581-h@56581-h-5.htm.html#Page_188" class="pginternal">188 ” on Landor, 219 Caroline, Queen, 56 Castlereagh, Lord, 33, 140 Catholic Emancipation Act, 88 Cattermole, George, 264 Cavaliers as dandies, xi Centolla, Princess, 66 Chalon, portrait of Lady Blessington, 282 Chambourcy, 287, 290, 304 Chambre, Major, Recollections of West-End Life, 150 Charles II., xi, xii Chesterfield, Earl of, 118, 125, 151, 152, 158, 189, 241, 261 ” Dinner to, 127 Chesterfield House, 266 Chesterfield, Lady, 266 Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 143, 166, 176, 183, 187, 261 ClÉsinger and D’Orsay, 305 Clonmel, 25, 26, 28 Cole, Sir Henry, story of D’Orsay, 231 Coleridge, S. T., 223 Colman, George, 102 Congreve, high priest of dandyism, xii Conversation a lost art, 135 Cooper, Anne, on Lady Blessington, 276 Cotton, Sir St Vincent, 151 Cotton, Sir Willoughby, 134, 220 Courvoisier, F. B., murdered Lord William Russell, 262 Craven, Keppel, on Sir W. Gell’s last days, 78 Crawford, Mme. (Mrs O’Sullivan), 16, 17, 83, 84, 93 ” Fond of her grandson, 18 Crean, Christopher, 155 Creighton, Commodore, 106 Crockford’s “Palace of Fortune”, 148 seq. ” Play-room, 151 Cunningham, Peter, on white-bait, 148 Curtis, Lady, 102 D Damer, Colonel, 150 Dancing,
ge_289" class="pginternal">289 ” Marriage, 74 ” Monument, 304 ” Monument to Lady Blessington, 287, 290 ” on Coup d’État, 208, 299, 301 ” Painting of Duchesse de Grammont, 220 ” Personal appearance, 20, 116 ” Portrait drawings, 226 ” Portrait of Prince Borghese, 236 ” Portrait of Byron, 165 ” Portrait of Duke of Wellington, 232, 282 ” Provision for, 70, 71, 75, 245 ” Qualities, 313 ” Railway scheme, 238, 239 ” Relations with Louis Napoleon, 197, 202, 204, 208, 210, 211, 285 ” Residence in London, 101 seq. ” Separated from his wife, 103, 246 ” Sledge, 96 ” Statue of Napoleon I., 228 ” Statuette of O’Connell, 233 ” Statuettes of Duke of Wellington, 229, 230 ” Stories of, 121 seq., 278 ” Studio, 159 ” Visits Disraelis, 174 Douro, Lord, 158 Drummond, Sir William, 67 Duchesnois, Mlle., 19 Dudley, Lord, 67 Duelling, 101, 109 Dufferin, Lord, 293 Dumas, Alexandre, 293 Dumas, Alexandre fils, 304 Duncombe, Thomas Slingsby, 151, 186, 250, 253 Dundas of Carron, 293 Dupont, Pierre, 307 Durham, Earl, 200 Marc Antony, xi Marriott, Captain, 176 Marryat, Captain, 191, 261 Mars, Mlle., 19 Mathews, Charles James, 55 seq., 93 ” on D’Orsay, 58 ” on Palazzo Belvedere, 59 ” Quarrel with D’Orsay, 60 seq. Mathews, sen., 33, 34, 55, 92, 93 Mathias, Thomas James, Pursuits of Literature, 66 Meredith, George, x Mignet, M., 95 Milligan, James, 67 Mills, John, 152 Milnes, Monckton, 261 Minton, Mr, 231, 232 Montaubon, Count de, 304 Montgomery, Alfred, 183, 185 Montholon, Count, 202 Moore, Tom, 33, 38, 43, 48, 94, 136, 177 ” at Seamore Place, 139 ” on duelling, 109, 110 ” on Sir William Gell, 56 ” Singing, 110 Morning Chronicle on D’Orsay’s statuette of Duke of Wellington, 230 Moskowa, Prince of, 140 Mountford, Lord, 101 Murray, Captain, 26 N Naples, 53 seq., 69 Napoleon I., on Albert, Count d’Orsay, 16 Napoleon III., Louis Napoleon, 186, 195 seq., 205, 285 ” at Gore House, 176n ” at Seamore Place, 114, 115 ” Descent upon France, 200 ” Projected duel with LÉon, 115, 202 ” Sketch of, 196 Napoleon, Prince, 293, 123, 180 Somerset, Lady Fitzroy, 134 Southey, Robert, 223 Soyer, Chef, 293 Standish, 261 Star and Garter, Richmond, 147, 155 Stuart, Hon. W., 293 Stultz, “Tailor to M. le Comte d’Orsay,” 117 Sue, EugÈne, 224, 238 ” Account of, 296 ” Mysteries of Paris, Wandering Jew, 295 Sumner, Charles, 188, 195 ” on Gore House, 186 ” on Landor, 218 T Taglioni, Mlle., 86, 87, 144 Talbot, Mr, 140 Talma, Mme., 19 Tamburini, 144 “Tamburini Row,” 261 Tankerville, Lord, 220 Tarentum, Archbishop of, 67 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 266 TeufelsdrÖckh, Professor, definition of a dandy, xiii Thackeray, W. M., 188, 191, 283 ” Letters to Mrs Brookfield, 182, 281 ” Vanity Fair, “Mr Moss’s Mansion,” 253 ” Visits D’Orsay in Paris, 292 Thanet, Lord, 34 Thiers, M., 95 Thomson, Poulett, 95 Ticknor, George, 180 Trelawney, the Younger Son, 169, 170 Tullemore, Lady, 134 Tyrone, 32 U Ude, Chef, 295 ” story of, 150 Uwins, painter, 57 V Valence, 44 Viel Castel, Count Horace de, on D’Orsay, 298, 304 Vigne, Casimir de la, Columbus, 67 Vigny, Count Alfred de, 176, 181, 260 ” Letter to Lady Blessington, 180 Vizetelly, Henry, on D’Orsay, 250 W Walewska, CountesCOLSTONS LIMITED, PRINTERS, EDINBURGH |