ef="@public@vhost@g@html@files@39851@39851-h@39851-h-2.htm.html#Page_126" class="pginternal">126- 7; his enormous personality, 127- 8; Edinburgh CyclopÆdia, 150; contempt for Darwinian hypothesis, 156. Carroll, Lewis. 'Euclid and his Modern Rivals'; 'A Tangled Tale'; 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'; 'Through the Looking-glass,' 64. 'Casa Guidi Windows,' 14. Cassels, Walter Richard. Author of 'Supernatural Religion,' 171. 'Catherine Douglas,' 191. 'Cave-hunting,' 99. 'Caxtons, The,' 56. Cellini's 'Autobiography' (Symonds'), 104. Celtic Renaissance, The, and Thomas Moore, 33. Challenger Expedition, The, 155. 'Channings, The,' 70. Chapman, Dr, 49. Charles, Mrs. Author of 'The SchÖnberg Cotta Family' and 'Kitty Trevelyan's Diary,' 73. 'Charles O'Malley,' 66. Charlesworth, Maria Louisa. Author of 'Ministering Children,' 73. 'Chartist Parson, The,' 53. Chartist poets, 37. 'Childhood of Religion,' 99. 'Childhood of the World,' 99. 'Child's Garden of Verses, A,' 60. 'Chips from a German Workshop,' 99. 'Choice of Books,' 179. 'Choir Invisible, The,' 50. 'Christian Evidences,' 160. 'Christian Year, The,' 159. 'Christowell,' 69. 'Church Bills, The,' 187. Church, Richard William. Author of works on Dante and St Anselm, 167. 'Cithara,' 27. 'City of Dreadful Night, The,' 32. 'Civilisation, History of,' 103. 'Classical' essays, 172. Clayden, Peter William, 183; 'Early Life of Samuel Rogers' and 'Rogers and His Contemporaries,' 184. Clifford, Mrs W. K., 74. Clive, Mrs Archer. Author of 'Paul Ferrell,' 72. Clodd, Edward. 'Childhood of the World'; 'Childhood of Religion'; 'Pioneers of Evolution,' 99. 'Cloister and the Hearth, The,' 58. Clough, Arthur Hugh, 21; Lowell's estimate of; a pupil of Dr Arnold; 'The Bothie of Tober-na-Vuolich'; death, 21. Colenso, John William. 'The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua Critically Examined,' condemned as heretical, 164; invited to the Abbey pulpit, 165. Coleridge, death of, 5; on 'Thalaba,' 6; Dykes Campbell's biography of, 178. Coleridge, Hartley, 35. Coleridge, Sara, and Southey, 7; 'Phantasmion,' 35. Collet, Miss Clara, 144. Collins, J. Churton, 178. Collins, William Wilkie. The novelist of sensation. 'The Woman in White'; 'The Moonstone'; 'The New Magdalen,' 69. 'Companions of my Solitude,' 90. Cross, J. W., 50. Cross, Mrs (George Eliot), 50. 'Crotchet Castle,' 62. Crowe, Mrs. Author of 'Susan Hopley' and 'The Night Side of Nature,' 71-72. 'Crown of Wild Olive,' 135. 'Cry of the Children,' 14. Cunningham, Dr. 'Growth of English History and Commerce,' 144. 'Curiosities of Literature,' 57. 'Cyril Ashley,' 73. Daily Telegraph, The, 188. 'Daniel Deronda,' 50. 'Dante and His Circle,' 23. Darwin, Charles, 153; early reception of his theory; Bishop Wilberforce in the Quarterly Review; education; Professor Henslow; Beagle expedition, 154; 'Journals of Researches,' republished as 'A Naturalist's Voyage Round the World'; 'Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs' a revolutionary work; the theory now somewhat modified; the theory of evolution; contemporaneous discovery by Dr Wallace; 'Origin of Species'; 'Descent of Man'; 'Earth Worms,' 156; the hypothesis now generally accepted; popular interpretators, 157. Darwin, Erasmus, 154. Darwin, Francis, 155. Darwin, George Howard, 155. 'Daughter of Heth, A,' 69. 'David Copperfield' and Thackeray, 44. 'David Elginbrod,' 63. Davis, Thomas. Wrote 'National and Historical Ballads, Songs and Poems,' 34. Dawkins, William Boyd, 98; 'Cave-hunting'; 'Early Man in Britain,' 99. 'Death of Marlowe, The,' 36. 'Death's Jest Book,' 36. 'Deerbrook,' 181. 'Defence of Guenevere,' 25. 'Deformed, The,' 71. De Morgan, 147. De Quincey's opinion of 'Count Julian,' 15. 'Descent of Man,' 156. 'Descriptive Sociology,' 146. De Vere, Thomas Aubrey. Wrote 'The Waldenses,' 'Alexander the Great,' 'St Thomas of Canterbury,' and a volume of critical essays, &c., 33. 'Dialogue on the best form of Government, A,' 184. 'Diamond Necklace, The,' 125. 'Diana of the Crossways,' 61. Dickens, Charles. Literary equipment of, 41; achieved immediate fame with his first great book; birth; Dickens senior and 'Micawber'; the Morning Chronicle; 'Boz'; the Monthly Magazine; 'Pickwick'; 'Oliver Twist'; 'Nicholas Nickleby'; 'The Old Curiosity Shop'; 'Barnaby Rudge'; the most popular writer our literature has seen, 42; criticisms, 43; Thackeray's enthusiasm, 44; 'Life' of, 178. Dictionary of National Biography, 176. Disraeli, Benjamin. 'Vivian Grey'; 'The Young Duke'; 'Venetia'; 'Henrietta Temple'; 'Coningsby'; 'Tancred'; 'Sybil'; Biography of Lord George Bentinck, 57. D'Israeli, Isaac. 'Curiosities of Literature,' 57. 'Dissertations and Discussions,' 140. Dobell, Sydney, 31; admiration for Emily BrontË, 47. Dobson, Austin. Author of 'Vignettes in Rhyme'; 'Proverbs in Porcelain,' &c., 30. 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde,' 60. 'Dr Thorne,' 178. 'History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century' (Stephen), 175. 'History of France previous to the Revolution' (Kitchin), 103. 'History of Federal Government' (Freeman), 81. 'History of Greece' (Cox), 100. 'History of Greece' (Finlay), 102. 'History of Greece' (Grote), 100-102. 'History of Greece' (Thirlwall), 101. 'History of Normandy and England' (Palgrave), 81. 'History of Our Own Time, 1830-1897 (MacCarthy), 95. 'History of Rome' (Arnold), 102, 160. 'History of Samuel Titmarsh and the Great Hoggarty Diamond, The,' 45. 'History of Scotland' (Burton), 96. 'History of Trade Unionism, The' (Webb), 145. 'History of the Church of England' (Molesworth), 95. 'History of the Eighteenth Century' (Lecky), 96. 'History of the Four Georges' (MacCarthy), 96. 'History of the Jews' (Milman), 102. 'History of the Norman Conquest' (Freeman), 81. 'History of the Papacy from the Great Schism to the Sack of Rome' (Creighton), 103. 'History of the Peace' (Martineau), 95. 'History of the Romans under the Empire' (Merivale), 102. 'History of the Reign of Queen Anne' (Stanhope), 95. 'History of the War in the Crimea,' (Kinglake), 96. 'Holy Roman Empire, The,' 104. 'Homer' (Lang's translation), 176. 'Homer, Studies in,' 106. Hood, Thomas. 'Song of the Shirt' and 'Dream of Eugene Aram' most popular, 29. Hooker, Sir Joseph, 151. Horne, Richard Hengist. Wrote 'Orion,' 'Judas Iscariot,' 'The Death of Marlowe,' &c., 36. Houghton, Lord (Monckton Milnes). 'Life, Letters, and Literary Remains of John Keats'; his life written by Sir Wemyss Reid, 183. 'Hour and the Man, The,' 181. 'Hours in a Library,' 175. 'Hours of Thought on Sacred Things,' 167. 'House Beautiful,' 73. 'House of Life, The,' 24. Howson, John Saul. Joint authorship with Rev. W. J. Conybeare of 'The Life and Epistles of St Paul,' 168. Hughes, Thomas. A pupil of Dr Arnold's; wrote finest boy's book in the language, 'Tom Brown's School Days,' 161. Hume, Major Martin. 'The Year after the Armada'; 'The Courtships of Queen Elizabeth'; 'Calendar of Spanish State Papers of Elizabeth,' 89. Hunt, Holman, and the pre-Raphaelite Movement, 23. Hutton, Richard Holt. Editor of the Spectator; A dignified and independent critic; 'Essays, Literary and Speculative,' 189. Huxley, Thomas Henry. A profound Metaphysician as well as a great scientist; early days; Rattlesnake Voyage; Royal and LinnÆan Society Papers; Natural History and PalÆontology Chairs, 157; Inspector of Fisheries; President of the Royal Society; 'Physiography'; his 'Lay Sermons,' 'Addresses and Reviews,' 'Critiques and Addresses,' and 'American Addresses,' rank among the finest prose of our age, 158. 'Hypatia,' 54. Ibsen. Gosse and Archer's translations, 175. 'Ice Age, The Great,' 153. 'Idylls of the King, The,' 10. 'Imaginary Conversations,' 16. 'Imaginary Portraits,' 171. 'In a Balcony,' 174. 'Life of Sir John Eliot,' 178-179. 'Life of Sir Stafford Northcote,' 177. 'Life of Sir Walter Scott,' 177. 'Life of the late Prince Consort, The,' 190. 'Life of Walter Savage Landor,' 178. Lightfoot, Joseph Barber. One of the greatest scholars in the English Church, 168. 'Light of Asia, The,' 26. 'Light of the World, The,' 26. 'Limits of Religious Thought, The,' 169. Lingard, John. 'History of England' impartial, but dull, 80. Linton, Mrs Lynn, 74. Literary Gazette, 181. 'Literary Studies,' 184. 'Literature and Dogma,' 18. 'Literature of Europe' (Hallam's), 78. 'Little Schoolmaster Mark,' 64. 'Living London,' 188. Lockhart, John Gibson. Editor of the Quarterly Review; his 'Life of Scott,' the most important biography of the reign, 177. 'Logic' (Mill's), 140. 'Logic,' (Whately's), 159. 'Longer Prose Works,' 16. 'Lorna Doone,' 69. 'Lost and Saved,' 72. 'Lost Sir Massingberd,' 189. 'Love in a Valley,' 60. 'Love Letters of a Violinist,' 188. 'Love or Marriage,' 68. 'Love the Debt,' 178. Lover, Samuel. Best known works, 'Rory O'More' and 'Handy Andy,' 34. 'Lover's Lexicon,' 189. Lubbock, Sir John. 'Pre-historic Times'; 'Origin of Civilization,' 99. 'Luria,' 12. Lyall, Edna, 74. Lyell, Sir Charles. Abandoned law for geology; his 'Principles of Geology' a revolutionary work; the smaller 'Student's Elements of Geology' injured in literary merit, 152; converted to Darwin's views; 'The Antiquity of Man,' 153. Lynch, Thomas Toke. His poems in the Rivulet now in most hymnologies, 166. 'Lyra Innocentium,' 159. 'Lyrical Ballads,' 7. Lytton, Edward Bulwer. 'Pelham'; 'Zanoni'; 'Harold'; 'Rienzi'; 'The Last of the Barons'; 'The Last Days of Pompeii'; 'The Caxtons'; 'Money'; 'Richelieu'; 'The Lady of Lyons'; one of the 'cleverest' men of his age, 56. Macaulay, Thomas Babington. His work guided by rhetorical principles; earliest efforts in Quarterly Magazine and Edinburgh Review; Jeffrey on his 'Milton,' 91; qualities of his 'Essays'; his career; 'History of England from the Accession of James II.' very successful, 92; now severely criticised, 93; in spite of its deficiencies, a great work, 94-95. Macaulay and Hawker, 38. MacCarthy, Justin. 'History of Our Own Time, 1830-1897,' 95; 'History of the Four Georges,' 96. MacDonald, George. 'Robert Falconer'; 'David Elginbrod'; 'Alec Forbes of Howglen,' 63. Mackay, Charles. Novelist, poet and critic; 'Forty Years' Recollections of Life, Literature and Public Affairs,' 188. Mackay, Eric. 'Love Letters of a Violinist,' 188. 'Macleod of Dare,' 69. Macquoid, Mrs, 74. 171. Patmore, Coventry. 'Angel in the House' not always sincere, 31; 'Unknown Eros,' 32. Pattison, Mark. 'The Tendencies of Religious Thought in England'; profound scholar; 'Life of Isaac Casaubon,' 163. 'Paul Ferrell,' 72. 'Pauline,' 13. Payn, James. Editor Cornhill Magazine; 'Lost Sir Massingberd' and 'By Proxy' the most popular of his novels, 189. Peacock, Thomas Love. Influence of, on Meredith; 'The Monks of St Mark'; 'Palmyra'; 'Headlong Hall'; 'Melincourt'; 'Nightmare Abbey'; 'Maid Marion'; 'Crotchet Castle'; 'Paper Money Lyrics and other Poems,' 62; 'Gryll Grange'; his relations with other famous men, 63. 'Peg Woffington,' 58. 'Pelham,' 56. Pemberton, Max, 63. 'Pendennis,' 45. 'Pentateuch and Book of Joshua Critically Examined, The,' 164. 'Peter Simple,' 67. 'Phantasmion,' 35. 'Phases of Faith,' 170, 171. 'Philip Van Artevelde,' 28. 'Philochristus,' 165. 'Philosophy of Kant,' 170. 'Physics and Politics,' 184. 'Physiography,' 158. 'Pickwick Papers,' influence of eighteenth century humorists marked in, 41; first appearance of, 42. 'Pioneers of Evolution,' 99. 'Poems and Charms,' 37. 'Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell,' 47. 'Poems' by George Meredith, 60, 62. 'Poems,' by Matthew Arnold, 20. 'Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect,' 37. Poets of the Era:— - Arnold, M., 17-21.
- Arnold, Sir Edwin, 26.
- Austin, A., 39.
- Bailey, P. J., 28.
- Banim, J., 34.
- Banim, M., 34.
- Barham, R. H., 30.
- Barnes, W., 37.
- Beddoes, T. L., 36.
- Browning, Mrs, 14-15.
- Browning, Robert, 13-14.
- Calverley, C. S., 30.
- Clough, A. H., 21.
- Coleridge, H., 35.
- Coleridge, Sara, 35.
- Cook, Eliza, 29.
- Cooper, T., 37.
- Davis, T., 34.
- De Vere, T. A., 33.
- Dobell, S., 31.
- Dobson, A., 30.
- Dufferin, Lady, 34.
- Elliott, E., 37.
- Ferguson, Sir S., 34.
- FitzGerald, E., 121.
- Saturday Review, The, and Freeman, 83.
- 'Savonarola,' 40.
- 'Saxons in England,' 80.
- Sayce, Archibald Henry, 100.
- 'Scenes of Clerical Life,' 49.
- Schloss, D. F., 144.
- 'SchÖnberg-Cotta Family, The,' 73.
- Schreiner, Miss Olive, 74.
- 'Science, Lectures on, for Unscientific People,' 150-151.
- Scott, Sir Walter. Death of, 5; on 'Madoc,' 6; Lockhart's 'Life of,' 177.
- Scott, William Bell. Best known by his 'Autobiography,' 173.
- 'Seaside Studies,' 149.
- Seeley, Sir John Robert. 'Life and Times of Stein'; German and English criticisms; 'History and Politics,' 104; 'Expansion of England'; 'A Short History of Napoleon'; 'Ecce Homo'; censure and praise; Mr Gladstone; 'Natural Religion,' 105.
- 'Select Charters,' 79.
- 'Selections from Wordsworth,' 8, 9.
- 'Senses and the Intellect, The,' 147.
- Sergeant, Miss Adeline, 74.
- 'Service of Man, The,' 180.
- 'Sesame and Lilies,' 135-136.
- 'Seven Lamps of Architecture,' 130-131.
- 'Shadow of Dante,' 22.
- 'Shakspere, his Mind and Art,' 173.
- 'Shall we know one another in Heaven,' 168.
- 'Shaving of Shagpat, The,' 61.
- Shelley. Death of, 5; on Southey's 'Thalaba,' 6; acquaintance with Peacock, 62; Dowden's 'Life of,' 174.
- Sherlock Holmes, 63.
- 'Shirley,' 47.
- 'Short History of Napoleon, A,' 105.
- 'Short History of the English People,' 97.
- Shorthouse, Joseph Henry. 'John Inglesant'; 'Sir Perceval'; 'Little Schoolmaster Mark,' 64.
- 'Short Studies on Great Subjects,' 88.
- Sidgwick, Henry. 'Principles of Political Economy'; 'Methods of Ethics'; a compromise; 'Elements of Politics,' 143.
- 'Silas Marner,' 50.
- 'Siluria,' 152.
- 'Sinai and Palestine,' 161.
- 'Sir Perceval,' 64.
- 'Sister Helen,' 24.
- 'Sketches by Boz,' 42.
- 'Sketch of the Life of Princess Alice,' 191.
- Smith, Alexander, 31.
- Smith, Goldwin. 'The Relations between England and America'; 'The Political Destiny of Canada,' 185.
- Smith, H. Llewellyn, 144.
- Smith, Sydney. 'The Ballot'; 'The Church Bills'; 'The Wit and Wisdom of Sydney Smith,' 187.
- 'Social Statics,' 145.
- 'Soldiers Three,' 40.
- 'Some Aspects of Robert Burns,' 60.
- 'Song of the Shirt,' 29.
- 'Song
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Constructively his stories are always excellent."—The Scotsman. A NEW VOLUME OF SERMONS. Just Published, crown 8vo, buckram, 3s. 6d. The Sorrow of God And Other Sermons By Rev. John Oates. "For the contents of 'The Sorrow of God' we have nothing but praise, and we could wish for nothing more than that the book might be widely circulated. Spiritual insight, large culture, with its consequent breadth of sympathy and eloquent expression, are the distinguishing features of what is, without exaggeration, a collection of notable sermons.... Those of our readers who value a fresh utterance on the great problems of religion will lose no time in getting acquainted with a book we have been able to notice all too briefly."—The Sunday School Chronicle. "There are many noble utterances in these sermons.... It is because the author helps us to feel purer and better that we so heartily commend his book."—The New Age. Fourth Edition. Long 8vo, cloth, 1s. 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The subjects treated will include: The Girl in Society—Cards and Calls—Engagement—Marriage—Weddings—Entertaining—Restaurants—Clubs—Correspondence—Dress—Mothers and Daughters—Mourning—Home Life, &c. Crown 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. The White Slaves of England Being true Pictures of Certain Social Conditions of England in the year 1897. By Robert H. Sherard. With about 40 Illustrations by Harold Piffard. Dr Alfred Russel Wallace says:—"You have done a service to the cause of humanity in publishing it, and the author in writing it. That such things as Mr Sherard describes should exist at the very end of the century, when all our public writers are boasting of our wealth, our progress, and our civilisation, is a sufficient proof that our so-called civilisation is rotten to the core, worse in many respects than it has ever been before." Mr Hall Caine says:—"The appalling revelations of Robert Sherard in his recent book are enough to make a man's heart bleed for the awful sufferings of women in the bitter struggle for bread. On the fate of our women, especially our working women, the future of our country, I truly believe, depends; and it is amazing that Parliament and the Press, and, above all, the Church, have hitherto given so little attention to so great a problem." Dr Max Nordau says:—"I have now read your book 'The White Slaves of England.' I am not easily unnerved, but at times it was almost too much for me.... May it be your lot to become the Plimsoll of the alkali and lead-workers. This would be an achievement grand enough to satisfy the ambition of the greatest." "An indictment which should rouse a cry of passionate indignation throughout the land. A careful and noble exposure of industrial iniquity."—The Echo. NEW NOVEL BY SHAN F. BULLOCK. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 3s. 6d. 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We hope that the volume may find its way into every Methodist home."—Methodist Recorder. "A most admirable attempt to throw into permanent form some portraits of the old and vanishing Methodists.... As a study in Methodism, Mr Lindsay's work can be cordially and heartily commended."—The Sun. "Extremely interesting stories ... admirably told."—The Scotsman. NEW BOOK BY REV. F. B. MEYER. Work-a-day Sermons By Rev. F. B. Meyer, B.A. Few names in the Christian ministry are held in such honour as is accorded by earnest Christian men and women of every sect to that of the Rev. F. B. Meyer, who has an enormous audience outside his own church. Hence the announcement of a new volume of Sermons by him will be peculiarly welcome, and all the more so for the fact that this is a book which is intended, not for the few, but for the work-a-day many, for whose encouragement and consolation Mr Meyer has here given the very fine gold of his thoughts upon spiritual things and upon the intimate association which exists—or should exist—between the things of the work-a-day life and the higher life. NEW BOOKLET BY RICHARD LE GALLIENNE Long 8vo, price One Shilling. If I Were God By Richard Le Gallienne. The announcement of a new book—and especially of a new book of a peculiarly Le Galliennesque and characteristic description by the author of "The Book-Bills of Narcissus," "The Religion of a Literary Man," and "Prose Fancies," will be received with very eager and unusual interest. Whatever may be the opinions entertained by individual readers about Mr Le Gallienne's own views, there is no denying that no book by him has yet appeared which has not aroused exceptional interest and exceptional discussion. His last venture is likely to be even more universally talked about. It is a greatly-daring but extremely beautiful and reverent attempt to deal with the terrible problem of the presence of moral and physical evil, but quite apart from its value as a contribution to the philosophy of life, it is a singularly striking and beautiful piece of literary work, full of the exquisite imaginings and lovely fancies of the accomplished poet and man of letters. BY THE LATE WM. BRIGHTY RANDS. Fcap. 8vo, buckram, 340 pp., 3s. 6d. I. Lazy Lessons and Essays on Conduct. Fcap. 8vo, buckram, 192 pp., 2s. 6d. II. Lilliput Lectures. With Introductions by R. Brimley Johnson. These two instructive books for Children by the late William Brighty Rands, "the laureate of the nursery," as he has been called, may be classed as entirely new works, although some portions appeared in magazine form under the author's numerous pen-names. The two books have been edited by Mr R. Brimley Johnson, who supplies a biographical and critical introduction. NEW NOVEL BY E. PHIPPS TRAIN. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 3s. 6d. A Deserter from Philistia By E. Phipps Train Author of "A Social Highwayman," etc. This is a book which, with ordinary luck, should bid fair to rival the popularity of "Called Back" or "Mr Barnes of New York." From first to last it is enthrallingly interesting, and dealing, as it does, with the life "behind the scenes" of a great dancer who is the "darling" of her public, it gives its readers a peep into a world of which little is known by outsiders. Rarely have the trials and temptations, the thousand and one cares and anxieties of those whose business it is always to wear a smiling face, in order that they may entertain their public, been drawn with such skill and vividness. London: 10 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C. |