In Crown 8vo, Cloth Gilt. Price 6s. RUSSIA OF TO-DAY BY E. VON DER BRÜGGEN THE TIMES says:— "Few among the numerous books dealing with the Russian Empire which have appeared of late years will be found more profitable than Baron von der BrÜggen's 'Das Heutige Russland,' an English version of which has now been published. The impression which it produced in Germany two years ago was most favourable, and we do not hesitate to repeat the advice of the German critics by whom it was earnestly recommended to the notice of all political students. The author's reputation has already been firmly established by his earlier works on 'The Disintegration of Poland' and 'The Europeanization of Russia,' and in the present volume his judgment appears to be as sound as his knowledge is unquestionable." Autumn Impressions BY I. GIBERNE SIEVEKING AUTHOR OF Once or twice, in every life—it may be in one form, it may be in another—there comes one day the possibility of a glimpse through the Magic Gates of Idealism. Some of us are not close enough to the opening gates to catch a sight of what lies beyond, but in the eyes of those who have seen—there is from that moment an ineffaceable, unforgettable longing. Printer's mark WITH ILLUSTRATIONS LONDON TO FRANCE— |