Now, having first erect and silent grown (For it would say no more), from us the flame, The Poet sweet consenting, And then our eyes were turned to one that came Behind it on the way, by sounds that burst Out of its crest in a confusÈd stream. As the Sicilian bull, With his lamenting—and it was but right— Who had prepared it with his tools accurst, Roared with the howlings of the tortured wight, So that although constructed all of brass Yet seemed it pierced with anguish to the height; So, wanting road and vent by which to pass Up through the flame, into the flame’s own speech The woeful language all converted was. But when the words at length contrived to reach As moved the tongue We heard: ‘Oh thou, to whom are now addressed My words, who spakest now in Lombard phrase: “Depart; Though I be late arrived, yet of thy grace Let it not irk thee here a while to stay: It irks not me, yet, as thou seest, I blaze. If lately to this world devoid of day From that sweet Latian land thou art come down Whence all my guilt I bring, declare and say Has now Romagna peace? because my own Native abode was in the mountain land ’Tween springs While I intent and bending low did stand, My Leader, as he touched me on the side, ‘Speak thou, for he is Latian,’ gave command. Whereon without delay I thus replied— Because already ‘Soul, that down there dost in concealment ’bide, In thy Romagna But when I left it there was none declared. No change has fallen Ravenna There, covering Cervia too with outspread wing, Polenta’s Eagle guards his heritage. Over the city The Green Paws The Mastiffs of Verrucchio, Who to Montagna Still clinch their fangs where they were wont to hold. Cities, The Lion couched in white are governed by Which changes party with the changing year. And that to which the Savio As it is set ’twixt mountain and champaign Lives now in freedom now ’neath tyranny. Be not more stubborn than we others found, As thou on earth illustrious wouldst remain.’ When first the fire a little while had moaned After its manner, next the pointed crest Waved to and fro; then in this sense breathed sound: ‘If I believed my answer were addressed To one that earthward shall his course retrace, This flame should forthwith altogether rest. But since Returned alive, if all be true I hear, I yield thee answer fearless of disgrace. I was a warrior, then a Cordelier; Thinking thus girt to purge away my stain: And sure my hope had met with answer clear Had not the High Priest Plunged me anew into my fo |