New Fiction


The King's Henchman. A Chronicle of the Sixteenth Century. Brought to light and edited by William Henry Johnson. 12mo. Cloth, extra, gilt top. $1.50.

What is more noticeable than the interest of the story itself is Mr. Johnson's intuitive insight and thorough understanding of the period. While the book is Weyman in vigorous activity, it is Dumas in its brilliant touches of romanticism.—Boston Herald.

Mr. Johnson has caught the spirit of the period, and has painted in Henry of Navarre a truthful and memorable historical portrait.—The Mail and Express of New York.

The Duenna of a Genius. By M. E. Francis (Mrs. Francis Blundell), author of "In a North Country Village," "A Daughter of the Soil," etc. 12mo. Cloth, extra, gilt top. $1.50.

An admirable novel; a pure, bright, pleasant, sparkling, wholesome, interesting story of musical taste, talent, and life. The idea is a beautiful one itself, and it is well carried out in the structure of the story.—Literary World.

A novel that doesn't sound a hackneyed note from beginning to end.... One of the brightest, happiest, and most infectious of the numerous stories that have a musical basis.—Boston Herald.

Freshly told and charmingly conceived. Very delightful reading, and, in these hurried and high-strung days, a genuine refreshment.—Boston Transcript.

The Count's Snuff-Box. A Romance of Washington and Buzzard's Bay during the War of 1812. By George R. R. Rivers, author of "The Governor's Garden," "Captain Shays, a Populist of 1786," etc. Illustrated by Clyde O. De Land. 12mo. Cloth, gilt top. $1.50.

A well-conceived and well-told story, from which the reader will get an excellent idea of society and manners in the nation's capital nearly a century ago.—Boston Transcript.

Will rank as one of the successes of the year if there is any faith to be put in a capital story in a frame fashioned of our own rugged history.—Denver Republican.

Each Life Unfulfilled. By Anna Chapin Ray, author of "Teddy, Her Book," etc. 16mo. Cloth, extra. $1.25.

A novel of to-day, dealing with American life. Its principal characters are a young girl studying for a musical career, and an author. The scenes of the story are laid in a Western summer resort and in New York.

Hassan. A Romance of Palestine. By Henry Gillman. Crown 8vo. 600 pages. Cloth, gilt top. $2.00.

The author of this powerful romance lived in Palestine for over five years, and during his residence there had unusual and peculiar advantages for seeing and knowing the people and the country, enabling him to enrich his story with local color, characteristics, and information not found in any other work of the kind on the Holy Land. The pen-portraits of the people are studies made upon the spot, and the descriptions of Jerusalem and the surrounding country are word-pictures of the land as it is to-day, and therefore of special value.

A biblical, patriarchal, pastoral spirit pervades it. Indeed, the whole book is saturated with the author's reverence for the Holy Land, its legends, traditions, glory, misery,—its romance, in a word, and its one supreme glory, the impress of the Chosen of God and of the Master who walked among them.—The Independent.

Mr. Gillman has certainly opened up a new field of fiction. The book is a marvel of power, acute insight, and clever manipulation of thoroughly grounded truths. There is no question that it lives and breathes. The story is as much of a giant in fiction as its hero is among men.—Boston Herald.

The impression made by reading the book is like that of witnessing a great play, its scenes are so vivid, its characters so real, its surrounding horizon so picturesque, its setting so rich and varied.—Philadelphia Item.

Sielanka: a Forest Picture, and Other Stories. By Henryk Sienkiewicz, author of "Quo Vadis," "With Fire and Sword," etc. Translated from the Polish by Jeremiah Curtin. Uniform with the other volumes of the Library Edition of Sienkiewicz. Crown 8vo. $2.00.

This new volume by the most popular writer of the time includes the shorter stories which have not before been published in the uniform Library Edition, rendering it the only complete edition of his works in English. It comprises six hundred pages, and contains the following stories, dramas, etc.: Sielanka, a Forest Picture; For Bread; Orso; Whose Fault, a Dramatic Picture in One Act; On a Single Card, a Play in Five Acts; The Decision of Zeus; Yanko the Musician; Bartek the Victor; Across the Plains; The Diary of a Tutor in Poznan; The Lighthouse Keeper of Aspinwall; Yamyol (Angel); The Bull Fight; A Comedy of Errors; A Journey to Athens; Zola.

Under the seventeen titles one finds almost as many aspects of the genius of Sienkiewicz. Detached from the intricacies of an elaborate composition, figures, scenes, and episodes become far more effective.—New York Times.

In Vain. By Henryk Sienkiewicz. Translated from the Polish by Jeremiah Curtin. 16mo. Cloth, extra. $1.25.

A love story of modern Poland, by the author of "Quo Vadis," not before translated. The scene is laid at Kieff, and university life there is described.

The Story of GÖsta Berling. Translated from the Swedish of Selma LagerlÖf, by Pauline Bancroft Flach. 12mo. Cloth, gilt. $1.75.

When "GÖsta Berling" was first published in Sweden a few years ago, Miss LagerlÖf immediately rose into prominence, and, as Mr. E. Nesbit Bain writes in the October "Cosmopolis," "took the Swedish public by storm."

The sagalike treatment and almost lyric mood of "The Story of GÖsta Berling" render its form in keeping with the unusual character of the book itself. The harshness of Northern manners enables Miss LagerlÖf to probe human life to its depths; and with the effect of increasing the weird power of the whole, a convincing truth to nature is intermingled with the wild legends and folk-lore of VÄrmland.

There is hardly a page that does not glow with strange beauty, so that the book exerts an unbroken charm from beginning to end.—The Bookman.

Something Homeric in its epic simplicity runs through the history of the deposed priest. The opening chapters engage the attention at once by their mystic realism.—Time and the Hour.

I am the King. Being the Account of some Happenings in the Life of Godfrey de Bersac, Crusader Knight. By Sheppard Stevens. 16mo. Cloth, extra. $1.25.

A fresh and invigorating piece of reading.—Nashville American.

Characterized by those graceful touches which belong to true and pure romanticism.—Boston Herald.

It has the straightforwardness of the old-time story-teller.—St. Louis Globe-Democrat.

The Duke's Servants. A Romance. By Sidney Herbert Burchell, author of "In the Days of King James." 12mo. Cloth, extra. $1.50.

A highly successful romance, of general interest and of creditable workmanship.—London AthenÆum.

Pastor NaudiÉ's Young Wife.By Édouard Rod. Translated from the French by Bradley Gilman. 12mo. Cloth. $1.25.

M. Rod's new novel is a study of French Protestantism, and its scene is laid in La Rochelle and Montauban, the two Huguenot strongholds. It was first published in the "Revue des Deux Mondes," and at once achieved success. "M. Rod's work," says Edmund Gosse in the "Contemporary Review," "whether in criticism or fiction, always demands attention." "The Catholics," says a writer in "Literature," "praise the book because they find in it arguments against their adversaries; the Protestants, while protesting that the author, because he writes in the clerical Gaulois, is none of theirs, read it to discover personal allusions to their spiritual guides."

The Kinship of Souls. A Narrative. By Reuen Thomas. 12mo. Cloth, extra. $1.50.

The author of this work is well known through his connection with the ministry. The volume gives an account of a trip made by a philosophical professor, his intellectual daughter, and a young theological student, including descriptions of various portions of England and Germany visited by the persons of the narrative. The undogmatic way in which the author discusses theology and philosophy will interest the serious-minded.

King or Knave, Which Wins? An Old Tale of Huguenot Days. Edited by William Henry Johnson. 12mo. Cloth, extra. $1.50.

This is a sequel to the author's successful romance of the time of Henry of Navarre, entitled "The King's Henchman." Much of its interest centres in the personality of the famous Gabrielle d'EstrÉes and the efforts of Henry of Navarre to obtain possession of the throne of France.

The Miracles of Antichrist. By Selma LagerlÖf. Author of "The Story of GÖsta Berling." Translated from the Swedish by Pauline Bancroft Flach. 12mo. Cloth, extra. $1.50.

This second important work from the pen of the successful author of "GÖsta Berling," which has created such a strong impression, will be widely read. "The author," says a reviewer in "Cosmopolis," "has chosen the Etna region of Sicily as the theatre of her story, and the result is a masterpiece of the highest order,—a chef-d'oeuvre which places the young author in the front rank of the literary artists of her day. The merits of 'Antekrists Mirakler' are so superlative that a lesser eulogy would be inadequate.... It is worth while to learn Swedish to read this astonishing book. All who hunger after true poetry may here eat, drink, and be satisfied."

A Boy in the Peninsular War. The Services, Adventures, and Experiences of Robert Blakeney, a Subaltern in the 28th Regiment. An Autobiography. Edited by Julian Sturgis. With a map. 8vo. Cloth, gilt top. $4.00.

In the pages of this book will be found a spirited picture of an English soldier's life during the Peninsular War, with the allied armies against Napoleon's generals.


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