, ministrations to refugees in Toronto, Canada, 3, 183.
American Colonization Society, objects and work of, compared with those of U. G. R. R., 350, 351.
American Historical Review, on Underground Railroad, 5.
Amherstburg, Canada West as a receiving depot for fugitives, 194;
visit of Levi Coffin to, 200;
supplies for Canadian refugees in, 214;
congregation of fugitives in, 225;
negro mechanics in, 226;
Dr. Howe on condition of colored people in, 226 n;
Drew on condition of refugees in, 227;
separate schools for negroes in, 229;
first "True Band" organized in, 230;
comparison of amounts of property owned by whites and blacks in, and in other places, 232.
Anderson, Elijah, abductor, 183.
Anderson, William, extradition of the fugitive, from Canada refused, 352, 353.
Andrew, Bishop James O., church proceedings against, 95.
Andrew, John A., 103;
appreciation of Harriet Tubman, 189.
Andrews, Ex-Pres. E. Benjamin, on route in Massachusetts, 129.
"Anti-Slavery Days, History of," in Illinois, 6.
Anti-Slavery in the State and Nation, on refugees forwarded to Brunswick, 219.
Anti-slavery men, Theodore Parker on the first duty of, 109;
meetings of, in New England, 171. See Abolitionists.
Anti-slavery movement, Chas. T. Torrey engages in, 168, 169;
humane motives of, 286;
U. G. R. R., a causal factor in development of, 290, 302;
character of pre-Garrisonian, 307;
continuity of development of, 307, 308;
failure of Uncle Tom's Cabin to produce election gains for, 323.
Anti-slavery sentiment, among people from the Southern states, 31, 32, 41;
revenge on Mission Institute for, 156;
in Congress, 173;
settlement of fugitives in communities characterized by, 212, 242;
proof of early, in free states, 300;
influence of U. G. R. R. in spreading, 302;
in the North, 309, 310.
Anti-Slavery Society, of Philadelphia, of New York, Harriet Tubman a well-known visitor of the, 189;
of Massachusetts, 193;
of Canada, 204;
benefactions of, for fugitive slaves, 222, 223;
persons of respectability in societies, 308;
encouragement given by, to bondmen to flee, 230.
Brooks, Prof. W. M., on stations in southwestern Iowa, 33, 98.
Brooks family, of Concord, Mass., friends of Harriet Tubman, 186.
Brown, David Paul, counsel for fugitive slaves, 284, 285.
Brown, Eli F., hiding-place provided by, 64.
Brown, Henry Box, shipment of, in a box, 60.
Brown, John, notes of, relating to his raid, 8;
father of, a friend of fugitives, 37;
League of Gileadites organized by, 73, 74;
transportation of party of, through Iowa, 79;
entertained by J. B. Grinnell, 108;
strategy of, 118;
North Elba home of, a terminus of the U. G. R. R., 127;
route followed by, with his abducted slaves, 136, 164, 165;
Missouri raid of, 162, 163;
effect of his raid, 165;
plan of liberation of, 166-168, 357;
Dr. A. M. Ross, a friend of, 183 n.;
on Harriet Tubman, 185;
concern of, for fugitive settlers in Canada, 199;
influence of U. G. R. R. upon, 290, 301, 338, 339;
Col. J. Bowles on, 349, 350.
Brown, Mary, owner of James Hamlet, 269.
Brown, Owen, father of John Brown, early operations of, 37, 301.
Brown, Wells, befriends the fugitive William Wells Brown, 77.
Brown, William Wells, befriended, 77;
conveyance of fugitives to Canada by, 83, 252;
qualities of leadership in, 340.
Buchanan, James, amendments to Constitution in regard to fugitive slaves recommended by, 286;
Booth pardoned by, 331;
appealed to in Addison White case, 334;
on enforcement of Fugitive Slave law during his administration, 353.
Bucknel and Taylor, slave-owners, 196.
gitives provided by Woman's Anti-Slavery Sewing Society of, 77;
Dr. N. S. Townshend conductor in, 104;
home of Harriet Beecher Stowe a station in, 105;
work of Levi Coffin in, 110-112;
multiple routes in, 135, 141;
appeal of colored people in, to Mr. Dillingham, 174;
seizure of McQuerry in, 241;
counsel for fugitive slave cases in, 282;
effect of the Margaret Garner case in, 302, 303;
observations used in Uncle Tom's Cabin made in, 321.
Civil War. See War of Rebellion.
Claiborne, on loss sustained by slave-owners from 1810-1850, 341.
Clark, George W., coÖperation of, with Capt. Walker in anti-slavery work, 171;
on the abductor Wm. L. Chaplin, 176.
Clark, Lewis, 171.
Clark, Milton, 171.
Clark, Wm. Penn, friend of John Brown, 164.
Clark, Woodson, informed against slaves, 278.
Clarke, Rev. James Freeman, on northern opposition to rendition, 25, 103;
on extent of U. G. R. R. system, 113, 114;
on protection of fugitives in Boston, 132 n.
Clay, Henry, negotiations of, with England for extradition of fugitives, 22, 44, 299;
flight of slave of, 27;
on the execution of the law of 1850 in Indiana, 48;
on the escape of slaves to Canada, 192;
on the Canadian refugees, 201;
on the difficulty of recapturing fugitives, 242;
championship of new Fugitive Slave Law by, 312, 314;
compromise of, 315;
proposition of, that the President be invested with power to enforce the law of 1850, 319.
Cleveland, boat service for fugitives from, 83, 252;
deportation station, 146;
eminent attorneys of, in Oberlin-Wellington case, 282;
trial of Oberlin-Wellington rescuers at, 336;
celebration in, over victory of abolitionists in Oberlin-Wellington case, 337.
Cleveland and Canton Railroad, 79.
Cleveland and Western Railroad, 79, 143.
Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad, 79, 183.
Cleveland Plain Dealer, on results in Oberlin-Wellington case, 337.
Clingman, of North Carolina, on value of fugitive settlers in Northern states, 341.
Coffin, Addison, early operator in North Carolina, 40, 117.
Coffin, Levi, author of The Reminiscences of, 2, 4;
early service in North Carol al">233.
Constitution of United States, fugitive slave clause in, quoted, 20;
effect of incorporation of fugitive slave clause in, 30;
burned at meeting of abolitionists, 101;
Giddings on relation of the law of 1850 to, 105;
quoted in support of immediatism, 206;
ineffectiveness of the fugitive slave clause in, 255;
trial by jury provided for in amendments of, 257;
amendment of, quoted against Fugitive Slave Law, 258;
slaves not parties to, 259; slave-owner's rights under, 259, 261;
paramount to Ordinance of 1787, 263;
legislative warrant of Congress under, 264;
effect on execution of, due to Prigg decision, 265;
Prigg decision on language of, 267;
amendments to, proposed by Buchanan in 1860, 286, 353, 354;
adoption of Thirteenth Amendment to, 289, 356;
fugitive slave clause embodied in, 293;
disavowal of fugitive recovery clause of, by Liberty party, 310;
Webster on disregard of the slave clause in, 314;
limitations of state courts under, 330;
Ohio urges repeal of laws injuring efficiency of, 354.
Contemporaneous documents, rarity of, 7;
Still's collection of, 7, 8;
Parker's memoranda, 8;
notes left by John Brown, 8, 9, 165;
records of Jirch Platt, 9;
leaf from diary of Daniel Osborn, 9, 10;
extant letters, 10;
letter of William Steel, 51, 52;
memorandum of David Putnam, Jr., 55;
facsimile of message of John Stone, other messages, 57, 58;
letter of Thomas Lee, 58, 59;
letters of E. F. Pennypacker, 79 n., 143 n.;
letter of Francis Jackson, 99;
item from Theodore Parker's Journal, 109;
letter of Parker, 110;
letter of Rev. N. R. Johnston, 161;
letter of McKiernon, 161, 162;
pan class="c32">disappearance of slavery from, attributed to U. G. R. R., 341, 342.
Dixon, Richard, 38.
Dobbins, Rev. Robert B., 32.
Dodge, Hon. Simeon, on U. G. R. R. from 1840 to 1860, 36, 37;
on route in New Hampshire, 132;
an operator, 133.
Dodge, of Indiana, vote on Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, 314.
Doherty, Fisher, 65, 66.
Dolarson, George, agent, 70.
Donnell and Hamilton, Ray vs., case of, 278.
Dorsey, Basil, rescue of, 84, 85.
Douglas Bill, U. G. R. R. work before and after, 194.
Douglass, Frederick, aided in New York City, 35;
collections made for fugitives by, 78;
refugees shipped over New York Central by, 80;
as agent in the South before his escape, 91, 118;
on excitement involved in his secret work, 104;
on Albany route, 125, 126;
on Brown's plan of liberation, 166;
on Harriet Tubman, 185;
many runaways assisted by, 251, 253;
a noted passenger of the U. G. R. R., 340.
Doyle, Dr., host of John Brown, 164.
Drayton, Capt. Daniel, abduction of slave family by, 172;
expedition of, with steamer Pearl, 172-174.
Drayton, Hon. William, fugitive slave of, 33.
Dred Scott decision, denounced in eastern Ohio, 336.
Drew, Benjamin, on employments of Canadian refugees, 204;
on Dresden and Dawn Colonies in Canada, 207;
on effect of Slave Bill of 1850 on fugitive settlers in Northern states, 213;
on morality in Dawn Settlement, 216;
on early arrival of refugees in Canada, 218;
list of refugee communities mentioned by, 219;
on thrift of colored settlers in Canada, 227;
on schools for refugees, 229.
Duncan, Rev. James, on immediate abolition, 304-306;
political action against slavery early advocated by, 305 n.
Durkee, Chauncey, 278.
Dutch, agreement of New Haven with the, for surrender of fugitive slaves, 19.
Dutton, A. P., runaways sent by boat to Canada by, 82, 83.
Dyer, Dr. C. V., conductor, 144.
"Early Settlement and Growth of Western Iowa," chapters of, valuable for history of U. G. R. R., 7.
Eastern states, hidden routes leading to, 120.
Edgerton, Hon. Sidney, operator, 106.
Edwards, William, cause of flight of, 27.
Eells, Dr. Richard, case of, 145, 249, 317;
friends of, in Iowa, 95, 98, 194, 195;
Oberlin, a well-known refuge for, 97;
prosecutions for aiding, 102, 103, 254, 273-281, 283-285, 317;
notable friends of, 104-112;
main routes of, 118, 119, 134;
routes of,
through Pennsylvania, 120-123,
through New Jersey and New York, 123-128,
through Massachusetts, 128-133,
through Vermont, 130, 131;
James Freeman Clarke on protection given, in Boston, 132 n.;
routes of, through
New Hampshire and Maine, 133, 134,
Ohio, 134-137, 140,
Western states, 134-141;
Ontario the goal of the great majority of, 140, 147;
escapes of, by sea, 144, 145;
journey of John Brown and party of, through Iowa, 164;
use of, in Brown's plan of liberation, 167;
delight of, on reaching Canada, 178, 196, 197;
escape of, from Canada to United States, 190;
rumors of Canada among, 192;
numbers of, early forwarded to Canada, 192;
resolution in Congress regarding friends of, 193;
number of, arriving daily in Canada, 194;
character of Canadian refugees, states whence they came, 195;
general condition of, in Canada, 198;
treatment of, in Canada, 199-201;
attitude of Canadian government toward, 201-203;
befriended by Indians in Canada, 203;
efforts which led up to, 297, 298, 301;
Webster's, Clay's, and Calhoun's support of, 314;
enactment of, 314;
by whom passed, 315;
enforcement of, 316-318;
open resistance to, 318-320;
the law of 1850 and Uncle Tom's Cabin, 321;
Sumner's efforts in Senate to secure repeal of, 324-326;
open defiance of, during decade 1850-1860, 326 et seq.;
penetrating criticism of, by able counsel, 327;
pronounced unconstitutional by Wisconsin convention, 329;
hostility to, in Illinois, 333;
open violation of, in Oberlin-Wellington rescue case, 335;
repeal of, demanded by Republican party, 337;
Claiborne on the failure of, to make compensation to the South for abducted slaves, 341;
violation of, charged against the North by Southern congressmen during sessions of 1860-1861, 351, 352;
Buchanan on enforcement of, during his administration, 353;
purpose of Lincoln to execute, 355;
question of obligation to restore fugitives, 356.
Fuller, James C., 206.
Fullerton, Rev. Hugh S., 32.
Furber, James, operator, 133.
Fyffe, W. B., reminiscences of, entitled "History of Anti-Slavery Days," 6;
map of route in Illinois, by, 139.
Galesburg, Ill., old First Church of, as U. G. R. R. station, 64;
anti-slavery Presbyterians in, 96;
importance of, as a centre, 97.
Gallatin, on negotiations with England regarding extradition of fugitives, 299, 300.
Gannett, Dr. E. S., loyalty of, to Slave Law, 238.
Gardner, Ozem, 89.
Garland, B. W., claimant of Joshua Glover, 327.
Garner, Margaret, case of, 302;
effect upon public opinion of case of, 302, 303.
Garretson, Joseph, 57.
Garrett, Thomas, reward for abduction of, 53;
disguises provided by, 64;
ships fugitives by boat, 82;
a devotee of U. G. R. R., 110, 111;
on Harriet Tubman, 188;
aid given to Harriet Tubman by, 189;
Mrs. H. B. Stowe on, 322.
Garrison, William Lloyd, abstinence from voting of, 100, 101;
predecessors of, in advocacy of immediate abolition, 303-308;
acquaintance of, with Rankin's Letters on Slavery, 308;
address to Southern bondmen by, 216;
on refugee population, 220, 221;
lumber industry established by, 223;
lectures on farming by, 224;
list of towns where refugees settled according to, 225;
on number of fugitive settlers in Northern states, 237;
on effects of Slave Law of 1850, 249;
a notable passenger of U. G. R. R., 340.
Hiding-places, for fugitive slaves, 12, 13, 14, 25, 40, 62-65, 131, 248, 251, 252, 276, 280, 302.
Higginson, Col. T. W., indictment of, 103;
connection with U. G. R. R., 105, 132;
on continued residence of fugitives in Massachusetts after passage of law of 1850, 250;
part of, in attempted rescue of Burns, 331, 332.
Hill vs. Low, case of, 273.
Hill, Leverett B., 88.
Hill, Milton, 88.
Hinton, Richard J., on escapes through Kansas, 114;
on John Brown's plan of liberation, 166, 167;
on Dr. A. M. Ross, 183 n.;
on refugee population in Canada West, 221, 222.
History of Anti-Slavery Days, reminiscences by W. B. Fyffe entitled, 6.
History of Springfield, Mass., account of Connecticut River route in, 127.
Hodge, D. B., on abduction by Canadian refugee, 152.
Holmes, of Massachusetts, objections of, to bill of 1817 as basis of
new Slave Law, 297.
Holt, Horace, special conveyance of, for fugitives, 60.
Hood family, 15.
Hood, John, 14.
Hooper, John H., agent, 253.
Hope, A. R., author of Heroes in Homespun, 2, 5.
Hopkins family, 87.
Hopkins, Capt. Amos, stowaway on brig of, 81.
Hopper, Isaac T., methods of secret emancipation early practised by, 34, 35, 346, 347;
fugitives sent by sea by, 145.
Hoppess, State vs., case of, 256, 257, 259, 262, 263.
Hossack, John, indicted for helping fugitives, 347-350.
Kansas-Nebraska Act, appeal to the churches evoked by, 99;
mass-meetings in opposition to, 328;
relation of Glover and Burns cases to, 331.
Kauffman, Daniel, prosecution of, 102.
Kelly, Abby, disowned by Uxbridge monthly meeting, 49.
Kelsey, Capt., master of an "abolitionist" boat, 82.
Kenderdine, John, 274.
Kentucky, news of Canada early brought into, 27;
abducting trip of Dr. A. M. Ross into, 28;
knowledge of Canada among slaves in, 28, 29, 37;
negotiations of, with adjoining free states for extradition of fugitives, 47;
slave-hunters from, 53, 54;
abduction of slaves from Covington, 61;
fugitives from, 85, 109;
Rev. John Rankin in, 109, 306;
underground routes from, 119;
incident of rescue from plantation of, 153;
abduction of the Hayden family from Lexington, 158;
visit of Mrs. Haviland to, for purpose of abducting slaves, 171, 172;
Henson's abduction of slaves from, 177, 178;
Elijah Anderson, abductor, imprisoned in, 183;
abductions from, by John Mason, 184;
Canadian refugees from, 195;
effect of slave-breeding in, 228;
John Van Zandt, anti-slavery man from, 274, 275;
rescue of fugitives escaped from, 275, 276;
Mallory of, on repeal of law of 1850, 288;
resolution of, against admission of slaves to Canada, desirous of extradition of fugitives from, 299;
Margaret Garner, a fugitive from, 302;
petitions Congress for protection for slaveholder, 311;
complaint of, against the free states, 312;
residence of Harriet Beecher Stowe on borders of, 321;
Senator Atchison of, on loss sustained by slave-owners of border states, 341;
fugitives from, recorded by Osborn, 344, 345;
Senator Polk on losses of, through underground channels, 352;
reasons of, for remaining in the Union, 354, 356;
insistence of, on retention of Fugitive Slave Law by the government, 356.
Kidnapping, of free persons in the North between 1850 and 1856, 240;
along southern border of free states, 295;
petition of Baltimore Quakers for protection of free negroes against, 296, 318;
case of, Martin, Lewis, case of, 256, 257, 259, 260, 263.
Maryland, abducting trip of A. M. Ross into, 28;
knowledge of Canada among slaves in, 28, 29;
fugitive shipped in a box from Baltimore, 60;
number of slaves abducted from, by Charles T. Torrey, 88;
reward offered to Indians for apprehending fugitives by, 91, 92;
underground routes in, 117;
steady loss from counties of, 119;
movement of fugitives to Wilmington, 121;
agents of U. G. R. R. in Baltimore, 151;
escape of, and abductions by Harriet Tubman from, 186-189;
Canadian refugees from, 195;
fugitives from, in western Pennsylvania, 276;
law against hospitality to fugitive slaves in, 291;
resolution of legislature of, against harboring fugitives, 298;
Rev. Geo. Bourne, a resident of, 303;
Pratt of, on loss sustained by slave-owners of his state, 341.
Mason, John, abductor, 178, 183-185.
Mason, Lewis, counsel in fugitive slave case, 284.
Mason, of Massachusetts, on trial by jury for fugitives, 297.
Mason, of Virginia, on difficulty of recapturing fugitives, 243;
on the Fugitive Slave Law, 311, 312;
on loss sustained by slave-owners of his state, 341.
Massachusetts, extinction of slavery in, 17;
anti-slavery Quakers in, 31;
ase of Jack vs. Martin, 257;
on the Fugitive Slave Law, 272.
New Bedford, Mass., estimate of fugitive settlers in, 235, 236;
Frederick Douglass in, 251.
Newberne, N.C., agent in, 68, 81, 117;
escape of slaves from, 144.
New Brunswick, Canada, routes to, 133, 219.
New England, information secured concerning underground lines in, 11;
slavery extinguished in, 17;
anti-slavery settlement in, 31, 93, 171;
rise of U. G. R. R. in, 36, 37;
fugitives from the South landed on coast of, 81, 144;
extent of underground system in, 113;
settlers in Ohio from, 115;
fugitives sent to, 121, 125;
routes of, 128-134, 219;
direction of routes in, 140, 195, 219;
terminal stations in, 145;
career of Lewis Hayden in, 158;
stipulation for return of fugitives in agreement of Confederation of 1643, 292;
memorial asking repeal of Fugitive Slave Law, from Quakers in, 324;
sentiment in, adverse to the South's treatment of the compromises, 331.
New England Anti-Slavery Society, annual meeting of, at time of attempted rescue of Burns, 382.
New England Magazine, on Underground Railroad, 5, 6.
New Garden, Ind. See Fountain City, Ind.
New Hampshire, rise of Underground Railroad in, 36, 37;
routes of, 132, 133;
failure to pass full personal liberty law in, 246;
early opposition to Fugitive Slave Law of 1793, 295.
New Haven, agreement of colony of, with New Netherlands for surrender of fugitives, 19.
New Jersey, slavery extinguished in, 17;
anti-slavery Quakers in, 31;
rise of Underground Railroad in, 34;
routes of, 120, 121, 123-125;
abductors along southern boundaries of, 151;
settlement of fugitive slaves among Quakers at Greenwich, 236;
sanction to Fugitive Slave Law, 246;
slave-owner from, prosecuted, 274;
penalties in, for transporting fugitives, 291, 323;
acceptance of Compromise of 1850 as a substantial political settlement in, 324;
Sumner on import of the appeal of fugitive slaves to communities in, 325;
open defiance to Fugitive Slave Law in, (1850-1860,) 326 et seq.;
confederacy among cities of, proposed to defend fugitives from rendition, 328, 329;
effect of Kansas-Nebraska Act on public feeling in, 331;
double effect of law of 1850 in, 337, 338;
charge of bad faith on part of, unsustained by statistics on fugitive slaves, 342, 343;
underground operations the basis of important charges against, in crisis of 1850, 351, 352;
efforts of Congress to appease spirit of secession, 354;
protest against employment of troops from, as slave catchers, 355;
effect of Underground Road in creating anti-slavery sentiment in, 357.
Northwest Ordinance,
slavery excluded by, 17, 18;
organization of states under, 18;
fugitive slave clause in, quoted, 20, 293;
alleged repugnancy of law of 1793 to, 255, 262, 263;
alleged hostility between law of 1850 and, 268;
protection afforded slave-owners by, 298.
Northwest Territory,
slavery excluded from, 17;
study of map of underground lines in, 120;
multitude of lines within, 134, 135;
appeal to Ordinance of, in effort to overthrow law of 1793, 262, 263;
obligations of a state carved from, 263.
Norton, Mr., 258.
Notable persons among underground helpers, 104-112, 163-189.
Nova Scotia, disappearance of slavery from, 191;
sea routes to, 219;
fugitives sent from Boston to Halifax in, 248.
Nuckolls, escape of slaves of, 52.
Nullification, spirit of, in the North, 326-338.
Number, of underground helpers discovered, 87;
of fugitives befriended by various operators, 87-89, 111;
of fugitives using the valley of the Alleghanies, 118 n.;
@49038-h@49038-h-7.htm.html#Page_172" class="pginternal">172,173.
Peirce, I. Newton, message sent by, 57;
ic@vhost@g@html@files@49038@49038-h@49038-h-6.htm.html#Page_133" class="pginternal">133.
Quakers, Levi Coffin one of the, 4;
underground centres in communities of, 6, 90, 115-120, 125;
Alum Creek Settlement of, 10;
agents and operators among the, 31, 38, 39, 53, 92, 94, 98, 124, 131;
pro-slavery sentiment among, 49;
costume of, used as a disguise, 67;
Washington's comment on a society of Philadelphia, 68;
as conservators of abolition ideas, 93;
result of appeal to societies of, in Massachusetts, 99;
political affiliations of, 100;
devotees of U. G. R. R. work among, 110-112;
John Brown's party entertained by, in Iowa, 164;
words of the Quaker poet, Whittier, quoted, 171;
Quaker abductor Richard Dillingham, 174;
at Richmond, Ind., befriend Josiah Henson, 177;
at Fountain City, Ind., 199;
visits of several, to Canadian refugees, 199;
safety sought by fugitive settlers among, 235, 236;
protection afforded fugitives by Quakers of New Bedford, Mass., 258;
defendants in case of rescue, 274;
in Christiana case, 280, 281;
petition of Baltimore, against kidnapping, 296;
memorial of, for repeal of Fugitive Slave Law, 324;
record of fugitives in Alum Creek Settlement of, 344-346.
Quebec, early emigration of fugitive slaves to, 218.
Queen's Bush, early settlement of, by refugees, 204, 218.
Quincy, Ill., multiple routes of, 141.
Quincy, Josiah, his account of first known rescue of fugitive under arrest quoted, 83, 84;
opponent of fugitive slave legislation, 283.
Quitman, Gen. John A., 341.
Quixot, Stephen, fugitive from Virginia, 51.
Racine, Wis., Glover rescue in, 327.
Railroads, steam, use of, for transportation of fugitives, 35, 59, 78-81, 122-124, 128, round Railroad, by E. M. Pettit, 2, 4.
Skillgess, Joseph, on fugitives passing through Ross County, O., 39.
Slave-hunters, authors of Levi Coffin's title "President of the U. G. R. R.," 111;
at Detroit, 147;
difficulties met by, 242, 243;
imprisonment of, 273, 274;
number of, increased after passage of the Fugitive Slave Law, 316;
in the Oberlin-Wellington case, 335, 336;
protest against the employment of Northern troops as, 355.
Slave-hunting, engagement of shiftless class in, 239;
by Southern planters and their aids, 240;
uncertainty of, in anti-slavery communities, 242, 243;
Mr. Mason, of Virginia, on, 243;
agents of slave-owners employed in, 316.
Slavery, character of, at beginning of nineteenth century, 25;
changed character of later, 26;
John Brown's plan of abolition of, 168;
in Canada, 190, 191;
attacks on, in Congress, 286;
abolished in District of Columbia, 287;
King's proposition to prohibit, in Northwest Territory, 293;
conviction of sin of, in Northern states, 300, 301;
pursuit of fugitives creates opposition to, in the North, 302;
early advocacy of political action against, by Bourne and Duncan, Rev. John Rankin's hatred of, 306;
address of Liberty party convention touching on, 310;
effect of prosecution of U. G. R. R. workers on question of, 317;
nationalized by law of 1850, 321;
effects of, studied by Harriet Beecher Stowe, 321;
renewal of consideration of question of, caused by Uncle Tom's Cabin, 324;
U. G. R. R., the safety-valve of, 340;
disappearance of, in District of Columbia attributed to the U. G. R. R. by Claiborne, 341, 342;
extinction of, in the United States, 356, 358.
Slaves, desire for freedom among, 25, 195-197;
purchase of, by Alabama, 26;
incentives to flight of, 26, 27, 296;
knowledge of Canada among, 28-30, 197;
arrive as stowaways on the Maine coast, 133;
steady increase in the number of, fleeing into Ohio, 135;
from Virginia, 144;
movement of, to inter-lake portion of Ontario, 241;
effect of law of 1850 upon, 243;
Lincoln's proclamation of warning to, 287;
the Underground Railroad as a grievance of, 290;
sentiment in, concerning slave clause in Constitution, 294;
complaints of members of Congress from, on score of treatment accorded runaways in the North, 295, 296;
negotiations for return of fugitives to, 302;
people of, aroused by addresses to slaves, 310;
Calhoun on discontent in, 313;
Webster on complaint of, in regard to non-rendition of fugitives, 314;
Pres. Fillmore gives assurances to, regarding Fugitive Slave Law, 318;
doctrine of state sovereignty of, resisted by Wisconsin, 330;
work of the U. G. R. R. a real relief to, 340;
estimates of loss sustained by slave-owners in various, 341, 342;
decline of slave population in border states, shown in United States census reports, 343;
comparison of numbers of negroes transported from, by U. G. R. R.
and American Colonization Society, 350, 351;
members of Congress from, on work of U. G. R. R., 351, 352;
attempted conciliation of, 354;
chances for escape of slaves multiplied throughout, 355;
agitation by people of, for vigorous Fugitive Slave Law, 357.
Sowles, Hon. William, operator, 107.
Spalding, Rufus P., counsel in the Oberlin-Wellington case, 282.
Speed, John, 65.
Speed, Sidney, incident of unsuccessful pursuit narrated by, 65, 66.
Spradley, Wash, a colored abductor of Louisville, Ky., 151.
Sprague, Judge, on legal force of a commissioner's certificate, 270.
Springfield, Mass., "League of Gileadites" in, 71-75.
Stanton, Henry B., 169, 170.
State sovereignty, doctrine of, in the Northern states, 326-330.
Stations, in New Hampshire, 132;
in Maine, 134;
initial, in Ohio, 135;
initial, in Iowa, 136;
49038-h@49038-h-4.htm.html#Page_93" class="pginternal">93-99;

origin of, 33, 34, 191, 192;
development of, 35-43,
in New Jersey, 34,
in New York, 34, 35,
in New England, 36,
in Ohio, 37-40,
in North Carolina, 40,
in Indiana, 40, 41,
in Illinois, 41, 42,
in Iowa, 42, 98,
in Kansas, 43;
activity of (1830-1840), 44, 308;
activity of (1850-1860), 44, 71, 316, 317, 357;
naming of, 44-46;
midnight service on, 54-56;
communications in work of, 56-59;
methods of conveyance on, 59-61;
nature of routes of, 61, 62, 70, 130, 141-146;
variety of stations on, 62-64;
use of disguises in work of, 64-67;
lack of formal organization in, terminology of, 67;
spontaneous character of, 69;
places of deportation, 70, 145-147;
terminal stations of, 70, 145-148;
routes by rail, 78-81, 142-145;
connection of Fred. Douglass with, 80, 91, 118, 251, 340;
river routes, 81, 82, 142;
traffic by water, 81-83, 142, 144-148, 219;
routes by sea, 81, 129, 144, 145, 219;
church connections of operators of, 94-97;
notable operators of, 104-112, 77;
fugitives forwarded to New York City, by Philadelphia, 80;<

[1] Chapters VI and VII, pp. 61-86.

[2] Vol. III, p. 552, foot-note.

[3] History of the United States, Vol. II, pp. 74-77, 361, 362.

[4] Mitchell, Underground Railroad, Preface, p. vi; p. 17.

[5] Mr. Mitchell divides his little book into two chapters, one on the "Underground Railroad," occupying 124 pages, the other on the "Condition of Fugitive Slaves in Canada," occupying 48 pages.

[6] Tract No. 87, in Vol. IV, pp. 91-121, of the publications of the Society.

[7] March, 1887, pp. 672-682.

[8] July, 1888, pp. 19-88. This periodical is issued by the Firelands Historical Society of Ohio. The bulk of the number mentioned is made up of contributions in regard to the Underground Road in northwestern Ohio.

[9] February, 1895, pp. 173-180.

[10] May, 1895, pp. 9-16.

[11] April, 1896, pp. 455-463. This article is a preliminary study prepared by the author.

[12] Lillie B. C. Wyman: "Black and White," in New England Magazine, N.S., Vol. V, pp. 476-481; "Harriet Tubman," ibid., March, 1896, pp. 110-118. Nina M. Tiffany: "The Escape of William and Ellen Craft," ibid., January, 1890, p. 524 et seq.; "Shadrach," ibid., May, 1890, pp. 280-283; "Sims," ibid., June, 1890, pp. 385-388; "Anthony Burns," ibid., July, 1890, pp. 569-576. A. H. GrimkÉ: "Anti-Slavery Boston," ibid., December, 1890, pp. 441-459.

[13] Other newspapers in which materials have been found are mentioned in the Appendix, pp. 395-398.

[14] Underground Railroad Records, pp. xxxiii, xxxiv.

[15] Ibid., p. 611, where is printed an article from the Pennsylvania Freeman, December 9, 1852, giving an account of the formation of the Committee.

[16] See pp. xxxiv, xxxv, xxxvi.

[17] The title Mr. Parker gave to this scrap-book is as follows: "Memoranda of the Troubles in Boston occasioned by the infamous Fugitive Slave Law."

[18] Sanborn, Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 482.

[19] Ibid., pp. 488, 489.

[20] See Chap. XI, p. 346.

[21] Conversation with Robert Purvis, Philadelphia, Pa., December 24, 1895.

[22] Smedley, Underground Railroad, pp. 56, 57.

[23] Smedley, Underground Railroad, pp. 120, 121.

[24] The value of reminiscences and memoirs is considered in an article on "Recollections as a Source of History," by the Hon. Edward L. Pierce, in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, March and April, 1896, pp. 473-490. This, with the remarks of Professor H. Morse Stephens in his article entitled "Recent Memoirs of the French Directory," American Historical Review, April, 1896, pp. 475, 476, 489, should be read as a corrective by the student that finds himself constrained to have recourse to recollections for information.

[25] The Rev. J. R. W. Sloane, D.D., was the father of Professor William M. Sloane, of Columbia University, New York City. Professor Sloane, in a letter recently received, says: "The first clear, conscious memory I have is of seeing slaves taken from our garret near midnight, and forwarded towards Sandusky. I also remember the formal, but rather friendly, visitation of the house by the sheriff's posse." Date of letter, Paris, November 19, 1896.

[26] Conversation with the Rev. R. G. Ramsey, Cadiz, Ohio, August 18, 1892.

[27] Reminiscences, p. 184.

[28] Letter of John Charles, Economy, Wayne County, Indiana, January 9, 1896. Mr. Charles is a Quaker, and took part in the underground work at Economy.

[29] Letter from Charles W. Osborn, Economy, Indiana, March 4, 1896. Mr. Osborn obtained the names of stations in conversation with Mr. Ratliff.

[30] Letter of William Hayward.

[31] Constitution of Massachusetts, Part I, Art. 1; quoted by Du Bois, Suppression of the Slave Trade, p. 225.

[32] See Appendix A, p. 359.

[33] History of the United States, Vol. I, p. 16.

[34] M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, pp. 2-11.

[35] Journals of Congress, XII, 84, 92.

[36] Constitution of the United States, Art. IV, § 2. See Revised Statutes of the United States, I, 18. See also Appendix A, p. 359.

[37] Elliot's Debates. See also George Livermore's Historical Research Respecting the Opinions of the Founders of the Republic on Negroes, as Citizens and as Soldiers, 1862, p. 51 et seq.

[38] Elliot's Debates, III, 277.

[39] Appendix A, pp. 359-361.

[40] Fugitive Slaves, p. 19.

[41] See Chap. IX, pp. 259-267; also Stroud, Sketch of the Laws Relating to Slavery in the Several States, 2d ed., pp. 220-222.

[42] Appendix A, pp. 361-366.

[43] Statutes at Large, IX, 462-465.

[44] Deut. xxiii, 15, 16.

[45] See Some Recollections of the Anti-Slavery Conflict, by S. J. May, p. 345 et seq.; Stroud's Sketch of the Laws Relating to Slavery in the Several States, 2d ed., 1856, pp. 271-280; Wilson, History of the Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, Vol. II, pp. 304-322.

[46] M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 43; J. F. Clarke, Anti-Slavery Days, p. 92.

[47] Rhodes, History of the United States, Vol. I, p. 377.

[48] F. L. Olmsted, Journey in the Back Country, p. 155; Rev. W. M. Mitchell, The Underground Railroad, pp. 72, 73; M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 57.

[49] Edward Ingle, Southern Side-Lights, p. 293.

[50] These reports will be dealt with in another connection. See Chap. XI, pp. 342, 343.

[51] G. M. Weston, Progress of Slavery in the United States, Washington, D.C., 1858, pp. 22, 23.

[52] Conversation with William Johnson, Windsor, Ontario, July, 1895.

[53] Conversation with Horace Washington, Windsor, Ontario, Aug. 2, 1895.

[54] The Liberator, April 10, 1846.

[55] Conversation with William Edwards, Amherstburg, Ontario, Aug. 3, 1895.

[56] Letter of H. C. Harvey, Manchester, Kan., Jan. 16, 1893.

[57] S. G. Howe, The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, pp. 11, 12.

[58] Wilson, History of the Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, Vol. II, p. 63.

[59] Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, p. 229.

[60] Dr. A. M. Ross, Recollections and Experiences of an Abolitionist, 2d ed., 1876, pp. 10, 11, 15, 39.

[61] Conversation with White and Sidney in Canada West, August, 1895.

[62] Rufus King, Ohio, in American Commonwealths, pp. 364, 365, relates that some of these slaves were discharged from servitude "by writs of habeas corpus procured in their names," and that "numbers were abducted from the slave states and concealed, or smuggled by the 'Underground Railroad' into Canada."

[63] Dr. A. M. Ross, The Recollections and Experiences of an Abolitionist, p. 38.

[64] A. L. Benedict, Memoir of Richard Dillingham, p. 17.

[65] George W. Julian, Life of Joshua R. Giddings, p. 157.

[66] History of Brown County, Ohio, p. 313 et seq. Also letter of Dr. Isaac M. Beck, Sardinia, O., Dec. 26, 1892. Mr. Beck was born in 1807, and knew personally the clergymen named. He joined the abolition movement in 1835. His excellent letter is verified in various points by other correspondents.

[67] Letter from Professor L. F. Parker, Grinnell, Iowa, Aug. 30, 1894.

[68] Letter from President W. M. Brooks, Tabor, Iowa, Oct. 11, 1894.

[69] Sparks's Washington, IX, 158, quoted in Quakers of Pennsylvania, by Dr. A. C. Applegarth, Johns Hopkins Studies, X, p. 463.

[70] Lunt, Origin of the Late War, Vol. I, p. 20.

[71] L. Maria Child, Life of Isaac T. Hopper, 1854, p. 35.

[72] History of Chester County, Pennsylvania, R. C. Smedley's article on the "Underground Railroad," p. 426; also Smedley, Underground Railroad, p. 26.

[73] The Rev. Thomas C. Oliver, born and raised in Salem, N.J., says that the work of the Underground Railroad was going on before he was born, (1818) and continued until the time of the War. Mr. Oliver was raised in the family of Thomas Clement, a member of the Society of Friends. He graduated from the Princeton Theological Seminary in 1856. As a youth he began to take part in rescues. Although seventy-five years old when visited by the author, he was vigorous in body and mind, and seemed to have a remarkably clear memory.

[74] L. Maria Child, Life of Isaac T. Hopper, p. 316.

[75] History of Florence, Mass., p. 131, Charles A. Sheffeld, Editor.

[76] The Underground Road was active in New York City at a much earlier date certainly than Lossing gives. He says, "After the Fugitive Slave Law, the Underground Railroad was established, and the city of New York became one of the most important stations on the road." History of New York, Vol. II, p. 655.

[77] Letter of Mrs. Susan L. Crane, Elmira, Sept. 14, 1896. Mrs. Crane's father, Mr. Jervis Langdon, was active in underground work at Elmira, and had a trusted co-laborer in John W. Jones, who still lives in Elmira.

[78] Conversation with Professor Orton, Ohio State University, Columbus, O., 1893.

[79] For cases of arrivals of escaped slaves over some of the western New York branches, see Sketches in the History of the Underground Railroad, by Eber M. Pettit, 1879. These sketches were first published in the Fredonia Censor, the series closing Nov. 18, 1868.

[80] Letter of Mr. Aldis O. Brainerd, St. Albans, Vt., Oct. 21, 1895.

[81] Letter of Mr. Charles E. Lord, Franklin, Pa., July 6, 1896: "My maternal grandfather, James Furber, lived for several years in Canaan, N.H., where his house was one of the stations of the Underground Railway. His father-in-law, James Harris, who lived in the same house, had been engaged in helping fugitive negroes on toward Canada ever since 1830, and probably before that time."

[82] Letter of Judge Mellen Chamberlain, Chelsea, Mass., Feb. 1, 1896.

[83] Letter of Mr. Thomas P. Cheney, Ashland, N.H., March 30, 1896.

[84] Recollections of the Anti-Slavery Conflict, p. 297.

[85] Elizabeth Buffum Chace, Anti-Slavery Reminiscences, p. 27. Mrs. Chace says: "From the time of the arrival of James Curry at Fall River, and his departure for Canada, in 1839, that town became an important station on the so-called Underground Railroad." The residence of Mrs. Chace was a place of refuge from the year named.

[86] Concerning Springfield, Mass, see Mason A. Green's History of Springfield, pp. 470, 471. For the sentiment of New Bedford, see Ellis's History of New Bedford, pp. 306, 307.

[87] Letter of the Rev. O. B. Cheney, Pawtuxet, R.I., Apr. 8, 1896.

[88] Letter of Mr. Brown Thurston, Portland, Me., Oct. 21, 1895.

[89] Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, Vol. II, p. 63; Alexander Black, The Story of Ohio, see account of the Underground Railroad.

[90] Letter of Col. D. W. H. Howard, Wauseon, O., Aug. 22, 1894.

[91] Conversation with Robert McCrory, Marysville, O., Sept. 30, 1898. Mr. McCrory was educated at Oberlin College, and has an excellent memory.

[92] Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio, Vol. I, p. 614.

[93] Letter from Job Mullin, dictated to his son-in-law, W. H. Newport, at Springboro, O., Sept. 9, 1895.

[94] Conversation with Mr. Eliakim H. Moore, Athens, O.

[95] Conversation with Joseph Skillgess, Urbana, O., Aug. 14, 1894.

[96] Letter of Wm. A. Johnston, Coshocton, O., Aug. 23, 1894.

[97] Letter of Hannah W. Blackburn, for her father, Mahlon Pickrell, Zanesfield, O., March 25, 1893.

[98] Letter of R. C. Corwin, Lebanon, O., Sept. 11, 1895.

[99] The Firelands Pioneer, July, 1888, p. 34.

[100] The Firelands Pioneer, July, 1888, p. 34 et seq.

[101] Stephen B. Weeks, Southern Quakers and Slavery, p. 242.

[102] Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, 2d ed., pp. 20, 21.

[103] Letter from John F. Williams, Economy, Ind., March 21, 1893. When this letter was written, Mr. Williams was eighty-one years old. He was, he says, born in 1812. In 1820 he would have been eight years old. Children were sometimes sent to carry food to refugees in hiding, or to do other little services with which they could be safely trusted. Such experiences were apt to make deep impressions on their young memories.

[104] Letter from H. B. Leeper, Princeton, Ill., received Dec. 19, 1895. Mr. Leeper is seventy-five years of age. His letter shows a knowledge of the localities of which he writes, Bond County in southwestern Illinois, and Bureau and Putnam Counties in the central part of the state.

[105] Letter from Professor L. F. Parker, Grinnell, Iowa, Aug. 30, 1894.

[106] Letter from Professor James E. Todd, Vermillion, South Dakota, Nov. 6, 1894. Professor Todd is the son of the Rev. John Todd.

The Tabor Beacon, 1890, 1891, contains a series of reminiscences from the pen of the Rev. John Todd. The first of these recounts the first arrival of fugitives in July, 1854.

[107] S. G. Howe, The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, 1864, pages 11, 12.

[108] G. M. Weston, Progress of Slavery in the United States, Washington, D.C., 1858, p. 22.

[109] Some conclusions presented in the American Historical Review, April, 1896, pp. 460-462, are here repeated.

[110] R. C. Smedley, Underground Railroad, pp. 34, 35.

[111] The Firelands Pioneer, July, 1888, p. 35.

[112] The Underground Railroad, pp. 4, 5.

[113] The date of the act is February 26, 1839.

[114] See an article entitled "An Underground Railway," by Robert W. Carroll, of Cincinnati, O., in the Cincinnati Times-Star, Aug. 19, 1890; also Smedley, Underground Railroad, p. 182; and J. B. Robinson, Pictures of Slavery and Anti-Slavery, pp. 293, 294.

[115] History of Henry County, Indiana, p. 126 et seq.

[116] Elizabeth Buffum Chace, Anti-Slavery Reminiscences, p. 19.

[117] Ibid., p. 18.

[118] Lydia Maria Child, Life of Isaac T. Hopper, pp. 388, 389.

[119] See President Fairchild's pamphlet, The Underground Railroad.

[120] Smedley, Underground Railroad, p. 139.

[121] History of Knox County, Ill., pp. 213, 214. Mr. Kightlinger's account of this affair is published under his own name.

[122] The original letter is in the possession of the author of this book.

[123] The Tabor Beacon, 1890, 1891, Chapter XXI of a series of articles by the Rev. John Todd, on "The Early Settlement and Growth of Western Iowa." Mr. Todd was one of the early settlers of western Iowa. The letters were received from his son, Professor James E. Todd, of the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, S. Dak.

[124] Letter of Mr. Sturgis Williams, Percival, Ia., 1894. Mr. Williams was also one of the pioneers of western Iowa.

[125] History of Brown County, Ohio, p. 314.

[126] The New Reign of Terror in the Slaveholding States, for 1859-1860 (Anti-Slavery Tracts, No. 4, New Series), pp. 49, 50.

[127] Letter of Mrs. Mary C. Thorne, Selma, Clark Co., O., March 3, 1892. John Charles was an uncle of Mrs. Thorne.

[128] The original memorandum is written in pencil on a letter received by Mr. Putnam from Mr. John Stone, of Belpre, O., in Aug., 1843. The contents of this letter, or message, is given on page 57. The original is in possession of the author.

[129] The Firelands Pioneer, July, 1888, p. 20; also letter of S. J. Wright, Rushville, O., Aug. 29, 1894, and letter of Ira Thomas, Springboro, O., Oct. 29, 1895.

[130] This owl signal was mentioned in conversation with several residents of Marietta. Miss Martha Putnam says she has heard her father make the "hoot-owl" call hundreds of times. General R. R. Dawes designates this call the "river signal." "When I was a boy of eight," he says, "I was visiting my grandfather, Judge Ephraim Cutler. The place was called Constitution. Somehow, in the night I was wakened up, and a wagon came down over the hill to the river. Then a call was given, a hoot-owl call, and this was answered by a similar one from the other side; then a boat went out and brought over the crowd. My mother got out of bed and kneeled down and prayed for them, and had me kneel with her." Conversation with General Dawes, Marietta, O., Aug. 21, 1892.

[131] Letter of the Rev. J. B. Lee, Franklinville, N.Y., Oct. 21, 1895.

[132] Smedley, Underground Railroad, p. 46.

[133] See the facsimile.

[134] Letter of I. Newton Peirce, Folcroft, Sharon Hill P.O., Delaware Co., Pa., Feb. 1, 1893.

[135] History of Clinton County, Iowa, article on the "Underground Railroad," pp. 413-416.

[136] J. B. Grinnell, Men and Events of Forty Years, p. 217.

[137] Judge R. B. Harlan and others, History of Clinton County, Ohio, pp. 380-383; letter of Seth Linton, Oakland, Clinton County, O., Sept. 4, 1892; Smedley, Underground Railroad, p. 187.

[138] The Miami Union, April 10, 1895, article entitled "A Reminiscence of Slave Times."

[139] Letter of Mrs. C. Grant, Pomeroy, Meigs Co., O.

[140] The Republican Leader, March 16, 1894, article, "Reminiscence of the Underground Railroad," by E. H. Trueblood.

[141] See Underground Railroad Records, pp. 46, 47.

[142] Ibid., pp. 81-84; see also Narrative of Henry Box Brown, who escaped from slavery enclosed in a box 3 feet long and 2 wide, written from a statement of facts made by himself, 1849, by Charles Stearns.

[143] Smedley, Underground Railroad, pp. 138, 139.

[144] The Rev. Calvin Fairbank During Slavery Times, pp. 24, 25; see also the Chicago Tribune, Jan. 29, 1893, p. 33.

[145] Conversation with James W. Torrence, Northwood, Logan Co., O., Sept. 22, 1894.

[146] Letter of William I. Bowditch, Boston, Mass., April 5, 1893.

[147] Letter of John Weldon, Dwight, Ill., Nov. 7, 1895.

[148] History of Darke County, Ohio, p. 332 et seq.

[149] Letter of Thomas L. Smith, Fredericksburg, Wayne Co., O., Oct. 6, 1894.

[150] Letter of J. E. Platt, Guthrie, Ok., March 28, 1896. Mr. Platt is a son of Deacon Jirch Platt.

[151] Letter of William H. Collins, Quincy, Ill., Jan. 13, 1896.

[152] Conversation with J. Addison Giddings, Jefferson, O.

[153] Letter of Lewis Ford, Boston, Mass. See also Reminiscences of Fugitive Slave Law Days in Boston, by Austin Bearse, 1880, p. 12.

[154] Letter of John Weldon, Dwight, Ill., Jan. 10, 1896.

[155] Letter of the Rev. J. E. Roy, Chicago, Ill., April 9, 1896.

[156] W. G. Deshler and others, Memorial on the Death of James M. Westwater, pp. 14, 15.

[157] Letter of E. H. Trueblood, Hitchcock, Ind.

[158] Letter of E. F. Brown, Amesville, O.

[159] Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, Feb. 11, 1894, article by W. Eldebe.

[160] Letter of Professor George Churchill, Galesburg, Jan. 29, 1896.

[161] Conversation with Gabe N. Johnson, Ironton, O., Sept. 30, 1894.

[162] Smedley, Underground Railroad, p. 242.

[163] Letter of Valentine Nicholson, Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 10, 1892.

[164] The Rev. Calvin Fairbank During Slavery Times, p. 10.

[165] Ibid., p 34. et seq.

[166] Letter from Mr. Sidney Speed, Crawfordsville, Ind., March 6, 1896.

[167] Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, pp. 439-442.

[168] M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 61.

[169] Smedley, Underground Railroad, p. 244.

[170] Spark's Washington, IX, 158, quoted in Quakers of Pennsylvania, by Dr. A. C. Applegarth, Johns Hopkins Studies, X, 463.

[171] The letter from which this quotation is made will be found in Underground Railroad, by R. C. Smedley, pp. 355, 356.

[172] The italics are my own.

[173] Howe, Historical Collections of Ohio, Vol. II, pp. 103, 104; see also the Reminiscences of Levi Coffin.

[174] George H. Woodruff, History of Will County, Illinois, p. 268.

[175] Conversation with J. R. Ware, and with the daughter of Mr. Hyde, Mrs. Amanda Shepherd, Mechanicsburg, O., Sept. 7, 1895; conversation with Major Joseph C. Brand, Urbana, O., Aug. 13, 1894.

[176] Conversation with George W. S. Lucas, Salem, Columbiana Co., Aug. 14, 1892, when he was fifty-nine years old. He was remarkably clear and convincing in his statements, many of which have since been corroborated. Citizens of Salem referred to him as a reliable source of information.

[177] Letter from George L. Burroughes, Cairo, Ill., Jan. 6, 1896. Mr. Burroughes said that Mr. Robert Delany, a friend from Canada, proposed to him that they both take an agency for the Underground Railroad. Delany took the Rock Island route and Burroughes the Cairo route.

[178] Letter of Martin I. Townsend, Troy, N.Y., Sept. 4, 1896. Mr. Townsend was counsel for the fugitive, Charles Nalle, in the Nalle or Troy Rescue case. See the little book entitled, Harriet, the Moses of Her People, 2d ed., p. 146; see also History of the County of Albany, New York, from 1609-1886, p. 725.

[179] Conversation with Judge J. W. Finney, Detroit, Mich., July 27, 1897.

[180] Weiss, Life and Correspondence of Theodore Parker, Vol. II, pp. 92, 93.

[181] Frederick Douglass relates that when he escaped from Maryland to New York, in 1838, he was befriended by David Ruggles, the secretary of the New York Vigilance Committee; Life of Frederick Douglass, 1881, p. 205.

[182] The Rev. J. W. Loguen gives the names of the committee in his autobiography, p. 396.

[183] Samuel J. May, Recollections of the Anti-Slavery Conflict, pp. 349-364; Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in the United States, Vol. II, pp. 305, 306.

[184] Ibid., p. 308. The list of members of the Committee of Vigilance given by Austin Bearse, the doorkeeper of the Committee, contains two hundred and nine names. Among these are A. Bronson Alcott, Edward Atkinson, Henry I. Bowditch, Richard H. Dana, Jr., Lewis Hayden, William Lloyd Garrison, Samuel G. Howe, Francis Jackson, Ellis Gray Loring, James Russell Lowell, Theodore Parker, Edmund Quincy and others of distinction. See pp. 3, 4, 5, 6, in Mr. Bearse's Reminiscences of Fugitive-Slave-Law Days in Boston.

[185] For much valuable material relating to the Vigilance Committee of Boston, see Theodore Parker's Scrap-Book, in the Boston Public Library.

[186] Mr. Bearse says: "There were printed tickets of notice which I delivered to each member in person, if possible, of which the following copies are specimens:

'Boston, June 7, 1854.

There will be a meeting of the Vigilance Committee at the Meionaon (Tremont Temple), on Thursday evening, June 8, at half-past seven.

Pass in by the Office Entrance, and through the Meionaon Ante-Room.

Theodore Parker, Chairman of Executive Committees.'

'Vigilance Committee! The members of the Vigilance Committee are hereby notified to meet at —— ——

By order of the Committee,

A. Bearse, Doorkeeper.'"

Reminiscences of Fugitive-Slave-Law Days in Boston, pp. 15, 16.

[187] Ibid., p. 14.

[188] Judg. vii. 3; Deut. xx. 8; referred to by Brown in his "Agreement and Rules."

[189] F. B. Sanborn, in his Life and Letters of John Brown, pp. 125, 126, gives the agreement, rules, and signatures. See also R. J. Hinton's John Brown and His Men, Appendix, pp. 585, 588.

[190] Mason A. Green, History of Springfield, Massachusetts, 1636-1886, p. 506.

[191] Article, "Meeting to Form a Vigilance Committee," in the Pennsylvania Freeman, Dec. 9, 1852; quoted in Underground Railroad Records, by William Still, pp. 610-612.

[192] Still's Underground Railroad Records, p. 177. References to the action of the committee of which Mr. Still was chairman will be found scattered through the Records. See, for example, pp. 70, 98, 102, 131, 150, 162, 173, 176, 204, 224, 274, 275, 303, 325, 335, 388, 412, 449, 493, 500.

[193] Conversation with Asbury Parker, Ironton, O., Sept. 30, 1894.

[194] Conversation with Anthony Bingey, Windsor, Ont., July 3, 1895.

[195] Reminiscences, p. 178.

[196] Conversation with M. J. Benedict, Alum Creek Settlement, Dec. 2, 1893. See also Underground Railroad, Smedley, pp. 56, 136, 142, 174.

[197] Narrative of William W. Brown, A Fugitive Slave, written by himself, 2d ed., 1848, p. 102.

[198] The letter is printed in full, together with other letters, in Still's Underground Railroad Records, pp. 590, 591.

[199] Levi Coffin, Reminiscences, p. 316.

[200] Protectionist, Arnold Buffum, Editor, New Garden, Ind., 7th mo., 1st, 1841.

[201] Reminiscences, pp. 317, 321.

[202] Still's Underground Railroad Records, p. 613.

[203] Ibid., p. 598. In the fragment of a letter from which Mr. Still quotes, Mr. Douglass says, "They [the fugitives] usually tarry with us only during the night, and are forwarded to Canada by the morning train. We give them supper, lodging, and breakfast, pay their expenses, and give them a half-dollar over."

[204] The Firelands Pioneer, July, 1888, p. 21.

[205] Ibid., pp. 23, 57, 79.

[206] Ibid., p. 74. The "Three C's" is now the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad, or "Big Four" Route.

[207] Conversation with Thomas Williams, of Pennsville, O.; letter of H. C. Harvey, Manchester, Kan., Jan. 16, 1893.

[208] Letter of I. Newton Peirce, Folcroft, Pa., Feb. 1, 1893.

[209] Letter of Sidney Speed, Crawfordsville, Ind., March 6, 1896. Mr. Speed and his father were both connected with the Crawfordsville centre.

[210] Life and Poems of John Howard Bryant, p. 30; letter of William H. Collins, Quincy, Ill., Jan. 13, 1896; History of Knox County, Illinois, p. 211.

[211] Letter of George L. Burroughes, Cairo, Ill., Jan. 6, 1896.

[212] Ibid.; conversation with the Rev. R. G. Ramsey, Cadiz, O., Aug. 18, 1892.

[213] J. B. Grinnell, Men and Events of Forty Years, p. 216.

[214] Smedley, Underground Railroad, pp. 174, 176, 177, 365. The following letter is in point:—

"Schuylkill, 11th Mo., 7th, 1857.

William Still, Respected Friend:—There are three colored friends at my house now, who will reach the city by the Philadelphia and Reading train this evening. Please meet them.

Thine, etc.,
E. F. Pennypacker."

[215] Letter of John W. Jones, Elmira, N.Y., Jan. 18, 1897.

[216] Letter of the Hon. Andrew D. White, Ithaca, N.Y., April 10, 1897.

[217] Mrs. Elizabeth Buffum Chace, Anti-Slavery Reminiscences, pp. 28, 38.

[218] Letter of William I. Bowditch, Boston, April 5, 1893. Mr. Bowditch says: "Generally I passed them (the fugitives) on to William Jackson, at Newton. His house being on the Worcester Railroad, he could easily forward any one." Captain Austin Bearse, Reminiscences of Fugitive-Slave Law Days in Boston, p. 37.

[219] Letter of Brown Thurston, Portland, Me., Oct. 21, 1895.

[220] Mrs. Elizabeth Buffum Chace, Anti-Slavery Reminiscences, pp. 27, 30.

[221] Austin Bearse, Reminiscences of Fugitive-Slave Law Days in Boston, 1880, pp. 34-39.

[222] Smedley, Underground Railroad, letter of Robert Purvis, of Philadelphia, p. 335.

[223] Still, Underground Railroad Records, pp. 165-172. For other cases, see pp. 211, 379-381, 437, 558, 559-565.

[224] See p. 312, Chapter X.

[225] Letters of Brown Thurston, Portland, Me., Jan. 13, 1893, and Oct. 21, 1895.

[226] For letters from Mr. Garrett to William Still, of the Acting Committee of Vigilance of Philadelphia, notifying him that fugitives had been sent by boat, see Still's Underground Railroad Records, pp. 380, 387.

[227] Letter of S. T. Pickard, Portland, Me., Nov. 18, 1893.

[228] Still, Underground Railroad Records, p. 368; Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, Vol. II, p. 325; New England Magazine, January, 1890, p. 580.

[229] Letter of A. P. Dutton, of Racine, Wis., April 7, 1896. As a shipper of grain and an abolitionist for twenty years in Racine, Mr. Dutton was able to turn his dock into a place of deportation for runaway slaves.

[230] A. J. Andreas, History of Chicago, Vol. I, p. 606.

[231] Letter of Mr. Weiblen, Fairview, Erie Co., Pa., Nov. 26, 1895.

[232] The Firelands Pioneer, July, 1888, p. 46.

[233] Ibid., p. 50.

[234] The names of the last six boats given, as well as several of the others, were obtained from freedmen in Canada, who keep them in grateful remembrance.

[235] Narrative of William W. Brown, by himself, 1848, pp. 107, 108.

[236] Mr. Quincy's report of the case, quoted by M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 35.

[237] See p. 38.

[238] Smedley, Underground Railroad, pp. 356-361.

[239] Levi Coffin, Reminiscences, pp. 548-554.

[240] This account is condensed from a report given in the Troy Whig, April 28, 1859, and printed in the book entitled, Harriet the Moses of Her People, pp. 143-149.

[241] See Appendix E, pp. 403-439.

[242] William Birney, James G. Birney and His Times, p. 435.

[243] Smedley, Underground Railroad, p. 56.

[244] Letter of Mrs. Pamela S. Thomas, Schoolcraft, Mich., March 25, 1896.

[245] Letter of Mrs. Laura S. Haviland, Englewood, Ill., June 5, 1893.

[246] Letter of M. M. Fisher, Medway, Mass., Oct. 23, 1893.

[247] E. G. Mason, Early Chicago and Illinois, 1890, p. 110.

[248] Letter of Sarah C. Pennypacker, Schuylkill, Pa., June 8, 1896.

[249] Letter of H. B. Leeper, Princeton, Ill., Dec. 19, 1895.

[250] Letter of E. S. Hill, Atlantic, Ia., Oct. 30, 1894.

[251] Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, Vol. II, p. 67.

[252] Letter of W. D. Schooley, Nov. 15, 1893.

[253] Letter of James H. Frazee, Milton, Ind., Feb. 3, 1894.

[254] Henry Howe, Historical Collections of Ohio, Vol. I, p. 335. See also History of Brown County, Ohio, p. 443.

[255] History of Franklin and Pickaway Counties, Ohio, p. 424.

[256] Letter of Dr. N. B. Sisson, Porter, Gallia Co., O., Sept. 16, 1894.

[257] Letter of Gabe N. Johnson, Ironton, O., November, 1894.

[258] Article in the New Lexington (O.) Tribune, signed "W. A. D.," fall of 1885; exact date unknown.

[259] Henry Howe, Historical Collections of Ohio, Vol. II, p. 380.

[260] Fairchild, The Underground Railroad, Vol. IV; Tract No. 87, Western Reserve Historical Society, p. 97.

[261] Deut. xxiii, 15, 16.

[262] Delivered in Melodeon Hall, Boston, Oct. 6, 1850. The Chronotype, Oct. 7, 1850. See Vol. II, No. 2, of the Scrap-book relating to Theodore Parker, compiled by Miss C. C. Thayer, Boston Public Library.

[263] William Birney, James G. Birney and His Times, p. 435.

[264] Letter of H. B. Leeper, Princeton, Ill., Dec. 19, 1895.

[265] Smedley, Underground Railroad, p. 355.

[266] Letter of Frederick Douglass, Cedar Hill, Anacostia, D.C., March 27, 1893. Mr. Douglass escaped from slavery in 1839.

[267] M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, pp. 13, 104, 105.

[268] M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, pp. 7, 8, and the references there given.

[269] Letter of Colonel D. W. H. Howard, Wauseon, O., Aug. 22, 1894.

[270] See Chapter VII, p. 203.

[271] Conversation with the Hon. James M. Ashley, Toledo, O., August, 1894.

[272] Narrative of Lyman Goodnow in History of Waukesha County, Wisconsin, p. 462.

[273] See p. 355, Chapter XI.

[274] S. B. Weeks, Southern Quakers and Slavery, p. 198.

[275] American Church History, Vol. XII; see article on "The Society of Friends," by Professor A. C. Thomas, pp. 242-248; also Weeks, Southern Quakers and Slavery, pp. 198-219.

[276] H. N. McTyeire, D.D., History of Methodism, 1887, pp. 375, 536, 601, 611.

[277] Conversation with Major J. C. Brand, Urbana, O., Aug. 13, 1894.

[278] Conversation with Thomas M. Hazlett, Freeport, Harrison Co., O., Aug. 18, 1895.

[279] Conversation with Mrs. Mary B. Carson, Piqua, O., Aug. 30, 1895.

[280] Letter of Professor F. L. Parker, Grinnell, Ia., Sept. 30, 1894.

[281] Wm. B. Sprague, D.D., Annals of the American Pulpit, Vol. IV, 1858, p. 137; Robert E. Thompson, D.D., History of the Presbyterian Churches in the United States, 1895, p. 122.

[282] Robert E. Thompson, D.D., History of the Presbyterian Churches in the United States, 1895, pp. 136, 137.

[283] Address by J. C. Leggett, in a pamphlet entitled Rev. John Rankin, 1892, p. 9.

[284] Letter of Mrs. A. M. Buchanan, Savannah, O., 1893; conversation with Thomas L. Smith, Fredericksburg, Wayne Co., O., Aug. 15, 1895.

[285] Professor George Churchill, in The Republican Register, Galesburg, Ill., March 5, 1887.

[286] Charles C. Chapman & Co., History of Knox County, Illinois, p. 210.

[287] Joseph S. White, Note-book containing "Some Reminiscences of Slavery Times," New Castle, Pa., March 23, 1891.

[288] James H. Fairchild, D.D., The Underground Railroad, Vol. IV of publications of the Western Reserve Historical Society, Tract No. 87, p. 111.

[289] See the general map.

[290] James H. Fairchild, D.D., Oberlin, the Colony and the College, p. 117.

[291] Ibid., p. 116. See also Henry Howe, Historical Collections of Ohio, Vol. II, p. 383.

[292] Letter of President W. M. Brooks, Tabor, Ia., Oct. 11, 1894.

[293] I. B. Richman, John Brown Among the Quakers, and Other Sketches, p. 15.

[294] Letter of Professor L. F. Parker, Grinnell, Iowa, Sept. 30, 1894.

[295] J. B. Grinnell, Men and Events of Forty Years, p. 87.

[296] Letter of Professor L. F. Parker, Grinnell, Iowa, Sept. 30, 1894.

[297] Conversation with Professor Henry H. Barber, of Meadville, Pa., in Cambridge, Mass., June, 1897.

[298] Theodore Parker's Scrap-book, Boston Public Library.

[299] This view agrees with the testimony gathered by correspondence from surviving abolitionists.

[300] This statement is based on a mass of correspondence.

[301] Professor A. C. Thomas on "The Society of Friends," in American Church History, Vol. XII, 1894, pp. 284, 285.

[302] Oliver Johnson, William Lloyd Garrison and His Times, 1879, p. 322.

[303] Professor A. C. Thomas, in American Church History, Vol. XII, p. 285.

[304] Life of Garrison, by his children, Vol. I, p. 455.

[305] Ibid., Vol. III, p. 412.

[306] Oliver Johnson, William Lloyd Garrison and His Times, p. 310.

[307] History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850, Vol. I, p. 75.

[308] Letter of N. L. Van Sandt, Clarinda, Iowa. (Mr. N. L. Van Sandt is the son of John Van Zandt.) See also Wilson's Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, Vol. I, pp. 475, 476; T. R. Cobb, Historical Sketches of Slavery, p. 207; M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 42.

[309] See pp. 274, 275, Chapter IX.

[310] Pamphlet proposing a "Defensive League of Freedom," signed by Ellis Gray Loring and others, of Boston, pp. 5, 6. See Chapter IX, p. 275.

[311] Ibid.

[312] 5 McLean's United States Reports, p. 64 et seq.; see also The Firelands Pioneer, July, 1888; account by Rush R. Sloane, pp. 47-49; account by H. F. Paden, pp. 21, 22; Chapter IX, pp. 276, 277.

[313] Commonwealth, June 28, 1854; M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, pp. 45, 46; Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, Vol. II, pp. 443, 444. See Chapter X, pp. 331-333.

[314] Pamphlet proposing a "Defensive League of Freedom," pp. 1, 3, 11 and 12.

[315] Letter of Frederick Douglass, Anacostia, D.C., March 27, 1893.

[316] Life of Frederick Douglass, 1881, p. 271.

[317] Ross, Recollections and Experiences of an Abolitionist, pp. 30-44, 67-71, 121-132; also letters of Alexander M. Ross, Toronto, Ont.

[318] Conversations with Professor N. S. Townshend, Columbus, O.

[319] Conversation with Miss Mary L. Morse, Poland, O., Aug. 11, 1892; letter of Mrs. Emma Kirtland Hine, Poland, O., Jan. 23, 1897.

[320] See Chapter X, pp.

[321] Letter of T. W. Higginson, Dublin, N.H., July 24, 1896.

[322] Conversation with J. Addison Giddings, Jefferson, O., Aug. 9, 1892.

[323] Letter of I. Newton Peirce, Folcroft, Sharon Hill P.O., Pa., Feb. 1, 1893.

[324] George W. Julian, The Life of Joshua R. Giddings, 1892, p. 289.

[325] Smedley, Underground Railroad, pp. 36, 38, 46.

[326] Conversation with the Hon. James M. Ashley, Toledo, O., July, 1894.

[327] Conversation with ex-Governor Sidney Edgerton, Akron, O., Aug. 16, 1895.

[328] Conversation with Judge J. W. Finney, Detroit, Mich., July 27, 1895.

[329] Letter of S. T. Pickard, Portland, Me., Nov. 18, 1893.

[330] Letter of Aldis O. Brainerd, St. Albans, Vt., Oct. 21, 1895.

[331] Letter of Joseph Poland, Montpelier, Vt., April 7, 1897.

[332] O. B. Frothingham, Life of Gerrit Smith; National Cyclopedia of American Biography, Vol. II, pp. 322, 323.

[333] Pamphlet of the Rev. D. Heagle, entitled The Great Anti-Slavery Agitator, Hon. Owen Lovejoy, pp. 16, 17, 34, 35.

[334] J. B. Grinnell, Men and Events of Forty Years, p. 207.

[335] Ibid., pp. 217, 218.

[336] T. W. Barnes, Life of Thurlow Weed, 1884, Vol. II, p. 238.

[337] Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, Vol. II, p. 52.

[338] William Birney, James G. Birney and His Times, p. 435.

[339] J. C. Leggett, in a pamphlet entitled Rev. John Rankin, 1892, pp. 8, 9; see also History of Brown County, Ohio, p. 443.

[340] Recollections of the Anti-Slavery Conflict, p. 297.

[341] John Weiss, Life and Correspondence of Theodore Parker, 1864, p. 95.

[342] John Weiss, Life and Correspondence of Theodore Parker, 1864, p. 96.

[343] Lillie B. C. Wyman, in New England Magazine, March, 1896, p. 112; William Still, Underground Railroad Records, pp. 623-641; R. C. Smedley, Underground Railroad, pp. 237-245; M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 60.

[344] Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, 2d ed., p. 694.

[345] Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, p. 712.

[346] Anti-Slavery Days, p. 81; M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 61.

[347] Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America, Vol. II, p. 66.

[348] Ibid., p. 68.

[349] John Brown and His Men, p. 173.

[350] See pp. 123-125, this chapter.

[351] Recollections of the Anti-Slavery Conflict, pp. 296, 297.

[352] Southern Quakers and Slavery, p. 242.

[353] Ibid., p. 242. See also Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, pp. 12-31.

[354] Smedley, Underground Railroad, pp. 238, 244.

[355] Ibid., p. 326.

[356] Letter of John Hunn, Wyoming, Del., Sept. 16, 1893.

[357] In the Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin is the facsimile of a letter addressed to him by a slave, pp. 171, 172.

[358] R. C. Smedley, Underground Railroad, p. 355, letter from Robert Purvis printed therein.

[359] Chapter III, p. 68.

[360] Wm. Still, Underground Railroad, p. 41. "The Underground Railroad brought away large numbers of passengers from Richmond, Petersburg, and Norfolk, and not a few of them lived comparatively within a hair's breadth of the auction block." Wm. Still, Underground Railroad Records, p. 141.

[361] Conversation with Mrs. Elizabeth Cooley, a fugitive from Norfolk, Va., Boston, Mass., April 8, 1897.

[362] Letter of Frederick Douglass, Anacostia, D.C., March 27, 1893.

[363] Conversation with Mrs. Tubman, Boston, Mass., April 8, 1897.

[364] R. J. Hinton, John Brown and His Men, pp. 172, 173.

[365] Harriet Tubman has told the author that she did not travel by the mountain route. In his book entitled The Underground Railroad (p. 37), Mr. R. C. Smedley illustrates the value of the Alleghanies to the slaves of the regions through which they extend: "William and Phoebe Wright resided during their entire lives in a very old settlement of Friends, near the southern slope of South Mountain, a spur of the Alleghanies, which extends into Tennessee. This location placed them directly in the way to render great and valuable aid to fugitives, as hundreds, guided by that mountain range northward, came into Pennsylvania, and were directed to their home."

[366] Underground Railroad, p. 36.

[367] See pp. 33 and 34, Chapter II.

[368] R. C. Smedley, Underground Railroad, pp. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. For a description of the routes of this region, our dependence is almost wholly upon Mr. Smedley, whose intimate knowledge of them was obtained by conversation and correspondence with many of the operators. Ibid., Preface, p. x.

[369] The special map of these counties will be found in a corner of the general map.

[370] The Underground Railroad, p. 209. For a description of the secret paths in southeastern Pennsylvania, see Smedley's book, pp. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 50, 53, 77, 85, 89, 90, 100, 132, 137, 142, 164, 172, 191, 192, 208, 217, 218, 219, etc.

[371] Letters of Mrs. Susan L. Crane, Elmira, N.Y., Aug. 27, and Sept. 14 and 23, 1896; letters of John W. Jones, Elmira, N.Y., Dec. 17, 1896, and Jan. 16, 1897.

[372] Smedley, Underground Railroad, p. 91.

[373] See the general map.

[374] Article by Dr. Magill, entitled "When Men were Sold. The Underground Railroad in Bucks County," in The Bucks County Intelligencer, Feb. 3, 1898. Same article in the Friends' Intelligencer, Feb. 26, 1898.

[375] Letter of Horace Brewster, Montrose, Pa., March 20, 1898.

[376] Letter of Mr. Jolliffe, Nov. 17, 1895.

[377] Letter of John F. Hogue, Greenville, Pa., Nov. 25, 1895; letter of S. P. Stewart, Clark, Mercer Co., Pa., Dec. 26, 1895; letter of W. W. Walker, Makanda, Jackson Co., Ill., March 14, 1896; note-book of Joseph S. White, of New Castle, Pa., containing "Some Reminiscences of Slavery Times."

[378] Letters of C. P. Rank, Cush Creek, Indiana Co., Pa., Dec. 25, 1896, and Jan. 4, 1897; letter of William Atcheson, DuBois, Pa., Jan. 11, 1897.

[379] Letter of Wyett Perry, Bedford, Pa., Dec. 23, 1895; letter of John W. Rouse, Bedford, Pa., Nov. 25, 1895; letter of William M. Hall, Bedford, Pa., Nov. 30, 1895.

[380] Conversation with William Edwards, Amherstburg, Ont., Aug. 3, 1895.

[381] Conversation with Mr. Oliver, Windsor, Ont., Aug. 2, 1895.

[382] Conversation with Mr. Purvis, Philadelphia, Dec. 23, 1895.

[383] Sketches in the History of the Underground Railroad, 1879, Preface, p. xvi.

[384] Ibid., p. xiv.

[385] Ibid., p. 34.

[386] Letter of Frederick Douglass, Cedar Hill, Anacostia, D.C., March 27, 1893.

[387] Letter of Joseph A. Allen, Medfield, Mass., Aug. 10, 1896.

[388] Letter of Florence and Cordelia H. Ray, Woodside, L.I., April 12, 1897. See Sketch of the Life of Rev. Chas. B. Ray, written by the Misses Ray.

[389] Letters of Martin I. Townsend, Troy, N.Y., Sept. 4 and 15, 1896.

[390] C. F. Adams, Life of Richard Henry Dana, Vol. I, p. 155; History of Madison County, New York, by Mrs. L. M. Hammond, p. 721.

[391] O. B. Frothingham, Life of Gerrit Smith, pp. 113, 114.

[392] Letter of O. J. Russell, Pulaski, N.Y., July 29, 1896.

[393] Mr. George C. Bragdon writes concerning the runaways harbored by his father, near Port Ontario: "I believe they usually went to Cape Vincent, near the mouth of the St. Lawrence, and were taken over to Canada from there.... I believe some of the slaves received by him were sent on from Peterboro by Gerrit Smith to Asa S. Wing or James C. Jackson (Mexico), and came from them to our house. They steered clear of the villages, as a rule. Our farm was favorably situated for concealing them and helping them on." Letter of George C. Bragdon, Rochester, N.Y., Aug. 11, 1896.

[394] The fugitive Jerry McHenry, after his rescue in Syracuse, was hurried to Mexico, thence to Oswego, and from this point was transported across the lake to Kingston. May, Some Recollections of Our Anti-Slavery Conflict, pp. 378, 379.

[395] Letters of Mrs. Susan L. Crane, Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 14 and 23, 1896. Mrs. Crane is a daughter of Mr. Jervis Langdon mentioned in the text; letter of John W. Jones, Elmira, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1896.

[396] A number of the stations along the lake shore are named in the sketches called "Romances and Realities of the Underground Railroad," by H. U. Johnson, printed in the Lakeshore and Home Magazine, 1885-1887.

[397] E. M. Pettit, in Sketches in the History of the Underground Railroad, pp. 30, 31, 32, gives an instance of the use of this route.

[398] See p. 120, this chapter.

[399] Letter of Mr. Andrews, Providence, R.I., April, 1895.

[400] Pp. 470, 471.

[401] Letter of Mr. Gunn, Montague, Mass., Nov. 23, 1895.

[402] Letter of Simeon E. Baldwin, New Haven, Conn., Jan. 27, 1896; letter of Simeon D. Gilbert, New Haven, Conn., Feb. 27, 1896.

[403] Letter of D. W. C. Pond, New Britain, Conn. Mr. Pond is one of the surviving agents of New Britain.

[404] Letters of George B. Wakeman, Montour Falls, N.Y., April 21 and Sept. 26, 1896. Letter of the Rev. Erastus Blakeslee, Boston, Mass., Aug. 28, 1896.

[405] The stations, as indicated on the map, are named in letters from L. S. Abell and Charles Parsons, Conway, Mass.; C. Barrus, Springfield, Mass.; Judge D. W. Bond, Cambridge, Mass.; and Arthur G. Hill, Boston, Mass. See also article on "The Underground Railway," by Joseph Marsh, in the History of Florence, Massachusetts, pp. 165-167.

[406] Letter of Mr. Fisher, Oct. 23, 1893.

[407] Anti-Slavery Reminiscences, pp. 27, 28.

[408] Letter of Mr. Young, Groton, Mass., April 21, 1893.

[409] Letter of Mr. Robinson, Ferrisburg, Vt., Aug. 19, 1896; letter of Mr. Poland, Montpelier, Vt., April 12, 1897.

[410] Letter of Mr. Brainerd, St. Albans, Vt., Oct. 21, 1895.

[411] Letters of Mrs. Abijah Keith, Chicago, Ill., March 28, and April 4, 1897; letters of Mr. Poland, April 7 and 12, 1897.

[412] Letter of James S. Rogers, Chicago, Ill., April 17, 1897.

[413] Letters of Joel Fox, Willimantic, Conn., July 30, 1896, and Aug. 3, 1896.

[414] Some Recollections of our Anti-Slavery Conflict, p. 297.

[415] "In Boston there were many places where fugitives were received and taken care of. Every anti-slavery man was ready to protect them, and among these were some families not known to be anti-slavery." James Freeman Clarke, Anti-Slavery Days, p. 86.

[416] Letter of Mr. Bowditch, Boston, April 5, 1893.

[417] Letter of Mr. Higginson, Glimpsewood, Dublin, N.H., July 24, 1896.

[418] T. W. Higginson, Atlantic Monthly, March, 1897.

[419] Article on "The Fugitive Slave Law and Its Workings," in Fitchburg Daily Sentinel, Oct. 31, 1893.

[420] Letter of Mr. F. B. Sanborn, Concord, Mass., Feb. 1, 1896, states that "Concord was a place of resort for fugitives." Letter of Mr. S. Shurtleff, South Paris, Me., May 25, 1896, states that "The direct line of the Underground Railroad was from Boston through Vermont, via St. Albans."

[421] Atlantic Monthly, March, 1897, p. 345; Fitchburg Daily Sentinel, Oct. 31, 1893; letter of Mr. Sanborn, Concord, Mass., Feb. 1, 1896.

[422] Letter of Mr. Dodge, March, 1893.

[423] Letter of Mr. Putnam, Lynn, Mass., Feb. 14, 1894.

[424] Old Anti-Slavery Days, p. 150.

[425] Letter of David Mead, Davenport, Mass., Nov. 3, 1893.

[426] Letter of Judge Mellen Chamberlain, Chelsea, Mass., Feb. 1, 1896.

[427] Letter of C. E. Lord, Franklin, Pa., July 6, 1896.

[428] Letter of D. L. Brigham, Manchester, Mass., Nov. 16, 1893; letter of Professor Marshall S. Snow, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., April 28, 1896.

[429] Letter of Mr. Pickard, Portland, Me., Nov. 18, 1893.

[430] Letter of Mr. Thurston, Jan. 13, 1893.

[431] Letter of Mr. Thurston, Oct. 21, 1895; letter of Aaron Dunn, South Paris, Me., April 9, 1896.

[432] Letter of J. Milton Hall, April 30, 1897.

[433] Letter of S. Shurtleff, May 25, 1896.

[434] Letter of Mr. Cheney, Pawtuxet, R.I., April 8, 1896.

[435] The Firelands Pioneer, July, 1888, p. 67.

[436] Corroborative evidence as regards the routes of Morgan County is found in letters from the following persons: E. M. Stanberry, McConnellsville, O., Nov. 1, 1892; T. L. Gray, Deavertown, O., Dec. 2, 1892; Martha Millions, Pennsville, O., March 9, 1892; E. R. Brown, Sugar Grove, O.; H. C. Harvey, Manchester, Kan., Jan. 16, 1893.

[437] For these features see the general map.

[438] See p. 129, this chapter.

[439] See the language of Jefferson Davis, quoted on p. 312, Chapter X; letter of A. P. Dutton, Racine, Wis., April 7, 1896; E. M. Pettit, Sketches in the History of the Underground Railroad, pp. 29, 30, 31; letter of Florence and Cordelia H. Ray, referred to on p. 126, this chapter.

[440] Letter of Mr. Cavins, Dec. 5, 1895.

[441] Conversation with James Bayliss, Massillon, O., Aug. 15, 1895.

[442] Letter of Brown Thurston, Portland, Me., Oct. 21, 1895.

[443] See p. 80, Chapter III.

[444] Underground Railroad, p. 174. See also pp. 176, 177.

[445] Ibid., pp. 364, 365.

The following letter from Mr. Pennypacker to Mr. Still explains itself:

"Schuylkill, 11th Mo., 7th, 1857.

William Still, Respected Friend,—There are three colored friends at my house now, who will reach the city by the Philadelphia and Reading train this evening. Please meet them.

Thine, etc., E. F. Pennypacker.

We have within the past two months passed forty-three through our hands, transported most of them to Norristown in our own conveyance. E. F. P."

[446] Letter of Mr. Jones, Elmira, N.Y., Jan. 16, 1897.

[447] See p. 78, Chapter III.

[448] Letter of Mr. Peirce, Folcroft, Delaware Co., Pa., Feb. 1, 1893.

[449] See p. 79, Chapter III.

[450] Ibid.

[451] Life and Poems of John Howard Bryant, p. 30. Mr. Bryant made a practice of receiving fugitives in his house in Princeton, Ill.

[452] Mrs. Elizabeth Buffum Chace, Anti-Slavery Reminiscences, p. 27.

[453] Ibid., pp. 28, 30.

[454] R. C. Smedley, Underground Railroad, p. 355.

[455] Reminiscences of Fugitive-Slave Law Days in Boston, pp. 34, 36, 37.

[456] William Still, Underground Railroad Records, pp. 77, 142, 151, 163, 165, 211, etc.

[457] Letter of James S. Rogers, Chicago, Ill., April 17, 1897.

[458] Letter of Brown Thurston, Portland, Me., Oct. 21, 1895.

[459] Letter of Aldis O. Brainerd, St. Albans, Vt., Oct. 21, 1895.

[460] "They crossed at Detroit and at Niagara and at Ogdensburg. Of those in New England, some went up through Vermont, some fled to Maine, and crossed over into New Brunswick." F. W. Seward, Seward at Washington as Senator and Secretary of State, Vol. I, p. 170.

[461] The Firelands Pioneer, July, 1888, pp. 80, 81.

[462] Silas Farmer, History of Detroit and Michigan, p. 346.

[463] Edward G. Mason, Early Chicago and Illinois, p. 110.

[464] See Chapter III, pp. 82, 83.

[465] Letter of John G. Weiblen, Fairview, Erie Co., Pa., Nov. 26, 1895.

[466] The Firelands Pioneer, July, 1888, p. 77.

[467] Conversation with Nelson Watrous, Harbor, O., Aug. 8, 1892; conversation with J. D. Hulbert, Harbor, O., Aug. 7, 1892.

[468] The following incident given by Mr. Rush R. Sloane will serve as an illustration: "In the summer of 1853, four fugitives arrived at Sandusky.
... Mr. John Irvine ... had arranged for a 'sharpee,' a small sail-boat
used by fishermen, with one George Sweigels, to sail the boat to Canada with this party, for which service Captain Sweigels was to receive thirty-five dollars. One man accompanied Captain Sweigels, and at eight o'clock in the evening this party in this small boat started to cross Lake Erie. The wind was favorable, and before morning Point au Pelee Island was reached, and the next day the four escaped fugitives were in Canada." The Firelands Pioneer, July, 1888, pp. 49, 50.

[469] History of Brown County, Ohio, p. 315.

[470] Conversation with ex-President James H. Fairchild, Oberlin, O., Aug. 3, 1892.

[471] See the Annual Reports of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society.

[472] Conversation with Mrs. Joel Woods, at Martin's Ferry, Aug. 19, 1892.

[473] Conversation with Judge Jesse W. Laird, Jackson, O., June, 1895.

[474] Conversation with Mr. Robert Purvis, at Philadelphia, Dec. 23, 1895.

[475] Conversation with John Evans, at Windsor, Ont., C.W., Aug. 2, 1895; John Evans was a slave near Louisville, but was given his liberty in 1850, when his master became financially involved.

[476] Howe, The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, p. 11.

[477] Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, p. 229.

[478] Letter from Mr. D. B. Hodge, Oct. 9, 1894.

[479] Letter from Colonel N. C. Buswell, March 13, 1896.

[480] Letter from Seth Linton.

[481] The Firelands Pioneer, July, 1888, p. 39.

[482] Coffin, Reminiscences, pp. 304, 305; letter of Miss H. N. Wilson, College Hill, O., April 14, 1892.

[483] Laura S. Haviland, A Woman's Life Work, p. 199.

In a letter dated Lawrence, Kan., March 23, 1893, Mr. Fitch Reed gives some of the circumstances connected with the progress of this company through the last stages of its journey. He says: "In 1853, there came over the road twenty-eight in one gang, with a conductor by the name of Fairfield, from Virginia, who had aided in liberating all his father's and uncle's slaves, and there was a reward out for him of five hundred dollars, dead or alive. They had fifty-two rounds of arms, and were determined not to be taken alive. Four teams from my house [in Cambridge, Mich.] started at sunset, drove through Clinton after dark, got to Ypsilanti before daylight. Stayed at Bro. Ray's through the day. At noon, Bro. M. Coe, from our station, got on the cars and went to Detroit, and left Ray to drive his team. Coe informed the friends of the situation, and made arrangements for their reception. The friends came out to meet them ten miles before we came to Detroit, piloted us to a large boarding-house by the side of the river. Two hundred abolitionists took breakfast with them just before daylight. We procured boats enough for Fairfield and his crew. As they pushed off from shore, they all commenced singing the song, 'I am on my way to Canada, where colored men are free,' and continued firing off their arms till out of hearing. At eight o'clock, the ferry-boats started, and the station-keepers went over and spent most of the day with them."

[484] Conversation with Jacob Cummings, Columbus, O., April, 1894.

[485] Conversation with the daughter mentioned, now the wife of William Burghardt, Warsaw, N.Y., June, 1894. Article on the Underground Railroad in the History of Warsaw, New York.

[486] Letter from N. A. Hunt, of Riverside, Cal., Feb. 12, 1891.

[487] Quoted by Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America, Vol. II, p. 71.

[488] Asbury, History of Quincy, p. 74. The account of the Burr, Work and Thompson case occupies pp. 72, 73 and 74 of Asbury's volume.

[489] E. Hicks Trueblood, "Reminiscences of the Underground Railroad," in the Republican Leader, Salem, Ind., March 16, 1894.

[490] Rev. Calvin Fairbank During Slavery Times, or How the Way was Prepared. Edited from his manuscript. Pp. 1-7.

[491] Rev. Calvin Fairbank During Slavery Times, pp. 12-14.

[492] Boston Weekly Transcript, Dec. 29, 1893.

[493] The Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Jan. 29, 1893.

[494] Ibid.

[495] Rev. Calvin Fairbank During Slavery Times, pp. 138, 144.

[496] Rev. Calvin Fairbank During Slavery Times, pp. 11, 104-143. See also the Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Jan. 29, 1893, p. 33.

[497] Rev. Calvin Fairbank During Slavery Times, pp. 10 and 11.

[498] Letter dated Evansville, Ind., March 31, 1851. Printed in Still's Underground Railroad Records, pp. 30, 31.

[499] Still, Underground Railroad Records, p. 31.

[500] Still, Underground Railroad Records, p. 35. Letter dated South Florence, Ala., Aug. 6, 1851.

[501] Conversation with Samuel Harper and his wife, Jane Harper, the two surviving members of the company of slaves escorted to Canada by Brown in March, 1859. Their home since has been in or about Windsor. I found them there in the early part of August, 1895.

[502] Halloway, History of Kansas. Quoted from John Brown's letters, January, 1859 (pp. 539-545).

[503] In a letter written by Brown, January, 1859, to the New York Tribune, in which paper it was published. It was also published in the Lawrence (Kansas) Republican. See Sanborn's Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 481.

[504] Sanborn, Life and Letters of John Brown, pp. 482, 483; also Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, pp. 219, 220.

[505] Irving B. Richman, John Brown among the Quakers, and Other Sketches, pp. 46, 47, 48.

[506] Irving B. Richman, John Brown among the Quakers, and Other Sketches, pp. 46, 47, 48.

[507] Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 483. See the letter of "The Parallels."

[508] Hinton, John Brown and His Men, p. 221.

[509] Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, p. 221.

[510] Hinton, John Brown and His Men, p. 222, note.

[511] Life of Frederick Douglass, 1881, pp. 280, 281 and 318, 319. Also Hinton, John Brown and His Men, pp. 30, 31, 32.

[512] Hinton, John Brown and His Men, Appendix, pp. 673, 674, 675. Also Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, pp. 203, 204, 206.

[513] Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America, Vol. II, p. 80.

[514] Quoted by Wilson, in his History of the Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America, Vol. II, p. 80.

[515] Liberator, Aug. 15, 1845, "The Branded Hand," quoted in part by Wilson, History of the Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America, Vol. II, p. 83; Whittier's Poetical Works, Vol. III, Riverside edition, 1896, p. 114.

[516] Reminiscences written by George W. Clark, by request, have been used to secure an intimate acquaintance with some of the men engaged in the underground service.

[517] Laura S. Haviland, A Woman's Life Work, pp. 91-110.

[518] Personal Memoir of Daniel Drayton, 1853, p. 23.

[519] Personal Memoir of Daniel Drayton, p. 102.

[520] A. L. Benedict, Memoir of Richard Dillingham, 1852, p. 18. Also Harriet Beecher Stowe, A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, pp. 58, 59.

[521] A. L. Benedict, Memoir of Richard Dillingham, p. 18.

[522] This account of Richard Dillingham is based on the Memoir written by his friend, A. L. Benedict, a Quaker, and published in 1852. Abridged versions of this memoir will be found in the Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, Appendix, pp. 713-718; and Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio, Vol. II, p. 590.

[523] Wilson, History of the Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America, Vol. II, pp. 80-82.

[524] A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, 1853, Boston edition of 1896, pp. 274, 275; also Father Henson's Story of His Own Life, 1858, chaps. xii, xiii.

[525] Father Henson's Story of His Own Life, chaps. xvi, xvii.

[526] Father Henson's Story of His Own Life, pp. 149, 150.

[527] Ibid., pp. 162, 163.

[528] The New Lexington (Ohio) Tribune, winter of 1885-1886. Some information in regard to Cheadle appears in a series of articles on the Underground Railroad contributed to this paper by Mr. Gray.

[529] History of Morgan County, Ohio, 1886, published by Charles Robertson, M.D., article on the Underground Railroad.

[530] Dr. Alexander Milton Ross, Recollections and Experiences of an Abolitionist; from 1855 to 1865, 2d ed., 1876, p. 3. The first edition of this book was issued in 1867. For this and other works of Mr. Ross see Prominent Men of Canada, pp. 118, 119, 120.

[531] Ross, Recollections and Experiences of an Abolitionist, p. 5.

[532] Ibid., p. 8.

[533] Ross, Recollections and Experiences of an Abolitionist, pp. 10, 11, 12.

[534] Ibid., pp. 37, 38, 39.

[535] Mr. Richard J. Hinton in his book entitled John Brown and His Men, p. 171, while writing of Captain Brown's convention at Chatham, Canada West, mentions Mr. Ross in the following words: "Dr. Alexander M. Ross of Toronto, Canada, physician and ornithologist, who is still living, honored by all who know him, then a young (white) man who devoted himself for years to aiding the American slave, was a frequent visitor to this section (Chatham). He was a faithful friend of John Brown, efficient as an ally, seeking to serve under all conditions of need and peril."

More or less extended notices of Dr. Ross and his work have appeared during the past few years; for example, in the Toronto Globe, Dec. 3 and 10, 1892; in the Canadian Magazine of Politics, Science, Art and Literature, May, 1896; and in the Chicago Daily Inter-Ocean, March 18, 1896.

[536] The Firelands Pioneer, July, 1888, p. 44.

[537] See p. 3, Chapter I.

[538] Mitchell, The Underground Railroad, p. 20 et seq.

[539] Sarah H. Bradford, Harriet the Moses of Her People, p. 76. See also Appendix, p. 137. These testimonials were given in 1868 and were printed in connection with a short biography of Harriet in the year mentioned. The first edition of this biography has not been accessible to me, but it is mentioned by the Rev. Samuel J. May in his Recollections of the Anti-Slavery Conflict, published the following year. The second edition of the book appeared in 1886.

[540] Ibid., p. 139.

[541] Hinton, John Brown and His Men, p. 173.

[542] Mrs. Bradford, Harriet the Moses of Her People, p. 135.

[543] Ibid., pp. 136, 137.

[544] Ibid., p. 406.

[545] James Freeman Clarke, Anti-Slavery Days, pp. 81, 82. Also M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 62.

[546] Mrs. Bradford, Harriet the Moses of Her People, p. 39.

[547] Mrs. Bradford, Harriet the Moses of Her People, pp. 83, 84.

[548] Ibid., p. 61.

[549] Mrs. Bradford, Harriet the Moses of Her People, Appendix, p. 142.

[550] Lillie B. C. Wyman, in the New England Magazine, March, 1876, pp. 117, 118. Conversation with Harriet Tubman, Cambridge, Mass., April 8, 1897.

[551] "A case of this kind," says Dr. S. G. Howe, "was related to us by Mrs. Amy Martin. She says: "My father's name was James Ford.... He ... would be over one hundred years old, if he were now living.... He was held here (in Canada) by the Indians as a slave, and sold, I think he said, to a British officer, who was a very cruel master, and he escaped from him, and came to Ohio, ... to Cleveland, I believe, first, and made his way from there to Erie (Pa.), where he settled.... When we were in Erie, we moved a little way out of the village, and our house was ... a station of the U. G. R. R." The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, by S. G. Howe, 1864, pp. 8, 9.

[552] Act of 30th Geo. III.

[553] See the article entitled "Slavery in Canada," by J. C. Hamilton, LL.B., in the Magazine of American History, Vol. XXV, pp. 233-236.

[554] M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 20.

[555] Ibid., p. 60; R. C. Smedley, Underground Railroad, p. 26.

[556] S. G. Howe, The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, pp. 11, 12.

[557] William Birney, James G. Birney and His Times, p. 435.

[558] Mr. Gallatin to Mr. Clay, Sept. 26, 1827, Niles' Register, p. 290.

[559] Congressional Globe, Twenty-fifth Congress, Third Session, p. 34.

[560] The Patriot War defeated a foolhardy attempt to induce the Province of Upper Canada to proclaim its independence. The refugees were by no means willing to see a movement begun, the success of which might "break the only arm interposed for their security." J. W. Loguen as a Slave and as a Freeman, p. 344.

[561] Nineteenth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, January, 1851, p. 67.

[562] Interview with Elder Anthony Bingey, Windsor, Ontario, July 31, 1895. On this point Dr. S. G. Howe says: "Of course it [the Fugitive Slave Law] gave great increase to the emigration, and free born blacks fled with the slaves from a land in which their birthright of freedom was no longer secure." Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, p. 15.

[563] Independent, Jan. 18, 1855.

[564] Independent, April 6, 1855; see also Von Holst's Constitutional and Political History of the United States, Vol. V, p. 63, note.

[565] Drew, A North-Side View of Slavery, 1856, p. 340.

[566] Ibid., p. 91.

[567] Detroit Sunday News Tribune, quoted by the Louisville Journal, Aug. 12, 1894.

[568] Conversation with Henry Stevenson, Windsor, Ont., July, 1895.

[569] Conversation with Elder Anthony Bingey, Windsor, Ont., July 31, 1895.

[570] E. M. Pettit, Sketches in the History of the Underground Railroad, pp. 66, 67. See also Chapter I, p. 14, and Chapter VI, p. 178.

[571] Conversation with William Johnson, at Windsor, Ont., July 31, 1895.

[572] Conversation with Allen Sidney, Windsor, Ont.

[573] Conversation with John Evans, Windsor, Ont., Aug. 2, 1895.

[574] Conversation with John Reed, Windsor, Ont.

[575] The Rev. J. W. Loguen as a Slave and as a Freeman, 1859, told by himself; chap. xxiv, pp. 338, 340.

[576] Father Henson's Story of His Own Life, 1858, p. 209.

[577] Mission of Upper Canada, Vol. I, No. 17, Wed., July 31, 1839.

[578] Ibid.

[579] Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, p. 253.

[580] May, Recollections of the Anti-Slavery Conflict, p. 303.

[581] Hinton, John Brown and His Men, p. 175.

[582] Coffin, Reminiscences, pp. 249, 250.

[583] Ibid., p. 251.

[584] Coffin, Reminiscences, pp. 252, 253.

[585] Niles' Register, Vol. XXV, p. 289.

[586] Howe, Refugees in Canada West, p. 68.

[587] Levi Coffin, Reminiscences, pp. 252, 253.

[588] Benjamin Drew, A North-Side View of Slavery, p. 292.

[589] George Bryce, Short History of the Canadian People, p. 403.

[590] Benjamin Drew, A North-Side View of Slavery, p. 291.

[591] S. G. Howe, Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, pp. 107, 108.

[592] History of Knox County, Illinois (published by Charles C. Chapman and Co.), p. 203. Here it is stated: "Mr. Wilson arranged with the authorities to have all supplies for the fugitive slaves admitted free of customs duty. Many were the large well-filled boxes of what was most needed by the wanderer taken from the wharf at Toronto during that winter [1841] by E. Child, mission-teacher. He was then a student at Oneida Institute, N.Y., but for many years has resided in Oneida, this county. He went into Canada for the purpose of teaching the fugitives."

[593] Conversation with Jacob Cummings, a fugitive from Tennessee, now living in Columbus, O. Mr. Cummings was at one time a collecting agent for a settlement at Puce, Ont. He told the author, "While agent, I was sent to Sandusky. I would collect goods for the settlement, and ship it to Detroit, marked 'Fugitive Goods.' Brother Miller, at the Corners, a little place about fifteen miles from Detroit, would take care of these, and Canada wouldn't charge any duty on 'fugitive goods.'"

[594] J. C. Hamilton, Magazine of American History, Vol. XXV, p. 238.

[595] Drew, A North-Side View of Slavery, pp. 311, 368.

[596] Ibid., p. 322.

[597] Quoted by Drew, p. 326.

[598] Drew, A North-Side View of Slavery, p. 190.

[599] Ibid., p. 367.

[600] Ibid., pp. 367, 369; Austin Steward, Twenty-two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman, p. 272.

[601] Howe, Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, pp. 68, 69.

[602] Drew, A North-Side View of Slavery, p. 308.

[603] The Life of Josiah Henson, formerly a Slave, as narrated by Himself, 1852, p. 115. See also Father Henson's Story of His Own Life, 1858, p. 171. Mr. Drew ascribes the honor of the original conception of this Institute to the Rev. Hiram Wilson. (See A North-Side View of Slavery, p. 311.) Mr. Henson, after asserting that he and Mr. Wilson called the convention of 1838, continues, "I urged the appropriation of the money to the establishment of a manual-labor school...." (Father Henson's Story of His Own Life, p. 169.) It appears that both Wilson and Henson were placed on the committee on site. As they were friends and coworkers, it is safe to accord them equal shares in the undertaking.

[604] Father Henson's Story of His Own Life, p. 169.

[605] The Life of Josiah Henson, formerly a Slave, as narrated by Himself, p. 115.

[606] Drew, A North-Side View of Slavery, p. 311.

[607] First Annual Report of the Anti-Slavery Society of Canada, p. 17. See also Drew's North-Side View, p. 311.

[608] Life of Josiah Henson, formerly a Slave, as narrated by Himself, p. 118.

[609] Ibid., p. 117.

[610] A North-Side View of Slavery, p. 309.

[611] Father Henson's Story of His Own Life, pp. 182-186.

[612] The dimensions of the model house-were twenty-four by eighteen feet, and twelve feet high.

[613] Third Annual Report, September, 1852, quoted by Drew in North-Side View of Slavery, p. 293.

[614] Fourth Annual Report, September, 1853. See Drew's work, p. 294.

[615] Fifth Annual Report, September, 1854; Drew's work, p. 295.

[616] Howe, Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, pp. 70, 71.

[617] Ibid., p. 108.

[618] Ibid., p. 110.

[619] Laura S. Haviland, A Woman's Life Work, pp. 192, 196, 201.

[620] The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, pp. 69, 70.

[621] A North-Side View of Slavery, p. 367.

[622] The Life of Josiah Henson, as narrated by Himself, p. 117.

[623] Conversation with the Rev. Jacob Cummings, a refugee now living at Columbus, O.

[624] Ibid.

[625] First Annual Report of the Anti-Slavery Society of Canada, 1852, Appendix, p. 22.

[626] Drew, A North-Side View of Slavery, p. 148.

[627] Ibid., p. 349.

[628] Ibid., p. 369.

[629] First Annual Report of the Anti-Slavery Society of Canada, 1852, p. 22.

[630] Drew, A North-Side View of Slavery, p. 236.

[631] Ibid., p. 322.

[632] Ibid., pp. 294, 325.

[633] Third Annual Report (1852), quoted by Drew, p. 293.

[634] Howe, Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, pp. 109, 110.

[635] Drew, A North-Side View of Slavery, p. 309.

[636] The Life of Josiah Henson, formerly a Slave, as narrated by Himself, p. 118.

[637] Howe, Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, p. 69.

[638] A North-Side View of Slavery, p. 235.

[639] Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, p. 521.

[640] Drew, A North-Side View of Slavery, p. 189.

[641] Ibid., p. 190.

[642] Drew, North-Side View of Slavery, p. 190.

[643] A statement to this effect, which appeared in the Marine Journal of New York, is quoted in McClure's Magazine for May, 1897, p. 618.

[644] See the letter signed "D. F.," printed in McClure's Magazine, May, 1897, p. 618.

[645] Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, p. 251. The italics are my own.

[646] The Life of Josiah Henson, formerly a Slave, as narrated by Himself, p. 100.

[647] Howe, The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, pp. 15, 16.

[648] Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, p. 253.

[649] The Life of Josiah Henson, formerly a Slave, as narrated by Himself, Appendix, p. 99.

[650] Quoted by Howe in The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, p. 17.

[651] Conversation with Mr. Bingey, Windsor, Ont., July 31, 1895.

[652] John Brown and His Men, p. 171.

[653] The Underground Railroad, p. 127.

[654] Ibid., p. 166.

[655] The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, pp. 15, 17.

[656] Father Henson's Story of His Own Life, p. 173 et seq.

[657] This is substantiated by the testimony of various Canadian refugees.

[658] First Annual Report of the Anti-Slavery Society of Canada, p. 15.

[659] Father Henson's Story of His Own Life, pp. 165, 166; Drew, A North-Side View of Slavery, pp. 196, 369.

[660] Drew, A North-Side View of Slavery, p. 120.

[661] The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, pp. 65, 66. See also Drew, A North-Side View of Slavery, p. 368.

[662] Mitchell, The Underground Railroad, p. 128.

[663] First Annual Report of the Society, pp. 16, 17.

[664] The Life of Josiah Henson, formerly a Slave, as narrated by Himself, p. 100.

[665] Dr. Howe quotes the following statement from Mr. Brush, town clerk of Malden: "A portion of them (the colored people) are pretty well behaved, and another portion not.... A great many of these colored people go and sail (are sailors) in the summer-time, and in the winter lie around, and don't do much.... We have to help a great many of them, more than any other class of people we have here. I have been clerk of the council for three years, and have had the opportunity of knowing. I think the council have given more to the colored people than to any others." See also A North-Side View of Slavery, p. 58.

[666] A North-Side View of Slavery, p. 62.

[667] Ibid., p. 94.

[668] Howe, The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, p. 63.

[669] Still, Underground Railroad Records, p. xvii.

[670] A North-Side View of Slavery, pp. 94, 119, 147, 234, 321, 344, 348, 376, 378.

[671] The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, pp. 63, 64. See also Mitchell's Underground Railroad, pp. 130, 131, 133, 135, 137-139, 142-144, 146, 148 et seq.

[672] The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, pp. 95, 101, Appendix, pp. 109, 110. In her book, A Woman's Life Work, p. 193, Mrs. Laura S. Haviland reports some interesting cases of this sort.

[673] Mitchell, The Underground Railroad, pp. 140, 164, 165.

[674] Drew, A North-Side View of Slavery, pp. 341, 342.

[675] Ibid., pp. 118, 147, 235.

[676] Ibid., p. 341.

[677] Ibid., p. 308.

[678] First Annual Report of the Anti-Slavery Society of Canada, p. 15.

[679] A Woman's Life Work, pp. 192, 193.

[680] The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, p. 77.

[681] Drew, A North-Side View of Slavery, pp. 236, 237.

[682] Howe, The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, p. 92.

[683] Ibid.

[684] Still, Underground Railroad Records, 2d ed., pp. 59, 65, 105, 137, 193, 249, 263, 291, 293, 337, 385, 448, 490.

[685] The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, pp. 61, 62.

[686] Still, Underground Railroad Records, p. xxvii.

[687] Howe, The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, Appendix, p. 108.

[688] Still, Underground Railroad Records, p. xvii.

[689] Mitchell, The Underground Railroad, pp. 155, 156.

[690] The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, p. 102. William Still, who made a trip through Canada West in 1855, expressed a view similar to that above quoted, and added the words: "To say that there are not those amongst the colored people in Canada, as every place, who are very poor, ... who will commit crime, who indulge in habits of indolence and intemperance, ... would be far from the truth. Nevertheless, may not the same be said of white people, even where they have had the best chances in every particular?" Underground Railroad Records, p. xxviii.

[691] Chronotype, Oct. 7, 1850.

[692] Clipping from the Commonwealth, preserved in a scrap-book relating to Theodore Parker, Boston Public Library.

[693] Conversation with Mr. Oliver, Windsor, Ont., Aug. 2, 1895.

[694] Conversation with the Rev. James Poindexter, Columbus, O., summer of 1895.

[695] History of Summit County, Ohio, pp. 579, 580.

[696] Letters of Mrs. Susan L. Crane, Elmira, N.Y.

[697] See p. 250, this chapter.

[698] The Chicago Tribune, Jan. 29, 1893.

[699] Letter of John F. Hogue, Greenville, Pa., Nov. 25, 1895.

[700] Some Recollections of our Anti-Slavery Conflict, p. 297.

[701] Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, Vol. II, p. 304; see also E. B. Andrews' History of the United States, Vol. II, p. 36.

[702] Conversation with Mr. Sanborn, Cambridge, Mass., March, 1897.

[703] The Life of Josiah Henson, formerly a Slave, as narrated by Himself, p. 97.

[704] James H. Fairchild, The Underground Railroad, Tract No. 87, in Vol. IV, Western Reserve Historical Society, p. 106.

[705] G. M. Stroud, A Sketch of the Laws Relating to Slavery, 2d ed., 1856, pp. 281, 282.

[706] Statutes of the State of Ohio, 1841, collated by J. B. Swan, pp. 595-600.

[707] Some Recollections of our Anti-Slavery Conflict, p. 367.

[708] Some Recollections of Our Anti-Slavery Conflict, p. 380. The newspapers named by Mr. May are, The Advertiser and The American of Rochester, The Gazette and Observer of Utica, The Oneida Whig, The Register, The Argus and The Express of Albany, The Courier and Inquirer and The Express of New York.

[709] The Underground Railroad, pp. 13, 14.

[710] Weiss, Life and Correspondence of Theodore Parker, Vol. II, p. 93.

[711] The Fugitive Slave Law and Its Victims, by Samuel May, Jr., 1861, p. 19.

[712] Ibid., p. 31. See Appendix B, p. 374.

[713] Ibid., p. 68 et seq.

[714] See Appendix B, p. 375.

[715] Congressional Globe, New Series, Vol. XXII, Part I, p. 793.

[716] F. Bowen on "Extradition of Fugitive Slaves," Vol. LXXI, p. 252 et seq.

[717] Congressional Globe, Thirty-first Congress, First Session, p. 1583; also M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 31.

[718] Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America, Vol. II, p. 306.

[719] Samuel J. May, Some Recollections of Our Anti-Slavery Conflict, p. 353.

[720] John Weiss, Life and Correspondence of Theodore Parker, Vol. II, p. 94.

[721] Article by the Rev. S. D. Peet, in History of Ashtabula County, Ohio, pp. 33, 34.

[722] "No sooner was the deed done, the Fugitive Slave Act sent forth to be the law of the land, than outcries of contempt and defiance came from every free state, and pledges of protection were given to the colored population. It is not within the scope of my plan to attempt an account of the indignation meetings that were held in places too numerous to be even mentioned here." S. J. May, Some Recollections of the Anti-Slavery Conflict, p. 349.

[723] M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, pp. 65-70, and the references there given.

[724] Scrap-book of clippings, circulars, etc., presented to the Boston Public Library by Mrs. L. L. Parker.

[725] C. E. Stevens, Anthony Burns, A History, 1856, p. 208.

[726] Quoted by F. B. Sanborn, in his Life of Dr. S. G. Howe, the Philanthropist, pp. 237, 238, 239. Similar stories are related by Lydia Maria Child, in her Life of Isaac T. Hopper, pp. 455-458.

[727] Letter of John F. Hogue, Greenville, Pa., Nov. 25, 1895; letter of the Rev. James Lawson, Franklin, Pa., Nov. 25, 1895.

[728] Life of William Lloyd Garrison, Vol. III, p. 302. See also Rhodes's History of the United States, Vol. I, p. 198.

[729] The Life of Josiah Henson, formerly a Slave, as narrated by Himself, pp. 97, 98, 99.

[730] Conversation with Mr. Bingey, Windsor, Ont., July 31, 1896.

[731] Life of Garrison, Vol. III, p. 302; also foot-note, pp. 302, 303.

[732] "Some of the boldest chose to remain, and armed themselves to defend their freedom, instinctively calculating that the sight of such an exigency would make the Northern heart beat too rapidly for prudence!" Weiss, Life and Correspondence of Theodore Parker, Vol. II, p. 92.

[733] Letter of Mr. Higginson, Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 5, 1894.

[734] R. C. Smedley, History of the Underground Railroad, p. 210.

[735] C. E. Stevens, Anthony Burns, A History, p. 208. In a foot-note it is said, "The church is a neat and commodious brick structure, two stories in height, and handsomely finished in the interior. It will seat five or six hundred people. The whole cost, including the land, was $13,000, of which, through the exertion of Mr. Grimes, $10,000 have already (1856) been paid...."

[736] Some Recollections of our Anti-Slavery Conflict, pp. 202, 203.

[737] Rev. Calvin Fairbank During Slavery Times, pp. 46, 48, 49.

[738] Article by A. H. GrimkÉ, on "Anti-Slavery Boston," in The New England Magazine, December, 1890, p. 458.

[739] S. J. May, Some Recollections of our Anti-Slavery Conflict, p. 289.

[740] Narrative of William W. Brown, A Fugitive Slave, pp. 106, 107, 108.

[741] Letters of Mrs. Susan Crane, Elmira, N.Y.; letters of John W. Jones, Elmira, N.Y.; see also Still, Underground Railroad Records, p. 530.

[742] Letters of Mr. Martin I. Townsend, Troy. N.Y., Sept. 4, 1896, and April 3, 1897.

[743] Conversation with Mr. Poindexter, Columbus, O., in the summer of 1895.

[744] M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, pp. 17, 18.

[745] Statutes at Large, I, 302-305.

[746] Professor Eugene Wambaugh, of the Law School of Harvard University, in a letter to the author, comments as follows on the source of the injustice wrought by the Fugitive Slave acts: "The difficulty lay in the initial assumption that a human being can be property. Grant this assumption, and there follow many absurdities, among them the impossibility of framing a Fugitive Slave Law that shall be both logical and humane. Human beings are entitled to a trial of the normal sort, especially in a case involving the liability of personal restraint. Chattels, however, are entitled to no trial at all; and if a chattel be lost or stolen, the owner may retake it wherever he finds it, provided he commits no breach of the peace. (3 Blackstone's Commentaries, 4.) If slaves had been treated as ordinary chattels, there could have been no trial as to the ownership of them, unless, indeed, there were a dispute between competing claimants. There would have been, however, the fatal objection that thus a free man—black, mulatto, or white—might be enslaved without a hearing. Here, then, is a puzzle. If the man is a slave, he is entitled to no trial at all. If he is free, he is entitled to a trial of the most careful sort, surrounded with all the safeguards that have been thrown up by the law. When there is such a dilemma, is it strange that there should be a compromise? The Fugitive Slave Laws really were a compromise; for in so far as they provided for an abnormal and incomplete trial, a hearing before a United States Commissioner, simply to determine rights as between the supposed slave and the supposed master, they conceded the radical impossibility of following out logically the supposition that human beings can be chattels, and, in so far as they denied to the supposed slave the normal trial, they assumed in advance that he was a slave. I need not write of the dilemma further. A procedure intermediate between a formal trial and a total denial of justice was probably the only solution practicable in those days; but it was an illogical solution, and the only logical solution was emancipation."

[747] 5 Sergeant and Rawle's Reports, 63. See Appendix B, p. 368.

[748] 14 Wendell's Reports, 514. See Appendix B, p. 368.

[749] In the Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. 2 Paine's Reports, 352.

[750] 2 Western Law Journal, 282.

[751] Amendments, Article VII.

[752] Ibid., Article V.

[753] 12 Wendell's Reports, 315-324.

[754] 2 Pickering's Reports, 12. See Appendix B, p. 368.

[755] Amendments, Article IV; 2 Pickering's Reports, 15, 16.

[756] 2 Pickering's Reports, 19.

[757] In the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. 1 Baldwin's Circuit Court Reports, p. 571 et seq. See Appendix B, p. 368.

[758] 2 Paine's Reports, 350. See Appendix B, p. 369.

[759] 16 Peters' Reports, 613.

[760] 2 Western Law Journal, 282. See Appendix B, p. 371.

[761] 1 Baldwin's Circuit Court Reports, 571; Hurd, Law of Freedom and Bondage, Vol. II, p. 444.

[762] 16 Peters' Reports, 613.

[763] 12 Wendell's Reports, 311, 316-318.

[764] See Appendix B, p. 370.

[765] 16 Peters' Reports, 579.

[766] Ibid., 588-590.

[767] Ibid., 595.

[768] Ibid., 602.

[769] Ibid., 612-617.

[770] See Chap. II, pp. 28, 32.

[771] 2 Western Law Journal, 279-293.

[772] 3 Western Law Journal, 65-71; also, 3 McLean's Reports, 530-538.

[773] 5 Howard's Reports, 215 et seq.

[774] 2 Western Law Journal, 281, 283; 3 McLean, 530.

[775] 2 Western Law Journal, 288.

[776] 3 McLean's Reports, 532; 3 Western Law Journal, 65.

[777] 5 Howard's Reports, 230, 231.

[778] 2 Paine's Reports, 354; 2 Western Law Journal, 282.

[779] 2 Paine's Reports, 354, 355; also, 2 Western Law Journal, 289.

[780] See Section 3 of the act, Statutes at Large, I, 302-305.

[781] 16 Peters' Reports, 598.

[782] 16 Peters' Reports, 608, 622. See also Marion G. McDougall's Fugitive Slaves, pp. 108, 109.

[783] M. G. McDougall's Fugitive Slaves, p. 28.

[784] See Chap. IX, pp. 245, 246, and Chap. X, p. 337.

[785] Statutes at Large, IX, 462.

[786] Henry W. Rogers, Editor, Constitutional History of the United States as seen in the Development of American Law, Lecture III, by George W. Biddle, p. 152.

[787] Section 3 of the law of 1793 provided that "the person to whom such labour or service may be due, his agent or attorney, is hereby empowered to seize and arrest such fugitive from labour, and to take him or her before any judge of the circuit or district courts of the United States, ... within the state, or before any magistrate of a county (etc.) ... wherein such seizure ... shall be made, and upon proof to the satisfaction of such judge or magistrate ... it shall be the duty of such judge or magistrate to give a certificate thereof ... which shall be a sufficient warrant for removing the said fugitive ... to the state or territory from which he or she fled."

Section 6 of the act of 1850 provides that "the person or persons to whom such service or labour may be due, or his, her, or their agent or attorney ... may pursue and reclaim such fugitive person, either by procuring a warrant ... or by seizing and arresting such fugitive, where the same can be done without process, and by taking, or causing such person to be taken, forthwith before such court, judge or commissioner, whose duty it shall be to hear and determine the case ... in a summary manner; and upon satisfactory proof ... to make out and deliver to such claimant, his or her agent or attorney, a certificate ... with authority ... to use such reasonable force ... as may be necessary ... to take and remove such fugitive person back to the State or Territory whence he or she may have escaped as aforesaid."

[788] Sims' case, tried before the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, March term, 1851. See 7 Cushing's Reports, 310.

Miller vs. McQuerry, tried before the Circuit Court of the United States, in Ohio, 1853. See 5 McLean's Reports, 481-484.

Ex parte Simeon Bushnell, etc., tried before the Supreme Court of Ohio, May, 1859. See 9 Ohio State Reports, 170.

[789] Norris vs. Newton et al., tried before the Circuit Court of the United States, in Indiana, May term, 1850. See 5 McLean's Reports, 98.

Ex parte Simeon Bushnell, etc. See 9 Ohio State Reports, 174.

United States vs. Buck, tried before the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1860. See 8 American Law Register, 543.

[790] Booth's case, tried before the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, June term, 1854. See 3 Wisconsin Reports, 3.

Ex parte Simeon Bushnell, and ex parte Charles Langston, tried before the Supreme Court of Ohio, May, 1859. See 9 Ohio State Reports, 111, 114-117, 124, 186.

[791] Sims' case. See 7 Cushing's Reports, 290. Booth's case. See 3 Wisconsin Reports.

[792] For the text of the Slave Laws, see Appendix A, pp. 359-366.

[793] Marion G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, pp. 43 and 44, with the references there given; Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, Vol. II, pp. 304, 305. See Appendix B, p. 372.

[794] 7 Cushing's Reports, 287. The constitutional requirement will be found in Article III, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States.

[795] 5 McLean's Reports, 481.

[796] 3 Wisconsin Reports, 39.

[797] 6 McLean's Reports, 359.

[798] 9 Ohio State Reports, 176.

[799] 3 Wisconsin Reports, 64.

[800] 6 McLean's Reports, 359, 360.

[801] Hurd, Law of Freedom and Bondage, Vol. II, p. 747.

[802] 5 McLean's Reports, 481.

[803] 1 Blatchford's Circuit Court Reports, 636.

[804] Washington's Circuit Court Reports, 327-331.

[805] Baldwins Circuit Court Reports, 571-605.

[806] Washington's Circuit Court Reports, 327-331.

[807] McLean's Reports, 612.

[808] Howard's Reports, 215-232; see also Schuckers, Life and Public Services of S. P. Chase, 53-66; Warden, Private Life and Public Services of S. P. Chase, 296-298.

[809] McLean's Reports, 402-426.

[810] 5 McLean's Reports, 92-106.

[811] 2 Wallace Jr.'s Reports, 324-326.

[812] 6 McLean's Reports, 259-273. Mr. Sloane's account of the case will be found in The Firelands Pioneer for July, 1888, pp. 46-49. A copy of the certificate of the clerk of court there given is here reproduced:—

"Louis F. Weimer vs. Rush R. Sloane. United States District of Ohio, in debt.

October Term, 1854.

Judgment for Plaintiff for $3000 and costs.

Received July 8th, 1856, of Rush R. Sloane, the above Defendant, a receipt of Louis F. Weimer, the above Plaintiff, bearing date Dec. 14th, 1854, for $3000, acknowledging full satisfaction of the above judgment, except the costs; also a receipt of L. F. Weimer, Sr., per Joseph Doniphan, attorney, for $85, the amount of Plaintiff's witness fees in said case; also certificates of Defendant's witnesses in above case for $162; also $20 in money, the attorney's docket fees attached, which, with the clerk and marshal's fees heretofore paid, is in full of the costs in said case.

(Signed) William Miner, Clerk."

[813] For the first trial (1845), see 3 McLean's Reports, 631; s. c. 5 Western Law Journal, 25; 7 Federal Cases, 1100; for the second trial (1847), see 10 Law Reporter, 395; s. c. 5 Western Law Journal, 206; 7 Federal Cases, 1093; for the third trial (1849), see 5 McLean's Reports, 64; s. c. 7 Western Law Journal, 222; 7 Federal Cases, 1095. See also The Firelands Pioneer, July, 1888, pp. 41, 42.

[814] 5 Illinois Reports, 498-518; 14 Howard's Reports, 13, 14.

[815] 4 McLean's Reports, 504-515.

[816] 2 Wallace Jr.'s Reports, 313, 317-323.

[817] 21 Howard's Reports, 510; The Fugitive Slave Law in Wisconsin, with Reference to Nullification Sentiment, by Vroman Mason, p. 134.

[818] Smedley, Underground Railroad, pp. 107, 108; 2 Wallace Jr.'s Reports, 159.

[819] Still's Underground Railroad Records, pp. 348-368; Smedley, Underground Railroad, pp. 107-130; 2 Wallace Jr.'s Reports, pp. 134-206; M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, pp. 50, 51; Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, Vol. II, pp. 328, 329.

[820] Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, Vol. I, p. 477.

[821] Letter of Mr. Hayes, Fremont, O., Aug. 4, 1892.

[822] Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, pp. 548, 549.

[823] Rhodes, History of the United States, Vol. II, p. 364. The others representing the rescuers were Franklin T. Backus and Seneca O. Griswold. See J. R. Shipherd's History of the Oberlin-Wellington Rescue, p. 14.

[824] Conversation with Judge William H. West, Bellefontaine, O., Aug. 11, 1894.

[825] M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 35.

[826] Ibid., pp. 44, 46, 47.

[827] G. H. Woodruff, History of Will County, Illinois, p. 264.

[828] The Ottawa Republican, Nov. 9, 1891. The hearing occurred Oct. 20, 1859.

[829] The Pontiac (Ill.) Sentinel, 1891-1892.

[830] The Tabor (Ia.) Beacon, 1890-1891, Chap. XXI of a series of articles by the Rev. John Todd, on "The Early Settlement and Growth of Western Iowa."

[831] Underground Railroad Records, p. 367.

[832] Smedley, Underground Railroad, p. 359.

[833] This case is given by Mr. Noah Brooks, in his Washington in Lincoln's Time, 1895, pp. 197, 198.

[834] Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, Vol. III, p. 395.

[835] Congressional Globe, Thirty-seventh Congress, First Session, 1356.

[836] Liberator, May 1, 1863. Extract from the Frankfort Commonwealth, quoted by M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 80.

[837] Congressional Globe, Thirty-eighth Congress, First Session, 2913. See also M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 85.

[838] Laws and Ordinances of New Netherlands, 32.

[839] Ibid.

[840] Ibid., 104.

[841] Laws of New Netherlands, 344.

[842] Acts of Province of New York from 1691 to 1718, p. 58.

[843] Ibid., 193.

[844] Statutes at Large, Hening, Laws of Virginia, I, 253.

[845] Ibid., I, 401.

[846] Ibid., I, 439.

[847] Ibid., II, 239.

[848] Ibid., IV, 168.

[849] Maryland Archives, Assembly Proceedings, 147.

[850] New Jersey Laws, 82.

[851] Ibid., 109.

[852] Charters and General Laws of the Colony and Province of Massachusetts Bay, 386, 750 (1707 and 1718 respectively).

[853] Proceedings of General Assembly, Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Providence, 177; Records of Colony of Rhode Island, 177.

[854] Acts and Laws of His Majestie's Colony of Connecticut, 229 (1730 probably).

[855] Province Laws of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1725; Province Laws of Pennsylvania, 325.

[856] Laws of North Carolina, 89 (1741); Ibid., 371 (1779).

[857] Acts of Province of New York, 77 (1705); Laws of Province of New York, 218 (1715); Marion G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, 8.

[858] Plymouth Colony Records, IX, 5; Marion G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, 7.

[859] Peter Force, on the Ordinance of 1787, in the National Intelligencer, 1847. See also E. B. Chase's volume, entitled Teachings of Patriots and Statesmen, or the "Founders of the Republic" on Slavery, 1860, pp. 155, 160, 161, 169.

[860] E. B. Chase, Teachings of Patriots and Statesmen ... on Slavery, p. 9.

[861] Alexander Johnston's careful survey of the subject in the New Princeton Review, Vol. IV, p. 183; J. H. Merriam, Legislative History of the Ordinance of 1787, Worcester, 1888; M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 64.

[862] These views are quoted by E. B. Chase, in his Teachings of Patriots and Statesmen ... on Slavery.

[863] Ibid. See also Elliot's Debates, Vol. III, 182, 277.

[864] Appendix B, p. 367, 6. First recorded case of rescue (Quincy's case, Boston).

[865] Appendix B, p. 367. Washington's fugitive, October, 1796.

[866] Chapter II, p. 22; Chapter V, p. 120.

[867] Ibid.

[868] William Goodell, Slavery and Anti-Slavery, pp. 231, 232.

[869] House Journal, Fourth Congress, Second Session, p. 65; Annals of Congress, pp. 1741, 1767.

[870] House Journal, Sixth Congress, Second Session, p. 220; Annals of Congress, p. 1053; House Journal, Seventh Congress, First Session, p. 34; Annals of Congress, p. 317.

[871] House Journal, Seventh Congress, First Session, p. 125; Annals of Congress, pp. 422, 423.

[872] The vote stood 46 to 43.

[873] House Journal, Seventh Congress, First Session, pp. 125, 128; Annals of Congress, pp. 423, 425.

[874] W. E. B. Du Bois, The Suppression of the American Slave Trade, pp. 105-109.

[875] House Journal, Fifteenth Congress, First Session, pp. 50, 86, 182, 186, 189, pp. 193, 198; Annals of Congress, pp. 446, 447, 513, 829-831, 838, 840, 1339, 1393. Senate Journal, Fifteenth Congress, First Session, pp. 128, 135, 174, 202, 227, 228, 233; House Journal, p. 328; Annals of Congress, pp. 165, 210, 259, 262, 1339, 1716; T. H. Benton, Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, Vol. VI, pp. 35, 36, 37, 110; M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, pp. 21-23; Lalor's CyclopÆdia, Vol. II, pp. 315, 316; Schouler, History of the United States, Vol. III, p. 144.

[876] McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 23.

[877] Chapter II, pp. 21, 22.

[878] Annals of Congress, Sixteenth Congress, First Session, pp. 1469, 1587. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 23. It will be remembered that according to the compromise Missouri was to be admitted into the Union as a slave state, while slavery was to be prohibited in all other territory gained from France north of 36 degrees 30 minutes. See Appendix A, p. 361.

[879] House Journal, Sixteenth Congress, First Session, p. 427.

[880] Senate Journal, Sixteenth Congress, First Session, pp. 319, 326; Annals of Congress, p. 618; House Journal, Seventeenth Congress, First Session, p. 143; Annals of Congress, pp. 553, 558, 710. Annals of Congress, Seventeenth Congress, First Session, pp. 1379, 1415, 1444; Benton, Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, Vol. VI, p. 296; McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, pp. 23, 24.

[881] Niles' Weekly Register, Vol. XXXV, pp. 289-291; S. G. Howe, The Refugees from Slavery in Canada West, pp. 12-14; William Goodell, Slavery and Anti-Slavery, p. 264; M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 25.

[882] Chapter II, p. 37.

[883] Ibid., pp. 37, 38.

[884] William Birney, James G. Birney and His Times, p. 435.

[885] Chapter II, p. 27.

[886] James Monroe, Oberlin Thursday Lectures, Addresses, and Essays, 1897, p. 116. See Appendix B, pp. 367-377, for cases under the Slave laws.

[887] These quotations are taken from the summary of Bourne's The Book and Slavery Irreconcilable, given in the Boston Commonwealth, July 25, 1885, since the original was inaccessible to the present writer. The summary is known to be trustworthy. See The Life of Garrison, by his children, Vol. I, postscript to the Preface, and the references to the original there given.

[888] Preface, p. viii.

[889] Preface, pp. vii, viii.

[890] A Treatise on Slavery, reprinted by the American Anti-Slavery Society, 1840, p. 59.

[891] Ibid., p. 107. In advocating political action Mr. Duncan said, "The practice of slaveholding in a slave state need not deter emancipators or others from the privilege of voting for candidates to the legislative bodies, or from using their best endeavors to have men placed in office that would be favorable to the cause of freedom, and who may be best qualified to govern the state or commonwealth, but it ought to prevent any from officiating as a magistrate, when his commission authorizes him to issue a warrant to apprehend the slave when he is guilty of no other crime than that of running away from unmerited bondage." This was not the first time political action was proposed, for Mr. Bourne declared in his work (The Book and Slavery Irreconcilable): "Every voter for a public officer who will not destroy the system, is as culpable as if he participated in the evil, and is responsible for the protraction of the crime." See the Boston Commonwealth, July 25, 1885.

[892] A Treatise on Slavery, p. 123.

[893] Ibid., pp. 21, 32-40, 82, 84, 87-94, 96, 107. Mr. Duncan held that slavery was "directly contrary to the Federal Constitution." See pp. 110, 111.

[894] Letters on American Slavery, Preface, p. iii.

[895] Ibid., p. 20.

[896] Letters on American Slavery, pp. 104, 107.

[897] Chapter IV, p. 109.

[898] The Life of Garrison, by his children, Vol. 1, p. 306.

[899] Ibid., postscript to Preface.

[900] Ibid., p. 207.

[901] The Life of Garrison, Vol. I, p. 140.

[902] Memoir of S. J. May, by George B. Emerson and others, pp. 76, 78, 87, 139, 140. See also Life of Garrison, Vol. I, p. 213, foot-note.

[903] Life of Garrison, Vol. I, pp. 305, 306; Vol. III, pp. 379, 380.

[904] G. M. Weston, Progress of Slavery in the United States, p. 22.

[905] McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, pp. 38, 39.

[906] J. W. Schuckers, The Life and Public Service of Samuel Portland Chase, p. 52. For portrait see plate facing p. 254.

[907] Congressional Globe, Twenty-fifth Congress, Third Session, p. 34.

[908] Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, Vol. I, pp. 552, 553.

[909] Ibid., p. 563.

[910] "The wonder is how such an Act came to pass, even by so lean a vote as it received; for it was voted for by less than half of the Senate, and by six less than the number of senators from the slave states alone. It is a wonder how it passed at all; and the wonder increases on knowing that, of the small number that voted for it, many were against it, and merely went along with those who had constituted themselves the particular guardians of the rights of the slave states, and claimed a lead in all that concerned them. These self-instituted guardians were permitted to have their own way, some voting with them unwillingly, others not voting at all. It was a part of the plan of 'compromise and pacification' which was then deemed essential to save the Union; under the fear of danger to the Union on one hand, and the charms of pacification and compromise on the other, a few heated spirits got the control and had things their own way." Benton's Thirty Years' View, Vol. II, p. 780.

[911] See Rhodes' History of the United States, Vol. I, pp. 130-136, for a discussion of the question whether the Union was in danger in 1850.

[912] Congressional Globe, Thirty-first Congress, First Session, Appendix, p. 1583.

[913] Life and Speeches of Henry Clay, Vol. II, pp. 641, 643. The speech from which the above quotations are made was delivered Feb. 5 and 6, 1850.

[914] Congressional Globe, Thirty-first Congress, Second Session, Appendix, p. 1051; McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 31.

[915] Congressional Globe, Thirty-first Congress, First Session, Appendix, p. 1615.

[916] Ibid., p. 1592.

[917] Congressional Globe, Thirty-first Congress, First Session, Appendix, pp. 1622, 1623.

[918] Ibid.

[919] Webster's Works, Vol. V, pp. 354, 355, 357, 358, 361.

[920] Von Holst, Constitutional and Political History of the United States, Vol. IV, pp. 18, 19. The hundred and thirty-six Northern members comprised seventy-six Whigs and fifty Democrats.

[921] Congressional Globe, Thirty-first Congress, Second Session, Appendix, p. 324. See also Von Holst's work, Vol. IV, p. 27.

[922] Congressional Globe, Thirty-first Congress, Second Session, pp. 15, 16. Von Holst, Constitutional and Political History of the United States, Vol. IV, p. 15.

[923] McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 53.

[924] "These prosecutions attracted more attention to the slavery question in a few months than the abolitionists had been able to arouse in twenty years." Professor Edward Channing, The United States of America, 1765-1865, p. 241.

[925] F. W. Seward, Seward at Washington as Senator and Secretary of State, 1891, Vol. I, pp. 169, 170. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, pp. 44, 47-51, 58, 59.

[926] Boston Atlas, Dec. 17, 1850.

[927] For references see Appendix B, 53, Christiana case, p. 373.

[928] S. J. May, Some Recollections of our Anti-Slavery Conflict, p. 349.

[929] Ibid., pp. 373-384; Frothingham, Life of Gerrit Smith, p. 117; McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, pp. 48, 49; Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, Vol. II, pp. 327, 328.

[930] C. E. Stowe, Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe, pp. 71, 72.

[931] A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, p. 5; Charles Dudley Warner in The Atlantic Monthly, September, 1896, p. 312.

[932] A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, p. 23; C. E. Stowe, Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe, p. 93; Uncle Tom's Cabin; Howe, Historical Collections of Ohio, Vol. II, pp. 102, 103; J. W. Shuckers, Life of Chase, p. 53.

[933] A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, p. 54.

[934] Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, pp. 147-151; Howe, Historical Collections of Ohio, Vol. II, p. 104; see also article on "Early Cincinnati," by Judge Joseph Cox in the Cincinnati Times-Star, Feb. 6, 1891; a report of "The Story of Eliza," as told by the Rev. S. G. W. Rankin, printed in the Boston Transcript, Nov. 30, 1895, an article on Harriet Beecher Stowe, in the Cincinnati Enquirer, Nov. 3, 1895, p. 17.

[935] Quoted by Charles Dudley Warner in The Atlantic Monthly, September, 1896, p. 315.

[936] Ibid.

[937] Life of George Ticknor, Vol. I, p. 286.

[938] History of the United States, Vol. I, pp. 284, 285.

[939] Peirce, Life of Sumner, Vol. III, p. 283.

[940] Ibid., p. 289.

[941] Ibid., p. 292.

[942] Peirce, Life of Sumner, Vol. III, pp. 296, 297; Congressional Globe, Vol. XXV, p. 1112.

[943] Congressional Globe, Vol. XXV, p. 1112; Peirce, Life of Sumner, Vol. III, p. 297.

In a public speech made in 1850 Mr. Garrison had this to say, "Who are among our ablest speakers? Who are the best qualified to address the public mind on the subject of slavery? Your fugitive slaves,—your Douglasses, Browns and Bibbs,—who are astonishing all with the cogency of their words and the power of their reasoning." Life of Garrison, Vol. III, p. 311.

[944] Peirce, Life of Sumner, Vol. III, p. 309, foot-note; Vol. IV, pp. 71, 175-177.

[945] S. J. May, Some Recollections of our Anti-Slavery Conflict, pp. 380, 381. Mr. May says another convention was held ten days later to condemn the action of the rescuers, and did so, but not without dissent.

[946] See the reports after 1850.

[947] For selected cases see Appendix B, p. 372.

[948] The Kansas-Nebraska legislation, repealing the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which was at this time before Congress, is here referred to.

[949] Vroman Mason on "The Fugitive Slave Law in Wisconsin, with Reference to Nullification Sentiment," in the Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1895, pp. 122, 123.

[950] Ableman vs. Booth; for references see Appendix B, 62, Glover rescue case, p. 374.

[951] This account of Booth's case is in the main a condensation of the excellent and exhaustive discussion given by Mr. Vroman Mason in the Proceedings of the State Historical Society, 1895, pp. 117-144. Other material will be found in The Story of Wisconsin, 1890, by R. G. Thwaites, pp. 247-254; A Complete Record of the John Olin Family, 1893, by C. C. Olin, pp. liii-lxxiv; the Liberator, April 7 and 24, 1854; 3 Wisconsin Reports, pp. 1-64; 21 Howard's Reports, p. 506 et seq.; Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, Vol. II, pp. 444-446.

[952] T. W. Higginson in The Atlantic Monthly, for March, 1897, p. 349-354; Rhodes, History of the United States, Vol. I, pp. 500-506; Wilson, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, Vol. II, pp. 434, 444.

[953] John Reynolds' History of Illinois, 1855, pp. 269-271.

[954] The Cincinnati Enquirer, the leading Democratic paper of southern Ohio at the time, said of the contention arising out of the attempted arrest of Addison White: "The designation of the attorney-general by Governor Chase to aid the lawyer retained by the sheriff of Clark County, is equivalent to a declaration of war on the part of Chase and his abolition crew against the United States Courts. Let war come, the sooner the better." Quoted in the Life of Chase, by J. W. Schuckers, p. 179, foot-note. Material relating to the Addison White case will be found in Shuckers, Life of Chase, pp. 177-182; Warden, Life of Chase, pp. 350, 351; Beer, History of Clark County, Ohio; the same quoted by Henry Howe in his Historical Collections of Ohio, Vol. I, pp. 384-386. The writer has also had the advantage of a conversation with Mrs. Amanda Shepherd (the daughter of Udney Hyde), who was an eye-witness of the attempts to capture White at her father's house.

[955] J. R. Shipherd, History of the Oberlin-Wellington Rescue. The resolutions appear at pp. 253, 254.

[956] Ibid., pp. 231-235.

[957] The Plain Dealer, July 6, 1859, quoted by Shipherd, p. 267.

[958] Shipherd, History of the Oberlin-Wellington Rescue, pp. 253, 254.

[959] The Cleveland Herald, June 3, 1859.

[960] Chapter IX, p. 282.

[961] Joel Parker, Personal Liberty Laws and Slavery in the Territories, 1861, pp. 10, 11.

[962] J. B. Robinson, Pictures of Slavery and Anti-Slavery, 1863, pp. 332, 333; M. G. McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 70; Rhodes, History of the United States, Vol. II, p. 74. Mr. Rhodes says of the personal liberty bills: "They were dangerously near the nullification of a United States law, and had not the provocation seemed great, would not have been adopted by people who had drunk in with approval Webster's idea of nationality.... While they were undeniably conceived in a spirit of bad faith towards the South, they were a retaliation for the grossly bad faith involved in the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. Nullification cannot be defended, but in a balancing of the wrongs of the South and the North, it must be averred that in this case the provocation was vastly greater than the retaliation."

[963] Hinton, John Brown and His Men, pp. 31, 32.

[964] Ibid., p. 30.

[965] History of the Negro Race in America, Vol. II, pp. 58, 59.

[966] Benton's Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, Vol. VII, p. 296.

[967] Congressional Globe, Thirty-first Congress, First Session, Appendix, p. 1601.

[968] Ibid., p. 1603.

[969] Ibid., p. 1605.

[970] Von Holst, Constitutional and Political History of the United States, Vol. III, p. 552.

[971] Congressional Globe, Thirty-first Congress, First Session, p. 202. See also Von Holst's work, Vol. III, p. 552, foot-note.

[972] J. F. H. Claiborne, Life and Correspondence of John A. Quitman, Vol. II, p. 28.

[973] J. F. H. Claiborne, Life and Correspondence of John A. Quitman, Vol. II, p. 30. His figures are, of course, not correct.

[974] Census of 1860, pp. 11, 12. See Table A, Appendix C, p. 378.

[975] See Tables B and C, Appendix C, p. 379.

[976] This computation was first printed by the writer in the American Historical Review, April, 1896, pp. 462, 463.

[977] Conversation with M. J. Benedict, L. A. Benedict and others, Alum Creek Settlement, Ohio, Dec. 2, 1893.

[978] E. M. Pettit, Sketches in the History of the Underground Railroad, Introduction, p. xi. Wilson gives an account of the American Colonization Society in his Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, Vol. I, pp. 208-222; see also the Life of Garrison, by his children, Index.

[979] McDougall, Fugitive Slaves, p. 71.

[980] Congressional Globe, Thirty-sixth Congress, Second Session, p. 356; see also ibid., Appendix, p. 197.

[981] Accounts of Anderson's case will be found in a collection of pamphlets in the Boston Public Library; in the Liberator, Dec. 3, 1860 and Jan. 22, 1861; in A Woman's Life Work, by Laura S. Haviland, pp. 207, 208; in the History of Canada, by J. M. McMullen, Vol. II, p. 259; in the History of Canada, by John MacMullen, p. 553; and in Fugitive Slaves, by M. G. McDougall, pp. 25, 26.

[982] Journal of the Senate, Thirty-sixth Congress, Second Session, p. 10.

[983] Journal of the Senate, Thirty-sixth Congress, Second Session, p. 18.

[984] For a complete list of these resolutions see Mrs. McDougall's monograph on Fugitive Slaves, Appendix, pp. 117-119.

[985] Rhodes, History of the United States, Vol. III, pp. 252, 253.

[986] Congressional Globe, Thirty-seventh Congress, First Session, p. 30.

[987] Congressional Globe, Thirty-seventh Congress, First Session, p. 30; see also M. G. McDougall's Fugitive Slaves, p. 79.

[988] House Journal, Thirty-seventh Congress, Second Session, p. 265; Senate Journal, Thirty-seventh Congress, Second Session, p. 285; Congressional Globe, Thirty-seventh Congress, Second Session, p. 1243.

[989] The names of colored operators are marked with a +.

[990] This list of names is taken from Bearse's Reminiscences of Fugitive-Slave Law Days in Boston, pp. 3, 4, 5, 6.

[991] Sanborn, in his Life and Letters of John Brown, pp. 125 and 126, prints this roll of members.

[992] This list will be found in the Autobiography of the Rev. J. W. Loguen, p. 396.

[993] These names are given in Still's Underground Railroad Records, pp. 610, 611, 612.

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