Sources of the History of the Underground Railroad
The Underground Road as a subject for research 1
Obscurity of the subject 2
Books dealing with the subject 2
Magazine articles on the Underground Railroad 5
Newspaper articles on the subject 6
Scarcity of contemporaneous documents 7
Reminiscences the chief source 11
The value of reminiscences illustrated 12
Origin and Growth of the Underground Road
Conditions under which the Underground Road originated 17
The disappearance of slavery from the Northern states 17
Early provisions for the return of fugitive slaves 19
The fugitive slave clause in the Ordinance of 1787 20
The fugitive slave clause in the United States Constitution 20
The Fugitive Slave Law of 1793 21
The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 22
Desire for freedom among the slaves 25
Knowledge of Canada among the slaves 27
Some local factors in the origin of the underground movement 30
The development of the movement in eastern Pennsylvania, in New Jersey, and in New York 33
The development of the movement in the New England states 36
The development of the movement in the West 37
The naming of the Road 44
The Methods of the Underground Railroad
Penalties for aiding fugitive slaves 47
Social contempt suffered by abolitionists 48
Espionage practised upon abolitionists 50
Rewards for the capture of fugitives and the kidnapping of abolitionists 52
Devices to secure secrecy 54
Service at night 54
Methods of communication 56
Methods of conveyance 59
Zigzag and variable routes 61
Places of concealment 62
Disguises 64
Informality of management 67
Colored and white agents 69
City vigilance committees 70
Supplies for fugitives 76
Transportation of fugitives by rail 78
Transportation of fugitives by water 81
Rescue of fugitives under arrest 83
The rescue of Addison White, Mechanicsburg, Ohio, 1857 334
The Oberlin-Wellington rescue, 1858 335
Obstruction of the Fugitive Slave Law by means of the personal liberty acts 337
John Brown's attempt Lo free the slaves 338
Effect of the Underground Railroad
The Underground Road the means of relieving the South of many despairing slaves 340
Loss sustained by slave-owners through underground channels 340
The United States census reports on fugitive slaves 342
Estimate of the number of slaves escaping into Ohio, 1830-1860 346
Similar estimate for Philadelphia, 1830-1860 346
Drain on the resources of the depot at Lawrence, Kansas, described in a letter of Col. J. Bowles, April 4, 1859 347
Work of the Underground Railroad as compared with that of the American Colonization Society 350
The violation of the Fugitive Slave Law a chief complaint of Southern states at the beginning of the Civil War 351
Refusal of the Canadian government to yield up the fugitive Anderson, 1860 352
Secession of the Southern states begun 353
Conclusion of the fugitive slave controversy 355
General effect and significance of the controversy 356


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