The Court Chaplain Eisenhart walked up the village street towards the schoolhouse. It was April, in the year 1750, and a soft west wind was blowing up the street, across the oak woods of the near forest. Between the forest and the village lay a valley of meadows, planted with thorn bushes and old birch trees with snow-white stems: the fresh green leaves trembled continually in the restless wind. On the other side How it comes to pass that a Court Chaplain should be walking up the street of this forest village we shall see anon. At first sight there does not seem to be much schoolwork going on. A boy, or we should rather say a child, of fifteen is seated at an open window looking over the forest. He is fair-haired and blue-eyed; but it is the deep blue of an angel's, not the cold gray blue of a courtier's eyes. Around him are seated several children, both boys and girls; and, far from teaching, he appears to be relating stories to them. "I have something to say to thee, schoolmaster," said the Chaplain, "send the children away. Thou wilt not teach them anything more to-day, I suspect." The children went away lingeringly, not at all like children just let loose from school. When they were gone the expression of the Chaplain's face changed—he looked at the little schoolmaster very kindly, and sat down on one of the benches, which were black and worn with age. "Last year, little one," he said, "when the Herr Rector took thee away from the Latin school and from thy father's tailoring, and confirmed thee, and thou tookest thy "Ah, your Reverence," said the boy, eagerly, "the good people are satisfied enough when they see that their children learn without receiving much correction; and many of them even take pleasure in the beautiful tales which I relate to the children, and which they repeat to them. Every morning, as soon as the children enter the school, I pray with them, and catechise them in the principles of our holy religion, as God teaches me, for I use no book. Then I set the children to read and to write, and promise them these "Well, little one," said the Court Chaplain, "it is a strange system of education, but I am far from saying that it is a bad one. Nevertheless it will not last. The Herr Rector has his eye upon thee, and will send thee back to thy tailoring very soon." The tears came into the little schoolmaster's eyes, and he turned very pale. "Well, do not be sad," said the Chaplain. "I have been thinking and working for thee. Thou hast heard of the Prince, though thou hast, I think, never seen the pleasure palace, Joyeuse, though it is so near." "I have seen the iron gates with the golden scrolls," said the boy. "They are like the heavenly Jerusalem; every several gate is one pearl." The Chaplain did not notice the confused metaphor of this description. "Well," he said, "I have been speaking to the Prince of thee. Thou knowest nothing of these things, but the Prince has lived for many years in Italy, a country where they do nothing but sing and dance. He has come back, as thou knowest, and has married a wife, according to the traditions of his race. Since he came back to Germany he has taken a fancy to this forest-lodge, for at first it was little more, and has garnished it and enlarged it according to his southern fancies; that is why he likes it better than his princely The little schoolmaster listened with open eyes. Then he said, beneath his breath: "How Satanic that must be!" "The Prince," continued the Court Chaplain, "is a beautiful soul 'manquÉ,' which means spoilt. His sister, the Princess Isoline von Isenberg-Wertheim, is such a soul. She has joined herself to a company of pious people who have taken an old manor-house belonging to the Prince on the farther side of the palace gardens, where they devote themselves to prayer, to good "'What are you doing there, child?' said Father Stalher. "'I am reading.' "'Canst thou read already?' "'That is a foolish question, for I am a human being,' said the child, and began to read with ease, proper emphasis, and due distinction. "Stalher was amazed, and said: "'The devil fetch me, I have never seen the like in all my life.' "Then little Mark jumped up and looked timidly and carefully round the room. When he saw that the devil did not come, he went down on his knees in the middle of the floor and said: "'O God! how gracious art thou.' "Then, standing up boldly before old Stalher, he said: "'Man, hast thou ever seen Satan?' "'No.' "'Then call upon him no more.' "And the child went quietly into another room. "And I told the Prince what thy old grandfather used to say to me. "'The lad is soaring away from us; we must pray that God will guide him by His good Spirit.' "When I told all this to the Prince, he said: "'I will have this boy. He shall teach my children as he does the village ones. None can teach children as can such a child as this.'" The little schoolmaster had been looking "I shall send up a tailor from Joyeuse to-morrow," said the Chaplain; "a court tailor, such as thou never saw'st, nor thy father either. He must measure thee for a court-suit of black. Then we will go together, and I will present thee to the Prince." |