In the atrium, in spite of the fountain, the shady portico, and the early hour, it was extremely hot, for the marble was heated by the spring sun; but at a distance from the house there grew an old, branching pistachio-tree, which shaded a considerable area round about. As the place was open, the breeze there was far greater than elsewhere; hence Cinna commanded to carry to that spot the litter, decked with hyacinths and apple-blossoms, in which Antea was resting. Then sitting near her, he placed his palm on her hands, which were as pale as alabaster, and asked,— "Is it pleasant for thee here, carissima?" "Pleasant," answered she, in a scarcely audible voice. And she closed her eyes, as if sleep had seized her. Silence followed. Only the breeze moved with a rustling the branches of the pistachio-tree; and on the earth around the litter were quivering golden spots, formed of sun-rays, which broke through between the leaves; locusts were hissing among the rocks. The sick woman opened her eyes after a moment. "Caius," said she, "is it true that in this country a philosopher has appeared, who cures the sick?" "They call such men prophets here," answered Cinna. "I have heard of him, and I wished to bring him to thee, but it Antea dropped her head. "Time will cure thee," said Cinna, seeing the sadness reflected on her face. "Time is at the service of death, not of life," answered she, slowly. And again silence ensued; round about the golden spots quivered continually; the locusts hissed still more loudly, and from the crannies of the cliff little lizards crept out onto stones, and sought sunny places. Cinna looked from moment to moment at Antea, and for the thousandth time Even now while lying with closed eyes in the litter decked with flowers, she seemed dead. "I will follow thee!" said Cinna, in his soul. Meanwhile steps were heard in the distance. Immediately Antea's face became white as chalk; from between her half-open lips came hurried breathing; her bosom heaved quickly. The ill-fated martyr felt sure that the crowd of invisible beings which preceded the corpse with glassy eyes were drawing "Fear not, Antea; I hear those steps too. That is Pontius, who is coming to visit us," added he, after a while. In fact, the procurator, attended by two slaves, appeared at the turn of the path. He was a man no longer young; he had an oval face carefully shaven, full of assumed dignity, and also of suffering and care. "A greeting to thee, noble Cinna, and to thee, divine Antea!" said he, as he came under the shade of the pistachio-tree. "After a cold night the day has grown hot. May it favor you both, and may the health of Antea bloom like those hyacinths and those apple-tree twigs, which adorn her litter." "Peace be with thee, and be greeted!" answered Cinna. The procurator seated himself on a piece of rock, looked at Antea, frowned imperceptibly, and answered,— "Loneliness produces sadness and sickness; but in the midst of crowds there is no place for fear, hence I will give one advice to thee. Unfortunately this is neither Antioch nor CÆsarea; there are no games here, no horse-races; and were we to erect a circus, those madmen would tear it down the next day. Here thou wilt hear nothing but this phrase, 'the law,' and everything disturbs that law. I would rather be in Scythia." "Of what dost thou wish to speak, O Pilate?" "Indeed, I have wandered from my "And didst thou condemn him to the cross?" "I wanted to rid myself of trouble, and also avoid stirring up that nest of hornets that buzz around the temple; even as it is, they send complaints to Rome against me. Besides, the accused is not a Roman citizen." "The man will not suffer less for that reason." The procurator made no answer, but after a while he began to speak, as if to himself,— "There is one thing that I do not like,—exaggeration. Whoever uses that word before me takes away my cheerfulness for the day. The golden mean! that is what wisdom commands us to follow, as I think. And there is not a corner of the world in which that principle is less respected than here. How all this tortures me! how it tortures "Didst thou yield to them?" asked Cinna. "I did, for in the city there would be mobs, and I am here to keep peace. I must do my duty. I dislike exaggeration, and, besides, I am mortally wearied; but when I undertake a thing, I do not hesitate to sacrifice the life of one man for the general welfare, especially when "The sun shines not on Rome alone," whispered Antea. "Divine Antea," answered the procurator, "I might answer that on the whole round of the earth the sun shines on Roman rule; therefore for the good of that rule it is proper to sacrifice everything, and disturbances undermine our authority. But, above all, I beg of thee not to ask me to change the sentence. Cinna will tell thee that that cannot be, and that, once sentence is pronounced, CÆsar alone can change it. Though I wished, I have not the power to change. Is that not the case, Caius?" "It is." But those words caused Antea evident "Then it is possible to suffer and die without being guilty." "No one is without guilt," answered Pontius. "This Nazarene has committed no crime; hence I, as procurator, washed my hands. But as a man, I condemn his teaching. I conversed with him purposely rather long, wishing to test the man, and convinced myself that he announces monstrous things. The case is difficult! The world must stand on sound sense. Who denies that virtue is needed? Certainly not I. But even the Stoics only teach men to endure opposition with calmness; they do not insist that we should renounce everything, from our property to our dinner. Cinna and Antea looked at each other with amazement. "That he will rise from the dead?" "Neither more nor less; after three days. So at least his disciples declare. I forgot to ask him myself. For that matter, it is all one, since death liberates a man from promises. And even should he not rise from the dead, he will lose nothing, since, according to his teaching, genuine happiness and eternal life begin only after death. He speaks of this, indeed, as a man perfectly certain. In his Hades it is brighter than in the world under the sun, and whoso suffers more in this world will enter that with greater certainty; he must only love, and love, and love." "A wonderful doctrine," said Antea. "And these people here cry to thee, 'Crucify him!'?" inquired Cinna. "And I do not even wonder at this, Antea rubbed her forehead with her emaciated hand. "And is he certain that it is possible to live and be happy after death?" "That is why neither the cross nor death terrify him." "How good that would be, Caius!" "How does he know this?" inquired she, after a while. The procurator waved his hand: "He says that he knows it from the Father of all, who for the Jews is the same as Jove for us, with this difference, that, according to the Nazarene, the Father alone is one and merciful." "How good that would be, Caius!" repeated the sick woman. Cinna opened his lips as if to make some answer, but remained silent; and the conversation stopped. Evidently Pontius was continuing to think of the strange doctrine of the Nazarene, for he shook his head and shrugged his shoulders repeatedly. At last he rose and began to take leave. All at once Antea said,— "Caius, let us go to look at that Nazarene." "Hasten," said Pilate, as he was going away; "the procession will move soon." |