The same Drawing-room. SCENE I.(Mr. Podczaski enters, followed by a servant.) Podczaski.—Tell the Doctor that Mr. Podczaski wishes to see him on an important matter. Servant.—The Doctor is very busy. The princess is ill. But I will tell him (goes out). Podczaski (alone).—I have enough of this work for nothing. The countess sends me about to agitate for her, but when I ask her for some money, she answers: We shall see about it after the election. She is an aristocrat and she refuses a hundred florins to a nobleman. To the deuce with such business. I had better try elsewhere, to serve the Doctor. He pays because he has common sense. And as he will bite them, then I will rise in consideration. SCENE II.Podczaski. Jozwowicz. Podczaski.—Your servant, sir. Doctor.—What can I do for you? Podczaski.—Well, sir, I am going to come right to the point. You know what services I have rendered the Countess Miliszewski? Doctor.—Yes, you have been agitating against me in favor of Count Miliszewski. Podczaski.—No, not at all, sir. Well, sir, it was so, but I am going to change that, and you may be certain— Doctor.—In a word, what do you wish, sir? Podczaski.—God sees, sir, that I served the countess faithfully, and it cost me quite a little, but on consulting my conscience I have concluded not to act any more against such a man as you, sir, for the sake of the country. Doctor.—I appreciate your sentiments, which are those of a good citizen. You do not wish to act against me any longer? Podczaski.—No, sir! Doctor.—You are right. Then you are with me? Podczaski.—If I may offer my services— Doctor.—I accept. Podczaski (aside).—He is a man—I have a hundred florins in my pocket already. (Aloud) My gratitude— Doctor.—Mine will be shown after the election. Podczaski.—Oh! SCENE III.The same. Jan Miliszewski—then Anton. Jan.—Good-morning, doctor. Is my mother here? Doctor.—The countess is not here. Jan.—We came together, but mamma went directly to the prince's apartment. I remained alone and I cannot find my way to the prince's apartment. (Seeing Podczaski, who bows to him) Ah! Mr. Podczaski, what are you doing here? Podczaski.—Your servant, sir. Well, I came to consult the doctor—I have rheumatism in my feet. Jan.—Doctor, will you be kind enough to show me to the Prince's apartment? Doctor.—They are in the left wing of the chÂteau. Jan.—Thank you. But later I would like to have a talk with you. Doctor.—I will be at your service, sir. (Jan goes toward the door. He knocks against Anton.) Anton.—I beg your pardon, sir. Jan.—Pardon (he adjusts his monocle and looks at Anton—then goes out). Anton (to Doctor).—I was told you were here and I rushed. Listen, a matter of great importance. (Seeing Podczaski) What! You are here? Our adversary here? Podczaski (speaking in Anton's ear).—I am no longer your adversary. Anton (looking at him).—So much the better then—but leave us alone just the same. Podczaski (aside).—Bad. (Aloud) Gentleman, do not forget me. (Aside) Anton.—What did he wish? Doctor.—Money. Anton.—Did you give it to him? Doctor.—No. Anton.—You did well. We do not bribe. But no matter about that. What good luck that they put up Miliszewski for a candidate. Otherwise you would be lost because Husarski would have had the majority. Doctor.—Anton, I am sure that we will be defeated. Anton.—No! What am I for? Uf! How tired I am. Let me rest for five minutes (he sits down). Good gracious! how soft the furniture is here. We must donate some money for some public purpose. Have you any money? Doctor.—I have some. Anton.—We are going to give that money to build a school. Doctor.—Here is the key of my desk—you will find some ready money there, and some checks. Anton.—Very well, but I must rest a moment. In the mean while what is the news here? You are not looking well. Your eyes have sunken. Upon my word, I was not so much in love with my wife. Speak—I will rest in the mean while—but speak frankly. Doctor.—I will be frank with you. Anton.—What more? Doctor.—That marriage will be broken off. Anton.—Why. Doctor.—Because there are times when these people do not succeed in anything. Anton.—To the garret with those peacocks. And what about that cannibal Pretwic? Doctor.—A long story. The princess has mistaken the sympathy which she feels for him for something more serious. To-day she knows that she does not love him. Anton.—That is good. Truly, it looks as though they were pursued by fate. It is the lot of races that have lived too long. Doctor.—Implacable logic of things. Anton.—Then she is not going to marry him. I pity them, but to the deuce with sentimentality! Doctor.—She would marry him if it killed her to keep her word. But there is a third person entangled in the matter—Count Drahomir. Anton.—At every step one meets a count! He betrays Pretwic? Doctor.—What a blockhead you are. Anton.—Well, frankly speaking, I do not care one whit for your drawing-room affairs. Doctor.—Drahomir and she do not know that they love each other. But something attracts them to each other. What is that force? They do not ask. They are like children. Anton.—And how will you profit from all this? Doctor.—Listen, you democrat. When two knights are in love with one noble damsel, that love usually ends dramatically—and the third party usually gets the noble damsel. Anton.—And the knights? Doctor.—Let them perish. Anton.—What then do you suppose will happen? Doctor.—I do not know. Pretwic is a passionate man. He does not foresee anything—I see only the logic of things which is favorable to me, and I shall not be stupid enough to place any obstacles to my happiness. Anton.—I am sure you will help it along in case of need. Doctor.—Well, I am a physician. It is my duty to assist nature. Anton.—The programme is ready. I know you. I only wish to ask you how you know what you say is so. Maybe it is only a story. Doctor.—I can have verification of it through the princess's ex-governess. Anton.—You must know as soon as possible. Doctor.—Mrs. Czeska will be here in a moment. I asked her to come here. Anton.—Then I am going. Do you know what? Do not help nature too much, because it would be— SCENE IV.The same. Mrs. Czeska. Czeska (entering).—You wished to speak to me? Doctor.—Yes, madam. Anton (bows to Mrs. Czeska, then speaks to Jozwowicz).—I am going to get the money and I will be back in a moment. Doctor.—Very well. (Anton goes out.) Czeska.—Who is that gentleman? Doctor.—A pilot. Czeska.—What do you mean? Doctor.—He guides the boat in which I am sailing. As for the rest, he is a horribly honest man. Czeska.—I do not understand very well. What did you wish to speak to me about? Doctor.—About the princess. You are both like mother and daughter, and you should have her entire confidence. What is the matter with her? She conceals something—some sorrow. As a doctor I must know everything, because in order to cure physical disease one must know the moral cause. (Aside) The spirit of Aesculapius forgive me this phrase. Czeska.—My good sir, what are you asking about? Doctor.—I have told you that the princess conceals some sorrow. Czeska.—I do not know. Doctor.—We both love her; let us then speak frankly. Czeska.—I am willing. Doctor.—Then, does she love her fiancÉ? Czeska.—How can you ask me such a question? If she did not, she would not be betrothed to him. It is such a simple thing that even I do not talk to her about it any more. Doctor.—You say: "I do not talk about it any more"; so you have already talked about it. Czeska.—Yes. She told me that she was afraid she did not love him enough. But every pure soul fears that it does not fulfil its duty. Why did you ask me that? Doctor (saluting her).—I have my reasons. I wished to know. (Aside) I am wasting my time with her. SCENE V.The same. Jan Miliszewski. Jan.—I could not find mamma. Good-morning, madam. Do I intrude? Czeska.—Not at all, sir. (To Jozwowicz) She will do her duty; rest assured of that. Doctor.—Thank you. (Czeska goes out.) Jan.—Doctor. Doctor.—I am listening to you, sir. Jan.—Let us speak frankly. Mamma wishes me to become a member of parliament, but I do not care for it. Doctor.—You are too modest, sir. Jan.—You are sneering, and I do not know how to defend myself. But I am frank with you—I would not care a bit about being elected to parliament if it were not for my mamma. When mamma wishes for something it must be accomplished. All women of the family of Srokoszynski are that way, and mamma is of that family. Doctor.—But, count, you have a will of your own. Jan.—That is the trouble—the Miliszewskis are all ruled by the women. It is our family characteristic, sir. Doctor.—A knightly characteristic indeed! But what can I do for you? Jan.—I am not going to oppose you. Doctor.—I must be as frank with you as you are with me. Until now you have helped me. Jan.—I don't know how, but if it is so, then you must help me in your turn. Doctor.—In what? Jan.—It is a very delicate question. But you must not tell mamma anything about it. Doctor.—Certainly not. Jan.—Mamma wishes me to marry the princess, but I, sir, I do not want— Doctor.—You do not want? Jan.—It astonishes you? Doctor.—I must be frank— Jan.—I do not wish to because I do not wish to. When a man does not feel like marrying, then he does not feel like it. You will suppose that I am in love with some one else? It may be. But it is not with the princess. Naturally, when mamma says: "Jan, go ahead," I go ahead, because I cannot help it. The Miliszewskis knew how to manage the men, but not the women. Doctor.—I do not understand—how can I be useful to you? Jan.—You can do anything in this house, so you must help me secretly, to be refused. Doctor.—Count, you may rely on me in that matter. Jan.—Thank you. Doctor.—And it will be so much the easier done because the princess is betrothed. Jan.—I did not know that any one dared to compete with me. Doctor (aside).—What an idea! (Aloud) It is Mr. George Pretwic. Jan.—Then they wished to make sport of me. Doctor.—Mr. Pretwic is an audacious man. You were perfectly right when you said the question was a delicate one. The people are afraid of Mr. Pretwic; if you were to give up, people would say that— Jan.—That I am also afraid? Then I will not give up. My dear sir, I see you do not know the Miliszewskis. We do not know how to handle the women, but there is not a coward in our family. I know that people laugh at me, but the one who would dare to call me a coward would not laugh. I will show them at once that I am not a coward. Where is Mr. Pretwic? Doctor.—He is in the garden (pointing through the window). Do you see him there, near the lake? Jan.—Good-bye. SCENE VI.Jozwowicz alone—then Anton. Doctor.—The men who have not such sons are great! Ha! ha! ha! Anton (rushing in).—You are here? Here are your receipts for the money. Why are you laughing? Doctor.—Miliszewski has gone to challenge Pretwic. Anton.—Are they crazy? Doctor.—What an opinion she would have of Pretwic if he were to quarrel with such an idiot! Anton.—You have done it. Doctor.—I told you that I shall assist nature. Anton.—Do as you please; I withdraw. Doctor.—Good-bye. Or no, I am going also. I must prevent the adventure from going too far. Anton.—I wanted to tell you that I must buy some food for my children. I will return the money—later on. Is it all right? Doctor.—How can you ask? (Goes out.) SCENE VII.Stella and Drahomir. (They enter from the garden.) Stella.—That walk tired me. See how weak I am (sits down). Where is Drahomir.—Young Miliszewski asked to speak to him a moment. The countess is speaking to the prince. It seems that their conversation is very animated because the countess did not know that you were betrothed, and she had some designs on you. But pray excuse me; I laugh and you suffer by it. Stella.—I would laugh too if I did not know how much it troubles my father. And then, I pity Count Miliszewski. Drahomir.—I understand how a similar situation would be painful to a man who was in love, but such is not the case with the count. He will console himself if his mother orders it. Stella.—Sometimes one may be mistaken about people. Drahomir.—Do you speak about me or Miliszewski? Stella.—Let us say it is about you. They told me that you were a mirror of all perfections. Drahomir.—And have you discovered that I am the personification of all faults? Stella.—I did not say so. Drahomir.—But you think so. But I am not deceived. Your portrait drawn by Mr. Pretwic and the Doctor is exactly like you. Stella.—How was the portrait? Drahomir.—With wings at the shoulders. Stella.—That means that I have as much dignity as a butterfly. Drahomir.—Angels' wings are in harmony with their dignity. Stella.—True friendship should speak the truth. Tell me some bitter one. Drahomir.—Very bitter? Stella.—As wormwood—or as is sometimes the case—with life. Drahomir.—Then you are kind to me. Stella.—For what sin shall I begin penitence? Drahomir.—For lack of friendship for me. Stella.—I was the first to appeal for friendship—in what respect am Drahomir.—Because you share with me your joys, sports, laughter, but when a moment of sorrow comes, you keep those thorns for yourself. Pray share with me your troubles also. Stella.—It is not egotism on my part. I do not wish to disturb your serenity. Drahomir.—The source of my serenity does not lie in egotism either. George told me of you when I came here: "I know only how to look at her and how to pray to her; you are younger and more mirthful, try to amuse her." Therefore I brought all my good spirits and laid them at your feet. But I notice that I have bored you. I see a cloud on your face—I suspect some hidden sorrow, and being your best friend, I am ready to give my life to dispel that cloud. Stella (softly).—You must not talk that way. Drahomir (clasping his hands).—Let me talk. I was a giddy boy, but I always followed my heart, and my heart guessed your sorrow. Since that moment a shadow fell across my joy, but I overcame it. One cannot recall a tear which has rolled down the cheek, but a friendly hand can dry it. Therefore I overcame that cloud in order that the tears should not come to your eyes. If I have been mistaken, if I have chosen the wrong path, pray forgive me. Your life will be as beautiful as a bouquet of flowers, therefore be mirthful—be mirthful. Stella (with emotion, giving him her hand).—I shall be; being near you, I am capricious, spoiled, and a little bit ill. Sometimes I do not know myself what is the matter with me, and what I wish. I am happy; truly I am happy. Drahomir.—Then, no matter, as Mrs. Czeska says. Let us be merry, laugh, and run in the garden and play pranks with the countess and her son. Stella.—I have discovered the source of your mirth; it is a good heart. Drahomir.—No, madam. I am a great good-for-nothing. But the source of true happiness is not in this. Stella.—Sometimes I think that there is none in this world. Drahomir.—We cannot grasp it with our common sense, and will not fly after that winged vision. Sometimes perhaps it flies near us, but before we discover it, before we stretch out our hands, it is too late! Stella.—What sad words—too late! SCENE VIII.The same. Jozwowicz. Doctor (entering, laughs).—Ha! ha! Do you know what has happened? Stella.—Is it something amusing? Doctor.—A dreadful, tragic, but before a ridiculous thing. |