
Although the preceding pages have been written upon the assumption that the reader knows what a bee is, now that we are gradually approaching the more special and technical portion of the subject it will be desirable to conform a little to the ordinary usages of scientific treatment.

The bees constitute a family of the order Hymenoptera, viz. insects ordinarily, but in the case of bees always, with four transparent wings, which are variously but partially traversed longitudinally and transversely with threads, called nervures, supposed to be tubular, the relative position of which, together with the areas they enclose, called cells, help to give characters to the genera.

Most of the Hymenoptera further possess some kind of an ovipositor,—of course restricted to the females,—varying considerably in the different families. This is sometimes external, but is often seated within the apex of the abdomen, whence it can be protruded for the purpose of depositing the egg in its right nidus. In our insect this organ is converted into a weapon of defence and offence, and forms a sting, supplied by glands with a very virulent poison, which the bee can inject into the wound it inflicts. It is not certain that this organ is used by the bee as an ovipositor, although it is evident it is its analogue. This brief description of the essential peculiarities of the family will, for the present, suffice. In the notice of the imago, I shall enlarge upon the general structure, and then particularize those portions of it which may facilitate further progress.

The Egg.—Although the egg of the parent is the source of the origin of the bee, we cannot abruptly commence from this point, for the preliminary labours of the mother are indispensable to the evolution of its offspring. This egg has to be placed in a suitable depository, together with the requisite food for the sustenance of the vermicule that will be disclosed from it.

Instinct instructs the parent where and how to form the nidus for its egg. These depositories differ considerably in the several genera, but, as a general rule, they are tubes burrowed by the mother either in earth, sand, decaying or soft wood, branches of plants having a pith, the halm of grain, cavities already existing in many substances, and even within the shells of dead snails. These perforations are sometimes simple, and sometimes they have divergent and ramifying channels. Sometimes they are carefully lined with a silky membrane secreted by the insect, and sometimes they are hung with a tapestry of pieces of leaves, cut methodically from plants, but some leave their walls entirely bare. All these particulars I shall have ample opportunity to note in the special descriptions of the genera. I merely indicate them to show how various are the receptacles for the offspring of our bees.

Fig. 1. The Egg.

Before the egg is placed within its nidus, this is supplied with the requisite quantity of food needful for the support of the young to the full period of its maturity. The receptacle is then closed, and the same process is repeated again and again until the parent has laid her whole store of eggs. In other cases one tube, or its ramification, contains but one egg. These eggs are usually oblong, slightly curved, and tapering at one extremity; they vary in size according to the species, but are never, however, above a line in length, and sometimes they are very minute. When the stock of the mother bee is exhausted she leaves them to the careful nursing of nature, and the young is speedily evolved. She then wanders forth; time has brought senility; her occupation has gone; and she passes away; but her progeny survive to perpetuate the continual chain of existence.

The Larva.—The temperature of the perforated tube wherein the egg is deposited must necessarily be higher and more equal than that of the external atmosphere, being secluded from its vicissitudes. The egg is soon hatched, and the larva emerges from its shell to feed ravenously upon the sustenance stored up for its supply. This consists of an admixture of pollen and honey formed into a paste, the quantities varying according to the size of the species. By some species it is formed into little balls; by others, it is heaped irregularly at the bottom of the cell. In the case of Andrena the quantity stored is of about the size of a pea. That it must be exceeding nutritious may be inferred from its very nature, consisting, as it does, of the virile, energetic, and fertilizing powder of plants,—the concentration of their living principle. It is strictly analogous to the fecundating property of the semen in animals, and, like them, produces spermatozoa, a fact corroborated by the researches of Robert Brown, Mirbel, and other distinguished vegetable physiologists.[1]

1.Might not, by parity of inference, the milt of fishes, such as the herring, mackerel, etc., be a useful food in cases of consumption, both from the iodine necessarily existing in it, and also from its doubtless nutritive nature?

We are told that the cells of HylÆus, or Prosopis, and of Ceratina are supplied with a semifluid honey. It is very doubtful if HylÆus collects its own store, but that Ceratina does, I have the authority of an exact observer (Mr. Thwaites) to verify it, for he has caught this insect with pollen on its posterior legs, which the long hair covering the tibia is intended for. What may be the nature of this semifluid honey? It is questionable if the larva could be nurtured upon honey alone without the admixture of pollen, thus contradicting analogies presumable from ample verification in nature’s processes. How, too, does it become semifluid? It is the property of honey, at a certain temperature, to be very fluid, and this is doubtless the temperature that prevails within the receptacle of the larva during the time of the operations of the bees.

Its semifluid consistency could then apparently be produced only by some more solid admixture, which, if not of pollen, of what can it be? This, even in small quantities, might, upon the bursting of its vesicles, have the power of thickening the fluent honey to the necessary consistency.

But a bee without polliniferous organs cannot collect pollen, and the instance of the hive bee, which collects honey in superabundance, feeding its larva with the bee-bread, must inevitably lead to the conclusion that the larvÆ of bees require more than honey for their sustenance. Nature is not usually wantonly wasteful of its resources, and if honey sufficed for the nurture of the grub, so much pollen would not be abstracted from its legitimate purpose, nor would bees have this double trouble given to them. By the admixture of pollen the honey has energetic power infused into it by the spermatozoa which that contains. But it must necessarily be collected, for I never observed, nor have I seen recorded, any instance of the pollen being eaten on the flower and regurgitated into the cell in combination with the imbibed honey.

Pollen is eaten by the domestic bee and humble-bee to form wax for the structure of their cells, but the solitary bees do not themselves consume it.

Fig. 2.—a, the Larva, when growing;
b, when preparing to change;
c, the head, viewed in front.

The larva, when excluded from the egg, is a fleshy grub, slightly curved, and a little pointed at each extremity. Its body is transversely constricted, the constrictions corresponding with its fifteen segments, each of which, excepting the head and four terminal ones, is supplied with a spiracle placed at the sides, whereby it breathes; and it has no feet. These segments have on each side a series of small tubercles, which facilitate the restricted motions of the grub, confined to the boundaries of its cell. Its small head, which is smooth above, has a little projecting horn on each side representing the future antennÆ. The small lateral jaws articulate beneath a narrow labrum or lip, which folds down over them. To prove that the food provided requires still further comminution, these jaws are incessantly masticating it. The form of these jaws approximates to that of the insect which it will produce, being toothed and broad at the apex in the artisan and wood-boring bees, and simple in those which burrow in softer substances. On each side beneath these jaws there is an appendage, rather plump, having a setiform process at its extremity, and beneath these, in the centre, we observe a fleshy protuberance which, at its tip, has a smaller perforated process that emits the viscid liquid with which the grub spins its cocoon, and which immediately hardens to the consistency of silk.

Fig. 3.—a, the pupa, seen beneath;
b, seen
c, seen laterally.

Having constructed its cocoon, where the species does so,—for it is not incidental to all the genera,—and shrunk to its most compact dimensions, the larva becomes transformed into

The Pupa.—This is semi-transparent at first, and there may be seen through the thin pellicle, which invariably clothes every portion separately of the body, the ripening bee, which lies, like a mummy, with its wings and legs folded lengthwise along its breast. The parts gradually assume consistency, and the natural colours and clothing of the perfect insect display themselves through its pellucid envelope. When arrived at perfect maturity, and ready to commence the part it has to perform in the economy of nature, it bursts its cerements, making its way through the dorsal covering of its silken skin, and, leaving the exuviÆ behind, it crawls forth from its dormitory, when, becoming invigorated by the bracing air and the genial sunshine, it stretches its legs and expands its wings, and flies forth jubilant, rejoicing in its awakened faculties.

The Imago.—The bee having attained its majority, loses no time in quitting the confined abode wherein it has been hitherto secluded. It comes forth prepared to undertake the cares, and meet the vicissitudes of existence. The new life that now opens to it is one apparently teeming exuberantly with every delight. It dwells in sunshine and amidst flowers; it revels in their sweets, attracted by their beautiful colours and their delightful odours; and the consummation of its bliss is to find a congenial partner. With him it enjoys a brief connubial transport, but which is speedily succeeded by life-long labour, for the cares of maternity immediately supervene.

I believe the wild bees are not polyandrous, and therefore many males, if there be any preponderating discrepancy in favour of that sex, must die celibate. But the fact of finding the males associated together in great numbers upon the same flowers or hedges, is certainly not conclusive of this being the case. To provide a fitting receptacle, furnished with suitable provision, for its future progeny, occupies all the subsequent solicitude of the female.

As frequent reference will hereafter be made to peculiarities of structure, it will be desirable to take a rapid survey of the external anatomy of the bee, for it will enable me to introduce in due order the requisite technicalities with their local explanations. This course will be found most subservient to preciseness and accuracy, and when mastered, which will be found to be a very simple affair, it will greatly facilitate exact comprehension. No circumlocution can convey what a few technicalities, thoroughly understood, will immediately explain, and no special scientific work can be read with any profit until they are acquired.

Diagrams are introduced to aid the imagination in its conception of what is meant to be conveyed.

This necessary detail I shall endeavour to make as entertaining as I possibly can, by introducing, with the description of the organ, the uses it serves in the economy of the insect. I hope thus to add an interest to it which a merely dry technical and scientific definition would not possess.

Structure is always expressive of the habits of the bees, and is as sure a line of separation, or means of combination, as instinct could be were it tangible. Hence the conclusion always follows with a certainty that such-and-such a form is identical with such-and-such habits, and that, in the broad and most distinguishing features of its economy, the genus is essentially the same in every climate. Climate does not act upon these lower forms of animal life, with the modifying influences it exercises upon the mammalia and man. A Megachile is as essentially a Megachile in all its characteristics in Arctic America, the Brazils, tropical Africa, Northern China, and Van Diemen’s Land, as in these islands, and Apis is, wherever it occurs, as truly an Apis. Therefore the habits, in whatever country the genus may be found, can thus be as surely affirmed of all its species, from the knowledge we have of those at home, as if observation had industriously tracked them. Therefore, the technicalities of structure once learnt, they become permanently and widely useful.

The body of the bee consists of a head, thorax, and abdomen, which, although to the casual observer, seemingly not separated from each other, are, upon closer inspection, more or less distinctly disconnected. The three parts are merely united by a very short and slight tubular cylinder. This is sometimes so much reduced as to be only a perforation of the parts combined by a ligament, and through which aperture a requisite channel is formed for the passage of the ganglion or nervous chord, which extends from one portion of the body to the other, giving off laterally, in its progress from the sensorium in the head onwards, the filaments required by the organs of sensation and motion, as well as all which control the other functions of the body of the insect.

Fig. 4.—Body of the bee.
a, head and antennÆ;
b, vertex and ocelli;
c, genÆ, or cheeks;
d, prothorax;
e, mesothorax;
f, squamulÆ;
g, insertion of the wings;
h, scutellum;
i, post-scutellum;
k, metathorax;
l, abdomen.

These apertures form also the necessary medium of connection between the several viscera, whereby the food and other sustaining juices are conveyed from the mouth through the oesophagus to the various parts of the body.

As this work will impinge but very incidentally upon the internal organization of the bee, it is unnecessary to be more explanatory. All that I shall have to notice here are those portions of the external structure which have any special bearing upon the economy and habits, or upon the generic and specific determination of the insects, and to which therefore I shall specially limit myself.

Fig. 5.—Front of the head of the bee.
a, vertex;
b, face;
c, ocelli or stemmata;
d, compound eyes;
e, clypeus;
f, mandibles;
g, labrum;
h, lingual apparatus folding for repose.

The head is the most important segment of the insect’s body, if we may elevate to such distinction any portion, when all conduce to the same end, and either would be imperfect without the other, yet we may perhaps thus distinguish it from the rest as it exclusively contains that higher class of organs, those of sense, which are most essential to the functions of the creature. The head consists of the vertex, or crown; the genÆ, or cheeks; the face; the clypeus, or nose; the compound eyes; the stemmata, or simple eyes; the antennÆ, or feelers, and the trophi, or organs of the mouth collectively.

The thorax, the second segment, carries all the organs of locomotion. It consists of the prothorax or collar, which carries beneath the anterior pair of legs; the mesothorax, or central division, with which articulate laterally above the four wings, the anterior of which have their base protected by the squamulÆ, or epaulettes, or wing-scales, and beneath it carries the intermediate pair of legs; the metathorax, or hinder portion, which has in the centre above, behind the scutellum, the post-scutellum, and at the extremity of this division just above the articulation of the posterior legs is attached the last segment of the insect,—the Abdomen.

The vertex, or crown of the head, is that portion which lies between the upper extremities of the compound eyes. Upon the vertex are placed the stemmata, or ocelli (the simple eyes), in a curve or triangle; they are three in number, and are small, hyaline, circular protuberances, each containing within it a lens; sometimes they occur very far forward upon the face, especially when the compound lateral eyes meet above, as in the male domestic bee or drone. The uses of these simple eyes, from the experiments which have been made, seem to be for long and distant vision. To test their function, RÉaumur covered them with a very adhesive varnish, which the bee could not remove, and he then let it escape. He found upon several repeated trials, that the insect always flew perpendicularly upwards, and was lost. Although this was anything but conclusive as to the uses of these eyes, it would seem that by losing the vision of this organ, the insect lost with it all sense of distance.

The compound eyes, seated on each side of the head, extend from the vertex generally to the articulation of the mandibles or jaws, their longitudinal axis being perpendicular to the station of the insect. They vary in external shape and convexity in the several species and genera, although not greatly, and consist of a congeries of minute, hexagonal, crystalline facets, each slightly convex externally, and their interstices are sometimes clothed with a short and delicate pubescence. Each separate hexagon has its own apparatus of lens and filament of optic nerve, each having its own distinct vision, but all converge to convey one object to the sensorium. The function of the compound eyes is concluded to be the microscopic sight of near objects.

The face, which sometimes has a longitudinal carina, or prominent ridge, down its centre, lies between these eyes, descending from the vertex to the base of the clypeus, or nose, but which is without the function of that organ. This clypeus is sometimes protuberant, and from shape or armature, characteristic. This part, however, is not always distinctly apparent, although a line or suture usually separates it above, from the face. At its lower extremity the labrum, or upper lip, articulates, over which it is sometimes produced; and it extends at each lateral apex to the base of the insertion of the mandibles. The genÆ, or cheeks, descend from the vertex laterally, behind the compound eyes, to the cavity of the head which contains the lingual apparatus, when folded in repose. These cheeks, at their lower extremity, sometimes embrace the articulation of the mandibles.

Fig. 6.—1, Clavate antennÆ;
2, filiform ditto;
a, scape;
b, flagellum.

The antennÆ, or feelers, are two filamentary organs articulating on each side of the face and above the clypeus. They comprise the scape (a), or basal joint, and (b) the flagellum or terminal apparatus; the latter consists of closely attached conterminal joints, and usually forms an elbow with the scape; collectively these joints number twelve in the female and thirteen in the male. They are all of various relative lengths, which sometimes aid specific determination. The scape, however, is usually much longer than any of the rest, and in some males has a very robust and even angulated shape. A description of the antennÆ always enters into the generic character; they usually differ very materially both in length and form in the sexes. They are often filiform (2), but more generally subclavate (1), and sometimes distinctly so, and where they have the latter structure it is found in both sexes. They constantly differ in the species of a long genus (Andrena, Normada, Halictus). In the male of the genus Eucera, they have a remarkable extension, being as long as the body, whereas folded back they are rarely so long, or not longer than the thorax in other males, speaking in reference only to our native kinds. In the females they are not often longer than the head. It is in the males of the genus Halictus that they take the greatest extension. In the male of the genus Eucera, we also find the remarkable peculiarity of the integument of some of the joints being distinctly of an hexagonal structure,—a peculiarity often observable in natural structures. In this case it may refer to the sensiferous function of the organ, and to which I shall have occasion to revert when I speak of the senses of our insects. We sometimes find the joints of the antennÆ moniliform, something like a string of beads, or with each separate joint forming a curve, or with their terminal one, as in Megachile, greatly compressed.

The relative lengths of the joints often yield conclusive separative specific characters, and which may be very advantageously made available, especially where other distinctive differences are obscure, and in cases where the practised eye observes a distinction of habit, evidently specific, although it is difficult to seize tangible characteristics.

The trophi are the organs of the mouth of the bee collectively. When complete in all the parts, as exemplified in the genus Anthoptera, they consist of the labrum, or upper lip; the epipharynx, or valve, falling over and closing the aperture of the gullet; the pharynx, or gullet, which forms the true mouth and entrance to the oesophagus; the hypopharynx which lies immediately below the gullet and assists deglutition; the labium, or lower lip, and the true tongue. These parts are all single; the parts in pairs are the mandibles, the maxillÆ, the maxillary palpi, the labial palpi, and the paraglossÆ.

Fig. 7.—Trophi and their unfolding.
a, labrum;
b, epipharynx;
c, pharynx;
d, hypopharynx;
e, mandible;
f, maxillÆ;
g, maxillary palpi;
h, mandible;
i, cardium;
k, labium;
l, labial palpi;
m, paraglossÆ;
n, tongue.

The labrum, or upper lip, is attached by joint to the apex of the clypeus; it has a vertical motion, and falls over the organs beneath it, in repose, when it is itself covered by the mandibles. It is usually transverse in form, but is sometimes perpendicular, especially in the artisan bees. It takes many forms, sometimes semilunar or linear, emarginate or entire, convex, concave, or flat, and is occasionally armed with one or two processes, like minute teeth projecting from its surface, but of what use these may be we do not know. In the female of Halictus, it has a slightly longitudinal appendage in the centre. It is usually horny, but is sometimes coriaceous or leathery. This labrum often yields good specific characters.

The pharynx, or gullet, is a cavity immediately beneath the epipharynx, which articulates directly under the base of the labrum, and which closes the pharynx from above, and immediately beneath this cavity is another small appendage, almost triangular, which receives the food or honey from the canal conveying it from the tongue, or directly from the mandibles, when it is masticated, and helps it forward to the pharynx to be swallowed. The epipharynx closes this orifice from above, the labrum then laps over it and the articulation of the lingual apparatus, both which are further protected in repose by the mandibles closing over the labrum. This triple protection shows the importance nature attaches to these organs. The more direct portions of the lingual apparatus are the labium, or lower lip, which forms the main stem of the rest, and articulates beneath the hypopharynx, and is beneath of a horny texture; it forms a knee or articulating bend at about half its length, and has a second flexure at its apex, where the true tongue is inserted. This labium is extensible and retractile at the will of the insect, and lies inserted within the under cavity of the head when in complete repose, and the insect can withdraw or extend a portion or the whole at its pleasure. Attached on each side, at its first bend or elbow, lie the maxillÆ, which, for want of a better term, are called the lower jaws, and perhaps properly so from the function they perform; for at the point of their downward flexure, which occurs at the apex of the labium, and where the true tongue commences, they each extend forward in a broad, longitudinal membrane, partly coriaceous throughout its whole length, and these, folded together and beneath, form the under sheath of the whole of the rest of the lingual apparatus in repose, and often lap over its immediate base when even it is extended. Externally continuous, the line of these maxillÆ is broken at the point of flexure at the apex of the labium, by a deep sinus or curve, and within this is inserted the first joint of the maxillary palpi. The portion of the maxillÆ extending forwards, hence takes several forms, usually tapering to an acute point, but sometimes rounded or hastate, according to the structure of the tongue, to which they form a protection.

The maxillary palpi are small, longitudinal joints, never exceeding six in number, and generally in the normal or true bees not so numerous. They vary in relative length to the organ to which they are attached, and usually progressively decrease in length and size from the basal ones to the apical, but each joint, excepting the terminal one, is generally more robust at its apex than at its own special base. The function of these maxillary palpi is unknown. They are always present in full number in the AndrenidÆ, and in some few genera of the true bees, but they vary from their normal number of six to five, four, three, two, and one in the latter; and it is curious that they are most deficient in those bees having the most complicated economy, as in the artisan bees and the cenobite bees; they thus evidently show that it is not a very paramount function that they perform. On each side, at the apical summit of the labium, are inserted the labial palpi. These are invariably four in number, but vary considerably in length and substance. In the AndrenidÆ they have always the form of subclavate, robust joints, and are usually as long as the tongue, but not always; they are only half the length of that organ in the subsection of the acute-tongued AndrenidÆ. In the normal bees, even in the genus Panurgus, which is the most closely allied to the AndrenidÆ, the labial palpi immediately take excessive development, especially in their two basal joints, and the structure of these two joints, excepting in this genus and in Nomada, partakes of a flattened form and membranous substance. All these four joints are either conterminal, or the two apical ones, or one of them is articulated laterally, towards the apex of the preceding joint. These two are always very short joints, and are comparatively robust.

The labial palpi are, in the majority of cases, about half or two-thirds the length of the tongue, but in Apathus and Apis they are of its full length. At the immediate base of the tongue, and attached to it laterally, rather than to the apex of the labium, are the paraglossÆ, or lingual appendages, which are membranous and acute, except in the AndrenidÆ, where, in some, their apex is lacerated and fringed with short hairs. These organs are always present in the AndrenidÆ and generally in the ApidÆ, where they usually obtain extensive relative development; but in the artisan bees they are all but obsolete, and in Ceratina, CÆlioxys, Apathus, and Apis, they are not even apparent. Their use also has hitherto eluded discovery, but that they are not essential to the honey-gathering instinct of the bee is especially proved by the latter instance.

The true tongue is attached to the centre of the apex of the labium, having the paraglossÆ, when extant, and the labial palpi at its sides. In the AndrenidÆ it is a flat short organ of varying form, either lobated, emarginate, acute, or lanceolate; but in the ApidÆ, with Panurgus it immediately becomes very much elongated, and with this genus the apparatus whereby the tongue folds beneath obtains its immediate development; but this development exhibits itself most fully in the genus Anthophora. The tongue is usually linear, tapering slightly to its extremity, and terminating in some genera with a small knob. It is clothed throughout with a very delicate pubescence, which enables the bee to gather up the nectar it laps. That it should be called the lip seems an absurdity, for it exercises all the functions of a tongue, and it would seem almost that the fine hairs, with which it is covered, are the papillÆ of taste. Its structure in some genera seems to be a spiral thread twining closely round and round, but in others it appears throughout identical.

Fig. 8.—Extremes of structure of tongues:
1, in subnormal bees (Colletes);
2, in normal bees (Anthophora).
a, tongue;
b, paraglossÆ;
c, labial palpi;
d, maxillÆ;
e, maxillary palpi;
f, labium.

This tongue was formerly thought to be tubular, and that the bee sucked the honey through an aperture at its apex. The knowledge of the flat form of the tongues of other bees should have dissipated the illusion, for we could have been perfectly sure of the analogical structure and function of an organ in creatures so nearly alike. RÉaumur’s patient observations have totally dissipated the mistake, and through him we exactly know how the bee conveys the honey into its stomach As it exhibits an agreeable instance of the persevering industry and unblenching patience with which he made his researches, I will give a summary of what he says, for his bulky volumes, although teeming with delightful instruction, pleasantly narrated, will necessarily not be in every entomologist’s hand, and where not, not even always readily accessible. His observations were made upon the honey-bee, but we may attribute the same mode of collecting to all the rest. He says:—When this tongue is not lapping the nectar of flowers but in a state of perfect repose it is flattened. It is then at least three times broader than thick, but its edges are rounded. It gradually narrows from its base to its extremity. It terminates in a slight inflation, almost cylindrical, at the end of which there is a little knob, which appears perforated in the centre. From the circumference of this knob tolerably long hairs radiate, and the upper side of the tongue is also entirely covered with hairs. The basal and widest portion above seems striated transversely with minute lines closely approaching each other.

The upper side of the anterior portion of the tongue seems of a cartilaginous substance, but the under side of the same part appears cartilaginous only over a portion of its width. The centre is throughout its whole course more transparent than the rest, and seems membranous and folded. It is only necessary to press the posterior portion of this trunk, whilst holding its anterior part closely to a light, towards which its upper surface must be turned, and then upon examining its inner surface with a lens of high power, a drop of liquid may be soon observed at its foremost portion. By continuing to press it this drop is urged forward, and as it passes every portion swells considerably, and the two edges separate more widely from each other. The under side of the tongue, which was before flat, rises and swells considerably, and all that thus rises up is evidently membranous. It looks like a long vessel of the most transparent material. But whilst this great increase of bulk is made upon the lower surface, the upper surface swells only a little, which seems to prove that its immediate envelope is not capable of much distension.

If a bee be observed whilst sipping any sweet liquor, the anterior portion of its trunk will be sometimes seen more swollen than when in action, and alternations will be observed in it of varying expansion.

The posterior portion of the trunk is a great deal larger than the anterior, and it is only in repose that the former nearly equals the latter in length. This posterior portion (this is the portion treated above as the labium, or under lip) is joined to the anterior by a very short ligature, wholly fleshy, and very flexible, which permits the folding of the trunk, and then its under side is quite scaly, very shiny, and rounded (the maxillÆ). This portion is apparently more substantial than the rest. Its diameter gradually increases as it recedes from about the middle to about two-thirds of its length; there it is a little constricted, and the first of the two pieces of which it is composed there terminates. The first piece is rounded, for the purpose, it would appear, of fitting itself upon another, which serves as its base and pivot. This base is conical and of a scaly texture, and terminates in rather an acute point. It is this point which is articulated at the junction of the two small elongate portions of which we spoke at the commencement, and which carry the trunk forward.

In repose, the posterior part of the trunk lies along the lower part of the mouth, and the anterior part is folded back upon it, when it is covered by the maxillÆ, which then seem to form a portion of it. It has further another interior envelope; these are the two first joints of the labial palpi (in the ApidÆ), which are entirely membranous, and these in repose cling closely to the tongue laterally.

The bee would certainly not collect its honey differently from a flower than it would from a glass wherein it might be placed to observe the process; and here it never appeared to obtain the honey by suction. The bee was never observed to place the end of its tongue in the drop of syrup, as it would necessarily do if it were requisite to imbibe it through what seems the small aperture at the extremity of the knob, at the end of the tongue, previously described. As soon as the bee finds itself near the spot spread with honey or syrup, it extends its tongue a line or so beyond the end of the palpi, which continue to envelope it throughout the rest of its length. If the honey be spread over the glass, the anterior portion of the tongue, which is exposed, is turned round that its superior surface may be applied to the glass. There this portion does precisely what the tongue of any animal would do in lapping a liquid. This tongue repeatedly rubs the glass, and, moving about with astonishing rapidity, it makes hundreds of different inflexions.

If the drop of syrup presented to the bee be thicker, or if it meet with a drop of honey, it then thrusts the anterior portion of its tongue into the liquid, but apparently only to use it as a dog might do its tongue in lapping milk or water. Even in the drop of honey the bee bends the end of its tongue about, and lengthens and shortens it successively, and, indeed, withdraws it from moment to moment. We then observe it not merely lengthen and shorten this end, but it is also seen to curve it about, causing from time to time the superior surface to become concave,—to give, as it were, to the liquid with which it is loaded a downward inclination towards the head. In fact, this portion of the trunk appears to act as a tongue, and not as a pump. Indeed its extremity, where the aperture for receiving the liquid is assumed to be, is repeatedly above the surface of the liquid which the insect is lapping.

By these continuous motions this anterior extremity of the tongue charges itself with the nectareous fluid, and conveys it to the mouth. It is along the upper surface of this pilose tongue that the liquid passes. The bee strives especially to load and cover it with honey. In shortening the tongue to the extent, sometimes, of withdrawing it entirely beneath its sheaths, it conveys and deposits the liquid with which it is charged within a sort of channel, formed by the upper surface of the tongue and the sheaths which fold over it. Thus, these sheaths are, perhaps, less for the purpose of covering the tongue than to form and cover the channel by which the liquid is conveyed to the mouth. I have previously remarked that the trunk can swell and contract; these swellings and constrictions are observed to succeed each other, and may be for the purpose of urging the liquid, already in transit beneath the sheaths, forward towards the true mouth. Further, I moved the sheaths aside from their position above the tongue of a bee which I held in my fingers, and I succeeded, by means of the point of a pin, in placing an extremely small drop of honey upon the tongue of this bee at a spot where it could be covered by the extremities of the external sheath. I then let these sheaths loose. Sometimes they spontaneously resumed their previous position, and sometimes I assisted them to resume it. The drop of honey which they then covered has in no instance returned to the extremity of the tongue; it has always passed towards the mouth, and doubtless entered that orifice itself. It is therefore very certain that the bee imbibes its honey by lapping, and that it never passes through the aperture which has been supposed to have been seen at the extreme apex of the tongue. Did this aperture really exist, it would be of extreme minuteness, and it did not appear to me possible that a large drop of honey, which I have seen imbibed in a very few instants, could in so short a time have passed by so minute an opening. A further confirmation of the non-existence of this orifice has been given me when, by pressing a tongue towards its origin to compel it to swell, I have detected the liquid which gave it its extension, but all my pressing would never make the liquid pass through the extremity, although the pressure has sometimes made it almost rend the membranes, to give it an opening to escape by. Having thus passed through the oesophagus into the stomach, it is then regurgitated into its requisite repository upon arriving at home.


Fig. 9.—Mode of folding the tongue in repose.
1. In abnormal bee.
2. In normal bee.
a, point of articulation beneath the hypopharynx:
b, apex of the tongue.

The entire proboscis, with all its appendages attached, has in the ApidÆ three distinct hinges or articulations, including that which attaches it by its extreme base to the under surface of the mouth and lower portion of the head, the cavity of which, when folded, it fills, and even then the apex of the tongue protrudes in some genera beyond the sheathing maxillÆ. In the AndrenidÆ it has but two articulations, and the maxillÆ always cover them entirely in repose. The first articulation, forming the fulcrum of the whole, is always elbowed in the ApidÆ, and consequently not capable, like the rest of the joints, of full linear extension. The attached diagram will give a clearer conception of the mode of folding: a is the labium, and b the tongue.

As we have no complete description of the mode by which the tongue of the bee is worked, and how it gathers up its honey, I thought it desirable to be fuller upon the subject than was originally my intention.

Fig. 10.—Mandibles: 1, of leaf-cutter bee (Megachile);
2, of burrower (Andrena);
3, of parasite (Nomada).

The last portion of the trophi, also double, are the mandibles; they articulate on each side with the cheeks; they act laterally, and are variously formed, according to the economy of the insect. In the females they are usually more or less toothed, and are especially broad, curved, and toothed in the artisan bees. In Apis and Bombus they are subdentate. In males they are frequently simply acute, but in some species, especially in Andrena, they have a long spine at the base, which points downwards when they are closed. To this sex they appear to be of no use beyond aiding them to stay the wayward caprice or flight of their mistresses; and, although they have an analogical structure in the males of those genera wherein they are much dilated and toothed, yet they do not seem to be at all used by that sex for any purpose but sexual. In the females they are used for the construction of their burrows and nests, and for the purpose of nipping the narrow spurs and tubes of flowers to get at the nectar; and they often nip, whilst seeking pollen, the anthers of the flowers which have not yet burst their receptacles of pollen.

These insects must necessarily nicely appreciate the quantity of pollen requisite to the full development of the young insect, and, although we often observe a remarkable difference of size in the individuals of a species, this may rather arise from some defect in the quality of the nutritive purveyance than in its quantity, for instinct would as efficiently provide for this purpose as it unquestionably guides to the collection and storing of the nutritive supplies.

Having thus completed the description of the head and of all its attachments, I proceed to—

The Thorax, which is divided by sutures into three parts already mentioned above, viz. the prothorax, the mesothorax, and the metathorax.

The collar, or upper part of the prothorax, is often very distinct, and even angulated laterally in front, and frequently presents, both in colouring and form, a specific character. At its under portion on each side the anterior legs are articulated.

Fig. 11.—Anterior leg.
a, coxa;
b, trochanter;
c, femur, or thigh;
d, tibia, or shank;
e, spur and velum;
f, planta and strigilis;
g, digitus;
h, claw;
i, pulvillus, or cushion.

All the legs comprise the coxa, or hip-joint; the trochanter, which is a small joint forming the connection between this and the next joint the femur, or thigh; the tibia, or shank; and the tarsus, or foot. The latter consists of five joints, declining in length from the first, which is generally as long as all the rest united together; the first, in the anterior pair, being called the palmÆ, or palms; and in the four posterior plantÆ, or soles; the other joints are called the digiti, or fingers, or tarsus collectively; at the extremity of the terminal one are the two claws, which are sometimes simple hooks, but usually have a smaller hooklet within; they have both lateral and perpendicular motion, and between their insertion is affixed the pulvillus, or cushion. The coxÆ in their occasional processes exhibit very useful specific characters, as do the markings and form of the remaining joints of the leg and foot, which in several genera furnish generic peculiarities. The four anterior tarsi have each a moveable spine, or spur, at their apex within, which can be expanded to the angle at which the insect wishes to place the limb, and to which it forms a collateral support; the posterior tibiÆ have two each of these spurs, excepting in the genus Apis, which has none to this leg. Attached to this spur on the anterior tibiÆ of all the bees, there is, within, a small velum, or sail, as it has been called; this is a small angular appendage affixed within the spur by its base. At the base of the palmÆ of the same legs, and opposite the play of this velum, there is a deep sinus, or curved incision, the strigilis, called thus or the curry-comb, from the pecten, or comb of short stiff hair which fringes its edge. Upon this aperture the velum can act at the will of the insect, and combined they form a circular orifice. The object of this apparatus is to keep the antennÆ clean, for the insect, when it wishes to cleanse one or the other of them, lays it within this sinus of the palma, and then, pressing the velum of the spur upon it, removes, by the combined action of the comb and the velum, all excrescences or soilure from it, and this process it repeats until satisfied with the cleanliness of the organ: and this it may be frequently seen doing. This arrangement proves how essential to the well-being of the insect is the condition of its antennÆ, the sinus, or strigilis, or curry-comb, as it may be called, being always adapted in size to the thickness of the antennÆ, for insects being always both right- and left-handed, they therefore use the limb on each side to brush the antenna of that side. The palmÆ and other joints of the tarsus of the fore legs are greatly dilated in many males, or fringed externally with stiff setÆ, which give it as efficient a dilatation as if it were the expansion of its corneous substance. The anterior tarsi of the females are likewise fringed with hair, to enable them to sweep off and collect the pollen, and to assist also in the construction and furnishing of their burrows. The intermediate tarsi are as well often very much extended in the males, being considerably longer than those of the other legs. The use of the claws at the apex of the tarsi is evidently to enable the insect to cling to surfaces.

The manner in which the bee conveys either the pollen, or other material it purposes carrying home, to the posterior legs, or venter, which is to bear it, is very curious. The rapidity of the motions of its legs is then very great; so great, indeed, as to make it very difficult to follow them; but it seems first to collect its material gradually with its mandibles, from which the anterior tarsi gather it, and that on each side passes successively the grains of which it consists to the intermediate legs by multiplicated scrapings and twistings of the limbs; this then passes it on by similar manoeuvres, and deposits it, according to the nature of the bee, upon the posterior tibiÆ and plantÆ, or upon the venter. The evidence of this process is speedily manifested by the posterior legs gradually exhibiting an increasing pellet of pollen. Thus, for this purpose, all the legs of the bees are more or less covered with hair. It is the mandibles which are chiefly used in their boring or excavating operations, applying their hands, or anterior tarsi, only to clear their way; but by the constructive or artisan bees they are used both in their building and mining operations, and are worked like trowels to collect moist clay, and to apply it to the masonry of their habitations.

The mesothorax, or central division of the thorax, has inserted on each side near the centre the four wings, the anterior pair articulating beneath the squamulÆ, or wing-scales, which cover their base like an epaulette, and this wing scale often yields a specific character. In repose the four wings lie, horizontally, along the body, over the abdomen, the superior above, the inferior beneath. The wings themselves are transparent membranes, intersected by threads darker than their own substance, called their nervures, which are supposed to be tubular. These nervures and the spaces they enclose, called cells, are used in the superior wing only, and only occasionally, as subsidiary generic characters, and their terminology it will be desirable to describe, as use will be made subsequently of it. At the same time, to facilitate the comprehension of the terms, an illustrative diagram is appended; but those parts only will be described which have positive generic application. I may, however, first observe that upon the expansion of the wings in flight, the insect has the voluntary power of making the inferior cling to the superior wing by a series of hooklets with which its anterior edge is furnished at about half the length of that wing, which gives to the thus consolidated combination of the two a greater force in beating the air to accelerate its progress. That the insect has a control over the operation of these hooklets is very evident, for, upon settling, it usually unlocks them, and the anterior are often seen separated and raised perpendicularly over the insect; but that this can be mechanically effected also is shown sometimes in pinning a bee for setting, when by a lucky accident the pin catches the muscles which act upon the wings, and they become distended, as in flight, closely linked together. Both the diagram and the description of this superior wing I borrow from an elaborate paper of my own in the first volume of the ‘Transactions of the Entomological Society of London,’ wherein I gave a tabulated view, in chronological order, of the nomenclature introduced by successive entomologists in the use they made of the anterior wing of the Hymenoptera for generic subdivision, and which I subsequently applied to my own work upon the ‘Fossorial Hymenoptera of Great Britain.’

Fig. 12.—Superior wing.
a, marginal cell;
b, first cubital or submarginal cell;
c, second ditto;
d, third ditto;
e and f, first and second recurrent nervures.

Attached to the mesothorax in the centre, above and behind, are the scutellum and post-scutellum, which in colouring or form often yield subsidiary generic or specific characters. On each side of the mesothorax in front, above the pectus, or breast, and just below and before the articulation of the anterior wings, there is a small tubercle, or boss, separated from the surrounding integument by a suture, the colouring of which frequently yields a specific character, but its uses are not known.

Fig. 13.—Posterior legs:
1, of abnormal bee (Andrena);
2, scopuliped normal bee (Eucera);
3, parasitic bee (Nomada).
a, coxa;
b, trochanter, with flocculus;
c, femur;
d, tibia;
e, planta;
f, spinulÆ;
g, tarsus, with its claws.

The metathorax carries the posterior legs laterally beneath, and in the centre, behind, the abdomen. The posterior legs are the chief organs used by the majority of bees for the conveyance of pollen to store in their cells, or, as in the case of humble-bees or the hive bee, the bee bread for the food for the young, or the requisite materials, in the majority of other bees, for nidification. To this end they are either densely clothed with hair throughout their whole extent,—usually externally only,—or this is limited to the external surface of the posterior shank. In the social bees this shank is edged externally with stiff bristles. In these, as in most of the bees, this limb greatly and gradually expands towards its articulation with the planta, or first joint of the tarsus; and this surface, which is perfectly smooth, serves to the social bee as a sort of basket to hold and convey the collected materials. The first joint of the tarsus, or planta, of this leg is also used in the domestic economy of the insect to assist in the same object. In the domestic bee the under side of the posterior plantÆ have a very peculiar structure, consisting of a series of ten transverse broad parallel lines of minute dense but short brushes, which are used in the manipulations within the hive. Neither the Queen-bee nor the drone have this structure, and in the humble-bee and scopuliped bees the same joint is uniformly covered with this brush without its being separated into lines.

The Abdomen of bees has many shapes, its form being elliptical, cylindrical, subcylindrical, clavate, conical or subconical, and sometimes semicircular, or concavo-convex. It consists of six imbricated plates, called segments, in the female, and of seven in the male; in the latter sex, in several genera, it takes beneath at its base and at its apex, as well as at the extremity of the latter, remarkable forms and armature. It is very variously clothed and coloured, and sometimes extremely gaily and elegantly so; these various markings often giving the insects their specific characteristics; the clothing of the under side of this segment of the body, likewise, furnishes subsidiary generic characters, especially in the artisan bees, in whom it takes the place of the posterior legs as a polliniferous organ. This is possibly because were the supply conveyed upon their posterior legs it would be rubbed away as they entered the narrow apertures of their nests. Nature does nothing in vain, and there is evidently a purpose in this arrangement.

If we can trace peculiarities of structure to efficient reasons, differences of form may be rationally concluded as having their cause too, even if it elude our explanatory research. Although the reason of peculiar structure is not always obvious, it must exist, though undetected; as, for instance, why in some bees, as in Megachile, Osmia, Chelostoma, Anthidium, etc., the under side of the abdomen should be furnished densely with hairs to carry their provision of pollen home to their nest, when in other bees, as in Dasypoda, Panurgus, Eucera, Anthophora, etc. etc., it is conveyed upon the posterior legs, we do not know; we can only surmise that it is either to save the insect, in the former case, the labour of constructing a larger cylinder for nidification, so to prevent the possibility of its being rubbed off from the external surface of the legs, did these carry it, in entering the burrow, it being protected from this abrasion by being placed beneath the venter. In such insects the abdomen is usually truncated at its origin, or even hollowed within its base, thus to meet the projection of the metathorax, enabling it to draw itself closely up together, making the abdomen and metathorax, as it were, cohere. A different form of abdomen occurs in those bees which carry the pollen on their posterior legs. It is then more or less elliptical or lanceolate, which form permits the legs to be drawn up towards the metathorax within the space that kind of form furnishes, which, by this different but equivalent arrangement, meets the same object. The similarity of the adjustment of the abdomen to the metathorax to that of Megachile, etc. in Apis and Bombus, by which insects the provision is also carried on the posterior legs, results from the totally different economy and habitation of the social bees, to which this structure is necessary for many purposes.

If we observe this same peculiarity of structure in the cuckoo, or parasitical bees, it is because we find resemblances where there are alliances. Thus, the male artisan bees, although not assisting in the labour of constructing the apartments, have similarly dilated mandibles to those of their females. So also, in the form of the abdomen, the NomadÆ are like the AndrenÆ and Halicti, upon which they are chiefly parasitical. Melecta resembles Anthophora; CÆlioxys has the form of Megachile, both in the hollowed base of the abdomen and the peculiar manner the latter has of raising its extremity,—something like a Staphylinus. Many other peculiarities of resemblance might be enumerated.

Having thus completed the description of the external anatomy of the bee desirable to be known for facilitating the comprehension of what I may have subsequently to say. I shall now refer to a few peculiarities of their manners, which could not be conveniently introduced elsewhere.

In their modes of flight bees vary considerably; some dart along in a direct line, with almost the velocity of lightning, visit a flower for an instant, and then dart off again with the same fleetness and vivacity, like Saropoda and Anthophora; others leisurely visit every blossom, even upon a crowded plant, with patient assiduity, like Bombus; and some, either from fatigue, or heat, or intoxication, repose, like luxurious Sybarites, within the corolla of the flower. The males seem to flutter about in idle vagrancy, and may be often observed enjoying themselves upon some fragrant hedge-row. But the domestic bee and the humble-bee are the most sedulous in their avocation, and both cheering their labour with their seemingly self-satisfied and monotonous hum.

Bees, too, have a voice; but this voice does not proceed from their mouth, nor is it the result of air passed from the lungs through the larynx, and modulated by the tongue, teeth, and lips; for bees breathe through spiracles placed laterally along the several segments of the body, and their interior is aerified by tracheÆ, which ramify variously through it; but their voice is produced by the vibration of the wings beating the air during flight. Even as LinnÆus constructed a floral clock to indicate the succession of hours by the expansion of the blossoms of flowers, so might a Beethoven or a Mendelssohn—the latter in the spirit of his philosophical ancestor—note down the several sounds of the hum of the many kinds of bees to the construction of a scale of harmonic proportions, whose Æolian tones, heard in the fitfulness of accidental reverberation amidst the solitudes of nature, repeatedly awaken in the mind of the entomologist the soothing sensation of a soft, voluptuous, but melancholy languor, or exhilarate him with the pleasing feeling of brisk liveliness and impatient energy.

It is rarely that a bee is seen to walk, although a humble-bee or hive bee may be seen crawling sometimes from flower to flower on the same footstalk, but they are never good pedestrians. They convey themselves upon the wing from blossom to blossom, and even on proceeding home they alight close to the aperture of their excavated nidus, to which an unerring instinct seems to guide them. There occasionally they will meet with the intrusive parasite, to whom some genera (Anthophora, Colletes) give immediate battle, and usually succeed in repulsing the interloper, who patiently awaits a more favourable opportunity to effect her object.

Bees are exceedingly susceptible of atmospheric changes; even the passage of a heavy cloud over the sun will drive them home; and if an easterly wind prevail, however fine the weather may otherwise be, they have a sort of rheumatic abhorrence of its influences, and abide at home, of which I have had sometimes woful experience in long unfruitful journeys.

The cause would seem to be the deficiency of electricity in the air, for if the air be charged, and a westerly wind blow, or there be a still sultriness with even an occasionally overcast sky, they are actively on the alert, and extremely vivacious. They are made so possibly by the operation of the influence upon their own system conjunctively with the intensity of its action upon the vegetable kingdom, and the secretions of the flowers both odorous and nectarian.

Bees do not seem to be very early risers, the influence of the sun being their great prompter, and until that grows with the progress of the morning they are not numerously abroad. Early sometimes in the afternoon some species wend homewards, but during the greatest heat of the day they are most actively on the alert. The numbers of individuals that are on the wing at the same time must be astounding, for the inhabitants of a single colony, where they may, perhaps, be called semi-gregarious, from nidificating collectively within a circumscribed space, can be computed by myriads. And then the multitude of such colonies within even a limited area! When we add to this the many species with the same productiveness! Yet who, in walking abroad, sees them but the experienced entomologist? When we consider the important function they exercise in the economy of nature, and that but for them, in the majority of instances, flowers would expand their beautiful blossoms in abortive sterility, we can but wonder at the wise and exuberant provision which forecasts the necessity and provides accordingly. But that even these should not superabound, there is a counterbalance in the numerous Enemies to which they are exposed. The insectivorous animals, birds, among which there is one especially their arch-enemy—the bee-eater; those reptiles which can reach them; many insects in a variety of ways, as the cuckoo-bees, whose foster-young starve the legitimate offspring by consuming its sustenance; and personal parasites, whose abnormal and eccentric structure required an Order to be established for their admission. Strange creatures! more like microscopic repetitions of antediluvian enormities than anything within the visible creation, and to whose remarkable peculiarities I shall have occasion to return. Amongst the Diptera and Lepidoptera also they have their enemies.

Bees are sometimes exceedingly pleasant to capture, for many of them emit the most agreeable scents; some a pungent and refreshing fragrance of lemons; others the rich odour of the sweetest-scented rose; and some a powerful perfume of balsamic fragrance and vigorous intensity. These have their set-off in others which yield a most offensive smell, to which that of garlic is pleasant, and assafoetida a nosegay. These odours must have some purpose in their economy, but what it may be has not been ascertained.

They present very frequently remarkable disparities of structure and appearance in the sexes, so much so that its infrequency is rather the exception than the rule, and nothing in many cases but practical experience can associate together the legitimate sexes. Differences of size are the simplest conditions of these distinctions, for they occur also in individuals of the same sex. Differences of colour, consisting in increased intensity in the males, are also usually easily recognized; but the relative length and structure of the antennÆ is a more marked disparity, and the development is always in favour of the male. The differences in the compound eyes are conspicuous in our native genera only in the drone, where they converge on the vertex, and throw the stemmata down upon the face. I have before alluded to special peculiarities in the legs when treating of those limbs. In the wings there are occasional differences, but so slight as not to require, in a general survey, special notice; but wherever they occur it is always in the male that the greatest extension of those limbs is found. The differences in the termination of the abdomen I have noticed above, and these sexual peculiarities in some genera are very marked. The spines which arm it in Anthidium and Osmia, and its peculiar structure in Chelostoma we can account for; but we have not the same clue to their uses in CÆlioxys, in which the action of the abdomen is upward, and not downward, as in the others.

The association of the legitimate partners of our native species has been to a great extent already accomplished and recorded; therefore, in this case, with the requisite guides to further instruction at hand, the commencing entomologist will find no obstruction, but may register the observations of his own experience to verify the discoveries of his predecessors.

It would seem from the facts that have been recorded, and the close investigations made, that in some instances the next year’s bee is already disclosed and in the imago state, in the autumn of the existing year, so that it is ready, upon the first genial weather in the spring, to work its way out of its nidus, and take its part in the duties it has to perform. Whether this be for the economy of the food to the larva, or the saving of labour to the parent in gathering it, or that it would be prejudicial for it to lie dormant in the pupa state during the winter is not known, but thus in many instances it is. Sometimes a late autumnal impregnation takes place, for the males of some AndrenÆ, Halicti, and Bombi are found abroad only late in the autumn, and then in fine and recently disclosed condition.

It is a singular circumstance in the history of some species, that where they abound one season, nidificating on a certain spot in profusion, the following year, perhaps, and the year succeeding that, they will not be seen at all, but yet again a further year, and there they are as innumerable as ever.

What may control this intermittent appearance it is impossible to conceive, all the conditions of the spot and its surroundings being the same. This I have found to be a peculiarity incidental to many of the aculeate Hymenoptera. It occurs also in the flowering of many plants which blossom irregularly from season to season. It is a fact scarcely concordant with the observed rapidity of the disclosure of the larva from the egg, and the speedy growth, development, and transformation of the latter into the pupa and imago.

The wild bees appear to be of annual, or of even more restricted duration merely. Of this, however, we have no certainty. The conclusion is derived chiefly from the circumstance that, as they progressively come forth with the growth of the year, they, when first appearing, are in fine and unsoiled condition. There are evidently in some species two broods in the year; the one in the spring and the other autumnal. In bees without pubescence we have not the same guide. But humble-bees are reputed to have a longer life than of one year, and hive bees are said to survive several years, a duration of existence inconsistent with analogy, and which has been repeatedly and strongly denied.

In speaking of the antennÆ and palpi, I have called them sensiferous organs. The organ necessarily implies the perception, or whatever it may be, conveyed to the sensorium through its means, this being the receptacle of the sensation or idea, the external organ communicates. It is thus that activity is given to a power of discrimination, and consequently of election or rejection by the creature. This sensorium, in the higher animals, is the brain; and in the lower, where the nervous system is very differently constituted, a ganglion, or knot of nervous substance. That this brain, or ganglion, is the power exercising the control, may not be admitted, although it is there that our research compulsively terminates. The power itself is essentially spiritual, acting through a material agent, and may be an efflux of this nervous mass. Whether it cease with the death of the organ, we have no means of knowing. That it may be in some way analogous in nature to the human mind, but to a limited extent, there is reason to surmise. This power, in its collective capacity, is called Instinct. This instinct is a faculty whose clear comprehension and lucid definition seem impossible to our understanding. Its attributes are very various, and its operations are always all but perfect. It is an almost unerring guide to the creature exercising it, and is as fully developed on its awakening as is, and with it, the imago upon its transformation.

Although observation has thought to have detected that experience sometimes uses a selection of means, and thus occasionally modifies the rigid exercise of the faculty, by adapting itself to the force of circumstances, it, when so, evidently assumes a higher character than has been willingly accorded to it. This instinct teaches the just disclosed bee, without other teaching than that of the intuitive faculty, where to find its food, and how to build its abode. It directs it to the satisfying its material needs, and instructs it to provide for its offspring, and to protect them whilst in their nidus; the impulse to which follows immediately upon the satisfaction of the sexual desire, to which it is the seal.

If it be memory that guides the bee from its wide wanderings back to its home, this then becomes an attribute to the faculty. Instinct indicates to them their enemies, and the wrongs these may intend, and shows them how they may be repulsed or evaded. In some of its operations it seems to be of a more perfect capacity than the operative faculty of human intelligence.

The senses evidently possessed by our insects are sight, feeling, taste, and smell, but whether they hear we cannot know, although the antennÆ have been supposed to be its organ, for the apparent responsiveness of these to loud and sudden sounds, may equally result from the agitations of the air these produce. Their possession of touch, taste, and smell, are implied from what has been observed.

They certainly exercise a will, evinced by their power of discrimination, which decides what is salutary and what is noxious; and the passions are exemplified in their revenge, their sexual love, and their affection for their offspring, the latter being exhibited in their unremitting labour and careful provision for them, although they are never to see them. If there be any precedence in the order of the relative quality and distinction of the bees, it will be shown in the degree of superiority with which this function is accomplished. The perfection of this function we see progressively maturing as it passes onwards from the merely burrowing-bee to the more complicated processes of the masons, carpenters, and upholsterers,—all solitary insects, and working each individually and separately to the accomplishment of its object. But we may certainly inquire where we shall intercalate the sagacity of the cuckoo-bees. A vast bound is immediately made from the artisan bees to the social bees with three sexes, which, as first shown in the humble-bee, works in small and rude communities, with dwellings of irregular construction. The next and most perfect grade is the metropolitan polity, accomplished architecture, laborious parsimony, indomitable perseverance, and well-organized subordination of the involuntary friend of man, the domestic bee. This insect has furnished Scriptural figures of exquisite sweetness, poetry with pleasing metaphors, morality with aphorisms, and the most elegant of the Latin poets with the subject of the supremest of his perfect Georgics.

That bees feel pain may be assumed from the evidence we have of their feeling pleasure, although instances are on record of insects surviving for months impaled; and they lose a limb, or even an antenna, without evincing much suffering, and I have seen a humble-bee crawling along on the ground with its abdomen entirely torn away.

In speaking of the antennÆ above, as possibly the organs of hearing, I would wish to add, that they evidently possess some complex function, of which, not possessing any analogy, we cannot certainly conceive any notion. They are observed to be used as instruments of touch, and that too of the nicest discrimination. They seem to be extremely sensitive to the vibrations of sound and the undulations of air, and keenly appreciative of atmospheric influences, of heat, of cold, and of electrical agitations. That they are important media in sexual communication must be assumed from their great differences of structure and size in the sexes, probably both as organs of scent and stimulation. I have often observed bees thrust their antennÆ into flowers, one at the time, before they have entered the flower themselves, and in some insects, as in the Ichneumons, they are constantly in a state of vibration,—a tribe which, although of the same order, are remote in position from the bees, yet they may be instructively referred to by way of analogy in the discussion of the uses of an organ, whose functions so clearly follow its structure and position in the organization of the entire class of insects, that the analogy might be safely assumed in application to every family of the class, if observation could only correctly ascertain its uses in any one of them.

That it is of primary signification to the bees, is sufficiently shown by nature having furnished these insects with an apparatus designed solely to keep the antennÆ clean, and which I have described above, when speaking of the structure of the anterior leg.

In the social tribes the antennÆ are used as means of communication. The social ants, bees, and wasps may be often seen striking each other’s antennÆ, and then they will each be observed to go off in directions different from that which they were pursuing. An extraordinary instance of this mode of communication once came under my own notice, having been called to observe it. There was a dead cricket in my kitchen, another issued from its hole, and in its ramblings came across this dead one; after walking round, and examining it with its antennÆ and fore legs a short time, it started off. Shortly, either attracted by sound, or meeting it by accident, it came across a fellow; they plied their antennÆ together, and the result was that both returned to their dead companion, and dragged him away to their burrowing-place,—an extraordinary instance of intercommunication which I can vouch for.

It would be curious to know if the means of communication thus evidently possessed by animals, extends beyond the social and gregarious tribes, and whether the faculty undergoes any change through differences of climate and locality, as man has done in the lapse of time. For man, notwithstanding the vastly divergent differences of race, may be obscurely tracked through the dim trail of the affiliation of languages to one common origin. But the complete identity of habit throughout the world of those genera which are native with us, would seem to affirm that they are as closely allied in every other particular, were we in a condition to make the investigation, and whence we may conclusively assume that they all had one central commencement.

That this mode of communication, and this exercise of the organ in the solitary tribes is limited to the season of their amours is very probable, and I apprehend that it is not exercised between individuals of distinct species. But that, at that period, their action is intensified may be presumed from the then greater activity of the males, who seem to have been called into existence only to fulfil that great object of nature, and which she associates invariably with gratification and pleasure. Even in plants it may be observed to be attended with something very analogous to animal enjoyment in the peculiar development at that period of an excessively energetic propulsion, which is the nearest approach the vegetable kingdom makes to the higher phase of sensiferous life.

The clothing and colouring of bees are very various, but the gayest are the parasites, red and yellow, with their various tints, and white and cream-colour decorate them. The ordinary colour is deep brown, or chestnut, or black. Where the pubescence is not dense, they are often deeply punctured, and exhibit many metallic tinges. Many are thickly clothed with long hair, and this, especially in the Bombi and Apathi, is sometimes of bright gay colour, yellow, red, white, of a rich brown, or an intense black, sometimes in bands of different tints upon the same insect, and sometimes of one uniform hue.


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