, ministrations to refugees in Toronto, Canada, 3, 183.
gitives provided by Woman's Anti-Slavery Sewing Society of, 77;American Colonization Society, objects and work of, compared with those of U. G. R. R., 350, 351. American Historical Review, on Underground Railroad, 5. Amherstburg, Canada West as a receiving depot for fugitives, 194; visit of Levi Coffin to, 200; supplies for Canadian refugees in, 214; congregation of fugitives in, 225; negro mechanics in, 226; Dr. Howe on condition of colored people in, 226 n; Drew on condition of refugees in, 227; separate schools for negroes in, 229; first "True Band" organized in, 230; comparison of amounts of property owned by whites and blacks in, and in other places, 232. Anderson, William, extradition of the fugitive, from Canada refused, 352, 353. Andrew, Bishop James O., church proceedings against, 95. Andrew, John A., 103; appreciation of Harriet Tubman, 189. Andrews, Ex-Pres. E. Benjamin, on route in Massachusetts, 129. "Anti-Slavery Days, History of," in Illinois, 6. Anti-Slavery in the State and Nation, on refugees forwarded to Brunswick, 219. Anti-slavery men, Theodore Parker on the first duty of, 109; meetings of, in New England, 171. See Abolitionists. Anti-slavery movement, Chas. T. Torrey engages in, 168, 169; humane motives of, 286; U. G. R. R., a causal factor in development of, 290, 302; character of pre-Garrisonian, 307; continuity of development of, 307, 308; failure of Uncle Tom's Cabin to produce election gains for, 323. Anti-slavery sentiment, among people from the Southern states, 31, 32, 41; revenge on Mission Institute for, 156; in Congress, 173; settlement of fugitives in communities characterized by, 212, 242; proof of early, in free states, 300; influence of U. G. R. R. in spreading, 302; in the North, 309, 310. Anti-Slavery Society, of Philadelphia, of New York, Harriet Tubman a well-known visitor of the, 189; of Massachusetts, 193; of Canada, 204; benefactions of, for fugitive slaves, 222, 223; persons of respectability in societies, 308; encouragement given by, to bondmen to flee, 230. Brooks, Prof. W. M., on stations in southwestern Iowa, 33, 98. Brooks family, of Concord, Mass., friends of Harriet Tubman, 186. Brown, David Paul, counsel for fugitive slaves, 284, 285. Brown, Henry Box, shipment of, in a box, 60. Brown, John, notes of, relating to his raid, 8; father of, a friend of fugitives, 37; League of Gileadites organized by, 73, 74; transportation of party of, through Iowa, 79; entertained by J. B. Grinnell, 108; strategy of, 118; North Elba home of, a terminus of the U. G. R. R., 127; route followed by, with his abducted slaves, 136, 164, 165; Missouri raid of, 162, 163; effect of his raid, 165; plan of liberation of, 166-168, 357; Dr. A. M. Ross, a friend of, 183 n.; on Harriet Tubman, 185; concern of, for fugitive settlers in Canada, 199; influence of U. G. R. R. upon, 290, 301, 338, 339; Col. J. Bowles on, 349, 350. Brown, Mary, owner of James Hamlet, 269. Brown, Owen, father of John Brown, early operations of, 37, 301. Brown, Wells, befriends the fugitive William Wells Brown, 77. Brown, William Wells, befriended, 77; conveyance of fugitives to Canada by, 83, 252; qualities of leadership in, 340. Buchanan, James, amendments to Constitution in regard to fugitive slaves recommended by, 286; Booth pardoned by, 331; appealed to in Addison White case, 334; on enforcement of Fugitive Slave law during his administration, 353. Bucknel and Taylor, slave-owners, 196. Dr. N. S. Townshend conductor in, 104; home of Harriet Beecher Stowe a station in, 105; work of Levi Coffin in, 110-112; multiple routes in, 135, 141; appeal of colored people in, to Mr. Dillingham, 174; seizure of McQuerry in, 241; counsel for fugitive slave cases in, 282; effect of the Margaret Garner case in, 302, 303; observations used in Uncle Tom's Cabin made in, 321. Civil War. See War of Rebellion. Claiborne, on loss sustained by slave-owners from 1810-1850, 341. Clark, George W., coÖperation of, with Capt. Walker in anti-slavery work, 171; on the abductor Wm. L. Chaplin, 176. Clark, Lewis, 171. Clark, Milton, 171. Clark, Wm. Penn, friend of John Brown, 164. Clark, Woodson, informed against slaves, 278. Clarke, Rev. James Freeman, on northern opposition to rendition, 25, 103; on extent of U. G. R. R. system, 113, 114; on protection of fugitives in Boston, 132 n. Clay, Henry, negotiations of, with England for extradition of fugitives, 22, 44, 299; flight of slave of, 27; on the execution of the law of 1850 in Indiana, 48; on the escape of slaves to Canada, 192; on the Canadian refugees, 201; on the difficulty of recapturing fugitives, 242; championship of new Fugitive Slave Law by, 312, 314; compromise of, 315; proposition of, that the President be invested with power to enforce the law of 1850, 319. Cleveland, boat service for fugitives from, 83, 252; deportation station, 146; eminent attorneys of, in Oberlin-Wellington case, 282; trial of Oberlin-Wellington rescuers at, 336; celebration in, over victory of abolitionists in Oberlin-Wellington case, 337. Cleveland and Canton Railroad, 79. Cleveland and Western Railroad, 79, 143. Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad, 79, 183. Cleveland Plain Dealer, on results in Oberlin-Wellington case, 337. Clingman, of North Carolina, on value of fugitive settlers in Northern states, 341. Coffin, Addison, early operator in North Carolina, 40, 117. Coffin, Levi, author of The Reminiscences of, 2, 4; early service in North Carol al">233. Constitution of United States, fugitive slave clause in, quoted, 20; effect of incorporation of fugitive slave clause in, 30; burned at meeting of abolitionists, 101; Giddings on relation of the law of 1850 to, 105; quoted in support of immediatism, 206; ineffectiveness of the fugitive slave clause in, 255; trial by jury provided for in amendments of, 257; amendment of, quoted against Fugitive Slave Law, 258; slaves not parties to, 259; slave-owner's rights under, 259, 261; paramount to Ordinance of 1787, 263; effect on execution of, due to Prigg decision, 265; Prigg decision on language of, 267; amendments to, proposed by Buchanan in 1860, 286, 353, 354; adoption of Thirteenth Amendment to, 289, 356; fugitive slave clause embodied in, 293; disavowal of fugitive recovery clause of, by Liberty party, 310; Webster on disregard of the slave clause in, 314; limitations of state courts under, 330; Ohio urges repeal of laws injuring efficiency of, 354. Contemporaneous documents, rarity of, 7; Still's collection of, 7, 8; Parker's memoranda, 8; notes left by John Brown, 8, 9, 165; records of Jirch Platt, 9; leaf from diary of Daniel Osborn, 9, 10; extant letters, 10; letter of William Steel, 51, 52; memorandum of David Putnam, Jr., 55; facsimile of message of John Stone, other messages, 57, 58; letter of Thomas Lee, 58, 59; letters of E. F. Pennypacker, 79 n., 143 n.; letter of Francis Jackson, 99; item from Theodore Parker's Journal, 109; letter of Parker, 110; letter of Rev. N. R. Johnston, 161; letter of McKiernon, 161, 162; Dixon, Richard, 38. Dobbins, Rev. Robert B., 32. Dodge, Hon. Simeon, on U. G. R. R. from 1840 to 1860, 36, 37; on route in New Hampshire, 132; an operator, 133. Dodge, of Indiana, vote on Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, 314. Doherty, Fisher, 65, 66. Dolarson, George, agent, 70. Donnell and Hamilton, Ray vs., case of, 278. Douglas Bill, U. G. R. R. work before and after, 194. Douglass, Frederick, aided in New York City, 35; collections made for fugitives by, 78; refugees shipped over New York Central by, 80; as agent in the South before his escape, 91, 118; on excitement involved in his secret work, 104; on Albany route, 125, 126; on Brown's plan of liberation, 166; on Harriet Tubman, 185; many runaways assisted by, 251, 253; a noted passenger of the U. G. R. R., 340. Doyle, Dr., host of John Brown, 164. Drayton, Capt. Daniel, abduction of slave family by, 172; expedition of, with steamer Pearl, 172-174. Drayton, Hon. William, fugitive slave of, 33. Dred Scott decision, denounced in eastern Ohio, 336. Drew, Benjamin, on employments of Canadian refugees, 204; on Dresden and Dawn Colonies in Canada, 207; on effect of Slave Bill of 1850 on fugitive settlers in Northern states, 213; on morality in Dawn Settlement, 216; on early arrival of refugees in Canada, 218; list of refugee communities mentioned by, 219; on thrift of colored settlers in Canada, 227; on schools for refugees, 229. Duncan, Rev. James, on immediate abolition, 304-306; political action against slavery early advocated by, 305 n. Durkee, Chauncey, 278. Dutch, agreement of New Haven with the, for surrender of fugitive slaves, 19. Dutton, A. P., runaways sent by boat to Canada by, 82, 83. Dyer, Dr. C. V., conductor, 144. "Early Settlement and Growth of Western Iowa," chapters of, valuable for history of U. G. R. R., 7. Eastern states, hidden routes leading to, 120. Edgerton, Hon. Sidney, operator, 106. Edwards, William, cause of flight of, 27. Eells, Dr. Richard, case of, 145, 249, 317; friends of, in Iowa, 95, 98, 194, 195; Oberlin, a well-known refuge for, 97; prosecutions for aiding, 102, 103, 254, 273-281, 283-285, 317; notable friends of, 104-112; main routes of, 118, 119, 134; routes of, through Pennsylvania, 120-123, through New Jersey and New York, 123-128, through Massachusetts, 128-133, through Vermont, 130, 131; James Freeman Clarke on protection given, in Boston, 132 n.; routes of, through New Hampshire and Maine, 133, 134, Ohio, 134-137, 140, Western states, 134-141; Ontario the goal of the great majority of, 140, 147; escapes of, by sea, 144, 145; journey of John Brown and party of, through Iowa, 164; use of, in Brown's plan of liberation, 167; delight of, on reaching Canada, 178, 196, 197; escape of, from Canada to United States, 190; rumors of Canada among, 192; numbers of, early forwarded to Canada, 192; resolution in Congress regarding friends of, 193; number of, arriving daily in Canada, 194; character of Canadian refugees, states whence they came, 195; general condition of, in Canada, 198; treatment of, in Canada, 199-201; befriended by Indians in Canada, 203; efforts which led up to, 297, 298, 301; Webster's, Clay's, and Calhoun's support of, 314; enactment of, 314; by whom passed, 315; enforcement of, 316-318; open resistance to, 318-320; the law of 1850 and Uncle Tom's Cabin, 321; Sumner's efforts in Senate to secure repeal of, 324-326; open defiance of, during decade 1850-1860, 326 et seq.; penetrating criticism of, by able counsel, 327; pronounced unconstitutional by Wisconsin convention, 329; hostility to, in Illinois, 333; open violation of, in Oberlin-Wellington rescue case, 335; repeal of, demanded by Republican party, 337; Claiborne on the failure of, to make compensation to the South for abducted slaves, 341; violation of, charged against the North by Southern congressmen during sessions of 1860-1861, 351, 352; Buchanan on enforcement of, during his administration, 353; purpose of Lincoln to execute, 355; question of obligation to restore fugitives, 356. Fuller, James C., 206. Fullerton, Rev. Hugh S., 32. Furber, James, operator, 133. Fyffe, W. B., reminiscences of, entitled "History of Anti-Slavery Days," 6; map of route in Illinois, by, 139. Galesburg, Ill., old First Church of, as U. G. R. R. station, 64; anti-slavery Presbyterians in, 96; importance of, as a centre, 97. Gallatin, on negotiations with England regarding extradition of fugitives, 299, 300. Gannett, Dr. E. S., loyalty of, to Slave Law, 238. Gardner, Ozem, 89. Garland, B. W., claimant of Joshua Glover, 327. Garner, Margaret, case of, 302; effect upon public opinion of case of, 302, 303. Garretson, Joseph, 57. Garrett, Thomas, reward for abduction of, 53; disguises provided by, 64; ships fugitives by boat, 82; a devotee of U. G. R. R., 110, 111; on Harriet Tubman, 188; aid given to Harriet Tubman by, 189; Mrs. H. B. Stowe on, 322. Garrison, William Lloyd, abstinence from voting of, 100, 101; predecessors of, in advocacy of immediate abolition, 303-308; acquaintance of, with Rankin's Letters on Slavery, 308; address to Southern bondmen by, 216; on refugee population, 220, 221; lumber industry established by, 223; lectures on farming by, 224; list of towns where refugees settled according to, 225; on number of fugitive settlers in Northern states, 237; on effects of Slave Law of 1850, 249; a notable passenger of U. G. R. R., 340. Hiding-places, for fugitive slaves, 12, 13, 14, 25, 40, 62-65, 131, 248, 251, 252, 276, 280, 302. Higginson, Col. T. W., indictment of, 103; connection with U. G. R. R., 105, 132; on continued residence of fugitives in Massachusetts after passage of law of 1850, 250; part of, in attempted rescue of Burns, 331, 332. Hill vs. Low, case of, 273. Hill, Leverett B., 88. Hill, Milton, 88. Hinton, Richard J., on escapes through Kansas, 114; on John Brown's plan of liberation, 166, 167; on Dr. A. M. Ross, 183 n.; on refugee population in Canada West, 221, 222. History of Anti-Slavery Days, reminiscences by W. B. Fyffe entitled, 6. History of Springfield, Mass., account of Connecticut River route in, 127. Hodge, D. B., on abduction by Canadian refugee, 152. Holmes, of Massachusetts, objections of, to bill of 1817 as basis of new Slave Law, 297. Holt, Horace, special conveyance of, for fugitives, 60. Hood family, 15. Hood, John, 14. Hooper, John H., agent, 253. Hope, A. R., author of Heroes in Homespun, 2, 5. Hopkins family, 87. Hopkins, Capt. Amos, stowaway on brig of, 81. Hopper, Isaac T., methods of secret emancipation early practised by, 34, 35, 346, 347; fugitives sent by sea by, 145. Hoppess, State vs., case of, 256, 257, 259, 262, 263. Hossack, John, indicted for helping fugitives, 347-350. Kansas-Nebraska Act, appeal to the churches evoked by, 99; mass-meetings in opposition to, 328; relation of Glover and Burns cases to, 331. Kauffman, Daniel, prosecution of, 102. Kelly, Abby, disowned by Uxbridge monthly meeting, 49. Kelsey, Capt., master of an "abolitionist" boat, 82. Kenderdine, John, 274. Kentucky, news of Canada early brought into, 27; abducting trip of Dr. A. M. Ross into, 28; knowledge of Canada among slaves in, 28, 29, 37; negotiations of, with adjoining free states for extradition of fugitives, 47; slave-hunters from, 53, 54; abduction of slaves from Covington, 61; fugitives from, 85, 109; Rev. John Rankin in, 109, 306; underground routes from, 119; incident of rescue from plantation of, 153; abduction of the Hayden family from Lexington, 158; visit of Mrs. Haviland to, for purpose of abducting slaves, 171, 172; Henson's abduction of slaves from, 177, 178; Elijah Anderson, abductor, imprisoned in, 183; abductions from, by John Mason, 184; Canadian refugees from, 195; effect of slave-breeding in, 228; John Van Zandt, anti-slavery man from, 274, 275; rescue of fugitives escaped from, 275, 276; Mallory of, on repeal of law of 1850, 288; resolution of, against admission of slaves to Canada, desirous of extradition of fugitives from, 299; Margaret Garner, a fugitive from, 302; petitions Congress for protection for slaveholder, 311; complaint of, against the free states, 312; residence of Harriet Beecher Stowe on borders of, 321; Senator Atchison of, on loss sustained by slave-owners of border states, 341; fugitives from, recorded by Osborn, 344, 345; Senator Polk on losses of, through underground channels, 352; reasons of, for remaining in the Union, 354, 356; insistence of, on retention of Fugitive Slave Law by the government, 356. Kidnapping, of free persons in the North between 1850 and 1856, 240; along southern border of free states, 295; petition of Baltimore Quakers for protection of free negroes against, 296, 318; case of, Martin, Lewis, case of, 256, 257, 259, 260, 263. Maryland, abducting trip of A. M. Ross into, 28; knowledge of Canada among slaves in, 28, 29; fugitive shipped in a box from Baltimore, 60; number of slaves abducted from, by Charles T. Torrey, 88; reward offered to Indians for apprehending fugitives by, 91, 92; underground routes in, 117; steady loss from counties of, 119; movement of fugitives to Wilmington, 121; agents of U. G. R. R. in Baltimore, 151; escape of, and abductions by Harriet Tubman from, 186-189; Canadian refugees from, 195; fugitives from, in western Pennsylvania, 276; law against hospitality to fugitive slaves in, 291; resolution of legislature of, against harboring fugitives, 298; Rev. Geo. Bourne, a resident of, 303; Pratt of, on loss sustained by slave-owners of his state, 341. Mason, John, abductor, 178, 183-185. Mason, Lewis, counsel in fugitive slave case, 284. Mason, of Massachusetts, on trial by jury for fugitives, 297. Mason, of Virginia, on difficulty of recapturing fugitives, 243; on the Fugitive Slave Law, 311, 312; on loss sustained by slave-owners of his state, 341. Massachusetts, extinction of slavery in, 17; anti-slavery Quakers in, 31; ase of Jack vs. Martin, 257; on the Fugitive Slave Law, 272. New Bedford, Mass., estimate of fugitive settlers in, 235, 236; Frederick Douglass in, 251. Newberne, N.C., agent in, 68, 81, 117; escape of slaves from, 144. New Brunswick, Canada, routes to, 133, 219. New England, information secured concerning underground lines in, 11; slavery extinguished in, 17; anti-slavery settlement in, 31, 93, 171; rise of U. G. R. R. in, 36, 37; fugitives from the South landed on coast of, 81, 144; extent of underground system in, 113; settlers in Ohio from, 115; fugitives sent to, 121, 125; routes of, 128-134, 219; direction of routes in, 140, 195, 219; terminal stations in, 145; career of Lewis Hayden in, 158; stipulation for return of fugitives in agreement of Confederation of 1643, 292; memorial asking repeal of Fugitive Slave Law, from Quakers in, 324; sentiment in, adverse to the South's treatment of the compromises, 331. New England Anti-Slavery Society, annual meeting of, at time of attempted rescue of Burns, 382. New England Magazine, on Underground Railroad, 5, 6. New Garden, Ind. See Fountain City, Ind. New Hampshire, rise of Underground Railroad in, 36, 37; routes of, 132, 133; failure to pass full personal liberty law in, 246; early opposition to Fugitive Slave Law of 1793, 295. New Haven, agreement of colony of, with New Netherlands for surrender of fugitives, 19. New Jersey, slavery extinguished in, 17; anti-slavery Quakers in, 31; rise of Underground Railroad in, 34; routes of, 120, 121, 123-125; abductors along southern boundaries of, 151; settlement of fugitive slaves among Quakers at Greenwich, 236; sanction to Fugitive Slave Law, 246; penalties in, for transporting fugitives, 291, 323; acceptance of Compromise of 1850 as a substantial political settlement in, 324; Sumner on import of the appeal of fugitive slaves to communities in, 325; open defiance to Fugitive Slave Law in, (1850-1860,) 326 et seq.; confederacy among cities of, proposed to defend fugitives from rendition, 328, 329; effect of Kansas-Nebraska Act on public feeling in, 331; double effect of law of 1850 in, 337, 338; charge of bad faith on part of, unsustained by statistics on fugitive slaves, 342, 343; underground operations the basis of important charges against, in crisis of 1850, 351, 352; efforts of Congress to appease spirit of secession, 354; protest against employment of troops from, as slave catchers, 355; effect of Underground Road in creating anti-slavery sentiment in, 357. Northwest Ordinance, slavery excluded by, 17, 18; organization of states under, 18; fugitive slave clause in, quoted, 20, 293; alleged repugnancy of law of 1793 to, 255, 262, 263; alleged hostility between law of 1850 and, 268; protection afforded slave-owners by, 298. Northwest Territory, slavery excluded from, 17; study of map of underground lines in, 120; multitude of lines within, 134, 135; appeal to Ordinance of, in effort to overthrow law of 1793, 262, 263; obligations of a state carved from, 263. Norton, Mr., 258. Notable persons among underground helpers, 104-112, 163-189. Nova Scotia, disappearance of slavery from, 191; sea routes to, 219; fugitives sent from Boston to Halifax in, 248. Nuckolls, escape of slaves of, 52. Nullification, spirit of, in the North, 326-338. Number, of underground helpers discovered, 87; of fugitives befriended by various operators, 87-89, 111; of fugitives using the valley of the Alleghanies, 118 n.; @49038-h@49038-h-7.htm.html#Page_172" class="pginternal">172,173. Peirce, I. Newton, message sent by, 57; ic@vhost@g@html@files@49038@49038-h@49038-h-6.htm.html#Page_133" class="pginternal">133. Quakers, Levi Coffin one of the, 4; underground centres in communities of, 6, 90, 115-120, 125; Alum Creek Settlement of, 10; agents and operators among the, 31, 38, 39, 53, 92, 94, 98, 124, 131; pro-slavery sentiment among, 49; costume of, used as a disguise, 67; Washington's comment on a society of Philadelphia, 68; as conservators of abolition ideas, 93; result of appeal to societies of, in Massachusetts, 99; political affiliations of, 100; devotees of U. G. R. R. work among, 110-112; John Brown's party entertained by, in Iowa, 164; words of the Quaker poet, Whittier, quoted, 171; Quaker abductor Richard Dillingham, 174; at Richmond, Ind., befriend Josiah Henson, 177; at Fountain City, Ind., 199; visits of several, to Canadian refugees, 199; safety sought by fugitive settlers among, 235, 236; protection afforded fugitives by Quakers of New Bedford, Mass., 258; defendants in case of rescue, 274; in Christiana case, 280, 281; petition of Baltimore, against kidnapping, 296; memorial of, for repeal of Fugitive Slave Law, 324; record of fugitives in Alum Creek Settlement of, 344-346. Quebec, early emigration of fugitive slaves to, 218. Queen's Bush, early settlement of, by refugees, 204, 218. Quincy, Ill., multiple routes of, 141. Quincy, Josiah, his account of first known rescue of fugitive under arrest quoted, 83, 84; opponent of fugitive slave legislation, 283. Quitman, Gen. John A., 341. Quixot, Stephen, fugitive from Virginia, 51. Racine, Wis., Glover rescue in, 327. Railroads, steam, use of, for transportation of fugitives, 35, 59, 78-81, 122-124, 128, round Railroad, by E. M. Pettit, 2, 4. Skillgess, Joseph, on fugitives passing through Ross County, O., 39. Slave-hunters, authors of Levi Coffin's title "President of the U. G. R. R.," 111; at Detroit, 147; difficulties met by, 242, 243; imprisonment of, 273, 274; number of, increased after passage of the Fugitive Slave Law, 316; in the Oberlin-Wellington case, 335, 336; protest against the employment of Northern troops as, 355. Slave-hunting, engagement of shiftless class in, 239; by Southern planters and their aids, 240; uncertainty of, in anti-slavery communities, 242, 243; Mr. Mason, of Virginia, on, 243; agents of slave-owners employed in, 316. Slavery, character of, at beginning of nineteenth century, 25; changed character of later, 26; John Brown's plan of abolition of, 168; in Canada, 190, 191; attacks on, in Congress, 286; abolished in District of Columbia, 287; King's proposition to prohibit, in Northwest Territory, 293; conviction of sin of, in Northern states, 300, 301; pursuit of fugitives creates opposition to, in the North, 302; early advocacy of political action against, by Bourne and Duncan, Rev. John Rankin's hatred of, 306; address of Liberty party convention touching on, 310; effect of prosecution of U. G. R. R. workers on question of, 317; nationalized by law of 1850, 321; effects of, studied by Harriet Beecher Stowe, 321; renewal of consideration of question of, caused by Uncle Tom's Cabin, 324; U. G. R. R., the safety-valve of, 340; disappearance of, in District of Columbia attributed to the U. G. R. R. by Claiborne, 341, 342; extinction of, in the United States, 356, 358. Slaves, desire for freedom among, 25, 195-197; purchase of, by Alabama, 26; incentives to flight of, 26, 27, 296; arrive as stowaways on the Maine coast, 133; steady increase in the number of, fleeing into Ohio, 135; from Virginia, 144; movement of, to inter-lake portion of Ontario, 241; effect of law of 1850 upon, 243; Lincoln's proclamation of warning to, 287; the Underground Railroad as a grievance of, 290; sentiment in, concerning slave clause in Constitution, 294; complaints of members of Congress from, on score of treatment accorded runaways in the North, 295, 296; negotiations for return of fugitives to, 302; people of, aroused by addresses to slaves, 310; Calhoun on discontent in, 313; Webster on complaint of, in regard to non-rendition of fugitives, 314; Pres. Fillmore gives assurances to, regarding Fugitive Slave Law, 318; doctrine of state sovereignty of, resisted by Wisconsin, 330; work of the U. G. R. R. a real relief to, 340; estimates of loss sustained by slave-owners in various, 341, 342; decline of slave population in border states, shown in United States census reports, 343; comparison of numbers of negroes transported from, by U. G. R. R. and American Colonization Society, 350, 351; members of Congress from, on work of U. G. R. R., 351, 352; attempted conciliation of, 354; chances for escape of slaves multiplied throughout, 355; agitation by people of, for vigorous Fugitive Slave Law, 357. Sowles, Hon. William, operator, 107. Spalding, Rufus P., counsel in the Oberlin-Wellington case, 282. Speed, John, 65. Speed, Sidney, incident of unsuccessful pursuit narrated by, 65, 66. Spradley, Wash, a colored abductor of Louisville, Ky., 151. Sprague, Judge, on legal force of a commissioner's certificate, 270. Springfield, Mass., "League of Gileadites" in, 71-75. Stanton, Henry B., 169, 170. State sovereignty, doctrine of, in the Northern states, 326-330. Stations, in New Hampshire, 132; in Maine, 134; initial, in Ohio, 135; initial, in Iowa, 136; 49038-h@49038-h-4.htm.html#Page_93" class="pginternal">93-99; origin of, 33, 34, 191, 192; development of, 35-43, in New Jersey, 34, in New York, 34, 35, in New England, 36, in Ohio, 37-40, in North Carolina, 40, in Indiana, 40, 41, in Illinois, 41, 42, in Iowa, 42, 98, in Kansas, 43; activity of (1830-1840), 44, 308; activity of (1850-1860), 44, 71, 316, 317, 357; naming of, 44-46; midnight service on, 54-56; communications in work of, 56-59; methods of conveyance on, 59-61; nature of routes of, 61, 62, 70, 130, 141-146; variety of stations on, 62-64; use of disguises in work of, 64-67; lack of formal organization in, terminology of, 67; spontaneous character of, 69; places of deportation, 70, 145-147; terminal stations of, 70, 145-148; routes by rail, 78-81, 142-145; connection of Fred. Douglass with, 80, 91, 118, 251, 340; river routes, 81, 82, 142; traffic by water, 81-83, 142, 144-148, 219; routes by sea, 81, 129, 144, 145, 219; church connections of operators of, 94-97; notable operators of, 104-112, 77; fugitives forwarded to New York City, by Philadelphia, 80;< The Tabor Beacon, 1890, 1891, contains a series of reminiscences from the pen of the Rev. John Todd. The first of these recounts the first arrival of fugitives in July, 1854.
There will be a meeting of the Vigilance Committee at the Meionaon (Tremont Temple), on Thursday evening, June 8, at half-past seven. Pass in by the Office Entrance, and through the Meionaon Ante-Room.
'Vigilance Committee! The members of the Vigilance Committee are hereby notified to meet at —— ——
—Reminiscences of Fugitive-Slave-Law Days in Boston, pp. 15, 16.
William Still, Respected Friend:—There are three colored friends at my house now, who will reach the city by the Philadelphia and Reading train this evening. Please meet them.
The following letter from Mr. Pennypacker to Mr. Still explains itself:
William Still, Respected Friend,—There are three colored friends at my house now, who will reach the city by the Philadelphia and Reading train this evening. Please meet them.
We have within the past two months passed forty-three through our hands, transported most of them to Norristown in our own conveyance. E. F. P."
In a letter dated Lawrence, Kan., March 23, 1893, Mr. Fitch Reed gives some of the circumstances connected with the progress of this company through the last stages of its journey. He says: "In 1853, there came over the road twenty-eight in one gang, with a conductor by the name of Fairfield, from Virginia, who had aided in liberating all his father's and uncle's slaves, and there was a reward out for him of five hundred dollars, dead or alive. They had fifty-two rounds of arms, and were determined not to be taken alive. Four teams from my house [in Cambridge, Mich.] started at sunset, drove through Clinton after dark, got to Ypsilanti before daylight. Stayed at Bro. Ray's through the day. At noon, Bro. M. Coe, from our station, got on the cars and went to Detroit, and left Ray to drive his team. Coe informed the friends of the situation, and made arrangements for their reception. The friends came out to meet them ten miles before we came to Detroit, piloted us to a large boarding-house by the side of the river. Two hundred abolitionists took breakfast with them just before daylight. We procured boats enough for Fairfield and his crew. As they pushed off from shore, they all commenced singing the song, 'I am on my way to Canada, where colored men are free,' and continued firing off their arms till out of hearing. At eight o'clock, the ferry-boats started, and the station-keepers went over and spent most of the day with them." More or less extended notices of Dr. Ross and his work have appeared during the past few years; for example, in the Toronto Globe, Dec. 3 and 10, 1892; in the Canadian Magazine of Politics, Science, Art and Literature, May, 1896; and in the Chicago Daily Inter-Ocean, March 18, 1896. Section 6 of the act of 1850 provides that "the person or persons to whom such service or labour may be due, or his, her, or their agent or attorney ... may pursue and reclaim such fugitive person, either by procuring a warrant ... or by seizing and arresting such fugitive, where the same can be done without process, and by taking, or causing such person to be taken, forthwith before such court, judge or commissioner, whose duty it shall be to hear and determine the case ... in a summary manner; and upon satisfactory proof ... to make out and deliver to such claimant, his or her agent or attorney, a certificate ... with authority ... to use such reasonable force ... as may be necessary ... to take and remove such fugitive person back to the State or Territory whence he or she may have escaped as aforesaid." Miller vs. McQuerry, tried before the Circuit Court of the United States, in Ohio, 1853. See 5 McLean's Reports, 481-484. Ex parte Simeon Bushnell, etc., tried before the Supreme Court of Ohio, May, 1859. See 9 Ohio State Reports, 170. Ex parte Simeon Bushnell, etc. See 9 Ohio State Reports, 174. United States vs. Buck, tried before the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1860. See 8 American Law Register, 543. Ex parte Simeon Bushnell, and ex parte Charles Langston, tried before the Supreme Court of Ohio, May, 1859. See 9 Ohio State Reports, 111, 114-117, 124, 186. "Louis F. Weimer vs. Rush R. Sloane. United States District of Ohio, in debt.
Received July 8th, 1856, of Rush R. Sloane, the above Defendant, a receipt of Louis F. Weimer, the above Plaintiff, bearing date Dec. 14th, 1854, for $3000, acknowledging full satisfaction of the above judgment, except the costs; also a receipt of L. F. Weimer, Sr., per Joseph Doniphan, attorney, for $85, the amount of Plaintiff's witness fees in said case; also certificates of Defendant's witnesses in above case for $162; also $20 in money, the attorney's docket fees attached, which, with the clerk and marshal's fees heretofore paid, is in full of the costs in said case.
In a public speech made in 1850 Mr. Garrison had this to say, "Who are among our ablest speakers? Who are the best qualified to address the public mind on the subject of slavery? Your fugitive slaves,—your Douglasses, Browns and Bibbs,—who are astonishing all with the cogency of their words and the power of their reasoning." Life of Garrison, Vol. III, p. 311. Minor typographical and punctuation errors have been corrected without note. Irregularities and inconsistencies in the text have been retained as printed. The illustrations have been moved so that they do not break up paragraphs, thus the page number of the illustration might not match the page number in the List of Illustrations. Mismatched quotes are not fixed if it's not sufficiently clear where the missing quote should be placed. The cover for the eBook version of this book was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain. Illustration "'UNDERGROUND' ROUTES TO CANADA W.H. Siebert, 189_"—the 4th digit is illegible. Page 379: Table B and Table C legends were added by the transcriber. Appendix E: Douglass, Frederick. The + was added by the transcriber. |