TrichoniscidÆ 22
Genus—Trichoniscus Brandt 22
Trichoniscus pusillus Brandt 22
Trichoniscus vividus Koch 23
Trichoniscus roseus Koch 24
Genus—Trichoniscoides, Sars 25
Trichoniscoides albidus Budde-Lund 25
Genus—Haplophthalmus Schobl 26
Haplophthalmus mengii Zaddach 26
Haplophthalmus danicus Budde-Lund 27
Family—OniscidÆ 27
Genus—Oniscus LinnÉ 27
Oniscus asellus LinnÉ 27
Genus—Philoscia Latreille 29
Philoscia muscorum Scopoli 29
Philoscia couchii Kinahan 30
Genus—Platyarthrus Brandt 30
Platyarthrus hoffmannseggii Brandt 30
Genus—Porcellio Latreille 32
Porcellio scaber Latreille 32
Porcellio pictus Brandt and Ratzeburg 33
Porcellio dilatatus Brandt 33
Porcellio rathkei Brandt 34

Porcellio laevis Latreille 35
Porcellio ratzeburgii Brandt 36
Genus—Metoponorthus Budde-Lund 37
Metoponorthus pruinosus Brandt 37
Metoponorthus cingendus Kinahan 38
Genus—Cylisticus Schnitzler 38
Cylisticus convexus De Geer 39
Family—ArmadillidiidÆ 40
Genus—Armadillidium Brandt 40
Armadillidium nasatum Budde-Lund 40
Armadillidium vulgare Latreille 41
Armadillidium pulchellum Zencker 42
Armadillidium depressum Brandt 43
Distribution of species 43
Conclusion 43
Bibliography 45


PLATES I.-XXV. with a List, will be found at the end of the Book.

1. Parts of the body (Oniscus asellus) 2
2. The first antenna (Oniscus asellus) 2
3. The second antenna (Oniscus asellus) 3
4. The underside of the head (Oniscus asellus) 3
5. The mandibles (Oniscus asellus) 4
6. The first maxillae (Oniscus asellus) 4
7. The second maxillae (Oniscus asellus) 4
8. The fused maxillipeds (Oniscus asellus) 4
9. The "upper lip" (Oniscus asellus) 5
10. The "lower lip" (Oniscus asellus) 5
11. A typical thoracic segment (Oniscus asellus) 5
12. The fifth thoracic segment of a female (Oniscus asellus) 5
13. The underside of the abdomen of a female (Oniscus asellus) 6
14. A typical abdominal appendage (Oniscus asellus) 6
15. The first abdominal appendage of the male (Oniscus asellus) 6
16. The second abdominal appendage of the male (Oniscus asellus) 6
17. The alimentary canal (Oniscus asellus) 7
18. The circulatory system (Oniscus asellus) 7
19. The nervous system (Oniscus asellus) 8
20. Female reproductory organs (Oniscus asellus) 8
21. The male reproductory organs (Oniscus asellus) 9
22. The fertilized egg (Porcellio scaber) after Roule 10
23. The fertilized egg seen in section (Porcellio scaber) after Roule 10
24 to 31. The development of a woodlouse (Porcellio scaber) after Roule 10
32. Embryo of the woodlouse showing the three divisions of the intestine separately developed (Porcellio scaber) after Roule 11
33. Embryo of the woodlouse showing traces of the segments (Porcellio scaber) after Roule 11
34. An embryo woodlouse ready to be hatched (Porcellio scaber) after Roule 11
35. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Ligia oceanica 12
36. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Ligidium hypnorum 13
37. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Trichoniscus pusillus 23
38. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Trichoniscus vividus 24
39. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Trichoniscus roseus 24

40. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Trischoniscoides albidus 25
41. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Haplophthalmus mengii 26
42. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Haplophthalmus danicus 27
43. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Oniscus asellus 28
44. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Philoscia muscorum 29
45. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Philoscia couchii 30
46. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Platyarthrus hoffmannseggii 31
47. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Porcellio scaber 32
48. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Porcellio pictus 33
49. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Porcellio dilatatus 34
50. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Porcellio rathkei 35
51. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Porcellio laevis 35
52. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Porcellio ratzeburgii 36
53. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Metoponorthus pruinosus 37
54. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Metoponorthus cingendus 38
55. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Cylisticus convexus 39
56. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Armadillidium nasatum 40
57. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Armadillidium vulgare 41
58. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Armadillidium pulchellum 42
59. Flagellum and last peduncular joint of the antenna of Armadillidium depressum 43


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