D’Orsay BY THE SAME AUTHOR A Soul’s Awakening [Crown 8vo, 6s. Times.—“Mr Teignmouth Shore has captured our sympathy for his characters in an unusual degree.” Morning Post.—“A charming and pathetic melody.… A tenderness that is infinitely moving.” Punch.—“Powerful and pathetic. This truly charming story.” Above All Things [Crown 8vo, 6s. Daily Telegraph.—“All small investors in a hurry to make much out of little should read this novel, for it puts plainly and precisely before them some of the methods by which a swindler may, with seemingly virtuous intentions, appropriate, with perfect safety, other people’s money.” Yorkshire Post.—“The people of his fiction play their parts so naturally and so simply that we sympathise almost as humanly with their troubles and joys as we might with those of our personal friends.” Bookman.—“Delicate and unobtrusive art.” Creatures of Clay Recently published.] [Crown 8vo, 6s. JOHN LONG, LIMITED, LONDON Art Repro. Co. Count d’Orsay After a painting by Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. D’ORSAY By WITH PHOTOGRAVURE AND SIXTEEN OTHER PORTRAITS IOHN LONG ARS LONGA VITA BREVIS London First Published in 1911 |